Ash, Pikachu, Jesse and James team up to fight an alien invasion!
Save lying till you need it!
Today finds the twerps on the edge of tonight, and on the edge of the port town on the opposite side of Capacia Island. They're pleased to have finally arrived, and they seem to get an omen of good luck when they spot a shooting star in the sky. Iris and Axew both make a wish, Axew babbling happily along in mimicry of Iris, while Ash tries to get her attention. Grumpily she tells him not to interrupt, as she needs to repeat her wish three times to make it come true (last episode they literally met a wish-granting Pokémon!). But what he has been trying to warn her of is the fact that the shooting star has begun to make course corrections! It zips about and zooms over their heads, narrowly missing them as they jump aside and flying over the edge of the town. They rush after it, curious to see exactly what the strange glowing light was, and find broken wreckage in the path of the unidentified flying object. Amongst the machinery is what appears to be an amulet charm, much like the one Meowth has on his head. Was the UFO actually Team Rocket?
It seems not, as Team Rocket have spotted the UFO as well and are searching amongst the long grass for it (look out for Raticate and Pidgey!). As Meowth hunts about, he spots an odd light in the long grass. The light shines in his eyes which turn red, Meowth staggering backwards in confusion. Meanwhile, James spots another amulet charm on the ground and grabs it triumphantly, beaming as Jesse complains grumpily that it's not fair he got it and not her. They call out to Meowth, and become alarmed when they get no reply - where has Meowth gone? Is he a victim of the...
Meowth wakes up to find himself surrounded by.... floating penis-heads!?! They're Beheeyem, and apparently they're just straight up aliens (maybe ALL Pokémon are, it's never really been figured out). Meowth, who is bound to a table, demands to know what they want, and they reply by hitting a switch that causes a mechanical hand to try and wrench the charm from his forehead! He struggles and spits angrily, shouting that his charm is attached to his head permanently, and they finally break off their attempts.
They unbelt him but grab him with the mechanical arm by the ankles and begin swinging him face-first into the wall! They're still trying to break the charm free, not understanding that it is part of his body.
In town, the twerps rush up to Officer Jenny who is just hanging out on the street not doing anything. Do they want to tell her about the UFO and the wreckage they found? Not at all, they just want directions to the Pokémon Center!
Soon they're checked in and up in their room, Ash enjoying the chance to sleep on a bed again, as even as Lotus and Gemma's place they slept in sleeping bags. Tomorrow they'll be back on the boat, apparently for once in their lives utterly indifferent to a distraction that would normally take up days of their time and prevent Ash from getting to the goddamn Johto League. Ash settles the charm he found down beside the bed and goes to sleep, while outside more Beheeyem float about, searching.
The next day, the ship has berthed but the twerps are still at the Pokémon Center, Cilan remarking on what a beautiful day it is. Iris says good morning and he returns the greeting, then stops to stare in surprise at her face. She asks what the problem is, turning to the camera to reveal... she has a Beheeyem face! Axew pops his head out of her hair, and he has one too! Ash backs up in alarm and Cilan turns around from staring out the window... and he has one too! Ash freaks out, as is to be expected, and demands they take off the stupid masks. He grabs at the sides of Cilan's face and hauls back, but the mask doesn't move, Cilan yelling at him to stop, this is his face. In fact, he insists, Ash is the one wearing a mask, and he reaches out to try and grab at Ash's face, Iris agreeing that he's being a kid by wearing a mask. Ash backs away and spots Pikachu behind him... but Pikachu has the mask on his face as well! That REALLY freaks Ash out, and he grabs Pikachu by his chubby little arms and yells for him to change his face back to normal. Pikachu, being Pikachu, decides to take Ash at his word and shakes his face frantically.... and lo and behold, it actually works! Mask gone, Pikachu's own face returned, Ash hugs him in relief... only for Cilan, Iris and Axew to stagger up behind him like zombies. No longer acting normal, they lunge for him and he and Pikachu have to cheese it, running down the corridor to get away.
He skids into the lobby to let Nurse Joy and Audino know what is going on, but they're Beheeyems too! So is Officer Jenny... so is everybody in town! EVERYBODY HAS A BEHEEYEM MASK! He rushes into an alley to hide, his poor little mind straining to interpret this bizarre behaviour. From deep in the desiccated remains of his grey matter, a memory sparks and he recalls having seen that face before. Using his Pokédex, it seems that he isn't imagining things, it recognizes the faces aren't human either, referring to them as Beheeyem. But that still doesn't explain why or how any of this has happened, and things only get more confusing for him when he hears a whispered voice calling to him and turns to see the only two other people who haven't turned into Beheeyem... and OF COURSE it is Team Rocket!
