776: Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures!
782: Saraba Isshu! Aratanaru Funade!
Abandoning America
The twerps are tricked onto a fake cruise ship
Back to their basic best
Buy your own goddamn tickets!
Today finds Ash in the midst of a wet dream, as his mind tries to communicate the frustration of his utterly non-sexual identity to him in the only way he understands - through Pokémon! Riding on Reshiram's back, Ash revels in the rush of freedom as they fly through the air, laughing and gushing with pleasure before suddenly he finds himself running into.... Iris!?! Riding on the back of Zekrom, the girl gets in the way of his pleasure, intruding on his desires, an unwelcome distraction to what he thinks is truly important. Zekrom attacks with an electric move, blasting Ash who falls to his death... and wakes up in a cold sweat on the floor beside his bed. Iris is standing over him, having taken the extreme step of having Pikachu thunderbolt him because he wouldn't wake up and she was getting tired of waiting for him to make his move!
They're back in Nuvema Town, having made a rapid return to Juniper's Research Lab after taking so long to get to the White Ruins. Iris opens the curtains and tells Ash to get dressed so they can have some breakfast, and he staggers away tiredly while a still guilty Pikachu toddles after him clearly wanting forgiveness. They're back where Ash started, and while we're still in season 16 we'll soon be moving on to "beyond", and it will be time to say...
In a forest near Juniper's lab, Team Rocket are reporting happily to Giovanni their progress, and with good reason! Always keen to put a positive spin on their activities, they can be justifiably proud this time around, as they really did play an integral part in wiping Team Plasma out. Giovanni congratulates them without any sense of irony, telling them to keep up their excellent work before signing off. Team Rocket, no longer forcing boring "badass" personas, are delighted by the praise, gushing over it as they celebrate together. Once again they're fully committed to capturing Pikachu, and now they not only have Giovanni's knowledge of their goal, he fully supports it and is actively encouraging them to keep it up. Its good times for Team Rocket, and they set out with renewed purpose.
At Juniper's, the twerps finish breakfast and Ash tells Juniper he had a great dream apart from the weird ending. Juniper tells him that her father left her a message about the great help Ash was at the White Ruins, and asks what he plans to do now. Ash is surprisingly already thinking ahead, happily declaring he's going to return to Kanto, a statement that catches Iris by unpleasant surprise. Her unease grows when Cilan speaks up too about his own future plans, while Ash happily mumbles through his full mouth. Iris interrupts Cilan, leaping up and slapping her hands down on the table to declare that SHE is going to Kanto with Ash too! "You are?" he asks, surprised at her self-invitation, and Cilan chimes in to say that he was going to suggest the same thing himself. Iris wants to learn about Kanto's Dragon-Types, and he wants to expand his horizons as a Pokémon Connoisseur, so he'd like to come along too. Ash is happy to accept their company, though apparently only a minute ago he was happily preparing to just part ways without a second thought! Juniper asks how he plans to get back (after all, he flew in on Daddy's dime!) and when he admits he hasn't got a clue (run and yell at the ocean maybe?) she suggests that he take a cruise. There are plenty of cruise ships that go between Unova and Kanto, passing through the Decolore Islands on the way where many rare Pokémon can be found. Of course that seals the deal for Ash, and he happily agrees to go on a cruise... and never even questions how the fuck he's going to pay for it.
Outside listening in, Team Rocket are pleased too - not only do they get to continue to target Pikachu, they can do it while on the way home!
Soon he's on the phone to let his loving parent know he's coming home soon.... Professor Oak! Oak is pleased to hear he will soon return, particularly as he plans to go through the Deoclore Islands - one thing father and bastard son have in common is a love of seeing new Pokémon (well them and 99% of the people in this cock-fighting obsessed world). As they chatter happily, Oshawott decides to join in on the fun, wanting to be the center of attention instead. Popping out of is Pokéball onto the keyboard in front of the video monitor, he beams up at Ash and then turns and scolds Professor Oak! Why? Because Professor Oak was taking attention away from him, of course!
Ash and Pikachu sweatdrop in embarrassment, and Juniper tells Oak that she has some of Ash's Pokémon in her lab and she can transport them over to Oak's lab. He's happy to hear it, but not as happy as Muk, which appears from nowhere to gleefully rape Oak right there in front of everybody - this episode is getting back to the basics! Happy, fun Team Rocket, a raping Muk and a return to Kanto!
Juniper seems eager to get rid of the kids (maybe she found out exactly how long they stayed at Cynthia's place!) and drives them down to the harbour, where they marvel over a huge cruise ship in the distance. She tells them she'll go get the tickets (she's REALLY keen to get rid of them), but after doing so she bumps into an old man as she leaves, dropping the tickets to the ground. Apologetic, the old man quickly scoops the tickets up and returns them to her, and the two part graciously. As soon as they're clear though, the old man smirks and lifts up a smartphone, reporting that part one of the mission is complete - that's not a nice old man at all, it's James!
