716: Evolution Exchange Excitement!    722: Tsushin Kokan Shinka! Shubarugo to Agiruda!    Bianca's Knight in Pissed Off Armour                 Bianca and Juniper do an Evolution Exchange   Suspected but nowhere to be seen    Winning is totally not important or cared about if you lose   

Today finds the twerps and Bianca (yay!) at Professor Juniper's base camp to do an Evolution Exchange trade. Ash is excited to know what Bianca and Juniper's Shelmet and Karrablast will evolve into when they are traded, despite having been explicitly told last episode that it will be an Escavalier and an Accelgor. Juniper takes them inside a tent to show them her Exchange Machine, a huge bulky piece of equipment that she made her poor underpaid assistants haul up to the camp with them.

Bianca is hopping in place she is so excited, and she doesn't want to wait any longer. Juniper is a master at delaying gratification however, and says she wants to record some pre-evolution data first.... and everybody knows the best way to gather data is with cock-fighting! It's all part of the way to build the...

They set up for their battle, one of Juniper's assistants setting up equipment to record data. Cilan will be the Judge, and the battle will be a straightforward one on one battle. Ash checks out Shelmet with his Pokédex and learns that the helmet-looking Pokémon will close up its shell to protect itself from attacks, and can spit a sticky liquid.... well, that's gross!

Axew rather uncharacteristically decides to tiptoe up to Shelmet and give a little roar at it, causing it to freak out and close up its shell. Iris scoops up Axew, giving him a scolding for being a bully and apologising to Shelmet. Juniper then brings out Karrablast, which looks like it is wearing a sack around its body, and seems a lot more confident than Shelmet.

The battle begins and Juniper tells Bianca she can get first move... but Shelmet is freaking out inside of its shell and won't fight! Tittering nervously, Bianca tells Juniper SHE should go first. Karrablast uses Peck to open, Shelmet protecting itself with.... Protect! Karrablast seems taken aback by this, and angrily headbutts away at the Protect trying to break through. Iris is impressed by Karrablast's offence and Shelmet's Defence, and Juniper decides to take things up a notch with a Takedown Attack. Bianca's response is.... another Protect! Shelmet is sent flying back, but the Protect stays up and finally arrests Karrablast's momentum. Protect finally breaks but not till after Karrablast's attack is over, and Ash yells to Bianca that she'll need to attack instead of just defending. Bianca mumbles that it is easy for him to say, but Shelmet is extremely shy and just retreats into its shell at the notion of going on the offensive. Juniper sees this as a sign to press her attack, but a shout from her assistant cuts that off. Their measuring equipment is beginning to spark, something is wrong and Cilan calls a time-out to the battle.

There are strange electrical readings coming from Chargestone Cave - Area 7 this time, not Area 4. This means the Pokémon Trade might not be able to happen, as the electrical disturbance is screwing with the Trade Machine as well. Bianca does NOT take this well, freaking out and doing what all chipmunks do when alarmed - running around in circles! The twerps try to calm her down and remind her they're trying to figure out a solution right now anyway. Somehow Ash is the first to say this might be the fault of Team Rocket, remembering they exist without having seen them first. Cilan agrees, but Juniper says they can't say for certain till they investigate further.

They head into the cave, Bianca hiding those big ol' hips behind Cilan as much as she can. Strange noises emanate from deep within Area 7, and they come across some Klink - gears-shaped Pokémon that spin their gears to produce the electricity they need to survive. Were they the source of the noise? Juniper says no, there is nothing wrong with them, and they head further down the cave, the Lead Assistant carrying a scanning probe and the fatter Second Assistant looking pissed off at how shitty his life is.

The find the source of the noise - a Klinklang - the final evolution of Klink. It appears to be struggling to rise up off of a rock, and it doesn't take kindly to being scanned by Ash's Pokédex as it begins blasting shots of charged energy at Ash. He leaps about in an effort to escape, and it begins blasting at Juniper as well. She doesn't back off though, winding the handle on a small device that emanates a sound enjoyed by Gear Pokémon - a Pokémon sex toy? Professor Oak REALLY showed her the ropes before he left, didn't he!

