733: Clash of the Connoisseurs!    739: Pokémon Somurie Taiketsu! Teisutingu Batoru!    The Iron Connoisseur                 Cilan has his Connoisseur skills tested   Burgundy has the right spirit   If you want to know what your daughter likes, ask her!   

Today finds the twerps leaving the Pokémon Centre, preparing to get going for Opelucid Gym in (where else?) Opelucid City. As he struts out bravely though, he's called to a halt and stumbles forward in surprise. It's Nurse Joy, who overheard him mention Opelucid City and came out to let him know that she just received word that the Gym is closed. It should come as no surprise that yet another Gym Leader is proving to be a lazy unprofessional, but Ash is still crestfallen. Not so Iris, who declares happily that this is awesome before trying to cover up for a confused Ash. Luckily for her a distraction comes along in the form of a long stretch limo. It pulls up and a tall, hatchet-faced man emerges, looming over Ash and asking if he is the A-Class Connoisseur Cilan? Ash isn't, but Iris' mouth can't keep shut and she immediately tells the grim looking man that Cilan is (Cilan, that is!). He immediately scoops Cilan up in his great arms, much to their astonishment, and tosses him bodily in the back of the limo, declaring that he has an appointment with Mr. Hatterly. Ash and Iris are outraged, but he solves that problem by scooping THEM up as well and throwing them into the back of the limo as well. He then hops in as well and the limp pulls away, leaving behind a confused Nurse Joy who - just FYI - apparently then goes back into the Pokémon Centre and NEVER CALLS THE POLICE!

Having recovered his dignity somewhat, Cilan asks the tall stranger for an explanation. It seems that a prominent citizen from Stonesthrow Town named Mr. Hatterly requires the service of an A-Class Connoisseur, and requested Cilan personally. Cilan asks for more info but the servant says Hatterly will explain further, and then they arrive at the gate to the large mansion where an angry young girl is demanding to be let inside. Who's that Connoisseur? ....it's BURGUNDY!

It's like every nightmare that Burgundy ever had come true as the window of the stretch limo lowers to reveal Cilan peering happily (if confused) at her. He asks what she is doing there and she complains that she heard Mr. Hatterly needed a Connoisseur but they won't let her in! The servant pops his head in (alarming Burgundy) and asks forgiveness, but Mr. Hatterly only requires the service of an A-Class Connoisseur. Cilan ponders for a moment as he tries to remember Burgundy's class, causing her to snap angrily and demand to know exactly what is wrong with being a C-Class Connoisseur. He quickly laughs that there is nothing wrong, but the servant shakes his head and says that a C-Class won't suffice. They drive on through the gate as she seethes with fury, trying too late to bound through the gates but getting blocked, forced to watch as the limo with her nemesis in it heads up the long driveway to the mansion.

In the mansion's gardens, a little doll-girl is swinging happily with pink waves of scent wafting off of her. She hears a voice calling her name - Marigold - and leaps off the swing, turning and telling an unseen companion she'll see it tomorrow. She heads off to see her father - Mr. Hatterly - who is a surprisingly jovial, plump man despite his wealth and power and imposing servant. She tells him that she was just playing by herself, and he takes her at her word despite her horrific, black doll-eyes and the rustling of the bushes over by where she was.

Inside the mansion’s huge front hall, the curtains are drawn across the window casting everything in darkness. Spotlights suddenly light up and Cilan shields his eyes as the servant's voice welcomes him to his home... and his fellow A-Class Connoisseur, Ricard Nouveau! Wearing skin-tight pants that leave nothing to the imagination, the big-nosed, horrible-hair having Connoisseur spins about, says a good day and minces up towards Cilan, swinging his hips all the way! He spouts out all the qualities that an A-Class Connoisseur must have, then offers Cilan a handshake and says he has heard of him, and the rumours that he has remarkable skill for such a young Connoisseur. Cilan is flattered and thanks him, till Ricard sniffs his hand and says he reeks of inexperience!

Cilan hauls his hand free and the twerps want to know what is going on, but he regains his composure and says that it is just a way Connoisseurs introduce themselves. Mr. Hatterly arrives with Marigold, and Ricard bows a hello. Cilan is more to the point though, wanting to know just WHY the hell he is here. Mr. Hatterly apologises for not explaining earlier, introducing them to his hellish doll-eyed daughter, who hides timidly behind his legs, either scared shitless by the strangers or concerned that they'll spot her for the demonic monstrosity that she is.

I mean seriously, look at that thing!

The curtains are opened to reveal the spacious gardens, but Ash and Iris are more excited by spotting a couple of Pokémon. Ash checks it out with his Pokédex, while Mr. Hatterly explains that he has decided it is time for Marigold to have her first Pokémon. The ones in the garden are presumably his, living a pretty damn good life, but he wants one to be his daughter's best friend/partner/fighting champion, and he needs the skills of an A-Class Connoisseur to find just the right one.

