You can have different life philosophies and still be friends
Today finds the mysterious unnamed character from the end of the previous episode - we're calling him X for now - in the ruins of what seems to be a large research facility. He tests the cords in a bank of electrical equipment and they spark to life momentarily, and he sees a flash of an image of a strange looking Pokémon before everything shuts down again. Troubled and confused, he asks what is going on here, but we get no answer. Things are getting mysterious, but when will we get the answers? Not least of which is, what is this guy's name?
After a slightly changed beginning with some ominous new characters included, we find the twerps are still on their boat, heading for the White Ruins and Professor Juniper's father. They arrive at the latest in a long series of harbour stops, Iris commenting that the ship has made plenty of stops along the way. They spot the ruins that N was in and Cilan says he wants to investigate and points an electronic device at Ash's crotch! He reads on the screen that it was the P2 Research laboratory, and they ponder what was being researched there - apparently there is no info on what caused the place to be destroyed.
Pulling into harbour, Ash happily plays with Pikachu on the railing as they wait for embarking/disembarking to finish. He spots N standing down on the dock smiling up at them, and the twerps are all confused as to why he is staring, as if people don't constantly enjoy the sight of young people and Pokémon playing happily together. Looking back down after talking to each other, they find N is gone. They're still being watched though, Team Rocket are also on-board disguised as tourists (including Meowth!) and keeping a close eye on the twerps. They don't have a plan yet to capture Pikachu but they have time to work on one, it's not like the twerps can get off of the boat once they set sail again.
Having set sail, Iris remembers that the boat has a battle training area and they head down to check it out - it's rather surprising that Ash wouldn't have picked this up straight away. Once he gets there he has the battling bug though and eagerly asks Iris to help him ease his tensions (hey hey!), and she sighs at what a kid he is being till Cilan reminds her that SHE gets excited about battling too, and she sheepishly admits he's got her there. Pikachu jumps away before they can start though, having spotted N who is standing watching from the other side of the area. He approaches and pets Pikachu on the side of the face, Pikachu "CHAAAAA!"ing in pleasure, and tells him he's a cute one. Ash says thanks (haha) and asks why he was staring at them before, and N replies that he heard the voice of a friend. What does that mean? The soft-spoken N says he refers to all Pokémon as his friends, and Ash agrees, he feels the same way and considers Pikachu his best friend and partner. This pleases N, who says he thinks it is rare to find a person and a Pokémon with such a strong bond - claiming that he picked up from Pikachu's "inner voice" that he feels a strong bond with Ash. Cilan is intrigued but sceptical, does he REALLY hear a Pokémon’s inner voice? N quietly chuckles that maybe he just convinced himself that he does, and Cilan smugly pronounces that as a science connoisseur he finds it highly unlikely. N says it isn't important whether he does or doesn't, what's important is that a person and a Pokémon come together as one. Ash agrees, and tells a bemused Iris that he knows he and Pikachu are on the same level because they frequently end up drooling over the possibility of food together.
They introduce themselves to N who does the same for them, shaking Ash's hand. None of them question the oddness of his name, and he asks where they're heading. When he learns they're on their way to the White Ruins and mention the connection to Reshiram, he's shocked, and we see a flashback of N in strange, old fashioned robes standing in the ruins of a castle alight with fire. Reshiram stood before him, then spread its wings wide and took to the skies as N gasped that Reshiram intended to set fire to the WHOLE WORLD. He returns to the present as the twerps ask if he's okay, and he says he's fine... Reshiram is great. Cilan is onto this immediately, asking if he has met Reshiram, and N quickly says that he hasn't, he just knows it is great because it's a Legendary Pokémon and he hopes to meet it one day. Cilan casually (is he showing off to the tall kid with the same coloured hair as him? Does he think Ash might ditch him like Brock?) mentions the time Ash met Zekrom, shocking N.
