708: Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!    714: Zuruggu to Wagamama Gochimu!    Lady and the Brat                 Axew freaks out over a bratty Pokémon that wants Scraggy for herself    There was a team here once. It's gone now.    You can't always get your own way... unless maybe you're a distinguished Lady   

Today finds Axew and Scraggy in a forest clearing getting back to some of their combat training seen earlier in the series. Scraggy is able to dodge for a little while but takes a Scratch, and Iris calls for her big finisher - Dragon's Rage. Ash is ready for it though, and has Scraggy use a High Jump Kick that just slams with full force into Axew's chin. The Dragon's Rage still goes off though, the explosion knocking them both down into the ground and knocked out. Cilan declares the battle a draw, and Ash and Iris both happily gush over their improvement and hard work. As they chatter away eagerly though, Axew and Scrappy a looking wearily at each other, perhaps wondering how much longer they have to beat the shit out of each other for their trainer's amusement. Ignoring them, they get up and head over to a small pond to drink some water. Grinning at each other afterwards, they begin splashing with the water then chasing each other through the grass. The twerps watch happily, as do their other Pokémon, Snivy seeming pleased to see how well the two get on as well. But as Scrappy and Axew play hide and seek and chase each other, they run headlong into a Gothita and all three go tumbling over. The twerps rush over in a panic, Scraggy getting up and Leering angrily at Gothita which stares with disturbingly open mouth. Ash snaps at Scraggy not to be rude, checking out Gothita and learning it is a "fixation" Pokémon whose wide eyes always appear to be open (and like a horrible fetish sex doll). Scraggy and Gothita continue to stare at each other as Gothita's trainer shows up, not pulling their eyes away.

The twerps introduce themselves to Gothita's trainer, who is named Katharine. An excited Gothita grabs Katharine's badge case to show off her two badges, and doesn't seem too pleased when she learns Ash has four badges (Katharine is impressed though). Axew's stomach grumbles and they settle down to eat, Iris declaring that Cilan is the best chef in the world. Ash doesn't say a damn thing, just keeps on eating, while far off in another region Brock wipes a tear away from his eye and doesn't understand why.

The twerps regale Katharine with tales of Nimbasa City and Elesa the Gym Leader when they learn she is heading that way. Cilan raves about the Subway System and Ingo and Emmett, getting a little too carried away and causing Katharine to back up.

Once again Brock perks up his ears, knowing that somehow he has been COMPLETELY DEFEATED.... I mean, replaced.

Meanwhile, Gothita is REALLY getting up close and personal to scraggy, staring fixedly into his eyes and looking a little..... keen? on dat fukken thing. Scraggy doesn't understand what the fuck, of course, and responds in his normal fashion by trying to headbutt her. She steps aside and he goes crashing along the ground as an astonished Axew watches on, leaving Scraggy hurt, humiliated and laughed at by a girl.

Brock gets up from his study table, kicks the chair leg, says,"Fuck this for a joke!" and storms out of the room.

Gothita puts on a come hither look and beckons him to approach. Her flirtatious approach works, though not for the reasons she may think as Scraggy attempts a flying kick on her. She darts aside and leaves Scraggy to roll around as she laughs, while meanwhile Cilan is STILL ranting happily about the Subway. Unnoticed by him, Katharine is suddenly lifted slowly up by a psychic power and lowered down in front of Gothita. She widens her eyes and mimics headbutting, and Katharine immediately understands that she likes Scraggy.

Wait wait, does she "like" him, or does she "like him, like him"?

So what does Gothita want Katharine to do about it? Why trade in one of her other close friends from another Pokéball of course! Katharine's reaction is appropriate, as she sits Gothita and explains that the trading process is a complicated decision not to be entered into lightly and that i.... actually nah fuck it, she just heads straight over to see Ash and ask him.

Ash, in the process of just sitting there and laughing stupidly for absolutely no reason, seems confused by her offer. Everybody else understands perfectly though, all of them freaking out at the suggestion.

Well okay, Scraggy doesn't know what the fuck is going on either.

Katharine calls out her three Pokémon - Deerling, Darumaka & Mandibuzz (Jesus Christ that last one) - and proudly tells Ash to choose. Ash's reaction, a rather startled, almost laughing exclamation that he's not trading nothing! Gothita and Katharine are shocked, how could he say no when Gothita has her mind set on it!?! He explains he's happy with the Pokémon he has and wants to work with them, not trade them. Katharine uneasily notices Gothita's grumpy look and insists, telling him they'll have a battle but if she wins then Ash will trade Scraggy. Starting to get a little annoyed now, Ash reminds her again that he is NOT interested in trading, besides which Scraggy has little experience in battling. Gothita gets even grumpier and Katharine follows suit, telling Ash he can use any of his Pokémon, and then declaring he must be saying no because he's scared of losing, and he probably faked his Gym Badges because he's so lousy.

