736-737: Rocking the Virbank Gym!    742-743: Gekito Tachiwaki Jimu! Bui Esu Homika!! (Zenpen) (Kohen)    Ash Discovers The Underground Punk Scene                 Ash has his 8th Gym Battle   Up to something!   Don't give your opponent a 2-1 advantage!  

Today finds the twerps walking the streets of Virbank City at night, talking about tomorrow when Ash will have his 8th Gym Battle. Really? This quickly? I'm not complaining but.... wow! What possible distraction could get in their way this time? As they approach the Pokémon Centre, they're watched by the mysterious Pokémon seen last episode, and then a young trainer holding a Pokéball bumps into Ash, apologising as he continues on at a high pace into the Pokémon Centre. Cilan guesses that he's just come from a Gym Battle himself, it seems it takes a lot if you want to be....

Part ONE!?! NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Inside the Pokémon Centre, the boy's Pokémon are being treated by Nurse Joy, who seems familiar with the attack that has been used on them - Toxic. She says it is "as ruthless as ever" and the twerps guess she is talking about the Gym Leader. Joy carts the Pokémon in to be treated, telling the boy not to worry, they'll be fine. He doesn't even get a chance to worry, though, since Ash is immediately all over him like a cheap suit, asking about the Gym. The boy tells him to come up with some effective counter-measures for Poison Types, and Ash gathers that the Gym Leader uses Poison Types, which leads to..... no way... no goddamn way YES! YES!


The boy talks about the amazing power and strength of the Leader and their Pokémon, though we don't get to see which ones she uses. Other trainers show up to reveal that they too got their asses handed to them by the Gym Leader, revealing that just one single Pokémon was enough to defeat all of theirs. Ash is astonished, and shortly later is seated in a small couch with Iris listening to Cilan explain the dangers of indirect and direct poison attacks. Ash remains confident though, though he does at least acknowledge he needs to work on a counter-measure. Cilan tells him that the battle HAS begun already, because he needs to be thinking about his Pokémon, the moves they'll use, offense, defence etc. Ash seems to agree till his belly rumbles and he excitedly rushes off declaring it is dinner time, only able to comprehend of one thing at a time.

Outside, Team Rocket are inside a truck in an alleyway. The interior of the truck is surprisingly high-tech, and the trio are in contact with Dr. Zager discussing the Pokémon they have been unsuccessfully tracking. Zager tells them he will send them special goggles to help them detect it, and signs off. They're sure the Pokémon is still around, apparently before they lost track of it they had exhausted it.

The next day, Ash hauls ass excitedly down the street followed by Cilan and Iris yelling at him to calm the fuck down. They head down a small alley-way and Cilan calls Ash to a stop, telling him they've arrived at the Gym.... a squalid looking door set into a non-descript building. Confused, they open the door and find a narrow little corridor with torn old fliers and posters around - it feels more like the entrance to a crack den than a Pokémon Centre. Ash gets over his confusion quickly enough at the notion of a battle waiting for him just beyond the next door, and turns the knob and steps through declaring he wants to challe.... and finds himself in an underground punk-rock concert!

Yes, it seems the Gym Leader - Roxie - has just finished beating the shit out of another trainer and his Gothitelle and is now rocking the fuck out in front of her Koffing backdrop as the crowd cheers and her band blast away on their guitar and drums. The losing trainer checks on his Gothitelle as Roxie works up the crowd beckoning for more applause and then.... MOTHERFUCKING KOFFING!

