644: League Unleashed! |
Dodgy Synopsis
Last episode saw the start of the Sinnoh League Championship, with the first round match-ups revealed. Ash and Trainer/Coordinator Nando will be battling in the first round, and both are looking forward to the match, especially since Ash is responsible for Nando deciding to take part in the tournament in the first place. They both shake hands, neither one of them likely to be smart enough to think of the irony of the guy who inspired Nando being knocked out in the first round by him OR the guy who inspired Nando being the one to knock Nando out in the first round. They're too busy being excited because finally, it's the Sinnoh... ![]() ![]() Ahahaha! He grumpily points out that EVERYBODY taking part in this contest has won 8 Gym Badges so giving it all you've got means nothing. With that he turns and walks off, leaving Ash speechless. ![]() Back at the hotel, the twerps are all sleeping in the same room (of course) in separate beds (of course!), but Ash can't sleep as he stresses trying to do some unfamiliar thinking. Paul has gotten under his skin, of course, and he's trying to think of the best Pokémon/counters to use against Nando, but then what if Nando counters those so he better come up with some counter counters but then Nando might counter the counter counters and ARGGGHHHH!!!!! It's all too much for poor Ash's tiny brain to handle, so with a scream that wakes up the others he gets up and steps outside onto the balcony to look up into the night sky at the shining stars. While looking he notices the colours of the stars match up kind of with his badges, and this gives him an idea.... his strategy has always been and should always be to just believe in his Pokémon, his buddies who have gotten him this far and will take him further. The next day he steps out of the Pokémon Center having affected another transfer of Pokémon from Professor Oak. He tells Dawn and Brock they'll have to wait to see which Pokémon he chooses, at which point he's struck down by a flailing Barry.... of course! Barry has come steaming down the path in a panic, screaming at them to get out of the way and crashing straight into Ash, knocking them both to the ground. Ash asks him what his problem and Barry snaps back that Ash banged into him! But magnanimously he declares that he won't even fine him, he's too excited about his amazing three Pokémon team that is going to win him his first round AND the entire tournament. Ash gets bizarrely angry at Barry and declares that HE is going to win, but Barry is hugely confident in his three Pokémon team... but oh shit he's late for his battle! He takes off again, arms flailing in all directions while the twerps are left wondering if he ever slows down. Dawn ponders what Barry's team could be.... and things get creepy.... ![]() Yes, Conway "Creepy Max from the future wants to bang Dawn" slides up bow-legged in calf-length 3/4 trousers besides Dawn and whispers that HE can tell her what the team is, while Dawn is creeped out, Brock is surprised, Piplup long-suffering and Ash doesn't know what the hell is going on. He tells Dawn he can answer EVERY question she can think off and casts what he thinks is a winning smile her way as she visibly flinches at his creepy gaze and Piplup sweats in terror of the creepy ass future rapist. She and Brock sidle away, while Conway just stands LEERING. Meanwhile, the large Shop Stall organiser is walking about checking out how the stands are working out and is very pleased with the standard of the shops, the happy crowds and the beautiful sunny weather. Over in their remote shop location, however, Team Rocket's banter isn't attracting anybody because there is nobody around to attract. Jesse flies into a rage and declares that from now on SHE is the head honcho (isn't she always?) while James, Meowth and Wobbuffet panic in preparation for a typical Bitch Goddess Queen meltdown and beating. Instead she calls out Seviper, deciding that she can use it to entice shoppers. When it's pointed out Seviper is fucking terrifying, Brock and Meowth assure her that they have a plan. ![]() All what!?! Oh God don't let there be a new person nobody has ever heard of who befriends Ash oh God no no please noooo! But forget that for now, it's time for Ash to face Nando! The spectators, a lounging Mr. Goodshow and Cynthia are all eyes as they reveal their first Pokémon each. For Nando it is Roserade, for Ash it is... Staraptor! Ash has the definite type advantage, but Nando gets to start (for some reason) and catches Staraptor with a Sweet Scent, slowing its movement. It blasts Staraptor with Magical Leaf, then builds up for a Solar Beam as Ash yells at the Emo-Bird to get up and move. Solar Beam blasts at it... but Staraptor pulls clear at the last second, using Brave Bird to score a direct shot on Roserade, suffering itself in the process but knocking Roserade out after a promising start. Nando's next out is Armaldo, a bizarre combination dinosaur/bird armoured thingy. Staraptor isn't looking too hot either after barely surviving the first round, so Ash decides to take the offensive.... and Staraptor gets the shit kicked out of it immediately and knocked out, it's 1-1! Dawn tells Brock there's no need to worry, but then Barry comes charging down the steps in a panic, sweating and panting as he warns Brock and Dawn that he just saw the most