Quietly he asks to learn more, and they head inside the dining hall to have a cup of tea. Ash tells the story, about the first day they arrived in Unova and got blasted by a huge bolt of Zekrom's energy. N is impressed, and asks if they know about Zekrom's Legend of the Hero. Ash doesn't, so Cilan and Iris have to remind him that Professor Juniper's father DID tell them all about it. N reminds Ash of the story, he appears to be a scholar of some sort, fully up to play on Pokémon Mythology Black Chapter, Section 18 reads that the hero will turn darkness to light and his heart will become one with Pokémon. At that moment, Zekrom will descend and lend the hero its power. There is another chapter, also Section 18, but this time from the White Chapter. This one tells the same story, but says that Reshiram will be the one to descend and lend the hero its power. Iris is impressed, Reshiram and Zekrom are amongst the most powerful of all Dragon Pokémon, she would love to meet them.
Cilan asks why N is so interested in them, which is an odd question considering the Pokémon-obsessed world they live in, and he gives them an INCREDIBLY CREEPY smile. In that disturbingly quiet voice of his, he explains that he's long wondered why their world is the way it is - are Pokémon really happy? Why are they part of the human's world? Do Pokémon’s lives have meaning? He wants to meet Zekrom and Reshiram so he can find answers... and change the world!
He apologises, saying he got carried away, but they tell him not to worry about it. Sitting back down and sipping his tea, he asks Ash to share HIS dreams and Ash eagerly makes the familiar proclamation that he wants to be the world's greatest Pokémon Master. N is startled, Pokémon.... MASTER? Placing his cup back down, he listens as Ash talks about getting to the Quarter-Finals of the Unova League but how he intends to do better the next time he competes in a battle. N is upset, whispering that he doesn't like the idea of forcing friends to fight, confusing Iris and Cilan who have no idea how to deal with somebody who isn't fully on-board with the global cockfighting economy they're all so heavily invested in. They ask what he means but he begs off, saying he talks too much when he gets worked up. Standing up and placing his hat back on his head, he apologises and leaves, telling an upset Ash that he needs to get some fresh air.
Cilan brings them a huge meal, saying that he was given special access to the galley to prepare a meal for them and the Pokémon. WHY he was given special access to the kitchen isn't explained, but they happily accept it at face value. Ash says he had wished he could have talked more with N, he found the things the creepy dude with the quiet voice said very interesting (oh dear!) but in typical Ash fashion he forgets all about it in his excitement over getting to eat good food and then have a Pokémon battle. As they chow down in the otherwise empty dining room, they're watched by Team Rocket from a doorway. A Pokémon battle is the perfect opportunity for them to strike, though Meowth reminds them they have no margin for error this time.
The meal over, Ash and Iris head back out to the battle area to fight... there's still nobody else to be seen on the boat, did everybody get off at the last stop and only N get on? Iris uses Excadrill so Ash goes with Boldore, and they immediately clash Rock Smash against Metal Claw. Both moves prove equal, as do Flash Cannon and Focus Blast. But as they fight, Team Rocket make their move.... a deceptively simple one. They toss small berries Axew's way, slowly leading the naive little Pokémon along the path they desire. When Pikachu realises that Axew is wandering away he follows after like a good big brother.... and runs right into Team Rocket's trap, stepping onto a "capture case" that wraps Pikachu up inside an energy cube he can't zap his way out of. Horrified, Axew lets out a shout of panic overheard by Iris, and Ash realises that Pikachu is missing. He and the others rush to the source of the cry and find three strangers are behind the problem. A man with blue hair, a woman with red hair and a small man with fur, whiskers and big ears.... and Ash asks who they could possibly be!
Oh Ash.
"Prepare for trouble, you know the drill!"
And make it double, you'll get your fill!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite the people within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"It's Jesse!"
"And James!"
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth, dat's right!"
