723: The Clubsplosion Begins!    729: Donnamaito Kaimaku! Zuruggu tai Yanakki!    DYNO-MITE!                 The twerps and their rivals meet up again, and the Clubsplosion begins!   Personas Non-Grata   Don't start bragging till you've won!  

Today finds the twerps and Stephan heading for the Clubsplosion, which they only found out about last episode but are now determined to take part in. Of course, none of them know what the hell it is, so Stephan explains it is a place for trainers who want to show off their skills. Ash is in, of course, and Iris says it is too long since she competed so she will as well. Cilan is also in, but then they hear a squeaking voice and turn to see... Bianca! She's waddle-running as fast as she can, eyes closed and squeaking at people to get out of her way. She barrels into Ash and Iris, knocking the former over the guardrail and into the shallow water of the big storm drain they were walking alongside, and crashes face first into Stephan's gut. Ash and Pikachu clamber out of the storm drain and dry off, Ash towelling down Pikachu as an apologetic Bianca explains to Stephan that she was in a rush to sign up for the Clubsplosion. Since they're all heading that way and they're all friends, they figure why not head over together. Sounds like a good idea and some fun, here's hoping they get there before...

Outside the Battle Club a small group of trainers are signing up, and the twerps say they're "just in time", indicating that this is the last group of sign-ups. Among them is Trip, who grunts that he is surprised that Ash is signing up as well. Bianca asks which Pokémon he'll be using, and he shows off Conkeldurr, the evolved version of his old Gurdurr. It's got huge arms and uses concrete pillars like canes, and Trip tells Ash that evolving to a stronger form of Pokémon is just basic stuff. Axew is obviously intimidated and hides inside of Iris' hair, while Stephan explains that most trainers who take part in The Clubsplosion using Fighting Type Pokémon. Trip grunts that this is also basic knowledge but he's not surprised that Ash didn't even know that since he IS from the boonies. Ash has had about enough of this, but as he steps forward angrily he finds a smirking Conkeldurr in his face.

Trip calls it back, smirks at Ash and tells him he guesses he will do the best he can. Iris sighs that he's such a little kid, and Stephan tells Ash to ignore him and asks what Pokémon Ash will use - he plans to use Sawk. Ash thinks for a second and then decides.... Scraggy! The toddler! With the baggy pants! He calls him out and tells him they'll do their best... and Scraggy's pants fall down.

Speaking of pants, a foot enters the screen and calls out to Cilan, before the camera shows that the foot belongs to Burgundy. She's also taking part in The Clubsplosion and proclaims to Cilan she will prove she will defeat him and prove she is the best Connoisseur he has ever seen. Wonderfully, obliviously happy to see her, Cilan asks if she's ranked up as a Connoisseur yet, and her confidence shatters as she admits she has not, then angrily tells him she's been too busy battling to find the time to attend classes. Cilan continues to completely fail to raise to her bait (or even notice it), happily telling her that is too bad. She storms off as he laughs that she always brings an assertive flavour, and then an ass enters the screen and starts talking about "aromas". It's Georgia, and yes SHE is taking part in The Clubsplosion too.

Wait a second... Stephan, Bianca, Trip, Burgundy, Georgia... oh God I only just realised this is one of those "every rival shows up and things go crazy!" story arcs. Awesome!

Georgia tells Iris she knew she would enter, and the two start clashing verbally, digging into each other’s psyches to try and get the edge. Cilan, of course, tries to make the best of the situation and says that since "the gang" is all here they should enjoy it. Ash agrees, because really all that has managed to seep into his brain is,"Battle battle battle I get to battle other people are here and making mouth noises at me that means I get to battle them to battle battle battle battle."