Juniper gives the twerps the tickets and tells them she has to get back to her lab, and drives away without even waving them off or seeing them onto the boat - she REALLY wants to be done with them! They wave goodbye (she offers "Best Wishes" as has become customary) and they turn with pleasure to face the cruise ship - this type of thing is old hat for Ash, but this is Iris and Cilan's first overseas trip, and they're excited. They head to the cruise ship, but the man taking tickets - Porter, the Ship's Purser - sadly informs them the tickets are NOT for this particular cruise ship. Disappointed that the FREE FUCKING CRUISE TICKETS they got aren't for the best goddamn Cruise Ship available, they head on.
They're stopped by a familiar looking lady in a ship's uniform who asks to see their tickets, suggesting they're meant to be for HER ship. She looks over the tickets and tells them they are, and leads them on to the ship, talking into HER smartphone that mission part 2 is complete. Leading them to a smaller, older and far shabbier looking ship, they meet the captain - a grey haired man with a ponytail, moustache and sunglasses. It's CLEARLY Jesse and James but the twerps - including trained connoisseur Cilan - can't see through the paper thing disguise (Jesse literally just put her hair up under a hat, that's it!). They lead them through the corridors, which are small but at least not as dingy as the exterior, explaining the facilities and services they have on-board. One of the MANY services that Jesse assures Ash they provide is special food for the Pokémon of passengers who bring them along, and a playroom for them to enjoy. Pikachu perks up at the sound of that, and James explains them about a wonderful device they also have that revitalises, relaxes and refreshes Pokémon even while they're inside their Pokéballs. In fact, Jesse turns with a tray and asks if they'd like to hand over their Pokéballs now, and she take them to the relaxation room. They all agree and quickly hand over their precious, precious Pokéballs without even a hint of suspicion. Jesse agrees to escort Pikachu and Axew to the playroom, and they head off down the other way with her as James continues to take the oblivious kids on the tour, none of them commenting on the complete lack of other passengers.
Pikachu and Axew get a little TOO enthusiastic about the playroom, rushing on ahead of Jesse and she snaps angrily at them to get back. They peer up at her in confusion and she belatedly remembers that a "good" person would indulge their bratty behaviour, so she sweetly reminds them that they could get hurt by running. They completely ignore this and rush on, infuriating Jesse who barely controls her temper, running after them, a Pokéball falling loose as she goes. Hitting the ground, the Pokéball opens and out pops Oshawott, proudly posing and delighting in being the center of attention... till he realises that not only is nobody looking... nobody is there at all!
James brings the twerps into their room, and the ungrateful little jerks complain about the small size of their FREE FUCKING ROOM, as well as the hardness of the mattresses, and the old decor including a painting that almost falls off the wall just by being looked at. An increasingly sweaty James tries to cover up for these shortfalls with claims that all cruise ship rooms are this small, and passengers prefer hard mattresses, and the "antique" decor is a deliberate feature! Ash and Iris complain that this just makes the place old (buy your own fucking tickets next time!) but the older Cilan makes the most of things, telling them that soon they'll be enjoying a cruise with old world charm! James agrees, asking them to please remain in their cabin until they set out to sea, and closes the door behind him, the light on the lock changing from green to red - they're locked in!
Pikachu and Axew arrive in the playroom, which actually IS a playroom! Where did Team Rocket get this ship? Did they actually take over a legitimate shitty old cruise ship? Jesse gives them both bowls of food and pops the tray into the "Relax-o-Refresh-o-matic", then says her goodbyes and leaves the playroom, closing the door behind her... and locking it! But while the twerps and the Pokémon are all unknowingly locked away, an equally oblivious but free Oshawott toddles happily down the corridors of the ship singing a happy little song of his own name to himself. He has no idea where he is, how he got there, or where anyone else is but he feels no sense of alarm or panic... until he hears three familiar voices cackling in the distance. Team Rocket are gleefully congratulating themselves on their plan going so perfectly, and James gushing over the fact he finally got to wear a disguise again! Even Meowth - who has had zero public appearances to be seen by the twerps - is wearing a little cruise-ship uniform, maybe just because he enjoys wearing disguises too! Oshawott peers in on them, finally getting the sense that something ain't right.
In their cabin, Iris tells Ash she's going to go check up on the Pokémon, and Ash - reading a Decolore Islands brochure - grunts a disinterested okay (poor Cilan apparently didn't need to be informed). But when Iris tries to leave she finds the door is locked, and none of them are able to get the handle to budge at all. Axew and Pikachu are discovering a similar problem, as Axew decides to leave the playroom after eating his full only to find the automatic doors aren't moving. He tries calling to the door to open because he doesn't understand it isn't alive, then tries to use his puny little arms to strain at the door to no avail, and Pikachu - who was busy enjoying the slide after stuffing his fat little belly - comes over to lend a paw, but even between the two of them they can't budge it.
