240: Magukarugo!  Atsui Kokoro de Getto da ze!!
237: Some Like it Hot!

Dodgy Synopsis

240: Magukarugo!  Atsui Kokoro de Getto da ze!!

237: Some Like it Hot!

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Misty Gets Fired

Dodgyness Rating:


Race traitors

Team Rocketness-
Staying cool

Moral Learnt

Everything is better when it is bigger.... EVERYTHING!

Today finds the twerps moving through a mountainous region of Johto, moaning about the heat as the sun beats down on them, the rocks absorbing the heat and baking the air around them. Brock mutters an explanation that there are a lot of volcanoes in the area, which also means hot springs. That doesn't offer Misty much solace though, who would want to get into a hot spring in this baking hot weather?
You'd be surprised, Misty, after all....

Some Like It Hot. Indeed, some of those who like it hot include Jesse, James and Meowth who are soaking in a nearby hot spring. Enjoying the hot water as it eases the tension and stress out of their body, Jesse - dressed in an army-camo bikini - is so relaxed that even Wobbuffet popping up out of the water and roaring its own name can stress her. They look up the cliff near their hot spring and spot the twerps walking far above them and briefly consider going after them. But they - as James notes - are the source of much of Team Rocket's stress anyway, so why bother? They lie back and watch as nearby a geyser goes off, Meowth noting that the area is famous for its old "geezers", and Jesse agrees that the geysers aren't so bad either. But as they lie in the water, they feel a rumbling and immediately realise what is going to happen.... it seems it was too good to be true, as a geyser erupts beneath them and sends them blasting off again.


Ash, Misty and Brock continue on, snapping at each other over the oppressive heat until they're all distracted by a passing Pokemon. It is a weird looking thing, a red snail with a rocky shell and drooping skin and disgusting flesh-sacs hanging down around its mouth. Dexter informs Ash that it is Magcargo as Brock looks about and for the first time realises there are a large number of the odd Pokemon all around them. Apparently they like volcanic areas, which makes this area perfect for them.
They continue on without attempting to capture one, deciding the Magcargo are more than welcome to the territory. Unfortunately they're not given much choice in the matter when they turn a corner and find themselves facing a giant version of the snail Pokemon, sleeping across the road and blocking their path.
Ash - in a bad mood already from the heat - begins shouting at the Pokemon to wake up and move aside, popping the snot-bubble coming out of its nose and waking it up. What is the oddest about all this is that the Magcargo might be blocking MOST of the road, but there is definitely room to move around - maybe Ash is just being a jerk due to the heat?
Regardless, Magcargo doesn't particularly appreciate being woken up by this little jerk kid and blasts at him with Flamethrower. Ash and the others duck underneath the burst of flame, then jump up and roar at it not to be such a big jerk. It responds by blasting fire back at them again and then goes back to sleep, satisfied they've buggered off.
Ash grunts and asks Pikachu if it is ready to fight, but Misty steps up to the plate saying that her Water Pokemon will be more effective against Magcargo than anything Ash has. She grabs a Pokeball and calls for Poliwhirl, but before she has a chance to throw the Pokeball.... Psyduck jumps out of its Pokeball from her backpack instead!
The confused duck finds itself standing in front of Magcargo as Misty cries out in disbelief, the snot-bubble coming out of Magcargo's nose pushing against Psyduck's belly, pushing it back and lifting up its beak before popping, waking Magcargo back up. Horrified, Psyduck turns and runs, hugging desperately to Misty's leg as she snaps at it that if it is just going to hide, why did it bother coming out in the first place?
This time Misty succeeds in calling out Poliwhirl, which blasts at Magcargo with Water Gun. Magcargo simply retreats into its rocky shell though, absorbing the blast of water before re-emerging and slamming itself against the cliff-side, sending a rockslide falling towards Poliwhirl who has to dodge around the rocks, dart aside from a roaring Magcargo and then attempt to dodge (unsuccessfully) another Flamethrower Attack. Poliwhirl collapses backwards, while laughter echoes around the valley and the twerps look up to see a young boy with horrible hair shaped like an ass standing atop a cliff. He mocks Misty, telling her he watched her battle technique and it was pathetic, all she did was run around on the defensive! Misty snaps angrily back at him and he takes this as a challenge, preparing to dramatically jump down off of the cliff and.... well, it's pretty big cliff.... and ummmm.....
The twerps stare at him as he stands braced to jump, apparently frozen in place until Brock suggests it might be dangerous to jump. Well now that it has been suggested he is scared, there is nothing for it but to do it to prove to these strangers just how not scared he isn't really not!
He leaps off of the cliff, plummets through the air and crashes on his face, much to the twerps' horror. They rush up and Ash asks if he is okay, and the kid leaps back up with a dizzy laugh and insists that he was using an old trick to lull his opponents into a false sense of security. This kicks off another round of abuse between him and Misty, during which time the giant Magcargo turns and glides away into a cave-tunnel. The kid turns to chase it, then turns back and blames Misty for letting it "get away" from him which prompts her to reply that if he is going to keep insulting her, she should at least know his name.
He introduces himself as Egan, and much like Misty loves Water Pokemon it seems that Egan loves - as well as a hairdo that looks like an ass - fire and Fire Pokemon. Togepi stares with wide-mouthed delight at the overly grandiose young boy, apparently finding the whole thing hilarious. It has a similar look on its face with Misty retaliates by declaring that her friends call her Misty but he can call her the Water Princess, which descends into more angry bickering as Ash and Brock turn and smile at each other, then slowly lean forward and start to make out.

