651: The Brockster Is In! |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() ![]() ![]() Meowth and Jesse aren't exactly over the moon about this crap, but James insists on holding on, it's his and he won't let it go. When the Tentacruel keep coming they try to pedal away as fast as possible and don't look where they are going, and crash into the back of the ferry. Team Rocket are thrown clear, clutching onto the railing as the twerps (and ONLY the twerps) run back to see what caused the collision. Spotting the Tentacruel swarming below like Beedrill of the Sea, they clamber over the top and prepare to get inside the ship, only to run into the twerps. They admit that they might have had something to do with the troubles, and then the Tentacruel vault over the side and onto the deck as well, waggling a tentacle obscenely in Jesse's direction (oh like you wouldn't). They blast Poison Sting at everyone but Pikachu knocks it clear with Iron Tail, taking poison damage in the process. Team Rocket thank them for saving them and then cheese it, chased by the Tentacruel and leaving Pikachu in pain. Brock tells Ash and Dawn to get after the Tentacruel and make sure none of the passengers and Pokémon get hurt while he tends to Pikachu. Inside, the Tentacruel attack the passengers, Norma Jean protected momentarily by the baby Pokémon till the Tentacruel easily beat them aside, then gut-punch Pichu for good measure! ![]() You know, those Tentacruel are alllllllllll right. Meanwhile the Tentacruel have cornered Team Rocket and Jesse is demanding that James returning the bottlecap. Ash and Dawn show up, followed by Brock and a revitalised Pikachu, and demand to know what Team Rocket has done to piss off these sea-rape monsters. They insist they did nothing, James making it a big point that they especially did NOT steal an ultra-rare bottlecap that is the pride of the Tentacruel's treasure trove, and even goes so far as to show them the very bottlecap that he definitely did NOT steal.... dropping it out of his hands at the same time where it rolls to Brock's feet. He picks it up and shows it to the Tentacruel, telling them they can have it back before running away. They chase after (James complaining that his life wasn't just saved because that bottlecap WAS his life) and he throws it overboard, the Tentacruel following suit. The twerps show up and ask if he is okay, and then Norma Jean rushes up asking for help, saying all of her Pokémon are now sickly from the poison. They go to check on them and find they've all been poisoned, Pichu the worst of all because God hates it the most. Finally a member of the crew actually shows up and asks what is going on, because apparently this ferry is run by a bunch of drunk and professionally negligent morons. Brock warns that he is out of the berries that he used to treat Pikachu, and the terrible crew member reveals that the ferry has no infirmary. Brock suggests that he and his two underage unaccompanied minor friends be allowed to rifle through the cargo areas without supervision, and since the crew member is utterly useless and incompetent he agrees, mumbling that he'll go give Nurse Joy a call on the mainland. The twerps head down and with Happiny's help rifle through the crates of cargo looking for any Pecha Berries that might have been put onboard, but they don't find any till Happiny notices a door and takes them through it to discover..... aha! ![]() ![]() ![]() Soon the Pokémon appear to be improving, all except for Pichu since it has no soul and God has forsaken it. Brock can't figure out what to do, and when the incompetent crewmember arrives and tells him that Nurse Joy is on her way in a rescue boat, he asks to speak with her on videophone. Unfortunately she will be at least a couple of hours before arriving, and Brock begins to freak out, he's "only" a Breeder (snicker) and out of options. She tells him that he needs to calm down, she hates to say it but he really IS on his own so he is going to have to figure it out. Dawn has Piplup and Buneary form a whirlpool of ice, and Happiny pounds it to make ice since apparently the incompetent crew can't even get ice together. They place ice packs on the sickly Pokémon’s heads, but Brock notes that Pichu is still having trouble breathing and asks Ash to raise the humidity to help. Ash uses Buizel's Water Gun and Infernape's Flamethrower to create steam and moisture that makes Pichu's breath easier. It's fever is still rising though, so Brock has Pikachu share some electricity from its cheek spots. Some of the other berries that the twerps found earlier can be useful too, Brock turns it into a form of energy drink, putting it in a baby bottle that Happiny tries to feed to the sick Pokémon.... but it refuses to drink. They beg it to take the drink in but it's too feverish and sickly to follow instructions, so Happiny does what needs to be done... and evolves! No longer a super-strong baby, it is now a pink and helpful Chansey! Brock quickly checks Dawn's Pokedex to confirm moves and asks Chansey to use Soft-Boiled on Pichu. A warm glowing light emerges from Chansey and goes into Pichu, waking it up from its fever. ![]() ![]() Apparently the care doesn't extend to other humans though, since Team Rocket are sitting becalmed out in the middle of the sea on a raft, miserably fishing for food without bait. The line gets a tug at last though and they try to pull it out of the water, only to find they've gotten hold of another Tentacruel, causing them to quickly paddle away at full speed back towards Twinleaf. Speaking of which, the Ferry is now arriving. Brock stands looking out over the railing thinking about Joy's suggestion of becoming a Doctor. Ash and Dawn join him and tell him he was great today, and he tells them with a grin that he still has a lot to learn. They see the Seaport coming into view, and Dawn is delighted to see her mother waving to them as they approach. It's coming down to it, Gentle Dodgers, soon it will be time to part - will Dawn continue with Ash and Brock to wherever it is they're going next? Will Brock shift from breeding to Doctoring (which is an even better way to attract girls!)? Will Ash have another go at an older tournament or move on to a new one? Is this the last we will see of Piplup, the brave and proud little Pokémon? We'll find out.... next week! ![]()