718: Battling the Bully!    724: Daburu Batoru! Pikachu, Warubiru Tai Pendora, Gamageroge!    Boss Gator's Back!                 The twerps help a small nerd defeat a dumb bully. Boss Gator's back!   Non-existent    Bully is spelled a lot like buddy!   

Some stuff has happened recently, things occurred and events transpired. There were ghosts and mummies and irresponsible adults. But none of that means a goddamn thing anymore and isn't important, because the twerps have just found themselves face to face once again with BOSS GATOR!

Yes, Sunglasses Sandile is back, only as you'll remember from last time it evolved into Krokorok. Smirking at Ash, it immediately lunges for Pikachu and Cilan can't understand why a Krokorok would come out of nowhere to face them. Iris remembers it though, and Cilan guesses that it has been following them. Indeed it has, as a quick flashback shows it appearing in various locations the twerps had recent episodes in, just missing the twerps each time. In fact it was the one that tossed the pen into Klinklang's gears in Chargestone Cave! Obviously it wants a fight, and Ash understands that much at least and immediately kicks off an impromptu battle between BOSS GATOR and Pikachu.... which almost immediately sends BOTH Pokémon blasting off!

Pikachu crashes into a hill, rolls down and plunges over the side of a cliff hundreds of feet below into a tree, falling through the leaves and into the hands of a nerdy little boy. Pikachu instantly blasts the shit out of the boy as an instinctual reaction, but after recovering, the boy seems nothing but delighted. He has no idea what kind of Pokémon Pikachu is, but considering it fell out of the sky with a Thunderbolt, he can only assume that it is..... the pre-evolved form of Zekrom!

Oh lord.

He hauls Pikachu up happily and begs him to be his friend, he's so excited to have made such an amazing discovery. A sweatdropping Pikachu really has little choice in the matter, he has no idea where Ash is. The boy instantly rushes to the local basketball court and shows it to his buddies Glenn and Sean, introducing Pikachu and his "Dad's" Pokémon, the pre-evolved form of Zekrom! Glenn instantly grabs it off of the boy though, happily declaring he is going to borrow him. Sean - dressed sharply for a small boy - is less convinced though, sure he has seen a Pokémon like this before. He recognises it as a Pikachu, and informs them that he went on holiday with his parents to Saffron City in Kanto once and saw a Pikachu there. He immediately begins questioning the boy about his so-called story regarding Pikachu being his Dad's, and asks where he got it and what kind of moves it has. Glenn doesn't care though, he just wants a battle! He grabs Sean's tiny little balls in his hands (!) against Sean's objections, as the Pokémon inside the Pokéballs belong to his Dad, not him.

I wonder who the "bully" of the title is, Gentle Dodgers?

Meanwhile the twerps are trying to find Pikachu, thankfully following Cilan's sense of direction. They don't find Pikachu but they do find Krokorok, which is also looking for Pikachu, as fixated as ever on throwing down with the little yellow rat. They set off after BOSS GATOR, figuring it has better senses then them, what with successfully tracking THEM across Unova.

The little nerdy-boy sits with Pikachu on a grass bank by the river, trying to find out more about Pikachu. He wonders how Pikachu got to Unova, contemplating whether he is a wild Pokémon or not. He asks what other moves Pikachu knows, solar beam for example, and gets an answer from Ash. Krokorok has lead them directly to Pikachu, which is gleefully reunited with Ash, ending the brief separation only a few minutes into the episode. The twerps introduce themselves, Krokorok standing to the side and just being Boss as all hell, not giving any kind of fucks. The nerdy-boy introduces himself, his name is Mick... and he NEEDS to borrow Pikachu! He must have Pikachu so he can battle Glenn or Sean and beat one of them for once! He explains that Glenn is somebody who acts without thinking, doing or saying the first thing that comes into his head. When Sean tried to show off with his Dad's Blitzle and Patrat , Glenn immediately decided that Patrat was his now, and that's that! Mick for his part was keen to also steal one of Sean's Dad's Pokémon so he could battle too. Glenn told him in no uncertain terms to get his own Pokémon though, and shoved him out of the way. In true frustrated nerd fashion, Mick promised to come back with a bomb-ass Pokémon the likes of which they'd never seen. It was shortly after this that Pikachu dropped into his lap (literally), and Ash immediately agrees on Pikachu's behalf, seeing nothing wrong with having his Pokémon beat the shit out of some stranger's Dad's Pokémon. But first Mick has to get some training in! Ash ponders which Pokémon to use, when the choice is obvious....


