730: Dondon Tsuzuku yo Donnamaito! Kurimugan tai Kirikizan!
Who is the Ultimate Uppity?
The first round of the Clubsplosion continues
Concentrate on strategy, not muscles!
Last episode the Clubsplosion began! Ash, Cilan, Iris and all their various rivals all signed up for the surprisingly small Clubsplosion (seriously, the twerps and associates made up fully half of the competitors!) and kicked things of. Stephan, Cilan and Ash all won their first rounds, with Scraggy learning a brand new move. But Iris has to face Burgundy in her first match meaning one of the twerps or a twerp associate will NOT make it through to round two. Who will fail? And who will continue on in the...
So it's Iris vs. Burgundy, and Burgundy opens with EVALUATION TIME which for her involves... telling Dewott to use Ice Beam. Excadrill dodges the first two attacks, then blocks the third, throwing off the ice that gathers on its claws. Don George says both trainers and their Pokémon are looking good, while Cilan ponders that Burgundy might be stronger than he thought. Georgia is adamant that Iris has to win (so she can beat her) while Ash happily and confidently proclaims that Iris will win. Bianca isn't paying any attention to either of them, however, instead poking and prodding Scraggy and gasping breathlessly that he is a fighting type, so where are those muscles for her to grope!?!
Oh Bianca.
Ash tells her to take it easy but she tells him to take it easy... and gets a headbutt for her problems, leaving her forehead smoking and he eyes dazed. Attention focuses back on the battle as Excadrill digs underground to avoid a Water Pulse, but gets flushes out by another Water Pulse down the hole. Dewott uses Razor Shell and comes straight for Excadrill as he falls through the air, but Excadrill recovers and uses Focus Blast to smash Dewott back into the ground. Despite the type disadvantage that Excadrill has, he is doing well against the Water Type.
The twerps aren't the only ones watching with interest, Trip has snapped several photos of them in battle and mumbles that he has all he needs to evaluate their fighting styles now and leaves. Montgomery isn't long in leaving either, saying that whoever wins won't stand a chance against him.
Burgundy tells Iris that she can't beat her, her strategy is as muddy as molasses and as rotten as week old berries. Iris retorts by saying she hopes that Burgundy likes molasses on her rotten berries (what?) and orders a Drill Run. Dewott manages to hold it off at first but finally both break off, and Dewott seems to drop its Scalchop. Excadrill rushes in with Metal Claw, blocked by Dewott as Burgundy calls on it to show off its endurance. Georgia tells Cilan that she is impressed that Iris has gotten strong enough to be worth facing her, and Cilan does agree but worryingly notes that he doesn't know why Burgundy doesn't have Dewott fighting back. Dewott is sent crashing into the ground and Iris tells Excadrill to keep up the building damage despite Metal Claw being weak against Dewott. The crowd cheers as Burgundy's Pokémon gets back up, and she tells it to use.... Revenge!?!
There's literally a move called Revenge!?!
Yes there is, and it unleashes all the damage that Excadrill just dished out. It is sent flying backwards as Burgundy mocks her for not being in her class, telling her that she should just give up because she's too green, she perfected Revenge to get revenge on Cilan. Bianca doesn't understand that line at all, but the battle isn't over yet. Burgundy orders Dewott to finish things up with Razor Shell, and Dewott scoops up its Scalchop and charges, leaping high and coming down.... directly into Drill Run from Excadrill! Burgundy is shocked, how did it deflect a Razor Shell after taking a direct shot of Revenge? Because "fuck you!" is why, is the tone of Iris' answer as she orders a Focus Blast. Burgundy orders an Ice Beam in retaliation, but Excadrill's attack dominates and smashes back into Dewott's face, knocking it down... but still not out! In a line that is pretty much 100% guaranteed to drive Iris into a murderous frenzy, Burgundy gasps that she doesn't want to be beaten by a "kid", and Excadrill dives down into the ground with Dig. Dewott staggers back to its feet and looks around in confusion for Excadrill, where is he? Where has he gon-
There he is!
Iris doesn't believe in leaving anything to chance and orders another Drill Run before Dewott even hits the ground... and it's over! Dewott is knocked out and Iris makes it through to the next round! The first "known" person to be knocked out of the Clubsplosion is Burgundy! Georgia of course smugly proclaims that she knew this would happen, since SHE is the one who must defeat Iris. Cilan watches Burgundy recall Dewott to its Pokéball, saying that she really has improved but she's still missing that necessary ingredient for success.
With the first four battles done, Don George steps out to call a break before the fifth. Everybody returns to the Pokémon Center for a meal and to settle down, and Burgundy sits alone at a table next to the twerps insisting that she is fine and Cilan better just fucking watch out because she's going to get better and kick his ass. Happily he tells her to relax, saying he looks forward to her getting stronger, so she turns her ire on Iris to warn her to watch out for revenge as well... and gets a face full of Georgia who angrily warns her that the only person who is going to kick the shit out of Iris is her!
It's nice to be wanted, I guess?
Ash spots Trip walking by and happily calls out to him to ask if he's finished eating and isn't he going to be fighting Bianca. Trip grunts to him that he should be more worried about his own battles, and tells him that Scraggy learned Focus Blast but can't control it, and it comes across as low class. Ash is furious and leaps to his feet for an argument but Trip has already left, leaving Ash to fume impotently and shout to an equally pissed off Scraggy that they're going to go check out Focus Blast again.
