Pikachu Times Two
Dodgy Synopsis

Satoshi no Pikachuu!!
Pikachu Times Two

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
An Ashachu Adventure

Dodgyness Rating:


One of the best

Team Rocketness-
Double scheming

Moral Learnt

Pikachu may be just as dumb as Ash

Last episode was an odd one, Gentle Dodgers, as the twerps encountered a strange young woman named Lily. She claimed to be a Pokemon Magician, and set the twerps on a wild goose chase to find various different ingredients. But it seemed that the only thing phoney about her was her terrible British accent, as at the end of the episode she succeeded in turning Ash into a Pikachu, even though that wasn't her intention. Now, there is an interesting dynamic in the twerps, as we now have....

Pikachu Times Two.

Lily has gone, leaving Ash transformed and eager to play. Today's episode begins with the sun setting, and Ash sitting by the fire as Brock prepares dinner. Brock asks Ash if he wants to try some Pokemon food but Ash says he would far prefer human food. Misty asks him what it feels like to be a Pikachu and he says he feels exactly the same as before, only now he is shorter, furrier and has a tail.

Goddamn furries.

Brock tells him to get his Pokemon out to get their food.... then they all stop as they realise he doesn't have his Pokeballs. He slaps at his sides in concern, and they figure that the magic must have transformed the Pokeballs as well. Brock tells him that once he changes back that they can feed his Pokemon, and he hopes Brock is right.
"Where's Pikachu?" asks Misty, and they look over and notice Pikachu standing by the edge of the forest, looking about. Ash calls out asking it what is wrong, and Pikachu looks back and smiles, then turns to look back at the forest. Brock thinks maybe it can sense something and they walk to the edge of the forest, asking Pikachu what is the matter.
Pikachu keeps staring, and then calls out, "PIKAPI!"
"Pikachu buddy, I'm right here," Ash says, but Pikachu ignores him and keeps looking out into the forest.
"Pikapi?" it sighs, then turns and looks at Brock and Misty, a questioning look on its face.
"Pikachu, Ash is right here," Misty tells him, pointing down at Ash, "Remember? Lily turned him into a Pikachu."
Pikachu stares at Ash and then babbles a string of words at him, but Ash is completely confused. Brock and Misty ask him if he understands what Pikachu means but he says he doesn't have a clue; all he knows is that it keeps saying his name. They tell Pikachu to come and get a meal, and with a final lingering glance back at the forest, Pikachu joins them.

Meanwhile Team Rocket are trudging through the forest, Meowth complaining that it is getting dark and James moaning that they're hungry. Jesse snaps that she doesn't have any food or any light, and she is fast running out of sympathy too. Wobbuffet snaps up to happily salute and agree, and she pulls it back into its Pokeball with a grunt.
"If we'd gotten dat magic book, we coulda conjured up some grub," sighs Meowth.
"I wish I could conjure away your big mouth," snaps Jesse back, and then pulls to a stop, James walking right into her and Meowth into him, they all stagger back and Jesse snaps at them to shut up, she thought she smelt food. She turns around and lets out a cry of fright as she sees Wobbuffet standing in front of her, proudly saluting. She growls at it that she told it to stay in its Pokeball, and it salutes and agrees. So why didn't it then? It folds its arms across its chest and replies with its own name again, sounding smug. Jesse snaps that she doesn't have time for this, and reaches for her Pokeball, but then Wobbuffet steps aside and they see a basket full of apples.
"Oh my beautiful blue blob!" she gasps, eyes wobbly with delight.
"Our Pokemon in shining armour!" gasps James, the camera zooming past Jesse to him.
The camera moves down to Meowth... only Meowth isn't there. Jesse and James stare down in confusion, then turn to see Meowth sitting by the basket, about to take big bite out of an apple.
They roar in fury and descend on him, fighting over the basket, then stopping to pant heavily, then fighting again until they stop to pant, then fighting again until James calls a stop, suggesting that they just stop fighting and eat their fruit.

Well James knows all about eating fruit!

