633: With The Easiest of Grace! |
Dodgy Synopsis
Today finds the twerps leaving the forest to come out to a large grass clearing, and Ash and Dawn take the opportunity to get in some training, particularly with Dawn who wants to get in some training with her newly acquired Togekiss. All Ash cares about is getting a chance to fight somebody, but will Togekiss want to? Sure it's taken part in a contest now, but it's come from a life of excess, free from wants or needs, a life.... ![]() So Brock settles down on a tree stump in the large field and Dawn calls out Togekiss, which bows gracefully and seems to at least understand the mechanics of presentation for a Contest. Piplup runs up to say hello and gets a petting on the head by Togekiss's big club-like wing for its troubles. Dawn thinks that is sweet, but Ash is still only thinking of battling, and calls out his choice... Gible. Oh God this is going to be sweeeeeeeet. ![]() ![]() Oh yeah, that's right, it was raised amongst Royalty. Gible recovers and they all watch as it spirals up into the air, continuing to put on a show as Ash orders a Dragon Pulse (alarming Piplup) which Togekiss manages to dodge, seemingly ignoring the attack as it continues to flutter and flit about in the air. Dawn calls for an Aura Sphere but Togekiss zips and pirouettes about in a grand display before doing the move, allowing Gible time to dodge using Dig as Dawn starts getting frustrated with how slow her new Pokémon is. Gible dodges the move and emerges from the ground as Brock notes that Togekiss spends too much time "prancing" about. Meanwhile James and Meowth have become enraptured in its performance, irritating the monstrous supernatural visage of their God - JESSLOR - as she notes she is STILL waiting for their capture strategy. As Meowth comes up with an idea, Dawn asks Togekiss to use Air Slash and again it prances about, but still manages to hit Gible and send it skidding back. Ash decides to bring out the big guns and orders a Draco Meteor.... and Piplup ends up running in a panic as the fizzled out attack zips lazily towards it.... and Togekiss zooms down, suddenly all business as it bats the Draco Meteor away from Piplup and into Gible, leaving it sitting dazed and confused from its own attack. Togekiss then walks haughtily on tip-toe up to the normally oblivious little land shark and gives it a talking to... and wonder of wonders, Gible actually... takes it onboard!?! ![]() ![]() Dawn thanks Togekiss for protecting Piplup, but still seems troubled by how it seems to put too much emphasis on the graceful presentation of its moves than the actual moves themselves. That might work for the first round of a Contest, but during a Contest Battle if it takes too long to hit moves then it will lose points or take hits. As they settle down for a meal and Togekiss takes Piplup for a flight through the air, Brock and Dawn discuss the issues while stupid Ash just vapidly spouts that she just needs to fight her way through the problem by fighting and fight and fight fight fight and things just kind of work themselves out somehow! Meanwhile, Team Rocket are taking the opportunity to put their bizarre plan into motion, digging a hole and then a tunnel to creep up on the twerps. They stick a Diglett periscope up out of the ground and collapse the tunnel down on top of themselves. Togekiss returns Piplup to the ground and dusts it off when it falls flat on its face, and then Dawn says it is time to get into some training and... off it goes again pirouetting about through the sky. Brock finally clicks, though; Togekiss was raised and trained by Princess Salvia so it is second nature for it to swan about gracefully looking nice but not really contributing anything to society at all. Dawn just needs to figure out a way to teach it to be a bit more brusque when necessary.... and speaking of brusque, with the sound of collapsing earth and a burst of water freed from underground pressures, Team Rocket comes crashing in for a dynamic and exciting entrance.... kind of. Realising that they've emerged far too early and still without any kind of plan, they go with old reliable... say the motto and then figure things out from there! ![]() "Twerp interference we won't allow!" "On the wind!" "Past the stars!" "BING BANG POW!" "Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace!" "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name's just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete." "Jesse." "And James." "Meowth, dat's a name!" "Putting the do-gooders in their place!" "Coz we're Team Rocket!" "And we're in your face!" they all finish together. Jesse thrusts her ass and tits into the camera, pulls down the skin under her eyes and sticks her tongue out at the twerps, still completely without a plan and trying desperately to kill time.... well as time-wasting measures go, these are pretty good! She sends out Seviper and James.... gets his head chewed on by Carnivine, and they both attack Togekiss in unison. But it finally reacts in an appropriately timely fashion and escapes, chased by Yanmega while Brock and Ash use Sudowoodo and Pikachu to throw down with Seviper and Carnivine. ![]() ![]() But this does seem to have given Dawn an idea, and as Yanmega tries to hit Togekiss with Sonic Boom, Dawn has it use "style and grace" to slip out of the way of the attacks, taking advantage of its natural desire to preen and prance and flit about uselessly in Europe, swanning about at little bistros and cafes and nightclubs and sleeping in 5 star hotels at the taxpayer's expense. Jesse is delighted and enraptured in its performance until she remembers she is here to capture it, not compliment it, and orders Sonic Boom after Sonic Boom, growling,"In your face with style and grace!" and basically going crazier and crazier as Togekiss continues to dodge each attack. It "rides the wind", gracefully dodging the Sonic Booms and even riding along their crest and disrupting them, startling Yanmega and freaking out Jesse as Togekiss comes in for a "Air Slash with Grace" - Jesse tells Yanmega to fly "like the wind" to escape the attacks, but it isn't as graceful as the "princess" and only manages a couple of dodges before getting smashed in the face and sent plummeting to the ground. Jesse recalls it to its Pokeball, and then James and Meowth come charging in carrying a knocked out Carnivine and Seviper with them, chased by an angry Ash and Brock. Meowth turns around and opens Seviper's mouth, somehow causing a Haze Attack to emerge (did he squeeze its nuts or something?) and.... somehow.... get into their Happy Buddha Face Meowth balloon and grab Pikachu and Piplup and fly away! ![]() ![]() But then Togekiss attack, slashing through the mechanical hands holding the Pokémon capture. All three attack the balloon and Team Rocket are sent blasting off with a complete lack of grace, not even able to get up the enthusiasm for their usual exit line. As the sun sets, Brock congratulates Dawn on using Togekiss so well, and she explains that she finally realised during the fight with Jesse that Togekiss was doing all of those graceful moves for her benefit. She had to learn that this was Togekiss' way of doing things and work around that, she had to adjust her style and her way of doing things to fit in with Togekiss, she had to change her entire way of life and adjust everything so Togekiss could continue to live and act and do things the way it likes, when it likes, how it likes - the world must conform to its desires.