He rushes over, yelling their names loudly, probably only moments away from blaming them for everything. They tell him not to be so loud as Beheeyem-converted townspeople pass by, hauling him into the manhole before they can be spotted.
They all crash into the sewers and, of course, Ash asks them if they're to blame. They're offended, telling him that they came into town trying to find Meowth, only to discover everybody had become Beheeyem. They decide the situation is weird enough to call a temporary truce, and they shake hands - though Pikachu is typically suspicious of working with Team Rocket.
They head up out of the sewers and discover the local townspeople have gathered in a courtyard, including Iris, Axew and Cilan. Beheeyem Joy and Beheeyem Jenny welcome Dr. Beheeyem who is just straight up a Beheeyem, not even remotely disguised. It shows them a picture of an amulet charm, its voice translated by Beheeyem Jenny to explain that they're meant to go find the amulet charm. Ash and Team Rocket can't see what they're looking for so they try to strain their way further and somehow defy the laws of physics, falling UP out of the manhole and crashing to the ground. The Beheeyem townspeople overhear and twist about, Iris and Cilan crying out that Ash and Team Rocket are eavesdropping on them. Dr. Beheeyem orders them to capture the eavesdroppers, and Jesse has to take charge and get Ash and James out of there. They return to the sewers and run away, townspeople crashing through the manhole in complete disregard for their own physical well-being, utterly subordinate to the will of Beheeyem.
They pop back out to the surface near the harbour and take refuge in a boatshed, catching a breather to figure out what to do next. What are the Beheeyem up to? Is this phase one of a plan to convert the entire planet? Jesse is upset at that idea, this is THEIR job after all! They hear a noise and think they might have been rumbled, but are pleased to hear a familiar voice - Meowth is back! They're hugely relieved to not only see him back, but unaffected by weirdness (or Beheeyem-ness, says an obtuse James). Meowth happily admits he is cool but asks them what THEY are doing hanging out with the twerp? They have to co-operate, they insist, everybody in town has turned into a Beheeyem! Meowth says that makes sense (ha! I love Meowth) and lets them know what is going on. The meteorite they saw was actually a Beheeyem flying saucer. Ash asks how he knows and he explains how they captured and essentially tortured him in their efforts to get his charm off of him. Failing to do so, they belted him back down and left a single Beheeyem to guard him, but it fell asleep during the night. Taking advantage of the fact that all cats can turn liquid when they want to (seriously, try to pick up a cat that doesn't want to be!), he slipped free of his restraints and cheesed it out of there. He discovered he was onboard a ship docked at the harbour, with the UFO hidden beneath the boat in the water, glowing in the night. That's how he escape and why he was able to find them, they happened to hide out right next to the place that he escaped from.
So what are they up to? Meowth breaks the fourth wall with a shrug, saying if he knew the answer to that the show would be over! Meanwhile, Jesse and James confer, if what Meowth says is true (IF!?!) then if they could get that UFO to the Boss, they're be promoted for sure! They giggle like Muttley, which is really just about the perfect thing for them to do :)
Ash wants to take a proactive stance, they have to get to that UFO and find a way to fix everybody. Meowth disagrees, he doesn't want to risk losing his head after only just escaping. Jesse and James point out - from greed rather than valour - that they do need to get to that UFO, but he notes the number of Beheeyem that are onboard, they'll be toast if they get caught.
Ash ponders what to do, and then in an amazing stroke of luck that is either proof of his destiny to always be The Chosen One or proof of lazy writing, they find a box full of Pokémon masks! Beheeyem masks are amongst them, and so they are soon heading on down the street past Beheeyem-faced townspeople, Ash leading the way with a confident strut, followed by a decidedly nervous Team Rocket trio behind him.
Ash insists that as long as they're confident and don't do anything silly they'll be fine, but as he walks he passes a Beheeyem woman with a sun umbrella, which hits the side of his mask and knocks it free. Pikachu freaks out, some of the Beheeyem townspeople take note, and soon Ash, Pikachu and Team Rocket are cheesing it again! Ash insists it is too late to do anything but run to the UFO location, so Meowth leads them on to the large vessel at harbour, and shows them the UFO glowing beneath the water - an impressive sight.
Meowth takes them below decks and shows a shining circle in the floor, connecting the UFO to the boat. Jesse and James still plan to steal the UFO somehow, but keep that to themselves as they jump through the circle into the UFO. Sneaking through the corridors, they spot a Beheeyem floating along and... mug it!