Yes an actual honest to God real goddamn Kof-to the motherfucking-ing is here on the show in all its smiling, animated glory. Bursting with smoggy delight over the Gothitelle and trainer, it bobs in all its glory as Roxie approaches and calls for a round of applause from the crowd for the effort he put into his battle. For the twerps though it is all eyes on Koffing. Iris has no idea what to make of Koffing, while Cilan recognises it but admits he has never seen one in real life before. The challenger recalls Gothitelle and manages to blurt out a rough thank you to Roxie before rushing away trying to hold in his tears at the utter ass-whomping he just took. Roxie seems unaware of how badly he took his loss though, happily looking up at the twerps and asking if her new challenger is there. Ash agrees he is and the crowd instantly turns to glare at him, obviously not pleased at anybody trying to challenge their beloved punk-rock star. Roxie is delighted to hear he is from Kanto though, especially to see he has a Pikachu. She rushes up with Koffing, explaining that she picked it up on a tour of Kanto. Ash, for some reason, checks out Koffing with his Pokédex despite the fact he has had NUMEROUS encounters with one in the past. Roxie giggles and wiggles about when the Pokédex mentions that Koffing's gas can be explosive, saying it helps spice up the live performances. Her band is called "The Koffings", and the Virbank Gym is the place where they perform their music AND hold her Gym Battles. Ash is impressed, but Cilan picks up on the tactical advantage this gives a Gym Leader - the excitement of the live crowd and the blaring music would surely make it difficult for a challenger to concentrate and give their best performance. Iris agrees, but Ash laughs off the difficulty and shows once again that the easiest solution to the Gordian Knot is to slice it in two, as he orders a Thunderbolt and blasts the fuck out of the large central speakers/video monitors set in the center of the roof. The explosion leaves the crowd in a stunned silence, and Roxie is shocked for a moment too before laughing that this was an unexpected move from him. The drummer (Cook) agrees that this is the type of challenger Roxie likes, but the female guitarist (Billy Jo) smirks that Ash's brave attitude won't last long.

Ash makes his formal challenge at last, explaining that if he wins this battle he qualifies for entry into the Unova League. Roxie is pleased to know that she will be his "eighth" (usually you want to brag about being the first) but tells him she won't give it up (the badge!) that easily. Ash agrees that it is better if you have to work for it (seriously, they're talking about badges!), and Roxie compliments him again... but there seems to be an undercurrent of cruelty going on here too. Billy Jo notes that Roxie likes to humble the likes of Ash and she smirks and agrees, then makes Ash an astonishing offer - she wants him to use a full team of six Pokémon.... and she'll only use three!

Ash is surprised, pointing out that this gives him an advantage, but she insists. She says he'll thank her for the advantage later, and as this is HER Gym, she gets to make the rules. So it'll be a six on three battle, with only Ash allowed to make substitutions. Ash agrees at last, while Cilan and Iris note that Roxie clearly knows what she is doing and Ash shouldn't try to just charge in and overpower her Pokémon. Ash remains confident though, as does Pikachu, and it remains to be seen whether this is justified or not.

The spotlights come on and the Roxie starts strumming as the referee/Emcee rushes in to make the introductions. Roxie sends in her first Pokémon and it is, of course, Koffing. It moves with alarming speed, zipping about all over the battlefield as Ash calls on his first Pokémon - Boldore! The crowd cheers and the band plays music on Ash's behalf, surprising him and the other twerps who weren't expecting the support. Ash gets the first move, and orders a Sandstorm that seems to surprise and paralyse Koffing, which crackles with pain. Ash has turned Roxie's techniques against her, hitting her Pokémon with a draining move that will sap strength and endurance over time. Roxie laughs at the naive attack though, clearly prepared for just such an eventuality as she has Koffing blow the Sandstorm away with Clear Smog, leaving Boldore struggling to keep his footing.

Ash tries a Rock Blast next but Koffing simply spins joyfully in place, a huge :D grin on its face as the Rock Blasts bounce harmlessly off of it, and then it zooms in with a Gyro Ball. Boldore manages to stagger back to his feet, while Roxie mocks Ash for losing the momentum of the match. She orders a Sludge Bomb, which will also poison Boldore, so Ash has him blast the attack out of the air with Flash Cannon. Roxie decides to finish things up with Gyro Ball again, and Ash tries to slow down/stop Koffing with another Sandstorm, but the happy round ball of joy just spins right through it all and then smashes directly into Boldore's face, grinding away with happiness.

I've missed Koffing so, so much!

