236: Akai Gyaradosu no Ikari!
232: Rage of Innocence

Dodgy Synopsis

236: Akai Gyaradosu no Ikari!

232: Rage of Innocence

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Of Team Rocket and Men

Dodgyness Rating:


Thrilling conclusion to a two parter

Team Rocketness-
Not enough men

Moral Learnt

Capes are cooler than muscles in the bad-ass stakes

Yesterday left off with the twerps captured by the sinister side of Team Rocket, lead by a creepy goateed asshole called Professor Sebastian and a muscle-bound thug named Tyson. They left the happier, comedic version of Team Rocket behind to guard the twerps and took with them a Red Gyrados, the result of a project to force the inducement of evolution in Pokemon that has so far only worked with the Magikarp that turned into the scary Red Gyrados. Now it seems Team Rocket are going to get away with their scheme, with the only chance for the innocent Red Gyrados the stowaway disguised "G-Man" of the elite Four - Lance - to help it. Though it isn't entirely defenceless itself, in fact Team Rocket may find they have to face the....

Rage of Innocence.

Tyson sits in his truck telling the Mahogany crew that they're on their way and they want to be ready to leave straight away. Lance follows in a car still disguised, but falls behind and sends through a call to Officer Jenny telling her to be ready before turning and heading back towards Lake Rage.

Poor Lance, so sensible in all respects, and yet so unaware that after Jenny gets off the phone she probably goes back to watching her "stories".

Meanwhile, the twerps and their still sick Pokemon are in a cage demanding to be let out, while Jesse and James snap at them to shut up, they're giving them a headache (Meowth is still knocked out from the inducement ray earlier. Pikachu comes awake and tries to use Thunderbolt, but can't quite get up the energy to do so, and then Jesse and James walk in swinging a key jauntily, telling them they're going to grab Pikachu now. They open the door and Arbok zaps Poison Sting at the twerps to get them out of the way, then Jesse points a remote control at Pikachu and hits a button, opening the clamp around Pikachu's body..... but then everyone elsešs as well!
Jesse squawks that this is an equal opportunity opener and blames James, who squeals that he didn't read the manual. Ash calls out Cyndaquil, which lays down a Smokescreen and allows the twerps to get the hell out of there. Team Rocket follow, Meowth waking up from his induced sickness from earlier and joining the chase. Arbok fires Poison Sting and prevents the twerps from getting out of the hangar they are in, and then the snake leaps at the twerps and.... gets blasted away by a zap of electricity!
Not from Pikachu though, no it is a Dragonite that lands before them as a car pulls up and a Team Rocket grunt gets out, and then introduces himself with a dramatic flash of his cape, itšs Lance of the G-Men! James seems more surprised to notice that Meowth is awake again, while Jesse snaps that she doesn't care if he is a G-Man, a tree man or a He-Man, he's soon to be an Ex-Man!

That's right, Gentle Dodgers; she means to savage the very genitals from his crotch.

Arbok lunges up to attack, and Dragonite hits it with a Twister which smashes into a fleeing Team Rocket and sends them.... yep, blasting off again!


Lance snaps at that twerp that he warned them not to come back and they apologise, but he then admits that he can understand their desire to want to help. They move off to take a look at the otherwise unguarded complex with the equipment so vital to Team Rocket's plans. He finds the control room for the Evolution Inducement Signal and says they have to figure out a way to destroy it.

Hey! Dragonite's a way to destroy stuff!

It blasts the screen with Hyper-Beam and destroys the signal tower too, and as the complex explodes and sends vile pollutants into the lake and probably sets off a forest fire than kills hundreds of innocent Pokemon.... Lance and the twerps jump into his car and set off after the Red Gyrados.

He probably uses diesel too!

Team Rocket - the mean version - arrive at the docks, where helicopters are taking off, Sebastian getting into one and telling Tyson to hurry up and catch up to them. Tyson gets a call as the helicopter leaves, and it is Jesse, James and Meowth reporting that the twerps have escaped due to some jerk called Lance with his Dragonite, and James requests five extra men sp they can go after them. Jesse snaps at him that they need more men, the future of Team Rocket may depend on it, so James asks for twenty, but then Meowth yells at him to think big so he tells Tyson that his final offer is 100 men..... and it seems Tyson has hung up! Well Team Rocket eagerly look at this in the best possible sense, it must mean he's on the line to Team Rocket HQ asking for men to send their way!
Back in Mahogany, Tyson roars at himself for being stupid enough to give Jesse, James and Meowth any authority. He takes off in one of the Rocket Helicopters, two of which carry a net between them holding the Red Gyrados.

