713: Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 2    719: Torunerosu Tai Borutorosu Tai Randorosu! (Kohen)    Part 2 The Second (Part 2)                 The Weather Gods do battle   They did their bit!    Don't say you're out of Revival Herbs if you're not!   

Last episode saw the twerps come to Milos Island in search of Revival Herbs so Ash could finally have his next Gym Battle. Unfortunately for him, he found himself smack-dab in the middle of Team Rocket's latest long drawn out plan for power. The shrines to the Weather Gods Tornadus and Thundurus have been defiled and drawn the furious Pokémon back to the Island to battle it out for supremacy. The twerps fell right into Team Rocket's plans by working with local resident Lewis to summon Landorus, the Pokémon that drove the two Weather Gods off many generations ago. Team Rocket want all three together to (somehow) capture them, but they may find that like the twerps, there is no....

A blast of yellow light shines out from the shrine and then a beam of energy bursts into the sky, revealing... Landorus! The Island Guardian has returned, just as Team Rocket planned, and they shift to Phase 3 - heading away to contact Dr. Zager. Meanwhile, Lewis has approached Landorus and informed it of what is happening. It turns its gaze on the two battling Pokémon and immediately take to the sky, the stormclouds bursting out with blasts of lightning. The twerps are amazed that Landorus heard their pleas and answered them, and Iris thanks a blushing Gothorita for her help.

In the sky, Landorus faces off with Thundurus and Tornadus and tries to talk some sense into them, but they don't want to hear it, instantly attacking. Landorus uses Protect to hold off their attacks, then lets rip with a massive burst of Extra-Sensory to send them crashing into the mountainside. Ash is concerned though, it's still two against one despite how powerful Landorus is, and it IS going up against Weather God. Indeed moments later Landorus is smashed into the mountainside when Tornadus provides a distraction that allows Thundurus to score a direct shot. They both then blast at it with dual attacks, but once again Protect saves it and it blasts them both with Hyper-Beam.

Jesse is on the line with Dr. Zager who tells them he is en route to Milos Island and they should watch the sky for an aerial display the likes of which they're not likely to ever see again. As they plan to put the finishing touches on their scheme, the twerps are endangered by falling rocks from the various attacks Thundurus and Tornadus are throwing at Landorus. The smoke clears and they all seem okay, though Ash was knocked onto his back... but then they discover Gothorita and Axew were both badly bruised and knocked out, and need to get back to the comparative safety of Lewis' cabin. Landorus notes their escape and is able to concentrate on the battle at hand again, while in the cabin Iris reaches through her bag for medicine. Lewis stops her, telling her the damage is too much, and instead grabs a small glass vial with a herb inside it... a Revival Herb.

Hang on a goddamn second here goddammit! He was desperately looking for Revival Herbs yesterday to help heal his sick and heavily pregnant Lilligant?

They ground down the herb and mix up a concoction for the two hurt Pokémon, and get it down their throats despite the bitter taste. They recover quickly, and after cheering for Revival Herbs, Iris tells Axew that Gothorita protected him with her body. Lewis says they should get back to the fight and put themselves in danger again, and they head out into the stormy night where the battle is apparently taking place mostly in the clouds (and providing some relief for the animators' wrists). They smash back down towards ground level and Gothorita blasts out at Thundurus before it can attack Landorus from behind. Landorus once again attempts to talk some sense into the two Weather Gods after blasting them directly in the fact with a powerful attack. Before we can see if they'll listen, however, shining beams of light lower from out of the sky, surround the Pokémon and then transform into cubes of light that imprison them!

Who is responsible, the twerps ask, and they get the answer in the form of the long-missed motto!

"Who? That is the question indeed!"
"The answer to come, as we feel the need!"
"Bringing the white light of evil into the future!"
"Thrusting the hammer of justice onto the black darkness of the universe!"
"Carving our names in da rock of eternity!"
"The fiery destroyer, I'm Jesse!"
"And! With thunderous emotion, I am James."
"Wisest of da wise, I'm Meowth!"
"And now we gather.... under the name of Team Rocket!" they all finish together.

Ash can't believe it's Team Rocket (it has been for 15 years!) and they ask what he thought of their light show. They laugh as they show off the cubes imprisoning the Weather Gods and Island Guardian, chuckling at Lewis' fury as he realises they're the ones who defiled the shrines. They reveal their plan - to summon the Weather Gods which in turn would cause somebody to summon the Island Guardian, and then when they were all exhausted from beating the shit out of each other - capture them!

You know, it was a pretty good plan!

Lewis finally remembers his pregnant Lilligant that he didn't bother to heal with the last Revival Herb and is furious, they're fucking over his entire island for their own personal gain! How dare they, they're ruining his business in which he harvests the island resources!