Boldore has been knocked out cold and Ash is down to 5 Pokémon, while Roxie is still on the first of three. Ash recalls Boldore and promises he won't let his efforts go to waste, while Cilan notes that though Koffing dominated the battle, the damage it did take should play a part as the battle continues. Roxie mocks Ash, asking if Koffing is too much for him, but for Ash a Gym Leader who seems unstoppable is exactly the kind of thing he is looking for. After all, he did defeat Battle Frontier King Brandon.... something that Paul never did! Not once! Ever! The opposite in fact!

Ash's next Pokémon is Unfezant, chosen to try and match Koffing's speed. It seems effective, Unfezant scoring a direct hit with Quick Attack, but Koffing takes the damage with a smile on its face, recovering quickly and blasting at Unfezant with Will-O-Wisp.... only Unfezant blows it back with Gust and scores a direct hit on Koffing! Roxie is impressed, as are the twerps... as is the mystery Pokémon that has been following Ash. He calls for an Air Cutter next, but Koffing easily dodges, spinning about unpredictably and blasting Unfezant in the face with a blast of Sludge Bomb, doing damage AND adding a secondary poisoning effect. Ash is concerned but knows that Koffing MUST have taken some damage by now, and figures they can end this with one big hit. Koffing strikes first though, using Clear Smog to surround Unfezant, which manages to blow it away with Gust only to be overcome with pain and drop to her feet on the ground. Roxie taunts Ash, asking if he is going to substitute, but Ash checks with Unfezant first... and she wants to keep fighting! Cook is impressed, as is Roxie, and Ash decides to go for that one big shot as he calls for an Aerial Ace. Koffing smacks into Unfezant and they bounce away, and then Unfezant uses her big move, ramming straight into the spinning Koffing and... Unfezant goes down! Unfezant is out and Koffing is... still bobbing and smiling and apparently none the worse for wear!

Ash (and Cilan and Iris) are astonished, unable to believe the strength of Koffing. Roxie's bandmates are on their feet, delighted at the passion that Ash and his Pokémon are putting into the battle, but Cilan is concerned that Roxie clearly seems to have a better grasp on the battle than Ash. She gave him a 2-1 advantage and now he's down to "only" 4 Pokémon against her original three.

Ash recalls Unfezant, telling Pikachu that he knows he barely stands a chance against her other Pokémon if he can't defeat Koffing... but he still means to give it all he's got. He calls out his next Pokémon, astonishing everybody with his choice - it's Leavanny! A Grass Type is at a complete disadvantage here, Roxie ponders if Ash is just desperate.... until he blasts Koffing right in the fact with an Energy Ball! Iris is delighted, but Cilan points out that while the move hit it will have done very little damage, at best it will slightly lower Koffing's Special Defence. Roxie calls for a Gyro-Ball and Koffing begins to spin, but then Ash has Leavanny use Stringshot and wraps up a surprised Koffing from a distance. Roxie is surprised but doesn't think this is going to do much to prevent her attacking from range, as she calls for a Sludge Bomb and... Leavanny begins to swing Koffing around and round in circles, leaving everybody gaping as it is spun about and then hauled close directly into a point-blank blast of energy ball and..... Koffing goes down! The smiling one has been KO'ed at last, and it only took three of Ash's Pokémon to get the job done!

The crowd gasps as one of Roxie's three Pokémon is blanked out on the screen. Cilan gasps as he realises that Ash used Energy Ball at first to lower its defence to ANOTHER Energy Ball, this one at close range for maximum damage. Iris is impressed, this is pretty smart for the likes of Ash! Roxie is also impressed, noting that Ash is a serious challenger and she is going to treat him seriously with her next Pokémon... Scolipede!

Ash is too stupid to be intimidated, flying high on the adrenaline of his win and orders a Razor Leaf from Leavanny. Scolipede simply stands in place though, taking the attack head-on and not being fazed in the slightest. Roxie orders a Toxic and it blasts Leavanny right in the face and drops him on his ass. Ash is horrified, the momentum he'd started to re-gather has been completely taken away from him, and now it looks like he might find himself having "only" three Pokémon against Roxie's two! Will he succeed or find himself having to go away for 20 episodes to train under a waterfall and deal with other distractions as in the past? We'll have to wait till next week to find out, because this is....