Yes Krokorok wants to fight! It's been itching for a chance to throw down with Pikachu and now it can do it with Ash giving guidance! It's perfect, but Mick is in a bit of a panic, he's barely familiar with Pikachu's moveset and he's never handled a Pokémon battle before. He can only remember two of the moves, and Iris has to remember the other 2, which makes a total of 4 moves which is the limit of how many any Pokémon can ever do.... except for whenever the plot requires them to know more.

Mick tells Pikachu to start with Thunderbolt, surprising Pikachu which was obviously going to open with Quick Attack. He shrugs and does as he was told, but the move does nothing to Krokorok, and Ash and Cilan explain that electric attacks are no good against Krokorok. He tries Quick Attack instead and it staggers Boss Gator, delighting Mick who celebrates until Pikachu and Iris remind him the battle is still going. He tries to think what move to use next and Pikachu wags his tail up and down in what is either a call for Iron Tail or a precursor to mating. Mick chooses the former and calls for Iron Tail, but Ash has Krokorok escape with Dig. Iris warns Mick to keep a sharp eye out, but he's caught completely by surprise when Krokorok emerges from just in front of him and behind Pikachu. Ash orders Crunch and Krokorok looms large, and Iris shouts at him to call for a move. He calls for Iron Tail and Pikachu slams Krokorok right in the face.... knocking the sunglasses flying! Krokorok starts freaking out, what's a Boss Gator without boss glasses? It scrambles around to find them, and when it does it leaps right after Pikachu again, desperately trying to chomp him as Ash grabs it by the tail and tries to haul it back. Wanting to keep this from becoming a REAL battle, he calls out Tepig instead.

Meanwhile Glenn and Sean have finished their match and Blitzle and Patrat are exhausted. Sean is freaking out, these aren't his Pokémon after all, and recalls them to their Pokéball. Glenn notices that Mick isn't around, and Sean says he probably isn't going to return, but Glenn doesn't want to hear that, he wants to battle Pikachu! He tells Sean to go and get more Pokémon - stronger ones! Sean freaks out, is this guy kidding? But his protests just irritate Glenn who is used to getting what he wants when he demands it (how wonderful for his dates when he hits puberty), and Sean quickly backs down, saying he was just kidding when he said no.

Pikachu and Tepig's battle comes to an end with both of them seemingly even. Cilan tells Mick that he has a lot to learn but he's really improved and he has what it takes, explaining that he is a Connoisseur and he knows what he is talking about. Iris agrees, saying that he's also a Gym Leader, and Ash tells him the most important thing is heart. An excited Mick declares that he can't wait to travel around the world and be a Trainer. But before any of that can happen, there's his "buddy" Glenn to deal with - the bulky little brat arrives on the scene demanding to know where Mick has been, only then noticing the twerps for the first time. Ash introduces himself and points out he is Pikachu's trainer, but Glenn really doesn't give a shit, what interests him is whether or not he is going to get his goddamn battle!?!

Soon they're back at the kids' shitty urban playground and a lightly sweating Mick is facing off against his nemesis/good friend. Sean is back as well and he was allowed to burrow two more Pokémon, and they're....


It's Scolipede and Seismitoad, though the second one also looks kinda happily, friendly retarded as well. Ash checks them out with his Pokédex and learns what he already knew - they're scary and strong and destroy things. Ash quickly forgets that he's intimidated to get really excited, while Glenn in characteristic fashion declares enthusiastically that both Pokémon are "his" now. Sean growls this isn't fair, that makes it a 2-on-1 battle, but Glenn insists that they'll just make it a two on two battle. Mick only has Pikachu though, but he keeps forgetting the most important thing - BOSS GATOR!

Krokorok volunteers to help, and nobody comments that since Sean and Glenn are going to be battling together against Mick by himself, it's STILL a 2-on-1 battle! Cilan says he'll judge the battle. He tells that normally a battle is till one team's Pokémon are unable to fight anymore, but in this case HE will decide when the battle is done. Everybody nods their agreement, and with that the battle is on!