They turn around and find Wobbuffet sitting on the tree stump, the basket empty and apple cores everywhere. Wobbuffet happily salutes at them, and proclaims its own name.
"You bloated blue blob!" Jesse roars, fire in her eyes.
"Con-artist!" growls James, his eyes similarly inflamed.
"Tah fink we both call ourselves Pokemon!" hisses Meowth.
Suddenly a voice calls out, and they turn to see a large man standing in the trees, roaring that they just ate all of his apples. They know better than to try and explain themselves, and leg it, leaving behind the empty basket.... and Wobbuffet!
It salutes and says its own name happily as the growling man stands glaring furiously at it, and then a red light surrounds it as Wobbuffet is called back into its Pokeball.

Meanwhile the twerps have finished their meal, Ash laughing that he kept trying to use his hands to eat. Pikachu sits near him but looking out into the forest, and Misty notes that it still doesn't seem quite right.
Ash asks if it is okay, and it turns and mutters in Pika-speak again, again mentioning his name, "Pikapi."
Misty says she is worried about Pikachu, but they are sidetracked by more immediate concerns when storm clouds suddenly start gathering overhead. Brock warns that it looks like rain, and they decide to head for a cave they saw back in the forest earlier in the day. They gather up their things and start heading away, but Pikachu stays where it is, looking confused and frightened, and Ash asks it what is wrong. It repeats his name again and he tells it he is right there, but Pikachu just stares at him. Brock cries for them to come and reluctantly Pikachu follows along, walking alongside Ash.
Inside the cave, they set up a fire and settle in as outside the storm breaks, rain pouring down and thunder rolling, with the odd lightning strike. Brock says they were lucky to get here in time. Ash again asks Pikachu what is the matter and Pikachu replies with hurried urgency, saying,"Pikapi," several times. Ash is frustrated, telling Misty and Brock that he wishes the spell had made him able to understand Pikachu as well as look like one. He can tell Pikachu is frustrated, and it has something to do with him, but he can't figure out what. Brock suggests that it might be the storm causing the trouble, after all Pikachu must feel the electricity in the air. They ask Ash if he can feel anything, but he says he just feels the same as he always does in a storm, though maybe his fur is standing up a little on his back. Misty thinks maybe Pikachu is confused as to why Ash is a Pikachu, then jokes that the one time they could use Team Rocket, they're nowhere to be found. Ash agrees, Meowth isn't good for much, but at least he can understand human AND Pokemon.
They decide to settle down for the night, and Ash curls up by the fire, telling Brock and Misty that his fur keeps him warm, he won't need a blanket. Pikachu curls up beside him, and the camera pulls away from them to show the exterior of the cave, and the rain coming down harder and harder.

Later that night, the twerps lie sleeping in the cave, but Pikachu suddenly wakes up. It looks about and then looks at the entrance to the cave.
"Pikapi!" it says, and runs to the cave entrance, looks back at the sleeping twerps, then rushes out into the rain.
Meanwhile Team Rocket sit huddled miserably under branches held over their heads, sitting against the trunk of a large tree and mumbling about the rain. James says he was sure he saw a cave earlier in the day and Meowth sarcastically mutters that that is wonderful..... if he could remember where it was. Jesse agrees, snapping at James to stop "rubbing it in" before complaining that her arm hurts from holding up the branch.
"WOBBUH!" cries Wobbuffet, appearing out of its Pokeball then freezing in place, looking up at the rain before tapping its Pokeball and returning inside.
"Sometimes I wish I could do dat," Meowth mutters, "I hate da smell of wet fur."
"It's no treat for us either," grunts James.
"Oh quiet both of you," sniffs Jesse,"This is.... did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" asks James.
"Shhh!' she shhhs, "Listen!"
"How do we know what tah listen for?" asks Meowth, then cringes as she lifts a fist towards him.
In the distance comes the sound of Pikachu, crying out, "Piiiikapi!"
"That sounds like...." starts James.
"Pikachu!" finishes Meowth.
The rain stops and the clouds part, revealing a full moon as the camera changes to Pikachu, moving through the forest calling out, "Pikapi!" again and again, a look of concern on its face.
"Well well," laughs Jesse, standing on a rock near Pikachu, "What have we here?"
"The twerp's Pikachu!" grins James.
"Minus da twerps!" laughs Meowth.
Pikachu snaps angrily, leaping to its hind legs and glowering at the three, but Jesse admonishes it to calm down, asking what it is doing out all on its lonesome in the big, dark, scary forest. Pikachu stares at them, then turns to Meowth and quickly talks, mentioning, "Pikapi several times, while Meowth listens, translating for Jesse and James.
"He says da twerp has gone and got lost," Meowth explains, "And he can't find him and he is worried about where he might be, and if he's in trouble, so he came out looking for him."
"Oooooh, little Pikachu lost his trainer!" mocks James, and gets slapped on the back of the head by Jesse for his troubles. She pulls him aside and growls that they can turn this to their advantage, tell Pikachu they'll help it find the twerp, and then take it to the Boss instead! James is worried that the twerps will find them, but Jesse reminds him that Pikachu said the twerp had gotten lost, so if they can get out of the forest then the twerps will be left behind too, looking for a Pikachu that isn't there.
She kneels down by Pikachu and smiles, telling it that they'll help it find the twe.... his missing friends. Pikachu looks at them suspiciously, then turns and looks at the dark forest and mutters, "Pikapi," with concern. It turns back to Team Rocket and nods, talking to Meowth who laughs and tells Jesse and James that, "dey got a deal!"