The Clubsplosion begins, the twerps and other competitors inside the large arena as Don George is introduced as Manager and Host of the Clubsplosion. The winner will receive a year's supply of all 6 Pokémon Vitamin Drinks guaranteed to increase the potential and qualities of your Pokémon. It's a great prize for trainers, and Burgundy gasps it would be great to be a Vitamin Connoisseur. Georgia smirks that she couldn't be worse than she currently is, causing Burgundy to yell at her to "fermez la bouche" (shut your mouth). Don George (seen on a big screen held up by giant statues of.... Don George) announced the Clubsplosion is open, and then the competitors are shown on the screen... and there are only 16 of them!?! 8 of whom are twerps or twerp associates!?! The randomiser sets up the first battle, and it's a gothy looking kid named Edmund against... Stephan! A little girl called Flora against Cilan will be next, and a punk looking kid called Angus vs. Ash to follow up. Angus wishes Ash ("kid") luck, and Ash happily wishes him the same back. The fourth matchup is revealed to be Iris vs. Burgundy (so one of them is going out in the first round), a Morticia Addams looking woman called Betty against a stout looking dude called Getty will be the next match, then Jessebelle-looking Gail against Georgia, classy looking Montgomery against ball-chinned Delbert... and that means the final match is Trip vs. Bianca!

She's not best pleased to hear him say this will be an easy first match.

Freddy The Scoop and Don George will be giving the commentary, and the first battle is on! Gloomy Edmund vs. Stephan, who looks pretty gloomy himself given the fact people keep getting his name (imperceptibly) wrong. Stormclouds roll over the arena, but Freddy the Scoop doesn't seem surprised, telling the crowd that Edmund is known as "The Rain Man", and apparently this is why. Yes he brings in gloomy weather as opposed to autistically counting cards, and we see a wavery smile cross his face at last as the weather changes. Stephan sends out Sawk as the rain comes down, and Edmund brings out... Seismitoad! Despite the bulk of the Seismitoad, it easily dodges Sawk's opening attack, and Cilan instantly grasps that the rain is helping it. Edmund (who is a creepy son of a bitch) reveals that Seismitoad's special ability it Swift Swim, and its speed is vastly increased by rain. It scores a direct shot of Drain Punch on Sawk and sends it flying, but it recovers and is up ready to fight again. It rushes in to use Low Sweep, dodging Seismitoad's Mud Shot and smashing Seismitoad's leg and dropping it to a knee. Seismitoad isn't done though, and immediately smashes Sawk right in the guy with Brick Break, knocking the wind out of the genderless Pokémon. Stephan shouts that Sawk can take it though, and it does, and is back to its feet to go toe to toe with the big Pokémon. Edmund can't understand why Seismitoad isn't dodging the attacks, till he notices the damage that Seismitoad took from Low Sweep earlier is negating Swift Swim. Stephan grins that Edmund "finally" noticed, and orders Bulk Up and then Close Combat to increase Sawk's power before unleashing a brutal flurry of attacks that knocks Seismitoad the fuck out and leaves it an unconscious mess - Stephan wins Round 1, the clouds part and the sun comes back out! The Rain Man has failed! The crowd happily chants for him, as Stephan weeps that they're all getting his name (unnoticably) wrong!

A recap of the first match is played, Don George enthusiastically posing along. Stephan returns to the twerps and asks Ash what he thought of the battle, and Ash eagerly admits that Stephan did a great job. Stephan explains the hardcore training that he and Sawk (mostly Sawk) did working on its muscles. The twerps are impressed, but nowhere near as impressed as Bianca who comes screeching in to gape in awe at the surprised Sawk's muscles. She wiggles her butt about in excitement as she looks over the non-genitalled Pokémon, poking the muscles and squeaking in delight. But while she is VERY impressed (and aroused?), Montgomery is not. The classy looking dude tells Stephan that he won't make it past him if that is the best he has, and shows off his Pokémon - Throh! It looks like a distant relative of Sawk - a far stouter, bulkier version - but it is not the evolution of one like you might expect. According to the Pokédex, Throh's have an irresistible urge to throw things, and Montgomery quips that you don't want to get thrown by Throh. Bianca thinks about it for a second then gasps that if he was trying to be funny that was hilarious, and please can she touch Throh's muscles pleeeeeeease!?!

This girl got issues.

Montgomery shuts her down immediately, no she can't get her thrills touching up his red skinned, muscle-bound Pokémon. They head off, Throh deliberately bumping into Sawk, but Stephan calls his Pokémon back, telling it not to rise to the bait. of course Montgomery still has to win his first battle before he can think about facing Stephan, as the second battle of the day is only just beginning. Cilan is up against Flora, sending in Pansage to bite Gothorita's head. Unfortunately he misses and gets a slap, and Burgundy screams at Cilan not to lose until she can beat him. Cilan laughs that she need not worry, snaps his bowtie and proclaims,"IT'S EVALUATION TIME!"