Axew is freaking the fuck out, sweating and constantly looking towards Scraggy which remains completely unaware of anything other than the food in his bowl. Ash, not the brightest of sparks, angrily agrees to her request for a battle and Iris shouts at him not to be stupid, he could lose Scraggy (and thus Axew's favourite playmate!). Ash angrily insists that he can win though, and Gothita eagerly appoints Mandibuzz as Katharine's choice for her.

Ash checks out the demonic looking vulture lady with a bone skirt. A "Bone Vulture" Pokémon, it attacks with sharp claws and beak from on high. The other Pokémon eagerly jump around hoping for Ash to choose them (except for Snivy who is too much of a lady to comport herself with anything but dignity), and Ash finally chooses.... Tepig! The other Pokémon seem let down and Axew is continuing to freak out, but the sides has been chosen. They head to the sidelines to watch, Oshawott eager to see what is going to happen and Snivy deliberately above it all on a rock above the others.

Cilan kicks off the battle and Gothita is clearly the one calling the shots for Katharine, who follows her commands and has Mandibuzz open with Fury Attack. Tepig dodges and scores a Tackle, but Katharine (or rather, Gothita) comes back with Air Slash, striking Tepig several times. Ash checks with Tepig he is okay, and then Mandibuzz uses Dark Pulse... but Tepig dodges and uses Flamethrower, hitting Mandibuzz hard and making her pant hard for breath. Gothita gives the next order and Mandibuzz lifts high up in the air to use Brave Bird, blasting directly into a stunned Tepig and sending him flying backwards. But Mandibuzz is somewhat stunned by Recoil and Ash puts Tepig back on the offensive with a tackle. Mandibuzz dodges that though and then a Flamethrower, and swoops back in with Bravebird. But Tepig intercepts with Flame Charge, the smoke blasts up and....

Awwwwwwwww yeah! Brave little sneezey pig did it!

Katharine and Gothita are horrified, and then Gothita begins angrily snapping her own name at Katharine. As all the other Pokémon celebrate, Iris casts a grateful eye over them and then spots Gothita yelling at Katharine. She ponders exactly who the REAL trainer is there, and it's no surprise. Katharine is apologising profusely to Gothita for fucking up, but tells her that she'll just have to forget about Scraggy. Gothita pouts over this, but is quickly snapped out of by a sudden crack of thunder and dark clouds rolling in from nowhere. It begins to rain, and Katharine tells the twerps to follow her and she'll take them to the cabin she and Gothita used the previous night.

They rush there and get inside, drying off as best as they can, wondering how long the rain is going to last. But as Katharine looks out the window, Gothita is pondering how to get her way. She hears Scraggy enjoying getting his head rubbed dry by Ash and suddenly seems to hit on an idea, peering hungrily at him, noticed only by Snivy, who notices EVERYTHING!

The rain has stopped later than night but everyone is asleep - the boys on one side of the cabin and the girls on the other, the Pokémon not giving a shit about gender. Gothita wakes up and tiptoes over to Scraggy, waking him up and miming that she has food, would he like some food? Scraggy eagerly agrees and follows her out of the cabin, leaving behind everyone else. Inside, Axew is having nightmares, imagining if the outcome of the battle has been different. In the nightmare world perception is skewed and shows us somewhat how Axew views the world. Katharine is a tiny little doll-sized girl sitting on a massive, booming voiced Gothita's paw, directing battle as Mandibuzz knocks out Tepig. A caped, flamboyant sunglass wearing Cilan happily declares that Ash loses, and a dopey Ash grins and shrugs oh well! Scraggy joins the massive Gothita and tiny Katharine, and they disappear into blackness as Axew and Iris wave a tearful goodbye. Axew tries to rush after but a waggle of the penis on giant Gothita's head sends him flying backwards into the darkness before Axew comes awake with a start, sweating heavily.

Goddamn I love this show.

Turning, Axew is horrified to discover Gothita and Scraggy are missing. He rushes to the open door and outside, noticed by Snivy (who notices EVERYTHING!) who watches them leave. Outside, Gothita has lead Scraggy to a tree and psychically given him an apple which he happily eats. Axew watches the scene and immediately sees it as Scraggy falling in love with Gothita, and freaks out that this could mean he loses his buddy! He rushes up, grabs Scraggy's arm and tries to pull him away, but a determined Gothita grabs Scraggy's other arm and holds him back.