The next morning Ash is in a panic, calling out for Pikachu outside of the cave. Brock and Misty are also looking about, with no luck. Ash complains that if he could get to his Pokeballs he could call out Noctowl to search, but Brock tells him there is no point worrying about things they can't do anything about. They decide to set about searching, gathering their bags and heading into the forest.
Above the forest, Pikachu is with Team Rocket in their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon. They are assuring it that they can see the forest better from up here, and they'll sail all the way over until they spot his missing friends.
Pikachu stares over the edge of the basket as Jesse whispers to James to sail about and then head out and away from the forest, and her and Meowth will put Pikachu into a cage. He mutters, "Roger," as Meowth asks Pikachu if maybe the others have abandoned it? Pikachu snaps back that they would never leave it behind and Meowth quickly assures it he didn't mean nuttin, and Wobbuffet pops out with a salute, declaring its own name in agreement.
Jesse growls at it to return to its Pokeball, telling it that they're busy looking for Pikachu's friend, and Wobbuffet happily points over the edge of the basket, directly down at Brock, Misty and Ash as they walk along the forest floor.
"You idiot!" growls Jesse as Pikachu looks over the edge of the basket, then quickly changes her tune as she realises that Brock and Misty have.... a Pikachu with them!
"Am I seeing double?" asks James.
"Double the bonus from the Boss!" Jesse laughs, "Change of plan!"
She snatches up a cage and slams it over an astonished Pikachu, then pulls a remote control out of.... somewhere.... (and wouldn't you Gentle Dodgers like to know where!) and hits a button. Two clamps fire out of the Balloon, shooting down and closing around Misty and Brock, securing their arms to their sides. Ash cries out in shock, wanting to know what is doing on.
"Prepare for trouble, we've got Pikachu!" laughs Jesse as the balloon lowers.
"And make it double, Pikachu times two!" adds James.
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth...." starts Meowth.
"WOBBUFFET!" insists Wobbuffet, popping up holding Pikachu in a cage above its head.
"PIKACHU!" cries Ash, which by a remarkable coincidence is just what Team Rocket would have expected him to say.
Jesse says she doesn't know where they got a second Pikachu, but she isn't going to turn down a two for one special. Brock and Misty snap angrily at her that she doesn't know what she is doing, and then James slides up beside her, murmuring with concern that the third twerp is nowhere to be seen. Jesse doesn't care though, hopping out of the basket and dropping to a squat, calling out to Ash to come over and get a big hug.
"You must be crazy!" snaps Ash, and Jesse stumbles backwards, arms flailing in surprise.
"It.... it...." she gasps.
"It can.... it can...." cries James.
"ANUVVA TALKING POKEMON!" cries Meowth, eyes wobbly with joy, "I TAUT I WAS DA ONLY ONE!"
He rushes up to Ash, lifting him up and twisting him around, causing his hat to fall off and roll up against a tree. Ash demands to be let down but Meowth hugs him gleefully instead, babbling that there is so much he wants to talk about, while Brock and Misty exchange worried glances. Brock whispers to Misty, asking if she can reach her Pokeballs, but she can't and neither can he. They start backing up to each other, hoping one of them can grab the other's balls (GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA) but Jesse spots them and sends in Arbok, separating them with a hiss. She then turns her attention to Ash, who has pulled himself out of Meowth's embrace and is glaring up at her, demanding she release Pikachu.
She ignores his demands, asking James what he thinks the going price on a talking Pokemon will be, surely the Boss will clear their debt for such a rare and valuable Pokemon. After all, it isn't every day that you find a Pokemon who can speak!
Meowth snaps at her, demanding to know what he is, chopped liver? She replies that he is annoying, and Wobbuffet happily agrees. She sighs, saying she told it to get back in its ball and returns it herself without looking.... which means that Pikachu's cage falls to the ground and breaks open, letting Pikachu out!
As Jesse and James focus their attention on Ash - offering to do a deal with him and take him to gain fame and fortune that he won't find with the twerps - Pikachu notices Ash's hat by a tree and rushes to it, gasping, "Pikapi!"
"Ash!" cries Brock, and Team Rocket jump in fright and look about for the missing twerp, while Brock tells him to try and use a Thunderbolt on them. They turn to stare at Ash, who seems taken aback that he didn't think of this earlier.
"A Thunderbolt?" he asks, then grins and grits his teeth as Team Rocket panic, Jesse and James hugging in fright as Ash grunts and strains and.... suddenly his eyes go wide and a red blushline crosses his face. Brock and Misty are both blushing too, and Team Rocket stare at Ash with wide eyes and then start laughing themselves, Jesse and James waving hands in front of their faces.

