712: Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1    718: Torunerosu Tai Borutorosu Tai Randorosu! (Zenpen)    Part 1 The First (Part 1)                 The twerps get caught up in a battle between Weather Gods   All according to plan    Don't defile shrines; don't knock up your Pokémon   

Today finds a young man with terrible, terrible hair walking through a forest. He checks some herbs - Revival Herbs - and comments that they're all dried up, which is unusual. Dark storm clouds gather overhead and thunder rolls, and he looks up and mutters that something isn't right. No shit, son, you're on Milos Island and the shrines that you obviously don't check up on have been defiled! Now there'll be no...

Well.... at least not till Part 2, anyway.

Meanwhile, the twerps are on their way to Driftveil City for his Gym match. They enter the Gym and Ash calls out for Clay, claiming he's ready for his Gym Battle. Clay struts in, demanding to know who the fuck Ash is - he's a challenger, asshole, what more do you need to know? - and Ash reminds him they met only recently. Clay tells him too bad, but there will be no battle (oh you dirty son of a bitch) because they're out of Revival Herbs. Ash has no idea what the hell that means, and Iris explains that they're herbs. Herbs for reviving. Clay seems disgruntled as hell that Ash wants a battle and yet he doesn't know what Revival Herbs are, and snaps at him that if he wants a battle then he can go get him some goddamn revival herbs. Till then, the Gym is on vacation!

With that he bow-legged strides away, leaving behind an infuriated Ash. Cilan tells him they should check out the Driftveil Market for the herbs, and soon they've bumped into Charles who offers to help them find some. They head to a stall where they find ONE single Revival Herb in a box, but it's for the Pokémon Center only. They ask if more is coming, but the vendor tells them that for the first time ever they aren't getting any more coming from Milos Island - the Island of Legends. What does that mean? It's because apparently legendary Pokémon live there.... so that's all Ash needs to hear, they're off to Milos Island and NOT a Pokémon Battle.

A short time later they're on a ferry approaching the island, and a shorter time later they're on Milos Island itself. They ask an old woman where the revival herbs are and she tells them they're on the OTHER side of the big ass mountain in the center of the island. Once there, they'll meet a young man called Lewis (is he the ONLY guy on that side of the island?) who'll tell them where to go. They start climbing, Ash and Cilan complaining about the steepness of the climb while Iris laughs at them to suck it up. They pause at a little spring where Iris and Axew play in the water while Ash and Cilan recover. The sun sets and they appear to have crossed the mountain already, standing in the clearing and watched as Lewis appears - apparently having known EXACTLY where to find them. They introduce themselves and he takes them back to his cabin, where his pregnant bedridden Pokémon can be found.

So THAT is why Lewis lives alone on that side of the mountain!

He explains that Lilligant has gotten sick, as have some local Cottonee that normally flit about in the sky. Cilan notes they're both grass types, and Lewis says it's possible the land itself is sick. Ash just asks why he doesn't use Revival Herbs and he explains they're becoming harder to find, and what he DOES find are dried up and useless.

They ask why Revival Herbs only grow on Milos Island, and he says it is a long story from an ancient Legend. He opens up a scroll showing ancient Pokémon locked in a huge battle - Landorus was caught up in a fight between Thundurus and Tornadus and badly injured. The local people on Milos Island revived it with Revival Herbs and it blew away Thundurus and Tornadus, then turned Milos Island into a fertile paradise as a thank you to the locals. Ever since there has been an abundance of Revival Herbs, until recently at least where a lack of rain has dried up what is left. Lewis plans to have a rain-making ceremony tomorrow to try and get some moisture in (wasn't there a big-ass storm in the pre-credits sequence?). Just then, a Gothorita jumps through the window with a Revival Herb it managed to find. Lewis tells them it was a Gothorita that allegedly gave the Revival Herb to Landorus and NOT the local population. He picks up the herb but it turns to dust in his hands, dried up like all the rest. He introduces Gothorita to Axew and Pikachu and they all cheer their own names happily while Lilligant continues to die right next to them.

The next day, the twerps help Lewis bring bundles of what looks like hay to the shrine of Landorus. Lewis lights them up and sends in his request to Landorus for rain, translated and directed by a glowing Gothorita. Her psychic message lifts to the sky and forms a circular storm cloud, and Lewis gasps with delight - it's gonna be a downpour! Landorus has answered their prayers! Landorus has-


With a roar, Tornadus whips his tail at the underage children (that's illegal!) and blasts them with a hurricane. The twerps are terrified despite the fact Tornadus wears a sports bra, and their attempts to fight back just drive him into a deeper rage and he chases them away. Lewis thinks it might have something to do with the Tornadus obelisk, which Ash has absolutely no idea what the fuck he is talking about. He explains the obelisk is a monument designed to keep Tornadus away, so something must have happened to it. Cilan stops and tells them to continue on, and he'll do his best to fight the legendary Weather God with his broccoli headed monkey.