Meanwhile, Pikachu is desperately trying to wake up Ash. Finally he cracks his eyes open, waking the others who all realise that some of their Pokémon are missing. They head outside and call out their other Pokémon to go looking for the others, heading out into the night, Katharine especially freaking out.

Axew and Gothita continue their tug of war, hauling on Scraggy's arms till Axew pulls the old trick of letting go. Gothita is sent tumbling backwards, and angrily waves the penis on her head to cause a blast of energy to fly over Scraggy and Axew's head. Pissed off, Axew leaps up and lets loose with Dragon Rage, sending Gothita flying through the air and the bushes, landing on a huge, oddly flexible rock. A rock? Nuh uh, it's Garbodor! A grotesque living pile of garbage, the evolved form of Trubbish. It burps a load of foul gas right into Gothita's face, causing her to react immediately physically and.... well, it ain't good!

Told you so!

Gothita rejoins the other two, but while Axew and Gothita are freaking out, Snivy reacts as per usual and tries to stare the oncoming behemoth down. But as it charges, two green vines zip out of nowhere and haul Axew and Scraggy out of the way of a big blast of some kind of sludge/garbage based attack. Snivy looks up at her two captured wards, hands on her hips like a stern mother. Gothita was left to her own devices, and is pretty pissed about it. She blasts a ball of energy (it's got a name probably, but rather than get screamed at for calling it Energy Ball instead of Energy Blast or Energy Burst, let's leave it at a vague description) at Garbodor, pissing it off and causing it to blast purple goop at all of them. This means Snivy has to dodge both for herself AND Axew and Scraggy. Gothita is left alone to dodge by herself, ending up getting blasted in her ass for her troubles..

The twerps arrive, having been warned by Tranquill what was going on, and Cilan identifies the Garbodor. Katharine figures out the Pokémon must have upset it (to her credit she acknowledges Gothita as part of that group), and Ash sends in Pikachu to explain it's all an accident.

Lucky Pikachu.

Still Pikachu does as told, and for his problems gets a mouthful of Clear Smog. But as he tries to explain further, a pissed off Gothita decodes to get involved as well and builds up to attack. Katharine yells at her to stop but Gothita pays no attention... and then Snivy gives her a good spanking!

She drops to the ground and turns to glare at Snivy, who gives her a rather haughty look back. Meanwhile, the twerps are trying to calm down Garbodor, and Cilan asks Katharine if her Deerling can use Aromatherapy. It can, and Katharine calls Deerling out and has her blast the sweet smell all over Garbodor. It breathes in deep, smiles happily, turns and walks away. Cilan shouts out an apology, and Ash and Iris both admonish Scraggy and Axew for rushing off in the middle of the night like that. Tellingly, nobody tells off Snivy, and Katharine is just too busy hugging Gothita to discipline her. But Gothita has some demands of her own! After she notices Snivy she glares at her and Snivy.... sniffs and turns her head away, causing Gothita's blood pressure to shoot up. She demands from Katharine that she get to have a battle with Snivy tomorrow, and since she's definitely not wearing the pants in this relationship, Katharine agrees. She rushes over to Ash and asks him for a battle with Snivy tomorrow, and this time she doesn't apply any conditions. Snivy doesn't seem to want to waste her time though, till she hears Axew insisting she teach Gothita a lesson, which makes her smirk.

The next day, the sun is shining bright on the field as they prepare for battle. The other Pokémon all shout on encouragement (except for Scraggy who has no idea what is going on). The battle kicks off hard and fast, with Snivy blocking Gotha's early attacks, fighting toe to toe with Double Slap against Vine Whip in mid-air... and then Snivy gets the advantage with a Leaf Blade right to Gothita's head! She crashes down and Katharine asks frantically if she is okay, and Gothita yells at her to give her another move to use. She orders a Psi-Shock, but Ash orders a Leaf storm and it isn't even close to a match, Gothita gets knocked THE FUCK OUT!

Snivy smugly accepts congratulations from Ash, the other Pokémon cheer happily and a recovered Gothita leaps up and begins stomping her foot in an utter tantrum. Snivy approaches slowly, then smugly smirks right in her goddamn face. Gothita, completely trumped in every respect and for the first time in her life NOT getting her way, simply can't deal with it. She bursts into tears and takes off down the road, leaving behind an astonished Katharine. She yells at Gothita to wait and starts to chase after her, stopping to call back a thanks to the twerps for everything they did. Then off she goes, a strange girl with a stranger Pokémon, somebody who is going to get torn apart in Nimbasa City. Axew couldn't be more pleased about that, and thanks Snivy happily who just gives that same old smirk. They head off all together, Snivy smirking, Axew delighted his buddy isn't going anywhere and Scraggy.....

Scraggy hasn't got a fucking clue what was going on at all!


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