amazing trainer, the bizarre silhouetted trainer from earlier who defeated all three of his opponent's Pokémon with just his one.... Darkrai. ![]() DARKRAI!?! ![]() ![]() Meanwhile Team Rocket have gone on the prowl, carrying trays of free giveaway food which quickly attract lots of freeloaders. Jesse and James themselves aren't entirely certain why this is happening, but communicating psychically somehow (I guess they HAVE spent a lot of time together) Meowth tells them to just go with the flow. As they're swarmed by people eager to escape the gouging that is part and parcel of a big event like this, the large organiser watches from a distance and is confused but interested in their business strategy. Back at the battle, things aren't going well for Quilava which is sent flying backwards by Armaldo.... but it does seem to be getting tuckered out from dishing out a beating to the little fire weasel. In a surprise move, Ash has Quilava use Aerial Ace on Armaldo's attempted X-Scissor... and it's Armaldo that falls.... and then Quilava falls as well! It's 2-2! Brock thinks that Nando is likely to use Kricketune as his last Pokémon, but Dawn isn't entirely sure. Conway asks if she'd like to know what he thinks, catching her by surprise as he looms up from the seat behind her and Barry freaks the fuck out beside him, having no idea where the creepy stranger came from. The two bizarre freaks are introduced to each other and each insist they will win the Sinnoh League, till Dawn snaps at both of them to calm down. Down in the arena, Kricketune is called out, and Ash brings in.... HERACROSS! The perve is back! Heracross opens with Megahorn and charges straight into a Silver Wind which holds off its advances. But if anybody knows how to deal with rejected advances it is Heracross! Kricketune uses Sing and puts Heracross to sleep, then moves in with Fury Cutter.... and Ash has Heracross use Sleep Talk and deliver a Fury Punch RIGHT INTO KRIKETUNE'S JAW! Conway exalts in explaining to Barry that Sleep Talk allows a Pokémon to randomly use moves, and Dawn and Brock are both impressed that Ash was able to strategise such a move. Nando rolls with the punches though, taking this new information on board as Heracross wakes up and is surprised to find itself where it is. It moves in with a series of attempted Fury Punches, and Kricketune dodges and tries Fury Cutter, and as both dodge and outflank and block and deliver their shots in a straight up head-to-head battle that excites the hell out of Ash and gets Nando surprised at his own enjoyment of the fighting. Watching on a television screen, Paul is scowling at the action, while back at the fight Ash realises that Heracross is starting to run out of steam and he needs to change things up a bit. Nando is suffering from the same issue Ash had last night as he thinks of moves but then worries about Ash's potential counters, till he realises that he has to use his own battling style and damn the consequences! He orders Sing, but Ash is shockingly prepared, having Heracross use Megahorn... on the ground! Burying its own horn into the ground, it then uses Horn Attack, tearing up the ground underneath Kricketune's feet and unleashing a massive burst of buried energy. ![]() Kricketune flies up and then comes crashing back down to the ground, and it's 3-2, the winner of the first round is.... Ash! Delighted, Heracross, crash-tackles Ash and firmly suckles on his hat, while Barry insists they haven't seen nothing yet and Conway claps happily and then creepily lowers down below the seat and disappears. And even Team Rocket are doing well, the people who got their free samples have now flooded their out-of-the-way stall and are throwing money at them to get more of the tasty food. Jesse and James are delighted with Meowth, while the large organiser is impressed by their strategy and ponders getting them a better stall location. Outside of the stadium they fought in, Ash and Nando say their goodbyes. He tells Ash that he got caught up in the action of a head to head battle but managed to shift back to his own style by the end of the match (and promptly lost) and now he intends to resume his journey, but looks forward to battling both him and Dawn again (that sounds vaguely perverse) sometime in the future. They say their farewells and Nando is gone, off to that vague "other" place where named characters disappear too after the main cast are done with them. The other first round battles have also finished, and some of the highlights of the day are being shown on the big screens around the place. Paul thrashed his opponent, beating her 3-0, and Barry and Conway are also through to the second round. Brock tells Ash about the mysterious trainer and his Darkrai, and Ash's reaction is momentary shock followed by,"That's cool!" and promptly forgetting all about it. He could care less about anything else, for now he's survived the first round and tomorrow brings more battles against people he likes, people he wants to prove himself against.... and the creepy ass perverted grown up time-travelling Max who he used to travel with in an earlier part of his life. Which of them will make it through the next round? When will they inevitably face each other? And who is the mysterious trainer with his Darkrai? Will the Sinnoh League turn into a nightmare for Ash? Or are all his dreams going to come true? ![]()