Iris races ahead of Lewis despite not knowing where to go, and they arrive at the obelisk to discover the Lightning Wedge has been shattered. Lewis is horrified (maybe you should pay more than lip service to your religion then, buddy!) and then remembers there is a shrine to Thundurus as well on the other little outlying island - has that been defiled too? And who would do such a thing?

Bored teenagers?

Meanwhile, Cilan is surprised to have discovered that legendary weather God Pokémon Pansage is weaker than Tornadus. He has Pansage use Dig to dodge an attack, come up behind Tornadus and blast it with Solar Beam and..... Tornadus gives not a single fuck.

Meanwhile, Iris is vaulting along ahead of Ash and Lewis when a surprise gust of wind separates her and Axew. Axew plummets headfirst towards the rocks but then is frozen in midair by Psychic, Gothorita catching him and Iris and saving them from crippling, agonizing pain. They rush up to the shrine to Thundurus and find it defiled as well, and that means.... yep - motherfucking Thundurus!

It blasts at them, furious at them for existing apparently, then heads straight towards Milos Island to get it some Tornadus fighting action. The twerps chase after, apparently getting there ahead of Thundurus as they find Cilan recalling Pansage. Thundurus and Tornadus face off and begin blasting at each other in the sky, putting all of Milos Island at risk as they try and work out their rage on each other.

What can the twerps do to help save Milos Island? Cilan suggests they get the two to attack them instead. This is a great idea, because right now they're fighting in the skies ABOVE Milos Island, but if they attack the twerps then they'll be blasting directly AT Milos Island, therefore making it safer! Ash calls out Snivy to attack, and she instantly gets blasted at by the two Weather Gods, saved from death only by clever use of Vine Whip on Ash's forearm.

Iris brings out Excadrill to use Focus Blast, but it's attack is quickly overpowered so Axew brings out the big guns with Dragon Rage, and then Cilan brings out the REALLY big guns with.... Stunfisk!


Tornadus and Thundurus tear into the island, watched from a distance by a delighted Team Rocket. Dr. Zager told them that defiling the shrines would bring Thundurus and Tornadus back to Milos Island, and now they just need the twerps to do one more thing for them to complete their plan. Did they plan on the twerps showing up all along, or were they initially going to be the ones stepping into the breach? Or did they figure any old busybody would do the job? Whatever the case, things are working out for them.

Snivy tries to protect Excadrill using Leaf Storm while it charges at the Weather Gods, but it gets blasted back easily. Pikachu and Stunfisk try a Thunderbolt/Thunder Shock combo which achieves nothing, and Pikachu is sent plummeting towards the ground after being knocked off of Stunfisk's back. Stunfisk can do nothing as it slammed into the ground by a savage blow, and the twerps have no choice but to recall their Pokémon, the Weather Gods are too strong.

Lewis asks Gothorita to send their thoughts to Thundurus and Tornadus and try to get them to stop, and she freaks out at the idea until Axew gives her the courage by shouting its own name happily at her a few times. It's to no avail though, the Weather Gods ignore her, breaking out the fisticuffs on each other as Tornadus takes a heavy blow straight to the face.

They're fairly evenly matched though, they're the only ones that can hurt each other but they're also able to take a licking and keep on ticking. Their increasingly violent battle is beginning to fuck up the island as well, causing forest fires and panic amongst all the Pokémon. Lewis says their only chance now is to summon Landorus, but to do that they'll need a Shrine Maiden. Where to find a virgin female though? Lewis makes a pretty hefty assumption and assumes the girl travelling in the company of two adolescent males is a virgin and declares Iris can be the Shrine Maiden. She agrees enthusiastically until she realises what he is saying and begins freaking out. He tells her Gothorita can show her what to do though, and before you know it she's dressed up in an odd South American looking outfit that Lewis just happened to have lying around.

Lewis sets up "Mysterious Stones" around Landorus' Shrine to boost Gothorita's power, and Iris prays to Landorus to come to their aid. Her prayers are amplified and telepathically sent via Gothorita into the shrine and from there into the sky, and then back to the shrine and into the ground, from which emerges.... Landorus? The answer comes next week, Gentle Dodgers, when we'll find out if they were successful, if this will help stop Thundurus and Tornadus, and what Team Rocket's plan is. Because this was only part 1, and the story is...


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