Klinklang calms somewhat and Juniper is able to approach, and when she steps back Klinklang's gears start spinning properly and it is able to lift up into the air. Bianca is impressed, what did Juniper do? The answer comes in a surprisingly phallic manner!

Sometimes a penis, just a pen is.

It was trapped in Klinklang's gears, stopping them from moving properly, causing an excess build up of energy which interfered with the electricity in the cave. Juniper asks her assistants if there has been any sign of other people in the cave, but they say it's only been themselves here. She figures "they" must have left, confusing the twerps, Cilan asking if something is bothering her. She says whoever it was, they're not here anymore, and asks Bianca if she'd like to complete the trade.

They head back to the tent and Juniper returns Karrablast to its Pokéball, and Bianca does the same to Shelmet after saying a happy goodbye. They put the Pokéballs into the trade machine and it works its scientific magic. The Pokéballs are lit up by electricity, lifted into the air, glow white and enter pipes where they.... move to the other side of the machine. It seems quite a lot of effort and power when they could have just handed each other a Pokéball each, but in this fucked up world there seems to be some kind of isomorphic lock on Pokéballs or something... at least when it suits the story. The Pokéballs have either switched "ownership" or the contents (the Pokémon) have been switched between them. Whatever the case, it fits in with whatever requirement is necessary and now these Pokémon can evolve.

A scientist is sitting at home weeping into his hands at the moment.

They head back outside the cave and call out their "new" Pokémon, which immediately evolve as they come out of their Pokéballs. Shelmet becomes Accelgor, gaining new speed and agility and moves. Karrablast becomes Escavalier, which gains new protective steel armour and learns new moves - essentially it took Shelmet's shell. Ash says a happy hello but Escavalier seems less than pleased by his attention. He wonders why it is so angry and Bianca laughs that it isn't mad, isn't that right?

Apparently not!

Juniper seems bemused by the attack and orders Accelgor to use Substitute, and it charges at Escavalier to attack. Escavalier turns to meet the attack and Accelgor disappears, having sent in a substitute of itself to draw away attention.

With Escavalier distracted, Bianca can finally stop her speed-wiggling and take a moment to catch her breath. Grabbing her Pokéball, she recalls Escavalier, safe for the moment at least. Juniper explains that while Escavalier inherited Shelmet's shell, it kept its aggressive personality... and now it's Bianca's problem to deal with!


Bianca is shocked while the twerps openly deride her ability to deal with her new Pokémon. She asks Juniper if there is anything she can do, and as with all things in the Pokémon world, the answer is cock-fighting! She suggests a tag battle to help Escavalier work out its frustrations, and Ash and Cilan are both more than pleased to be on the opposing team. Of course it was fairly obvious that Juniper was inviting Ash and IRIS to be the opposing team and Cilan just pushed himself in, but hey, a fight's a fight! This gives fat Second Assistant something to do as well, as he can be the Judge while the First Assistant records the data.

It's Accelgor and Escavalier vs. Boldore and Crustle - four newly evolved Pokémon looking to show off what they can do. Escavalier glowers at a clearly intimidated Bianca, and while she sobs over it not liking her, Ash takes the advantage to attack first with Rock Smash. Crustle follows up with X-Scissor, and then Accelgor finally launches the counter with a Quick Attack and punches Crustle right in the face. Iris yells out support to Bianca who begins to mumble a request to Escavalier, but it zooms ahead without waiting to hear what. It drives its lance like arms at Crustle and Boldore which block both attacks, but then slams through them with a Fury Attack. Iris is impressed, crying out that Bianca and Escavalier are in perfect synch, and even Juniper says she was surprised at Bianca's clever choice of move. The completely out of her depth Bianca mumbles thanks.... then admits that she hasn't yet given a single command!