They head to what is presumably an outdoor training area where Ash asks Scraggy to use Focus Blast on a target on a rock. Scraggy tries out but the move misses, and he freaks out till Ash happily tells him he was only a little off (this is a lie). Scraggy tries again and again and manages to impressively hit everything EXCEPT for the target. Ash ponders that Trip was right, they're not ready to rely on the move in battle just yet, but then Stephan arrives and speaks up, offering to train with Ash and Scraggy to their mutual benefit - after all, he needs to prepare for his next battle too. Ash happily thanks Stephan, and Pikachu and Scraggy speak up to state their own names, causing Stephan to sigh and say that he thinks THEY managed to get his name wrong too. They line up to face off, ready to get serious an-
Oh Bianca.
Bianca offers to "massage" Sawk's muscles, the suddenly leaps onto Stephan as well and begins to slide her hands all over him too, eagerly exclaiming that HIS muscles have muscles. She touches up his belly, then holds his hand up and squeaks that the winner of the most muscular Pokémon contest is... Stephan! He sighs at her getting his name (unnoticeably) wrong and then points out he isn't a Pokémon. Cilan and Iris arrive and remind Ash that the other battles are set to start, and Bianca eagerly rushes off followed by the twerps. Sawk punches a punching bag as it goes, and the swinging bag reveals Throh and Montgomery watching them go, Montgomery smirking that they're amateurs. Throh tears the punching bag clear of its chain and throws it high into the air, and it splits open on impact with the ground.
Back at the Clubsplosion, Betty (the Morticia Addams looking lady) has just defeated Getty (the stocky punk looking dude) and the next battle is Gail (a little girl in a pink dress) against Georgia, who concentrates more on Iris as she shouts at her to wait for her to humiliate Iris in THEIR battle Iris's reaction is fairly predictable.
It's Gail's Druddigon against Georgia's Bisharp, which easily dodges all of the dragon's attempted attacked before using Metal Sound and Iron Head to knock it out with surprising ease, and Georgia is through to the next round. Ash and Cilan are impressed with Bisharp's evolution, and Iris seems pleased too at the chance to make Georgia put her money where her mouth is.
The next battle is Montgomery and his Throh versus Delbert and his Mienshao, which looks absolutely fucking ridiculous but is apparently a martial arts master. Mienshao uses Pound but Throh dodges incredibly easily, then flexes up with Super Power and catching Mienshao as it comes in with a Hi Jump Kick, throws it high into the air, leaps after it and hits it with a Seismic Toss, then follows up with a Circle Throw that crashes Mienshao into the wall of the arena and knocks it out. Throh didn't even break a sweat and it has won a flawless victory over Mienshao, with Montgomery seeming completely unfazed by his dominance. Don George speaks up to say that even though this is only his personal opinion, Montgomery appears to be the leading contender for victory. Montgomery and Throh leave the arena, stopping only to look back at Stephan and smirk that it's a pleasure. They leave, and Stephan smiles back, saying he can't wait to fight Montgomery.
But enough of that bullshit, it's time for Trip vs. Bianca!
Trip is using Conkeldurr and Bianca is using Emboar. But Bianca is nowhere to be seen, and comes rushing in from under the stands frantically gasping that she was checking out Mienshao's muscles and she's late and... over she goes, tripping up and crashing face first into the dirt. This is not a good start to her battle, and probably isn't doing much to make Trip feel daunted by her.
She gets back up and squeals happily over Conkeldurr having some impressive muscles as well, then clears the dirt off of her face and gets (as) serious (as Bianca can). She orders an Arm Thrust attack, followed by Hammer Arm, but both attacks are blocked by Conkeldurr's concrete pillars. She tries Flamethrower which douses Conkeldurr in flames... but it spins around in a circle holding the pillars and blows the flames away. Emboar appears to be struggling for breath (well it DID just breath fire!) while Conkeldurr uses Bulk Up, then Strength, rushing forward to bash in Emboar's face with those concrete pillars. Freaking out, Bianca orders Emboar to jump high into the air to escape, but Conkeldurr follows, leaping just as high and smashing Emboar right in the face, shattering every bone in its face and sending it crashing into the ground. Emboar is down, but manages to struggle back to its feet as Bianca worrying tells it she knows it can keep going. Trip decides it is time to finish things, and calls for a Rock Tomb that sees Emboar surrounded by rocks as it flinches, expecting to be buried. Once the rocks stop falling and it and Bianca realise it isn't dead yet, Bianca orders an Arm Thrust to break through the rocks and escape (why not just jump out?). Emboar begins bashing but the rocks aren't moving and Emboar is getting more exhausted. Trip orders a Stone Edge and Emboar can't escape, and Bianca begins flailing her arms screaming,"STOP IT! STOP IT!"
Who knows if Trip heard her (or cares) but it seems the show's writers did, because that's where this particular episode ends. Will Emboar be knocked out in second 1 of the next episode? Will Bianca make an unlikely comeback? Will Stephan throw down against Montgomery? Will Scraggy control Focus Blast? Will Iris and Georgia face off? Will Trip give Betty fashion tips? All, or some, or possibly none of these questions will be answered in the next episode!
"They perfected Revenge for revenge? I don't get it!"