Ash isn't having any of that though, as they take off in their Happy Buddha Face Meowth balloon he calls out Snivy to prevent their exit with Vine Whip. She grabs hold of the basket and Ash grabs hold of her to anchor her in place, and James sends in Amoonguss to body-slam the classy lady and allow them to escape. Ash takes the hit though, crouching over Snivy and receiving the full force of the attack, not sacrificing his Pokémon. This does knock him back though, and Jesse takes the opportunity to strike, having Frillish use Shadow Ball. The attack zooms straight towards Snivy and Axew before the twerps' horrified eyes (oh no, the highly trained Pokémon will be hit by a Pokémon attack! That's never happened before!) but then who should come to the rescue but the guy voted most likely to be serial killing cult leader! N bounds over the Pokémon and takes the hit full on, wincing in pain but then smiling at the Pokémon. He asks if they're alright then turns his attention to Team Rocket, and tells them they're a bunch of fools - they're subhuman debris who make the world imperfect. Team Rocket's reaction to this rather pointed verbal attack? They.... ask the soft-spoken N to speak up and learn to project his voice!
I love you, Team Rocket :)
Meowth echoes Jesse and James' sentiment, surprising N not because he speaks "human" but because he chooses NOT to speak his own beautiful language. Meowth knows enough to spot a weirdo when he sees one and warns Jesse and James that they're dealing with a nutcase, while Ash thanks his new friend and recalls Snivy, before sending out Unfezant. Frillish blasts a bubblebeam at her but she dodges the attacks easily and uses Aerial Ace, smashing against the Capture Case as Ash yells for Pikachu to duck down. The lid of the energy cage disappears and Pikachu jumps out, only for Frillish to blast Shadow Ball after him. Axew blasts it with Dragon Rage, and Pikachu turns in midair to use Thunderbolt just as James tells Amoonguss to use Stun Spore.
The Thunderbolt blasts the balloon, and Ash has Unfezant use Air Cutter to smash Amoonguss and Frillish back into the balloon, popping a hole in it and sending Team Rocket blasting off again - though again without the old catchphrase verbalised.
Pikachu was hit by the Stun Spore though, and falls dazed through the air, caught by Ash who rolls along the deck. Pikachu is pretty badly off though, N places a hand on his head and feels the heat, but he thinks he has a solution.
He takes them to the front of the oddly empty boat instead of to the on-board Pokémon/Medical Center, and casts his arms wide. Eyes closed, he reaches out with his senses for those inner voices he claims he can hear and seems to pick something up. Asking for aid from his friends, the twerps watch as two Alomomola leap from the water and above the ship, sending out waves of Refresh that wash over Pikachu and clear the effects of the Stun Spore. The drop back into the water, and Ash thanks N for his help, and N hands Pikachu a berry to eat and regain his strength.
Pikachu is quickly back to his energetic best, jumping onto Ash's head. He rushes to the side of the ship to thank the Alomomola, but they are nowhere to be seen. He is disappointed, but N tells him that no matter where they are, they can hear him. Ash shouts out his thanks to the waters, and the Alomomola appear some distance off, pleasing Ash who tells N he was right. They all thank N but he insists he didn't actually do anything, not taking any credit for the Pokémon’s work.
With the danger past, Ash questions N once again about his odd statements about forcing friends to fight. N takes a diplomatic approach, telling Ash that it is clear to him that their goals and philosophies on life do no match... but this doesn't mean that they cannot be friends. He tells them he will be getting off at the next stop but is sure he will see them again, and with that quiet assurance he leaves them - a strange and somewhat unsettling figure, perhaps a visionary and perhaps a madman.
As the sun sets, Ash and the others wave to him from the ship. Ash asks if N really thinks they'll meet again and he says they will, and they part ways amicably. As they sail away (Cilan gives N "best wishes", another use of the Japanese title), N waves goodbye and thinks to himself that there must be a reason that Ash encountered Zekrom, a reason that will change his life completely.... the same way Reshiram changed HIS life.
I don't know about you, but this all seems very ominous!
"Huh? Turn it up, louder!" "Project!" "Open dat big yap of yours!"