The battle is still on, and Ash and Cilan agree to focus their attacks on Escavalier. Rock Slide narrows down its avenue of attack, leaving it unable to dodge Rock Blast, and Juniper has to send in Accelgor with Substitute to save the day. Cilan and Ash try to figure out where the real Accelgor is, while the Pokémon itself tries to talk to Escavalier and Bianca explains to her new Pokémon what Accelgor did. However Substitute eats up a huge amount of stamina and Accelgor can barely moved now, and the twerps try to take advantage. Ash orders a Flash Cannon, much to Iris' concern and Pikachu's delight. Escavalier leaps into the way and blocks the attack, and actually listens to Iris when she orders Iron Defence to block the falling boulders from Crustle's Rock Slide. Bianca beams with delight as Juniper takes the time to have Accelgor use Recover to regain its stamina.

Juniper asks Bianca if she is ready and she eagerly agrees, while Ash and Cilan bemoan how close they came to taking out Accelgor. Bianca and Juniper order a Quick Attack and Fury Attack combo, and Accelgor smashes through Crustle while Boldore is able to hold out a little longer against Fury Attack before being sent flying back through the air and crashing into Crustle.

Juniper and Bianca are delighted, and decide to further coordinate with two Hyperbeams at once. Both their Pokémon are in synch now, unleashing the attacks simultaneously and causing them to combine. Ash shouts out a warning, telling Boldore to sacrifice itself to protect Crustle. The poor Rock Spider takes BOTH Hyperbeams at once and is sent careening through the air and crashing to the ground, knocked the fuck out as if there was any doubt.

Bianca and Juniper high five, while Cilan is now left facing a handicap battle. He tells Ash he won't let Boldore's sacrifice be in vain, but Juniper and Bianca seem confident that this is in the bag. They order another Double Hyperbeam, it blasts right towards Crustle and.... Cilan orders Shell Smash! Crustle immediately zips out of the huge rock square that makes up its shell, leaving it to take the full blast of the Double Hyperbeam. Flying freely through the air, Crustle’s skin glows red and breaks, and Cilan orders a Rock Wrecker that sends a huge boulder smashing right into Accelgor's face. It is smashed back into the rock of the cave exterior, knocking it out and making it a straight one-on-one battle between Cilan and Bianca! Juniper and Bianca gape in shock and Cilan.... orders another Rock Wrecker IMMEDIATELY!

Escavalier tries to block but it’s no good, the rock crashes it into the ground and knocks it out as well! The battle is over, Ash and Cilan have won! Ash's sacrifice was not in vain and proved the more effective strategy!

Bianca moans in disbelief, they were so close to winning! Juniper tells her that this wasn't the important thing though, she totally didn't have that battle to win and actually it's all good and this is what she wanted all along and she didn't even want to win anyway! Bianca follows that hook, line and sinker, believing Juniper when she tells her the battle was just a way of getting Bianca and Escavalier to learn to get along better. Iris quickly jumps on the bandwagon and says that she understands now and totally gets it too, while Ash and Cilan just bask in the glory of victory, since they don't have to lie and pretend they didn't want to win.

Bianca thanks Escavalier for its hard work, placing her hands on what looks suspiciously like its groin. She says they'll do even better next time, and recalls her new Pokémon to its Pokéball before.... promptly rushing away in her fantastic little speed-wiggle, shouting a hasty goodbye to the startled twerps.

So it's all over - Juniper got her data and a new Pokémon. Bianca got a new Pokémon and learned to get along with it. Ash and Cilan got a victory. Axew got to bully somebody. Iris got to pretend she totally understands what is going on. Everybody is happy, and that's an end of that!

Only not!

As they stand watching Bianca speed-wiggle away, Pikachu senses something behind him and turns to see a strong old man stagger out of Chargestone Cave. He reaches out with a moan and then collapses to the ground, and Juniper's reaction is one that leaves the twerps even MORE confused as she gasps,"PAPA!?!"

Papa? PAPA!?! Oh man, this shit is....


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