They don't call out their Pokémon to fight, they don't lay a trap, they just grab the fucking thing and put a beating on it! Fair enough too given the way they tortured Meowth, Ash has even joined in and helps them tie up the Beheeyem. They threaten it to do as it is told or get some more of the bash, and Ash insists they take them to their leader. It nods and does as it is told, bringing them to the control room... but it is empty? They demand to know where the Beheeyem leaders are hiding, and the answer comes from... Meowth!?! Glowing green and levitating in the air between two Beheeyem, he sighs it wasn't his choice to get caught after Jesse admonishes him.
They demand the Beheeyem let Meowth go, but they can't understand human-ese, so with a nod they shine more lights in Meowth's reluctant eyes and turn him into a psionic conduit. Eyes red, he's lowered to the floor and their voice passes through Meowth. Ash accepts this lunacy, after all these years it probably seems about right for a Wednesday afternoon, and asks what they want. Jesse angrily tells them it better not be world conquest, but they're not interested in taking over anything - they just want to get their ship working again. They suffered a malfunction the previous evening and their ship lost a vital component, causing them to crash into the ocean. Needing to find the component, they hypnotized the local townspeople into thinking they were Beheeyem themselves, so they could use them for the search.
Of course none of this explains why the people have Beheeyem faces now, or why they initially retained their personalities, or why they think Doctor Beheeyem is, well... a Doctor! But hey, it's a show about school dropouts bumming around the country on the Government dime while cockfighting with semi-sentient magical animals so... ehhhh.
They don't understand why a small group of people weren't hypnotised, nor why they see the hypnotised people as Beheeyem (hey I spoke too soon!). James, a little obtuse today, notes with some surprise that THEY'RE a small group of people, and when Jesse realises that they're the ones being spoken about, she asks why the hypnotism didn't work on them. The Beheeyem JUST told them they didn't know why, but this last little exchange between Jesse and James has obviously given them a theory. Why didn't it work? They deadpan back through Meowth that idiots are hard to hypnotise!
I told you all! I told you all these years and now there you have it, straight from the Meowth's mouth!
Furious, they roar,"IDIOTS!?!" at the Beheeyem, frightening them into quickly offering a diplomatic amendment - did they say idiots? They meant... gifted! Ash, Jesse and James, being.... gifted.... except this at face value and Ash happily unties the other Beheeyem, apologising for tying it up (and also giving it a good kicking). He asks what the piece they're looking for is and they show him the picture, and he immediately pulls out the amulet coin he found yesterday. It makes sense now that he wasn't able to see it earlier, or else he would have figured out straight away he had what they wanted.... but how come Beheeyem Iris and Beheeyem Cilan didn't say,"Hey that's the thing Ash found!"? In any case, they eagerly take the coin and slap it into their control device... but nothing happens. It seems it is something that looks exactly like what they want but is completely different!
Meanwhile, Jesse and James are conferring - if this thing is a power source like the Beheeyem have just told them, then think of the giant robots they could power by using it? Why the Boss might even give them a corner office! Jesse remembers that James would a charm as well, and he reaches into his pocket and grabs it out, allowing the Beheeyem to immediately spot it. Jesse grabs Meowth by a paw and tells him it is time to go, leaping away, Meowth's paw slipping from her grip and causing the mind-controlled cat to slam face-first into the ground. This clears their mental control and, scrabbling just like a cat (which he is!) he zips out after them. Ash, Pikachu and the Beheeyem chase after and arrive on the top deck of the cruise ship, and find Team Rocket have somehow gotten their submarine into the water!
Ash demands they return the charm so the Beheeyem can set everything to rights, furious that they broke their word after promising to work together. They're not interested in his morality though, they've gotten what they wanted and feel like they're free to go. Unfortunately what their "gifted" minds didn't consider is that they're inside a metal tube inside an ocean full of water... and Pikachu can use Thunderbolt. One quick blast off later, they're the ones who are going into orbit, the charm falling from James' hands into Ash's. He hands over the charm to the Beheeyem who put it in place in the ship, and soon their UFO is up in the air and flying again. Ash waves goodbye and then hears Iris and Cilan calling, they race up to greet him, faces back to normal, saying they got worried when they couldn't find him at the Pokémon Center. They don't remember anything that happened, confused when he says they got their faces back. To his great alarm, however, Beheeyem Axew pops his head out of Iris' hair and Ash almost goes over into the water before realising that Axew is just wearing one of the little masks. Iris and Cilan laugh at their "gifted" friend and before long he's laughing too. Maybe he doesn't understand WHY, but hey, everything is back to normal - as normal as things get in this messed up world, anyway.
"You're not lying?" "We'll save lying till we need it!"