Oshawott is continuing to spy on Team Rocket, who have decided to go over their plan out loud for the benefit of any little otters that might be eavesdropping. It's a relatively simple plan, they're going to.... toss the twerps overboard in barrels and sail away! Adorably crude little crayon images accompany their talk, as we see the twerps crying angrily to be let back on board and calling for their now successfully stolen Pokémon. Team Rocket are delighted with the plan, which could be over by now if they'd just set sail the moment they'd locked the twerps in. Oshawott is horrified, but then overbalances while leaning on the door and stumbles into the cabin, making Team Rocket aware of him. They lunge for him and he leaps away, landing on the control panel then bouncing off of Jesse's shoulder when she tries to grab him. He attempts to use Razor Shell on her directly, she dodges and the control panel takes the hit, unlocking all the doors in the ship.
Free now, the twerps immediately take off down the corridor, while in the playroom Pikachu excitedly babbles to Axew about what to do, represented by a crude image of Ash in a speech bubble. The intimation is clear, Pikachu is going to go find "Pika-Pi" while Axew stays behind to guard the other Pokéballs.
Running down the corridors, the twerps for the first time realise that nobody else is aboard, all the other doors are unlocked and open to show empty cabins. They're only belatedly picking up that there is something off about this ship. Ash spots a Pokéball on the ground, picks it up and declares with surprising authority that it belongs to Axew. Pikachu comes barrelling around the corner and hugs Ash, and Iris asks with alarm where Axew is. Pikachu is straight off down the corridor again and they follow, discovering Axew bravely guarding the playroom. Reunited with Iris, they hug as Cilan collects the Pokéballs and suggests they get the hell off of the boat.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket have cornered Oshawott out on the deck of the (still docked!) ship, leering over him menacingly as they prepare to grab him. Ash and Pikachu are running through the corridors looking for the missing otter when they hear Oshawott calling and rush out onto the deck, followed by Cilan and Iris. Team Rocket are horrified, how did they get out of their cabin? Oshawott takes advantage of the confusion to scamper past Jesse's leg and return to Ash's side, where he asks the most redundant question of all time, demanding to know who the man, woman and talking Meowth could possibly be.
"Prepare for trouble, you had to ask!"
"And making it double is a twerpish task!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite the people within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"It's Jesse!"
"And James!"
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now, or prepare to fight, fight and fight!"
"Meowth, dat's right!"
Rather charmingly, while Ash and Iris are furious at the reveal, Cilan is just confused! He reminds them that they HELPED them when they battled Team Plasma, and they retort that was then and this is now - they want Pikachu and they mean to get him. Jesse complains that their plan was going willingly until "Shorty here ruined it", pointing at a surprised and then proud Oshawott, while Ash congratulates Oshawott on his good work.
That was the best use of "Shorty" I've ever heard :)
Jesse calls out Woobat and James brings out Amoonguss to fight, and Iris brings out Excadrill while Ash sends in Pikachu. Only Cilan is sensible enough to realise that battling on the deck of this shitty old boat is probably not a good idea, but everybody ignores him. Woobat dodges an Iron Tail and Amoonguss leaps in with a Bodyslam, so Excadrill dodges by using... DIG!?! Smashing through the wooden deck, everybody (including Amoonguss!) stop to gape as they realise what has just happened... and then Excadrill returns atop a huge spout of seawater!
The ship begins to tip as water pours through the hull and - with Cilan reminding them he warned them - the twerps decide to cheese it. Oshawott and Excadrill are recalled and they rush to disembark, while Team Rocket make a desperate effort to fix things by.... using Amoonguss and Woobat as a plug! Amoonguss jams its fat ass into the hole and Woobat settles down on its head to apply pressure. For a moment it seems to have worked and Team Rocket stare lovingly at their Pokémon.... until the fact that they're only plugging the hole in the TOP deck and not the hull of the actual fucking ship itself comes into play! The pressure builds and Amoonguss and Woobat are blasted out and into the air.
The twerps leap from the gangplank to the pier, while the water flooding into the ship hits the engines and causes an explosion. Team Rocket are sent blasting into the air, Jesse furiously demanding a refund for the ship they presumably stole, and then they're blasting off again. An envelope flutters down from the sky into the twerps' hands, and inside they find the tickets that Juniper actually DID buy them. They're relieved, but then Cilan panics as he realises the ship is soon to set sail. They cheese it, rushing to the ship as it prepares to leave port, making it just in time.
With the Decolore Queen setting sail, the twerps catch their breath on deck. The Chief Bursar returns, introducing himself as Porter and telling them he'll be there to make their cruise as enjoyable as possible as they make stops at the various Decolore Islands along the way. The twerps thank him gratefully for doing his goddamn job, and Ash manages to be inadvertently offensive by straight up calling him Parker (which I think is actually his Japanese name) as he thanks him.
So that's it, they've technically left Unova behind now. Ash's adventures in Unova are over, and now it's Adventures in Unova.... AND BEYOND!
"We stopped dose losers in dere losers’ tracks!"
"I'm going to go to Kanto with Ash!" "...you are?"