"You heard him!" shouts Freddy The Scoop,"It's Cilan's Evaluation Time!"

Cilan tells Flora he's now seen the ingredients that make up Gothorita's battle skills - she's first class with speed and technique, so how about THIS attack for her consideration... Solar Beam!

Jesus Christ!

To Flora's credit she reacts immediately, calling for a Psy Shock counter, and the two moves create a blast of smoke that shields Pansage as it uses Dig, to scores an uppercut on Gothorita and... he wins! Pansage leaps on Cilan's arm and they both happily wave to the cheering crowd, while Burgundy seethes at his "arrogance".

The third battle is up next, as Ash takes on Angus, who apparently has moves as glossy as his hair, according to Freddy The Scoop. Ash shouts encouragement to Scraggy, while Angus is derisive of the idea that the baggy-panted toddler could possibly beat his Simisage (the evolved form of Pansage). Ash sends in Scraggy immediately to use Leer, and it does so.... on Angus! Ash is horrified, the twerps are shocked, and Angus laughs that he has a lot of nerve glaring at them like that, and orders a Seed Bomb. Scraggy dodges, and Angus tells Simisage to watch for the landing and use Low Sweep - but it does nothing, as Scraggy blocks using its pants. Angus isn't letting up though, telling Simisage to use Shadow Claw, which Scraggy flips to avoid before trying to use Headbutt on the lanky green monkey. Simisage uses Seed Bomb again but Scraggy dodges, but he is blocked from using his pants as a guard against Low Sweep when Simisage stomps on the loose skin with one foot, then kicks the toddler in the belly with the other!

Scraggy is sent flying and struggles back to its feet, while Angus brags about and Simisage's brilliance and Simisage mimics his bragging shrug. He orders a Giga-Impact but Ash sends in Scraggy with High Jump Kick, and Scraggy kicks Simisage right in the goddamn face and sends it flying backwards and crashing into the ground! Ash tries to keep on the offensive and tells Scraggy to use High Jump Kick again, but Simisage dodges and Scraggy's knee smashes into the unforgiving ground instead. He rolls around clutching his knee in pain, and Angus responds by having Simisage... continually kick the weeping toddler in the belly over and over again!

They don't fuck around in the Clubsplosion!

Axew throws his hands over his eyes at seeing his little buddy taking a kicking, while Trip grunts that this is it. Angus combs his hair again and tells Simisage to finish things with Giga Impact, as Scraggy finally manages to stagger to his feet. Ash tells Scraggy to concentrate and give it his all, and Scraggy does just that as....


It's Focus Blast! Scraggy has just learned a new move and unleashed it at just the right moment. Axew stares on with wobbly eyes of joy, the other twerps shout out their encouragement, while Trip actually loses the look of constant derision on his face to stare in wonder at the attack. Simisage's Giga Impact is overcome and it is sent flying backwards, Ash ordering another Focus Blast to finish it off. The blast fires off and..... misses Simisage and fizzles out as it wobbles off path, completely uncontrolled. Trip's momentary amazement fades and he smirks that Ash and Scraggy haven't mastered the move, while Simisage has had time to recover. It gets back to its feet and looks up.... just in time to see Scraggy Leering at it! It leaps backwards in shock, and Ash orders a Headbutt! BAM! Simisage is down! Angus flinches and his hair loses all its gloss and smoothness as it collapses down over his face. Ash has won! Stephan, Cilan and Ash are all through to the next round! But one of the group MUST fail now, as the next battle is Iris vs. Burgundy!

Iris brings out Excadrill, infuriating Georgia who wants to know why she isn't using a Dragon Type. Burgundy brings out Dewott and tells Cilan to watch how strong she has become, and becomes infuriated herself when Cilan fails to grasp that she's trying to get a rise out of him and happily wishes her the best of luck. Who will win though? We won't find out this episode, so join us next time as the Clubsplosion continues!

It would be neat if they'd called it The Donamite though!


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