Oh my, the editing makes it difficult to tell, Gentle Dodgers, but one could be forgiven for thinking that Ash either just farted..... or shit himself.

Jesse stops laughing, looking angry as she snaps to Arbok to use Wrap Attack on Ash. The snake eagerly wraps its tail around Ash and begins squeezing, making him cry out in pain. Brock calls out to Pikachu to help, but the fat electric rat ignores him as it holds Ash's hat in its hand and looks about, calling out, "Pikapi! Pikapi!"
"Pikachu! What are you doing!" cries Ash as he is squeezed between the coils of Arbok's tail, "You've got to help me!"
"Forget about Pikachu," says Meowth, "He's looking for da other twerp."
"The other....?" grunts Ash, "I don't understand!?!"

Nothing new there, then.

"Don't get you get it, Ash!?!" yells Brock, who should know better, "Pikachu doesn't realise that you're you! He thinks you're just another Pikachu!"
"That Pikachu.... is the twerp?" asks James, an idea that delights Jesse. The twerp has cost them so many times and ruined their Team Rocket careers, now he can make them!
Ash cries out to Pikachu, telling it to listen, to really listen to him. It's him, not another Pikachu, he IS Ash! He is Pikachu's best friend, and Pikachu is his, he has to listen to him and help them!
Pikachu stares at Ash, being crushed between Arbok's coils, and looks down at the hat it is holding in its paws. It looks back up and says softly, "Pikapi?"
Suddenly Arbok is sent reeling, Tackled hard by Pikachu, causing it to drop Ash from the grips of its Wrap Attack. Team Rocket cry out in horror, Jesse snapping that she isn't going to let them go when they could finally have double the Pikachu, and orders Arbok to use Poison Sting. Pikachu dodges the attack at Ash's command, seemingly understanding him now, and tackles Arbok back into Team Rocket, sending them crashing into the basket of their balloon.
"Now Pikachu!" orders Ash, "Thunderbolt!"
"It's not fair!" moans James as electricity smashes into them. "I know!" sobs Meowth.
"We were so close!" cries Jesse.
"I'm all alone again!" finishes Meowth.
"Wobbuh..." starts Wobbuffet, popping out of its ball in time to get a full taste of Thunderbolt before the balloon explodes, and sends Team Rocket blasting off again!

The twerps stand together at the base of a forested mountain as the sun begins to set, Brock and Misty somehow free from their clamps and giving Ash and Pikachu some room. Ash has his hat on once again but is still a Pikachu, the difference being now that his Pikachu seems to understand this.
He asks Pikachu if he is ok with having him be a Pikachu, and Pikachu smiles and says, "Pikapi," before doing something it hasn't done since the very first episode of Pokemon. It steps up and quickly licks Ash's cheek, and as the episode ends Ash blushes and laughs, though it must be said somewhat nervously.

You know you would too!


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