A pissed off Ash approaches and roars at Team Rocket to free the Pokémon, and calls out Roggenrola to make that happen. Ordering a Flash Cannon, he hopes to blast Landorus free, but oddly enough it turns out the Light Cage designed to hold a Legendary Pokémon captive ISN'T so easy to break open! Iris and Cilan try to help out with Emolga and Pansage using Hidden Power and Solar Beam (at night in a storm) respectively, and Gothorita tries a Shadow Ball, but none of the attacks make a dent. Jesse laughs off their attempts, and rather than just sticking around to gloat (some more), they say the time has come to leave. Dr. Zager's helicopter lowers out of the stormy sky and grabs the three cubes with Laser Tethers, drawing them to the ship before it starts to take off, a gloating Team Rocket onboard.

Ash has a bright idea, though, he'll get Roggenrola to use Flash Cannon on the light cube with Landorus inside of it! Oddly enough this thing that didn't work before doesn't work this time either! Ash grumbles that attacking the cubes does nothing, and Cilan reminds us all why he is the smart one (or at least not-dumb one) by saying maybe they should attack the helicopter itself!

All of the Pokémon (including Pikachu and Axew) let rip with all that they've got and blast the helicopter in the side. The controls go crazy as Zager desperately tries to take control, and he says he has no choice but to drop the laser container before it blows, or it will take out the helicopter. Jesse tries to shout out for him to stop but it's too late, the container falls and explodes, and Zager says they have to get out of there before the Legendaries "might" choose to attack them. The trio are furious, claiming that they WILL be back, and those Legendaries WILL be caught.

The now free Legendaries crash into the ground, and Landorus appears to have hurt its shoulder. The other two are now able to attack it with impunity, but the twerps have an idea! They can use the rest of the concoction from the Revival Herb to heal Landorus to full strength!

Could they at least give Lilligant a Demerol?

Back at Lewis' cabin, it turns out he actually has ANOTHER spare Revival Herb entirely, just rubbing in what a terrible hoarder he actually is. He cries out to Landorus which has been backed into a shattered hole in the mountainside and throws the vial, calling out to Gothorita to use Psychic to get it to the Island Guardian. Thundurus and Tornadus seem aware that it is the key to defeating them and blast at Landorus with everything they've got. The twerps can only watch as the Revival Herb and the attacks race towards Landorus. The attacks hit, a huge burst of smoke and dust obscuring the battlefield.... what happened? Is Landorus dead? A now empty vial drops to the ground and the smoke clears to reveal....

Okay, those two are FUCKED now!

Lewis is delighted, it's just like the ancient tale - an injured and exhausted Landorus received a Revival Herb from an islander and Gothorita and recovered to full power. The battle is on again as Thundurus and Tornadus charge at Landorus, but it easily knocks them back and then SMASHES them with a massive blast of power, slowing them down enough to approach and press its paws against their chests, conveying its thoughts in the same way that Gothorita does. Gothorita joins in as well, and they try to put the message across. That message? It appears to be,"Stop being dicks you guys!"

It seems to get across as Thundurus and Tornadus turn almost embarrassed looks on each other and stop trying to kill the shit out of each other. The storm clouds pass, and after the sun rises the twerps and Lewis join the three Pokémon on a stony cliff overlooking the sea and ask for the island to be restored. The three work in conjunction, bringing first rain and then sun, causing grass to grow on the stone and then herbs to start sprouting. The Revival Herbs are returning, seeds pushed around by wind to spread them across the island. Next comes flames, alarming Ash till Cilan explains they're speeding up the fertilization process by effectively making compost. More rain and sun follows and more and more Revival Herbs sprout - the Island (and more importantly its shitty one-resource economy) is saved!

Lewis is delighted to see Lilligant come pirouetting happily into view, followed by all the other Forest Pokémon. It seems Lilligant already dropped the baby weight, which pleases the lonely Lewis most of all! Thundurus and Tornadus turn and head away, and Landorus says a goodbye to Lewis before joining them. They lift high into the sky and disappear in a burst of sunlight, Lewis seen from behind whispering how grateful he is as a single drop of dew falls from a Revival Herb in the foreground, symbolising a tear.

As the sun sets, the twerps are back on the ferry saying their goodbyes. They say thank you to Lewis who says he should be thanking them, and then they're on their way - the twerps wave their goodbye as the ferry pulls away, Lewis wishing Ash luck for his next Gym Battle. And with that, the twerps are gone, and it's time for Lewis to go back to his lonely, Lilligant-loving ways on HIS half of the island.

Maybe this time the other islanders will actually put in some effort and actually keep an eye on the Shrines?


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