Ricard declares that he can consider it done, but Cilan is more cautious. He agrees that a Connoisseur’s duty is to help trainers make the right choice of which Pokémon to use, but it's not as simple as inspecting the Pokémon themselves. He wants to ask Marigold some questions, and kneels down to pick her brain a little. She instantly darts behind her father's legs, so shy that it's almost painful, leaving behind a waft of scent that Cilan instantly picks up on.

Mr. Hatterly (who sounds just like Thurston Howell III) decides to do all the talking for Marigold, exclaiming that she is friends with ALL the Pokémon. Cilan politely compliments the father for his boasting while clearly recognising this isn't helping at all. Suddenly a chide rebuke sounds from a nearby bush, from which emerges.... an old man! An old man with surprisingly smooth skin and a feminine frame! He proclaims Cilan's methods naive, and the servant (butler? man-at-arms?) grabs the irate old man instantly as the twerps gape. He demands to be released, claiming he will call the authorities! His name is Fogundy, and he is a legendary S-Class Connoisseur! He whips out his Connoisseur’s Rank Badge which indeed has an S on it. The Butler immediately releases him, shocked to have an S-Class show up unannounced, while Cilan demands to know why he called his (Cilan's) methods naive.

Fogundy gets in Cilan's face, declaring that picking a Pokémon ONLY by asking questions is no way to do things at all. Cilan doesn't point out that this was just the START of his process, and instead asks Fogundy to show how HE would do it. Fogundy is happy to do so, dropping to his knees and immediately sniffing roughly around the horrified Marigold, who screams. Mr. Hatterly lifts her up, demanding to know what Fogundy is doing. He proclaims he has enough now and drops to all fours, snuffling around the grounds and sniffing the various Pokémon till he encounters a Lillipup. Delighted, he lifts the Pokémon up and strides back over to Mr. Hatterly, declaring that he has detected the distinct aroma of Marigold's shampoo on the Pokémon, thus proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is her favourite Pokémon.

Ricard has been quiet through this whole demonstration but Cilan speaks up, saying that this is poor deductive reasoning at best. Fogundy is outraged, but Mr. Hatterly shamefully admits that he recently gave Lillipup a bath and - perhaps because there was nothing else to hand - used the same shampoo that Marigold does. She's shocked and he apologises, while Ricard and Cilan start giving this "Fogundy" and his oddly supple body a more thorough inspection. Cilan says that he was under the impression he was familiar with all the Pokémon Connoisseurs there were, and Ricard agrees that he has never heard of this "legendary" Fogundy before either. Fogundy looks panicked before declaring that he gained his license before either of them were born, causing Ricard to admit his age somewhat by noting that there was no Connoisseur Association back then!

They ask to see his badge once more, and once more he declares himself outraged. But the choice is taken away when Lillipup grabs the badge from his pocket and begins to roll around on the ground playing with it, licking at the S which peels away to reveal... a C! Fogundy is horrified and leaps at the Lillipup to get the badge back, scrabbling and rolling about as hair, moustache and clothes are torn away to reveal... not a naked old man but a dishevelled young lady - it's Burgundy!

The Butler carries her away over one shoulder as she squeals in outrage, Mr. Hatterly sighing that she isn't what he is looking for at all. Cilan tries to get back to his evaluation but Ricard has apparently seen enough, deciding the time has come for him to speak up now. He discusses compatibility and the complimenting of a trainer and a Pokémon’s personalities - which for some reason ends with a mental image of what appears to be a man marrying a Gothitelle! He then twirls about and rams his ass into the camera before declaring that... "It's Evaluation Time!"

Ash and Iris stare on, Iris muttering that she thought one was bad enough. Ricard bows to Marigold and declares a Pokémon must be found with equal style and taste to the little girl who appears to be doing an "I want to pee!" dance at the moment. He heads into the ground, eying up all of the Pokémon critically before finding what he thinks is the one he has been looking for. He lifts up a Petilil, saying it has grace and the potential to evolve into a glamorous Pokémon. Marigold doesn't seem too impressed but Mr. Hatterly doesn't notice, asking Cilan what he thinks. Cilan says he thinks neither Lillipup nor Petilil are the one, causing Marigold to sigh with relief. Ricard is furious, declaring that Cilan's only interest is in disagreeing with him, and their eyes shoot sparks at each other till Mr. Hatterly comes up with a diplomatic solution... cock fighting!

That's the answer to EVERYTHING in this world!

Cilan and Ricard are set to battle, with Mr. Hatterly implying that he will go with the choice of whichever Connoisseur wins. But as they prepare for battle, Cilan is still evaluation, thinking back to that scent he picked up from Marigold earlier. He thinks about lying in an open field on a sunny (but windy) day, surrounded by grass-types, with an excitable Trubbish hopping up and down in the background which represents the strange odour of something "different" he picked up from the little doll-eyed girl. He considers and rejects each of the Grass-Type Pokémon he has seen in the garden so far, thinking to himself that there is another type of Pokémon somewhere on the grounds that Marigold appears to spend all her time with. He catches a scent on the wind and drops to his knees, following the odour until he... bumps into the swing-set. He runs his finger over the seat and has a moment of inspiration - he knows which Pokémon he wants to choose now. There's just one problem, he doesn't know where it is and the battle is about to start - so luckily he has Ash and Iris to do him a solid.