Ok ok, that last bit didn't happen, but considering all the arguing going on and Ash and Brock's lack of importance to the episode so far, they could have probably done it and got away with it.

Misty challenges Egan to a battle, eager to put the young upstart in his place, but he replies that he doesn't have time to waste on her when there is a giant Magcargo to catch. He rushes off with a closing insult, heading into the tunnel after Magcargo.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket float overhead on their balloon, their cheeks flushed blue and all of them smiling. Despite being blasted off earlier, the hot spring was so relaxing that they're still feeling good, enjoying sailing through the air..... until a familiar rumbling gets their attention again, and another geyser bursts out of the ground, through the air and into their balloon, sending them blasting off again!


The twerps continue on through the mountain path, Misty still grumbling about Egan when he suddenly rushes out of a tunnel in the cliffside and cries out to them, asking if they have seen the giant Magcargo. Misty laughs, mocking him for not managing to capture yet as he seemed so confident of earlier. He snaps back at her, but then cuts off as the giant Magcargo slides by and he turns to challenge it to a battle. He calls out a small, puppyish Flareon and orders it to use Flamethrower, and we are treated to stock footage (with the Water Gun replaced by Flamethrower) of the earlier battle between Magcargo and Poliwhirl. Emerging from its shell, Magcargo smashes the cliff and sends a rockslide down towards Flareon, which tries unsuccessfully to avoid the rocks with Quick Attack. Flareon fires back with Flamethrower, but Magcargo retreats into its shell and absorbs the blast easily. Egan is furious, declaring that Magcargo's tactic of avoiding damage and then dishing it out is a "loser's" strategy. Magcargo replies to this with a Flamethrower that burns all over Flareon, and then Magcargo leaps high in the air to use Body Slam, Misty calling out to Flareon to dodge it. Egan snaps at Misty to stay out of his face and tells Flareon to use Flaming Tackle instead. Flareon lights up and charges into the much heavier, body slamming Magcargo and.... gets knocked flying backwards.
Flareon struggles back to its feet and meets Magcargo's Flamethrower with its own, but Magcargo is much more powerful and blasts through the other Pokemon's attack, burning it with Flamethrower once again. Brock is worried about Flareon, but Egan begins to roar with laughter, claiming that it will take more than that to knock out his Flareon.... and then notices that Flareon is.... knocked out!
Misty mocks the brash young kid for being beaten just as badly as she was, and Egan growls back at her, both of them arguing until Brock comments that maybe they should all just calm down and have a bite to eat? Proud, proud Egan replies that he isn't that hungry, and then his belly rumbles hungrily, much to his embarrassment.
As they head off to find a place to eat, above them watch a disappointed Jesse, James and Meowth. They had been hoping the battle between Egan and Magcargo would go a little bit better, giving them a chance to grab at least one of the Pokemon. Meowth seemed to have been paying more attention to the aftermath of the battle though, noting that he is very hungry, although as James points out, they don't have any food. As they lean disconsolately over the rock edge, they smell something cooking, and turn to find that - for absolutely no reason whatsoever - a small Magcargo has been using Flamethrower on their asses!
"That snail's.... been roasting our tails!" they cry, then leap up and run into the distance, crying out, "Team Rocket's blazing off again!"

