725: A Clubsplosion of Excitement!    731: Netto Donnamaito! Kirikizan tai Enbuo!    Bianca takes a Trip                 The first and second round of The Clubsplosion ends   Oblivion   Humping your ass up and down is an expression of anger  

Last episode saw the Clubsplosion continue, with Burgundy the first of the twerps & associates to fail to make it past the first round. But the last episode ended with at least one another at risk of being knocked out as well, as Trip faced Bianca and his Conkeldurr put an absolute ass-beating on her Emboar. While the battle isn't over yet, Bianca is in real danger unless she can fire off a....

Inside the stadium, Emboar is trapped in Rock Tomb as Stone Edge comes blasting at it. Bianca yells that Emboar isn't finished yet, she believes in it, and it hears her words and narrows its eyes as the stones approach, crash into its body and the smoke clears to reveal.... Emboar still standing tall, having CAUGHT the stones and now holding them in its beefy arms as ammunition!

You can't do that in the games!

The Scoop, Don George and the twerps are amazed, while Trip is just absolutely stunned, especially when Bianca orders Emboar to use Fling, which he had no idea it could do. Maybe you shouldn't just take a couple of photos and then leave before the end of battles then, Trip!

Emboar flings the stones at Conkeldurr who bats them back with its stone pillars, but Emboar rushes forward dodging the hit stones and... steals Conkeldurr's pillars! And then it flings them back at Conkeldurr and smashes him in the face and the stomach! Holy shit!

Conkeldurr is out, Bianca wins! Trip is out! Trip goes out in the first round despite being a sophisticate from the Unova region! Bianca hugs Emboar in delight and tells it that it has made her the happiest trainer in the Clubplosion Tournament! The twerps are ecstatic for her, while Trip recalls Conkeldurr with surprising grace, telling it that it did a good job and murmuring to himself that he still has a long way to go before he can take on Alder. He looks up and spots Ash who stares wide-eyed in surprise at him, unsure exactly how to deal with a defeated and humble Trip. Trip just turns and walks away, while The Scoop announces that round 1 is now over and that's it for the day, round 2 starts tomorrow and the match-ups will be announced then.

At the Pokémon Center the healing music plays as Trip picks up Conkeldurr from Nurse Joy. He turns and prepares to leave, surprising Joy to see him going so quickly, but he bumps into Ash who tells him it was a shame for him to go out so early, as he really wanted to have a battle against Conkeldurr. Trip for once doesn't make a snide retort, he just tells Ash that next time will be different and heads out the door, apparently once again failing to take heed of the notion that sticking around to watch successful trainers might help him become successful himself. As he leaves, Georgia and Burgundy comment on his arrogance, with Burgundy being blissfully ignorant of the irony of commenting on people being sore losers.

Meanwhile, Cilan is happily admiring a hilariously FURIOUS looking Sawk, complimenting Stephan on the great job he's doing raising it. Stephan blushes and thanks Cilan, before despairing once again that nobody can get his name right (even though they all do, every single time). Bianca comes barrelling into the picture, knocking Cilan over as she skids to a stop in front of Sawk to gasp that she can't resist being part of a conversation about fitness. Ash arrives to happily declare that he only just figured out that they're all rivals now, and as Iris laughs that she means to win, Georgia grunts that Iris wins ONE battle and suddenly thinks she is hot shit. She's called back to reality when she notices Burgundy fuming over the fact that they're all in and she isn't, mumbling that she hopes they ALL lose.

Outside the center, Ash calls out Scraggy for some more practise with Focus Blast. Stephan and Sawk join them and ask to train with them, but they're interrupted by a rumbling sound and the size of a dust cloud raising up high in the sky. They rush to find out what is going on, and find Montgomery training his Throh, doing Seismic Tosses with huge boulders. Ash and Stephan arrive and Ash immediately happily tries to make friends, asking Montgomery to join them in training. Montgomery grunts that he doesn't train with enemies, and turns and leaves with Throh, leaving the twerps behind and a furious Sawk watching Throh go.

The next day Round 2 starts, with Don George twisting dramatically to point at the screen as the remaining 8 competitors are randomly matched up against each other into four battles.

It's Stephan vs. Cilan! Ash vs. Betty! Georgia vs. Bianca! Montgomery vs. Iris! Ouch, that's tough, this means that Cilan or Stephan won't make it through, and things are looking bad for Iris who has to take on the clear frontrunner in the entire tournament. Georgia is unlikely to get her shot against Iris, will Bianca be able to make it through? And as for Ash and Betty... well who really knows, she has a name but does that really mean anything?

