709: The Lonely Deino!    715: Airisu to Monozu! Sodateya Shugyo!    How To Befriend Your Dragon                 Iris tries to befriend a lonely dragon    Here they are again!    Don't question the motives of somebody you never met, Cilan!   

Today finds the twerps once again stopped in a forest clearing, and Ash getting in some training. He isn't up against Iris today though, but Cilan, wanting to get in some practise with his Swadloon which every single person on the planet forget he even had. Cilan is using Stunfisk, but before they can get into it, the ground erupts up and out comes.... GOTH BAYLEEF! Holy shit, Bayleef has been gone from Ash's life for so long that she went Goth and finally broke out of Professor Oak's and burrowed all the way to Unova to find Ash!

For some reason Iris thinks it is a Deino, and declares it is so cute. Maybe this is Bayleef's clever pseudonym so Professor Oak can't track her down. He can search for her, but all he'll find is the legend of....

But no according to the Pokédex it IS a Deino, and much smaller than it originally appeared. It is an "irate" Dragon-Type Pokémon that constantly tries to bite everything and shouldn't be approached. Iris ignores that, approaching immediately and getting headbutted by the little dragon-pup with the emo-hairdo. She crashes back into Axew, while Cilan freaks out as two more gobble up the food out of his pack.

This is too much for Ash to tolerate though; they're fucking with his food now! Pikachu is also enraged, leaping at the Deino which leap aside and then begin stomping him. Ash has Swadloon use Stringshot, but they dodge and attack... Ash! Cilan tries to grab them too but they leap easily aside, stomping on Stunfisk which wobbles about uselessly and gets tears in its eyes. The two Deino giggle at Cilan from opposite sides of a bush, while Iris makes an interesting interpretation of their actions by claiming that they WANT her to capture them.

What, like Meowth wanted you to capture him?

She pulls out her Pokéballs and Axew jumps in to attack, but then Ash and Pikachu interrupt, because HE wants to catch them too. They argue a little but both go for it, Pikachu and Axew attacking the Deino and knocked them down. They toss their Pokéballs, which hit and... bounce right back into their hands! These aren't wild Pokémon, they belong to somebody! And that somebody is.... NOT Bobby!

Holy shit, look at this fucking guy right here.

A flamboyant, jumpsuit wearing dude with a cravat and half-rim glasses comes hauling ass to stop them, warning that the Pokémon belong to other trainers and HEEEEEEEEE is looking after them. Cilan seems to automatically understand this kindred spirit in flamboyance and asks if this makes him a Daycare Provider. Bobby explains in the third person that he looks after the Pokémon and powers them up. These two Deino ran away, and he picks them up and hugs them happily, calling them naughty.

He takes the twerps to his Daycare Center, which is huge and has multiple environments for different Pokémon. Bobby explains the Deino were left there recently but obviously left because they didn't understand the concept of,"We're shitty trainers and we're dumping you here."

Meanwhile, Pikachu is trying to do the usual "I'm playing with the Pokémon of the week in order to show how great they are and do my duties for Nintendo Entertainment Concern" with the Deino. But they're a bit too rambunctious and begin pissing him off. As the Deino start headbutting each other, Bobby laughs off the fact that the Deino ran away and says they'll soon settle down. But retreating back into third person, he admits to Cilan that he's a bit concerned by the fact that he's never looked after Dragon Types before. Iris overhears and gets excited, offering to help him out and explaining that she is from the village of Dragons. You know Ash does want to get to Driftveil, so how does he react? By eagerly throwing up his arm and saying he wants to help too! Cilan is also keen, and Bobby is happy since there are three of them and three of the Deino.

Three of them? Yes it seems despite somewhat confusing editing early in the episode we've only see two so far. There is a third Deino, and Pikachu and Axew seem to decide this is the time to check out the mysterious bush they apparently both know about. Behind it is a nervous and shy Deino that tries to hide every time anybody approaches - it has been in Daycare for three days now but is still not settled in, and hasn't been eating properly. Cilan says this is bad, a Deino needs lots of food to keep up energy, and Bobby freaks out that when the Deino's trainer arrives in a couple of days, Bobby's reputation is going to be ruined.

A fired up Iris is determined to get Deino eating properly in no time, and beams happily at the nervous Deino which seems to be getting somewhat used to her. Bobby hauls in a big cart of colour-coded vats of Pokémon food. He tells the twerps it's time for them to get out there and feed the Pokémon, confusing them since they only fucking said they'd help with the Deino. Bobby isn't one to let some slave labour go to waste though and tells them it's all part of the Daycare Process. He leads the twerps through the huge multiple environments of the Daycare, feeding multiple Pokémon from the jars, ticking off each Pokémon on their chart.

By the end of the day they're all exhausted, barely able to stand amongst the empty remains of the jar. They can't believe that Bobby does this every day, and he laughs and flexes a MASSIVE arm, laughingly asking what they think gives him muscles like this?


Bobby tells them dinner is on him (not literally) since they all worked so hard. But while they're excited, Deino still wants to hide behind the bush. Iris sits patiently with a bowl of food waiting for it to eat, offering quiet encouragement. Finally it begins to slowly creep out... and then Ash rushes up shouting out like a fucking moron and scares it back behind the bushes.

The other two Deino are fine, rushing about stupidly happy and smashing rocks with their heads and making Axew confused. It's only this one Deino that is causing the problems, and even Iris' reassuring smile doesn't seem to do anything.

You know it's an interesting situation and one would think that the beHOLY FUCK FORGET THAT BULLSHIT HERE'S TEAM ROCKET AT LAST! They and Dr. Zager are approaching Milos Island, operating under stealth to approach undetected. Zager wants to get his hands on three Pokémon that have apparently never been seen before.... which raises all kinds of weird questions.