Actually.... you know what? Fuck that! Next week my ass, let's find out NOW!

Yes the battle continues, as Ash's Leavanny is sitting staggered on his ass suffering the secondary effects of Toxic, and Roxie's Scolipede stands strong and undaunted. Iris screams for Ash to keep on the offensive, and he tries an Energy Ball but Scolipede is easily able to dodge it - Roxie is playing for keeps now, normally not a single one of her Pokémon goes down for the count, and Ash defeated her beloved Koffing. Scolipede uses Rock Tomb on the hurting Leavanny, trapping him in place as Roxie and the band start playing and she orders a Sludge Bomb that ends things for Leavanny, knocking him out. Ash is down to "only" three Pokémon now against Roxie's two, which oddly enough puts HER at the advantage. Cook and Billy Jo speak up to point out how tough Roxie is, but Ash is.... still completely confident! Roxie frowns in surprise, while Ash explains that he believes in his Pokémon and he IS going to beat her and get his eighth Gym Badge. He calls out his next Pokémon, and it's a good'un - Pignite!

As a Fire-Type, Ash has the advantage of Roxie's Scolipede, and he tries to press that advantage by using Flame Charge to put up Pignite's speed. But as the chubby pig charges, he is stopped in his tracks by Scolipede's Screech. Roxie orders a Sludge Bomb, but Pignite blasts through it with Flamethrower and then smashes right into Scolipede with Flame Charge as Scolipede is blinded by the smoke. Scolipede doesn't stand tall and unaffected this time, crashing onto its side as the move does super-effective damage. Roxie is horrified, ordering Scolipede back to its feet. It does get up, but neither it nor Roxie look quite as confident as they did before. Ash orders a Flamethrower, but Scolipede is able to dodge and blast directly back with Toxic, blasting Pignite right in the face. Ash is shocked but reacts as quickly as possible, roaring to Pignite not to flinch but to immediately hit a Fire Pledge. The chubby pig slams his hoof into the ground and blasts pillars of flame up across the length of the battlefield, smashing directly into Scolipede and sending it crashing and burning to the ground once again.... and knocked out! Roxie is down to her last Pokémon!

Roxie recalls Scolipede and thanks it for the battle, but when Ash points out that Roxie is down to her last Pokémon, Billy Jo points out that he shouldn't be pleased as his Pignite is clearly on his last legs (hooves?). Roxie smirks and tosses Pignite something, the surprised pig catching it in his mouth and swallowing. She tells Ash not to worry, it was a Pecha Berry, which surprises Cilan and Iris - that berry will cure poison statuses!

Remember Gentle Dodgers, if a strange punk-rock girl in an underground nightclub gives you something strange to swallow, you should totally do it!

Pignite is fired up, and Roxie explains that her final Pokémon is at 120% and she wants a "fair" fight, not one against a badly poisoned opponent. Cook and Billy Jo are bemused at Roxie's whims, and a chant starts up from the crowd in support of Roxie. The mystery Pokémon that has been following Ash is alarmed by the noise and turns invisible again, hiding behind the spotlights. As Cilan drinks in the atmosphere, Iris and Axew dart away, a plan in mind to do something about the crowd's cheering for Roxie. Roxie calls out her final Pokémon at last, and out comes....

Oh my sweet gentle Jesus....

It's a Garbodor, the evolved form of Trubbish, and it is a goddamn monster of a fucking thing. It's also perfectly punk, and Ash knows he'll have to hit hard and fast if he wants to put it down. He orders a Flame Charge and.... something truly horrific and nightmare inducing happens. As Pignite zooms ahead, Garbodor's arms ELONGATE to wildly unnatural proportions as it hurtles towards the roof. Pignite flies between the two arms, circling his piggy eye back towards the roof in horror as it sees the gargantuan garbage bag looming above him... and then come crashing back down on top of him!