First out is Cilan and Pansage vs. Stephan and Sawk. Ash and Iris yell out happy encouragement to Cilan before Burgundy screeches out that she hopes he loses! Stephan bemoans the announcer getting his name wrong (he doesn't) again, and Burgundy is increasingly becoming more erratic as she cackles to herself about how funny it will be to see Cilan squirm like the loser he is. Ash tells Scraggy to pay close attention, it's good to see what your potential future opponents can do (a lesson that Trip still hasn't learned).

Pansage uses Bullet Seed but Sawk blocks it with Close Combat, stepping forward unfazed as its arms blur about knocking the Bullet Seed aside like it wasn't nothing but a thing. Cilan is shocked at Sawk's toughness/speed, while Burgundy is flailing her own arms about screeching for Stephan to destroy Cilan. Once Sawk gets close enough, it disappears then reappears directly in front of Pansage, uppercuts him then begins slapping the shit out of Pansage in the air. Pansage crashes to the ground dazed, and Sawk moves in for a Karate Chop only to get bitten right on the hand! The announcers and the twerps are shocked, and Cilan happily prepares to turn the tide of battle as he declares,"IT'S EVALUA-"

Only it's not! Stephan stops Cilan short with a scream, roaring that you should never underestimate Sawk's Karate Chop, and tells Sawk to follow through. With its hand still bitten, Sawk lifts Pansage into the air and then crashes him down directly into the ground with a savage chop. Burgundy gasps with delight at the cancellation of Evaluation Time, while Cilan tells a bashed Pansage that he knows that he can continue. Pansage does stagger back to his feet, and Stephan happily admits that he is a tough Pokémon. Cilan compliments Sawk as well, while Burgundy screeches (next to an indifferent Georgia) that Pansage is supposed to stay down, why doesn't he get that!?!

Stephan orders a Low Sweep, and Pansage is unable to jump and dodge in time. Pansage crashes into Cilan and knocks them both back, with Pansage knocked out and unable to continue battling. The referee announces "Stuben" as the winner, and for once Stephan is entitled to complain, noting that the referee didn't even get close! But his anger disappears when it sinks in that he is through to the semi-finals, and he celebrates while Sawk just seems to focus in ever deeper. Meanwhile Burgundy is joyous, jumping up and down and gleefully telling Georgia (who does not give a single fuck) that they were spared another boring "evaluation time" from Cilan.

Cilan, of course, has taken everything on the chin, telling Pansage that he did a good job. He compliments Stephan on a job well done, while Burgundy continues to live in her own little world gleefully going on and on about Cilan's loss, causing Georgia to note that she makes it sound like Cilan ruined her life.

The second battle is up, and for the first time (that I recall) they mention that Betty is the sister of Getty and Angus, who are both watching and cheering her on. Out next is Ash and Scraggy, who checks out Simipour and learns that it is a tough water type. Betty mocks Scraggy's weak appearance and says this will be over in a single move, and orders Aqua Tail. Scraggy counters with High Jump Kick, blocking the attack. Betty notes that Scraggy is stronger than she thought and sends Simipour in with Brick Break, but Scraggy uses his pants (that's disgusting!) to block the punch. Simipour - who till this point has had a delighted ^__^ face - staggers back clutching its paw, and Ash orders Focus Blast. Scraggy draws on the power, focuses it, then unleashes it all.... into a meandering, dry fart of a result!

Betty and Ash stumble over in shock at the shittiness of the move, but Betty reacts first and orders Simipour to use Acrobatics. It delivers a number of quick hits on Scraggy, and Ash goes on the defensive with a Leer to give Simipour momentary pause. Betty is having none of that though, ordering another Brick Break, but Scraggy blocks it with... HEADBUTT!?! Betty can't understand how a little baby like Scraggy could block a Brick Break, apparently unaware of what Don George just finished telling the crowd - Leer will have lowered Simipour's defences. Simipour is driven back, and Scraggy follows through a Hi Jump Kick that slams his knee directly into Simipour's face and... it's out! Ash and Scraggy win, and Ash is into the Semi-finals as well!