Pikachu opens with Thunderbolt, and Glenn wants to counter with an attack immediately. Sean stops him though, saying they need to block the attack, and has Seismitoad jump in the way to take the attack, which is useless against it. Sean explains about types to Glenn who laughs that it sounds like gibberish to him, all he knows is moving forward and hitting things! He orders Scolipede to use Poison Tail on Pikachu , and Ash tells Mick to do something.... so Mick yells at Krokorok to.... "do something!" HA!

Krokorok does just that, using Stone Edge which Glenn warns Scolipede to dodge. Scolipede and Pikachu dodge aside, and Sean tells Glenn that he didn't need to dodge, he could have blocked the attack with Protect. Glenn laughs it off, saying he just needs offensive attacking moves, causing Scolipede to sweatdrop. Mick, meanwhile, is starting to build in confidence as he orders Electro-Ball and Bite attacks on the other Pokémon. Glenn calls for Sludge Bomb on Pikachu and Drain Punch on Krokorok, and Sean reminds him that he should have Seismitoad battle Pikachu. Glenn yells at Sean to shut up and not tell him what to do, but moments later he watches in shock as Pikachu and Krokorok smash through Scolipede and Seismitoad's attacks and knock them backwards, leaving them dazed. Cilan sees this as a good time to end things, and calls an end to the battle. Mick has won, he's beaten his hated/beloved bully/friend! Krokorok even lets Pikachu high-give him in celebration!

Glenn is furious though, he lost!?! He storms up to Mick growling that he didn't tell him he could win! Mick is confused and hurt, mumbling that he just battled the best he could. Glenn lifts a fist to smack Mick and... Ash grabs his wrist and snaps at him to cut it out!

What kind of a bully gets physically dominated by Ash Ketchum?

Sean finally speaks up as well, shouting at Glenn to stop as well, telling him he doesn't want to hang out with him anymore! He moans that his Dad's Pokémon are hurt and he doesn't know what to do about it, and Cilan kindly offers him some pellets that are a blend of berries and healing herbs. Glenn stands staring, then approaches and takes the pellets, offering one to Seismitoad. He turns to look at Mick and says he knows he lost, but then smiles and says that battling was still fun. All three boys reach out to place hands on each other's, agreeing that they'll battle again at some point in the future when they all get Pokémon.

Cilan and Iris smile on, Cilan saying it's good to have been part of a great battle even if it wasn't a "real" one.... and then Krokorok tries to take a big ol' bite out of Pikachu! Ash rushes up and tries to haul Boss Gator away, Pikachu freaking out and letting rip with a Thunderbolt that only really damages Ash. He and Krokorok tumble back and he asks if it wants to settle things at last. It does, and they explain to the little kids that all this started with a rivalry between the two.

So it's a "real" battle to finish things off! Krokorok and Pikachu face off, Pikachu getting early advantage with a Quick Attack right to Krokorok's face. It replies with Stone Edge, dropping rocks in a circle around Pikachu, then using Dig while Pikachu can't see it. It bursts out and uses its tail to whip Pikachu through the air, and Ash shouts at Pikachu to straight out in the air, and then use Thunderbolt. Mick gasps that this won't do anything to Krokorok, but Ash has Pikachu aim at the ground, blasting a hole in the ground that causes Krokorok to trip and fall flat on its face!

Poor Boss Gator, so undignified!

The little kids are shocked at this adaptation of an attack, and Cilan explains that type match-ups aren't the be-all and end-all of battle. Pikachu knocks Krokorok's sunglasses off and the kids think Ash has the advantage now, but he has Pikachu wait for Krokorok to find the sunglasses first, telling them that he wants to fight this battle fair and square. Krokorok gets the glasses back on and lunges at Pikachu to bite, and Ash orders Iron Tail which crashes right into Krokorok's face and sends it crashing down - Pikachu wins!

The kids are delighted, cheering and each thinking about when they get to be freeloading bums without jobs cockfighting around the countryside. Krokorok staggers back up, dejected at its loss, and begins to slink away in defeat. Ash calls out to it though, asking what it is going to do now? Why not.... why not come with him? Could it be? Yes! YES! Krokorok agrees, and a quick thrown Pokéball later the best thing that could possibly have happened has happened.

Ash got a Boss Gator!


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