Pignite can't pull free of the huge bulk, and Garbodor easily hauls and lifts the chubby pig out with one grossly elongated arm while the other claw begins slapping Pignite about with Double Slap and is then tossed unceremoniously aside. Ash calls for a Flamethrower, but Garbodor is able to dodge it with those freakish arms again.... but Ash proves once again why he a battle savant, ordering a Tackle. Pignite slams into one of the long but thin arms and breaks Garbodor's balance, and it comes crashing down on its own bulk. Roxie's arrogance is broken at the shock of seeing her heaviest hitter brought down low, and Ash orders a Flame Charge to finish the battle once and for all. Pignite stomps his hooves and hurtles forward.... right onto Garbodor's uprised palms, freezing him in place. Lifting Pignite up, Garbodor flings Pignite across the battlefield and bouncing across the ground.

Pignite is able to get back up, but is hit again with Double Slap, as Billy Jo fires up the crowd again wtih cheers. Iris returns with a grim face at the "fun times" Billy Jo is calling for, and Cilan turns to discover to his shock exactly where she has been - she's got a massive drum and she's going to cheer for Ash! She begins banging away and chanting for him and Pignite, pleasing Ash who hears it and calls for Pignite to hold on and keep fighting. The chubby pig hears and manages to leap clear of the freakish reach of Garbodor, and fires up a Fire Pledge to put the monstrous THING down. But Roxie is prepared this time, ordering a Hyper-Beam of such immense power that it blasts through all the pillars of flame kicked up by Fire Pledge and directly into Pignite's face, sending him flying and knocking him out - Ash is down to only two Pokémon against Roxie's one!

Garbodor belches in seeming disinterest not that Pignite has been knocked out, and Roxie taunts Ash by saying she can defeat him without even using Poison Type moves. But Ash tells her not to go easy on him, telling her that when he heard how strong she was he was excited (it's as close to being sexually excited he can get) because he wants his eighth Gym Badge victory to be against a powerful opponent. Roxie is pleased at the flattery, telling him she is really starting to like him, and Ash brings out his next Pokémon - Palpitoad! It's been awhile since we saw the tough guy, but he's a perfect choice for the battle, his Ground Type side gives him the advantage over Poison Types. Iris begins drumming again, as Ash opens with a Mud Shot fired from Palpitoad's tongue. Somehow Garbodor is able to dodge by lifting up on those freakish arms again, even though the mudballs clearly slam right into its hands. The two squat, ugly Pokémon face off and snap their names at each other, and Ash tells Palpitoad to give it everything he's got.

Roxie strums and orders a Hyper-Beam, and Ash instantly retaliates with Hydro Pump. The two moves cancel each other out (Hydro-Pump is more effective than Fire Pledge? Or is Hyper-Beam just getting less effective with use?) and droplets of water spray back over the spotlight... and the mystery Pokémon that has been watching and rooting for Ash. Pikachu's ears twitch and he looks back and up, spotting the Pokémon before it can turn invisible and hide once again.

Palpitoad uses Mud Shot once again, but Garbodor counters with Gunk Shot, forming a massive bag of garbage between its hands and throwing it through the mud. Pieces of purple-glowing garbage smash into Palpitoad and poison him, and things get worse when it follows up with Venoshock and leaves Palpitoad coated in a green, slimy goo. Cilan warns that taking Venoshock in addition to being poisoned doubles the damage done, and Ash tries to order another Mudshot, but Palpitoad is in no move to pull it off. Roxie calls for another Venoshock, which is pure overkill, and Palpitoad is left wide-eyed in paroxysms of pain as he is sent staggering back in overwhelming agony and finally passes out from the pain - it's down to 1-1!

So who will Ash's final Pokémon be? The band (and the crowd) seems to think it is all over, and Roxie tells Ash that he doesn't stand a chance. Ash remains blissfully confident though, telling Roxie that things are even now that it is 1-1. She can't believe he has retained his brimming confidence despite her proving how powerful her Poison Attacks can be, but he says this is the reason WHY he is going to win... and sends in his most valuable player, the Pokémon he can always count on - Pikachu!