Cilan and Iris are pleased, as is Stephan, though he does note that Ash and Scraggy got in a lot of training on his Focus Blast and they still didn't pull it off right. Cilan notes how happy Ash and Scraggy are though, and says the win will be a big confidence boost that will really help. Behind them, completely unnoticed and ignored, Burgundy fumes that nobody cares what a LOSER thinks.

The fact that she lost too, and a round earlier than Cilan, is part of the wonderful blinkered by rage mindset that makes Burgundy so much fun.

The next battle is on, and it's Georgia and her Bisharp against Bianca and Emboar. Ash seems to realise they're having a battle for the first time, while Iris notes that Bisharp's blades will make close-up fighting a problem for Emboar. Georgia smugly notes the same to Bianca, and condescendingly offers her the first at-

"USE FLAMETHROWER!" shouts Bianca happily, and Emboar does just that! Bisharp is covered in flames, and Georgia is so enraged at Bianca for attacking before she finished her sentence that she bumps her ass up and down in front of the camera - now that's angry!

Bianca orders a Hammer Arm and Bisharp counters with Guillotine, and the two moves clash before the Pokémon pull apart, both having scored hits. Bisharp uses Metal Sound to lower Emboar's Defence, then rushes in with Iron Head, the blade on its head glowing bright. Bianca knows this is trouble, and orders a ranged attack to counter - Flamethrower! Bisharp has to stop to block, and finds itself taking a full blast of Flamethrower at close range... and it's too much! Bisharp crashes down and is out, it loses! Georgia loses and Bianca is into the semi-finals! Georgia recalls Bisharp, saying it's okay that they lost before getting loud to shout that at least they didn't use a Dragon Type!

They lost to a fat pig trained by an excited chipmunk lady with a muscle fetish!

The final battle of Round 2 kicks off, as Iris and Excadrill take on Montgomery and Throh. Georgia finally loses her cool as Iris is introduced as being from the Village of the Dragons, angrily pointing out to a confused Ash that she isn't even using a Dragon Type for fuck's sake, and orders Ash to do something about it!

The battle begins and Excadrill uses Drill Run... and Throh catches Excadrill by the Drill, freezes the spin through sheer power and then uses Circle Throw to toss Excadrill overhead and into the ground! Ouch, Throh is dangerous! Iris is confident that Excadrill can keep going though, and has him use Dig to get underground where Throh (presumably) can't get a grip on him. Throh stands in place looking around, and Montgomery orders Superpower. Throh bulks up then slams its huge fists onto the ground, creating a shockwave that runs throughout the ground and then tears Excadrill up out of the dirt, leaving him lying dazed in a pile of exposed rocks - Throh is strong!

The twerps and their associates can't believe it, but Montgomery isn't wasting any time. He sends in Throh to grab Excadrill before he can recover, then leaps high into the air with Seismic Toss and smashes Excadrill into the ground. Excadrill staggers back to his feet as Throh towers over him, then collapses back down, unable to battle any further. Montgomery wins and is as smug about it as you'd expect, but surprisingly when Iris rushes up to check on Excadrill, Throh actually gives a slight bow to both of them before returning to its trainer's side.

The twerps comment on how tough Throh is, noting that it will be a real challenge if Excadrill was so easily overpowered. Bianca laughs that it won't be able to stop her Emboar though, while off to the side Georgia has joined Burgundy in fuming and being a grumpy mess over the twerps continued confident outlook.

Don George heads to the center of the arena, and shows off the semi-final matchups for tomorrow. It will be Stephan vs. Bianca and Ash vs. Montgomery! Scraggy has to face off against Throh, which is a stunning mismatch. Ash of course doesn't see it that way, staring at Throh, then Scraggy, then confidently declaring that they'll be the ones to finally defeat Throh! Bianca and Stephan are happily talking up their own chances against each other, while Burgundy screeches that they're all going to lose and humps her ass back in Georgia's direction - now that's angry!

But who WILL win and who will lose? Can little baby big-pants Scraggy defeat sumo-monster Throh? Will Sawk's fixed expression change when it feels the burn from Emboar? Will Stephan get upset over his name being said with a mildly different inflection? Will Bianca bring the whole thing skidding to a halt with her muscle fetish? Who will make it through to the final? Will it be the Sawk/Throh match-up we've all been expecting? Or Scraggy vs. Emboar? Or Throh vs. Emboar? Or Sawk vs. Scraggy? We'll have to wait for all these answers till at least next week, so see you then!


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