That's sadly it, but at least it's something. Next thing you know, we're back at Daycare during the night, and the twerps are all sleeping in their beds in the same room. Iris isn't there though, Pikachu waking up and noticing she's gone, jumping over into her bed. Ash and Cilan wake up and wonder where she is, and head outside and find her sitting out by the bush with Axew and the Pokémon food. She's talking to the Deino which is still hiding behind the bush (Bobby just leaves it sitting out there at night?), telling it she's going to sit out there and keep it company as long as necessary. Ash and Cilan listen from behind a rock as she tells private and intimate stories of her Dragon Village to Deino, telling it the story of Druddigon, which had wondered into a cave in their village and refused to talk to any of the other Dragons or the townspeople. The Village Elder sat in the cave entrance and just talked to it all day and all night until it got over its fright-induced rage and came out into the sunlight. A very small Iris was there that day and was enthralled by what she saw, and decided that she wanted to be like the Elder one day and have that patience and connection with Dragon Pokémon. Deino listens as she talks, and when she tells it how lucky its trainer is to have a Pokémon that obviously cares for them as much as Deino does, it lifts its head and actually says its name out loud.

The next day everybody heads out to hand out food, Cilan struggling to stand up straight, still "creaky" from the previous day. Iris asks if she can take Deino's food to it personally and he happily notes how perky she is (maybe it's just cold!), but gets her down when he asks if Deino has opened up and she had to admit it hasn't just yet.

The other Deino happily eat their food as Iris sits waiting with the lonely one, distracted somewhat by the Deinos headbutting Scraggy (which reciprocates) and Dwebble. Bobby comes over to check and Iris insists she isn't giving up, but the day passes without any progress. That night Axew is asleep and Iris is exhausted still sitting out by the bush, but wakes up when she hears rustling in the bushes. She looks up and sees Deino approaching nervously, so she immediately sits up and frightens it. It backs up a little but she tells it not to be scared, picking up a pellet of food and taking a nibble of it herself to show it is okay. Deino is surprised by this, not least of all because holy fuck that's food for Pokémon you crazy bitch, but Iris seems delighted at how good it tastes. She extends a palm of food and Deino finally, tentatively, takes some and enjoys it. She offers more, delighted with what is going on, while Axew sleeps in the foreground.

The next day, the twerps are delighted to see all the food is gone. Bobby calls them over in excitement and the two rambunctious Deino come zooming along as well, sensing their Trainers have returned. Bobby points out how the twerps helped, Cilan telling how the battling they got in over the last couple of days helped improve one Deino's speed while Ash talks up the power of the other. The lonely Deino is all up on Iris, obviously excited because it thinks its own trainer has arrived. Iris picks it up and carries it over to the others, and Bobby tells it that its trainer should arrive soon. But the day passes and the night comes, and with it rain, and Ash and Cilan help Bobby get the various Pokémon inside while Iris stays with Deino.

The night passes and Deino's trainer still hasn't arrived, and Cilan can't understand how he couldn't have sent a message if he was delayed. Iris suggests that Ash and Cilan continue on to Driftveil without her and she'll wait for Deino's trainer to arrive. Ash tells her he'll be happy to wait though, he wants the Gym Battle but if Deino is her friend, that makes it their friend too.

She smiles and scratches Deino under the chin, saying she thinks it likes it. Cilan is delighted by the friendship they've formed, waxing lyrical about it all. But after the day passes (with the twerps helping Bobby do his goddamn job), there is still no sign of Deino's trainer. Cilan rather bluntly says right in front of Deino that maybe its trainer abandoned it, but just then all becomes right with the world as Deino's trainer returns and....

Mother of God.

Hipping and hopping and a bipping and a bopping, he flails his way onscreen apologising for making Deino wait, he's here to.... GETCHA! He drops to a knee and holds out his arms directly in front of Deino, and Iris loses her shit, roaring at him he should have called if he was going to be late and he's a jerk and an asshole and fuck that guy and..... he's not Deino's trainer.

Nope, he declares that his partner is "over there" and points at Bobby (I KNEW IT!).... or rather at who Bobby is holding in his hands, a confused looking Foongus. Iris is horrified and humiliated (hormifiated?), apologising that she misinterpreted what he said.

Later on she tells Ash and Cilan that she will wait another 3 or 4 days, but if its trainer STILL doesn't arrive she wants Deino to come with her. Deino doesn't seem all THAT enthusiastic, but luckily just at that moment a voice calls out and they turn to see an injured young man struggling forward with the aid of a stick. He apologises to Deino for the delay, and reveals that the reason he was so late was because he was working on his Pokémon catching skills and chased a Tynamo into a cave where he became lost and hurt. He struggled to find his way out, working against pain and fatigue to get back to his Deino.... so fuck you, Cilan!

But anyway, he's back now, and his delighted Deino happily gets hit by the ray from his Pokéball. Before it is sucked inside though, it turns and smiles at Iris, who watches wide eyes as it is returned to its Pokéball and taken away. Ash and Cilan ask if she didn't want to say goodbye, but she says that Deino's smile was all she needed. So they're done, and it's time to go... but not before Bobby tries to eke one last hour of free labour from them, carting in the food as Cilan moans in despair.

But the episode isn't done yet, Gentle Dodgers! At Milos Island Team Rocket stand atop a long set of stone stairs. They're checking out a shrine to Landorus, which is said to watch over the two islands. Team Rocket are scheming, there are three Pokémon they want and they mean to have them. What is coming next? Hopefully we don't have to wait a large number of episodes to find out what!


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