Cilan ponders the problem of the Gunk Shot/Venoshock combination, while Roxie strums her guitar happily and orders a Double Slap on Pikachu. Pikachu uses agility to dodge though, darting about here and there as Garbodor's freakishly long arms spin about after him and.... end up tying up together! Whether it was by design or accident, Ash is quick to take advantage, ordering a Quick Attack that Garbodor is powerless to dodge. Roxie tells Garbodor to keep fighting, and it tries to use its tied together arms to its advantage, swinging them about like a double-handed uppercut. Pikachu is able to jump and dodge the long, clumsy arms though and then let rip with Thunderbolt, pumping volt after volt of electricity through Garbodor’s hideous body and causing it to crash to the ground.

Roxie is horrified, the crowd is awed, the band can't believe it and Cilan and Iris are delighted. Garbodor struggles to an upright position as Pikachu flies forward with an Iron Tail, but Garbodor is able to swings its arms up and swat Pikachu aside, untying its arms at last and freeing it up to fight once more. It summons Gunk Shot at Roxie's command, hurling the bag of garbage directly at Pikachu who barely dodges in time, and Garbodor keeps it up throwing more Gunk Shots at Pikachu and then finally getting its paws onto Pikachu and hauling him high into the air. Roxie grins as she feels control swinging back her way, and gets the band playing again as she has Garbodor release Pikachu in midair and then fall directly into a vicious series of Double Slaps. Iris can't stand it as the crowd chants for Roxie and the music swells, and she grabs Cilan and hauls him aside, doing something as he protests vainly, his fingers twitching nervously.

Garbodor is still Double-Slapping Pikachu, one of its paws starting to spark now as it tosses Gunk Shot directly into Pikachu and finally succeeds in poisoning him. Ash begs Pikachu to get back up but the poison coursing through his body seems to be too much, and Ash for the first time feels his confidence shaken, wondering if this is really it? But no! It's Cilan and Iris to the rescue! Rushing down to the side of the arena, they bang on their drums and call out encouragement, faces painted now with yellow electricity and red flames!

Ash yells to Pikachu that they'll fight to the last and Pikachu responds, shaking off the debilitating effects. Roxie grins and prepares for the second part of her 1-2 finishing punch, and orders a Venoshock. Garbodor raises a claw to fire and.... shudders with pain as Static takes effect, the result of all those Double Slaps on Pikachu's electric body earlier coming into play. Roxie can't believe it, it's the same technique SHE uses for her battles now coming back to bite her on the ass. Ash and Pikachu see the chance and take it, unleashing a MASSIVE Thunderbolt that rips through Garbodor.... but it still doesn't fall! Roxie calls on Garbodor to give its very best at the last and let rip with Venoshock, but Ash's confidence is sky-high now as he smells blood and goes in for the kill. Pikachu fires off an Electro-Ball, and it burns through Garbodor’s desperately blasted Venoshock. You can see the horror on Garbodor’s face as it realises it isn't going to be able to stop the attack and it is too late to dodge.... and then it hits!


The smoke clears and... Garbodor is down! GARBODOR IS DOWN! Roxie loses, Ash survives and defeats the undefeatable Gym Leader! ASH HAS WON HIS 8TH GODDAMN GYM BADGE!

Pikachu collapses too, exhausted from the fight, and Ash forgets his joy to rush to check on his Pokémon. Roxie recalls Garbodor and approaches Ash, giving him a Pecha Berry to give to Pikachu. Iris and Cilan rush up to congratulate Ash, who notices their facepaint for the first time and asks them what that is all about. The band speaks up in appreciation of Ash, noting he MUST be great if he was able to defeat Roxie. Billy Jo admits she has come to like Ash as a challenger as well, and the crowd is lead in a chant for Ash's victory. Roxie hands him the Toxic Badge, something she clearly doesn't do too often, congratulating him on his victory as the mystery Pokémon floats away happily, having obviously taken a shine to Ash.

So that is that? Rival Destinies has come to an end, but with some loose ends that would or could be resolved in the new season. What do Team Rocket want with the mystery Pokémon? How long till the Unova League? How is Trip doing? How long till Ash has to head home or head off to a new region to explore? We don't get answers to these questions just now, but they ARE coming, so join us soon for the next season of Pokémon!


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