At the battlefield (yes, Mr. Hatterly has his own on the grounds), the butler acts as referee while his employers watch from a little lawn table under a sun umbrella. Mr. Hatterly admits to Marigold that he thinks that Petilil would make a great Pokémon for her and he's hoping that Ricard wins, which Marigold clearly doesn't find too appealing an idea. The battle begins - one Pokémon each... with Burgundy watching from the bushes having snuck back into the grounds once again. Ricard calls out his Pokémon, and it's about the worst one that could have been expected for Cilan, a Purrloin! Ricard instantly picks up on Cilan's reaction, smugly asking if he's afraid. Cilan puts on as brave a face as possible (while his knees knock together!) and says he is fine, calling out Crustle to save him from the mean ol' kitty-cat.

Ricard is bemused by how straight-forward Cilan's strategy is, but Cilan points out that a Connoisseur's job is to show people how best to do the basics. Ricard laughs that is the kind of thing a C-Class should do, infuriating Burgundy from the bushes who growls that she hopes they both lose... but she can't resist continuing to watch.

Cilan opens with X-Scissor, but Purrloin easily dodges, surprising Cilan with its speed. Ricard laughs that his Purrloin is even faster than the Liepard it can evolve into, and orders a Sand Attack that kicks up sand in Crustle's face before it slashes it up with Fury Swipes. Mr. Hatterly happily tells Marigold that her first Pokémon is certain to be Petilil, while Ricard tells Cilan that while he might have covered the basics well, HIS evaluation is that Cilan is BOR-ING! Burgundy's bursting with schadenfreude, but Cilan isn't put off his game at all as he decides to show off the "spark of unpredictability" that Ricard insists an A-Class should have. He orders a Shell-Smash and Crustle zips out of its rocky-shell, crackling with energy as Ricard orders a Night Slash to finish things. Crustle's speed is too much though as he zips clear of the attack leaving Purrloin confused and exposed for Rock Wrecker, which smashes into and past it. Purrloin crashes out, knocked unconscious, while the Rock Wrecker continues on into the bushes where it slams into a horrified Burgundy who is sent... blasting off again!

"Huh?" says Ash as Burgundy disappears into a gleam of light in the sky with the familiar ding sound,"I could have sworn I've heard that before."


The Butler announces that Cilan and Crustle are the winner, while Ricard checks on his Purrloin and recalls it to its Pokéball. Cilan and Crustle approach and he looks up fuming for a second before swallowing his pride, smiling and telling Cilan that he DOES have the spark needed to be an A-Class Connoisseur.

Mr. Hatterly and Marigold approach, the latter still looking upset that everybody is telling HER what Pokémon SHE should have. Mr. Hatterly asks for Cilan's decision, and he explains that he isn't basing his choice on looks or style, but rather the Pokémon that best matches her unique character. Mr. Hatterly seems impressed and agrees this is the reason he wanted an A-Class Connoisseur, so which Pokémon is it? Cilan explains that he believes that Marigold has already chosen a Pokémon that SHE wants, surprising Mr. Hatterly and Ricard, and then surprising Marigold herself when Cilan notes that it isn't any of the currently assembled Pokémon. So which is it? Ash and Iris have the answer as they come running back declaring they found the Pokémon that Cilan asked them to..... Foongus!

AHAHAHAHAHA! The Pokémon that best matches Marigold's character is a mushroom!

She's delighted with the choice though, Foongus leaping happily into her arms for her to hug it. Mr. Hatterly is appalled and Ricard says he can't make the recommendation from a fashion standpoint, but Cilan explains his reasoning, explaining the scent he picked up and the theory he came up with. Mr. Hatterly asks if this is true and Marigold explains how she was playing alone on the swing one day when Foongus showed up out of nowhere and joined her happily on the seat, blowing out an attack which served as a momentum boost and got them both swinging. She tells her daddy that she didn't tell him because she didn't think he'd approve, and he tearfully tells her that whatever makes her happy, makes him happy.

I hope he remembers that when she decides to drop out of college and move in with her goth slacker boyfriend!

Cilan and Ricard shake hands again, having established a mutual respect of the kind that Burgundy is probably dying to have. They then prepare to go their separate ways, Marigold actually yapping now that she's happy and has what she wanted all along (she'll be happy a lot in life!), and Mr. Hatterly crying with joy. The Butler asks Ash where he is heading next and suggests the Virbank City Gym, further on down the canal from their town. Cilan leaps at the idea, perhaps over-enthusiastically telling Ash they really should head that way.

A Gym is a Gym is a Gym to Ash, and since Opelucid Gym is shut for the time being, he agrees. So now we head off with two mysteries - why was Iris so eager NOT to go to Opelucid Gym, and why is Cilan so eager to go to Virbank Gym? The answer to at least one of those questions will hopefully come soon!


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