Elsewhere the twerps settles down to eat, Misty joining Egan and his Flareon and making at least an attempt to be nice to him. Flareon settles onto his lap and falls asleep, Egan telling Misty that he really cares for it and doesn't want to hurt it..... but when a battle starts he kind of loses control and HAS to keep battling no matter what. Misty tells him that she too sometimes lets her emotions get the better of her (poor, confused Psyduck) and Egan happily agrees that she has quite a temper! But that was a parting sting, and he agrees with her to put their silly arguments aside as he asks her to tell him why she likes Water Pokemon so much. She goes with the same old recycled Zen philosophy familiar from different kung-fu movies about how water flows and assumes shapes based on its environment rather than being trapped in one particular form. Egan likes the sound of that though, and tells her he'll keep it in mind the next time he battles.
A short time later they encounter the giant Magcargo again and once more Egan challenges it to a battle. He calls out Flareon and Magcargo decides to end things early by setting off another rockslide, but luckily time happens to freeze which gives Egan plenty of time to stand grimacing and think about what Misty told him and then assign proper instructions to Flareon. With time suddenly flowing again, Flareon stands beneath the falling rocks and watches how they fall, keeping an eye on the flow before suddenly moving up through them, coming out unharmed. Flareon follows up with Flamethrower and Magcargo retreats into its shell, which gives Egan the opening he needs. He has Flareon leap onto the top of Magcargo's shell and when it emerges, it looks around confused for the little puppyish Pokemon.... and then gets a blast of Flamethrower against the back of the head!
Magcargo roars in surprise and tries to shake Flareon free as it uses Flamethrower again, causing Magcargo to once again retreat into its shell in an effort to get away. Flareon leaps off of Magcargo, bounces off of a rock and tackles into the shell, knocking Magcargo out of its shell before Flareon lets rip with another Flamethrower, leaving Magcargo lying dazed and battered on the ground. Egan tosses a Pokeball at the downed snail, and it is sucked into the Pokeball which falls to the ground and shakes about, beeping and beeping as the twerps watch and watch and watch and..... finally sits still.

YES! Egan just caught a giant mutant Magcargo with an enlarged heart likely to suffer from bad circulation and die before it hits 30!

But as he celebrates, a mechanical hand reaches down and grabs the Pokeball, lifting it up much to everyone's shock.
"Prepare for trouble like a hot lava flow!" calls Jesse.
"And make it double or to the showers youšll go!" adds James.
To protect our team from the volcanošs wrath!"
"We keep cool while you get a molten rock bath!"
"To denounce truth and love from our very first pitch!" says Jesse, as for some reason she and James are dressed up in baseball uniforms.
"Hit it out of the park, wouldnšt that be a switch!"
"Winding up we prepare for a home run!" cries Jesse, throwing a flaming baseball. "Keep your eye on the ball, here comes a hard one!" adds James, who knows all about keeping his eye on balls and getting his hands around a hard one. He catches Jesse's fastball and throws it.
"I fort dis was softball?" cries Meowth, catching the ball.
Ash demands that they give the Pokeball back, Jesse laughing at such a ridiculous demand.
"You're not going to get away!" shouts Ash.
"This is us, getting away!" laugh Team Rocket, sailing away in their balloon.

Well shit Ash, you just got owned!
v Misty sends out Poliwhirl who uses Water Gun to break the mechanical hand in two (what kind of water does Misty use anyway?) and Egan catches the Pokeball. A furious Jesse sends out Arbok and James throws out Victreebell, which immediately tries to eat him. Egan sends out Magcargo (recovered already from its beating) which along with Poliwhirl make quick work of Arbok and Victreebell. Then Egan and Misty team up, having Poliwhirl and Magcargo combine Water Gun and Flamethrower. Unfortunately the fire is put out by the water, and the heat from the fire turns the water into useless steam, and both attacks are negated. James then uses Weezing to lay down Smokescreen and they fly off in the balloon, escaping without Pokemon but also without being blasted off again.


So Poliwhirl and Magcargo combine their Water Gun and Flamethrower Attacks which blast into Team Rocket, who cry out that it's hot, it's cold, it's hot, itšs cold! Pikachu then delivers the final blow, thunderbolting Team Rocket and sending them blasting off again!



With Team Rocket blasted off, Egan and Misty say their goodbyes once more and head away, once more on the way to Blackthorn City.


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