So uhhh.... where the hell is Officer Jenny? Who was told they were coming well before they got there?

The Gyrados wakes up, shaking off the effects of the Evolution Inducement Wave, and begins rocking about as Tyson roars at the helicopter pilots not to let it get free. But the Gyrados shakes too much and sends them all crashing into the ocean, where it rips free off its net and begins blasting the docks with jets of water, then heads up the river with a roar, blasting water everywhere as Team Rocket give chase and Lance sees it. Gyrados blasts the riverside near Lance's car and Ash.... jumps out and runs next to it yelling how happy he is to see it got away!

Oh my Lord.

Gyrados roars and blasts water near Ash sending him stumbling back before Gyrados begins to blast water wildly at everything before rushing off down the river. Lance calls out Dragonite and tells it to stop Gyrados, but then Tyson arrives in a car and leaps out, ready for an Alpha-Male face off with the famous Lance he has heard so much about (and met, on the last episode, which chronologically was this morning for you, Tyson!), eager to make him pay for screwing with his plans. The other grunts drive on after the Red Gyrados, and the twerps chase after them despite Lance's protest, leaving him to face off with Tyson.
Tyson's big muscles apparently aren't as effective a method of overcompensating for him as he might have hoped, so he calls out two Fearow to face Lance's one Dragonite. The long-necked birds use Fury Attack, but Dragonite lets loose a WOOF and flies up to face the Fearow, avoiding their pecking and blasting them back with Wind Attack. They try Agility Attacks but Dragonite dodges, and then uses Thunderwave to shock the two Pokemon. Tyson orders Hyperbeam and Dragonite responds in kind, its Hydro Beam crashing into the two Fearow's different Hyperbeams, which cause an explosion.

Meanwhile the Rocket Grunts have gotten ahead of the Red Gyrados and fire nets at it, surrounding it and electrocuting it into a daze before dragging it out of the water. But the twerps show up and Bayleef Razor Leafs the net away, allowing the twerps to rush ahead of the Red Gyrados, trying to prevent the Rocket Grunts from firing more nets. But Gyrados hauls itself up again and lets rip with a Hyperbeam, sending the Rocket Grunts blasting off...... for good!
The twerps turn and stare as the Red Gyrados collapses to the ground again, realising that it is completely knackered from the constant nets, electricity and being dragged out of the lake. They try to figure out a way to get the massive thing back into the water, but then ANOTHER net surrounds it from above, and they look up to see.... a Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon!
"Prepare for trouble or you shall be caught!"
"And make it double with the net we brought!"
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light,"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth! Dat's right!"
The twerps demand to know what they plan to do with Gyrados and Jesse chuckles that they're going to steal it of course! It seems their "reinforcements" are late, so they were forced to take matters into their own hands. Firing up their enhanced engine, they begin to lift Gyrados, but Ash jumps onto the net. Team Rocket begin shaking the balloon about in an attempt to knock him clear, then dunk him into the water as they shout he is ruining their Pokenapping.... and then realise their Gyrados isnšt napping!
Yes the water has revitalised it and it blasts free and heads off down river as Jesse, James and Meowth demand that Ash stand and fight them. They send out Arbok, but Pikachu dodges its attack and a quick Thunderbolt later, Team Rocket is blasting off again!


Back at the other battle, the Fearows are still using Agility to dart about Dragonite, and finally score a hit on the deceptively fast dragon, which begins falling towards the ground. The Fearows move in for dual Drill Pecks, but Dragonite recovers and fires a Twister that spins both Fearow about and sends them crashing into the ground.
Tyson is shocked; his big muscles didn't help at all! And then to his horror the police arrive (FINALLY!) and arrest him, much to Lance's delight.

The Red Gyrados meanwhile is still blasting Hyperbeams at random as it approaches Mahogany, the twerps standing on a bridge in its way and begging it to please stop; it is going to hurt people. Gyrados listens, then decides it WANTS to kill people and lets rip with a Hyper-Beam that.... is blocked by an Ice Beam from a Dewgong! The twerps turn in shock and see a very angry old man approaching, who snaps at them that if this Pokemon is their friend.... well humans and Pokemon aren't meant to be friends dammit!
Ash is shocked at this philosophy and tries to debate it (going into a battle of wits unarmed) but the bitter old man growls that the idea of humans and Pokemon being friends is endangering the lives of many people AND the countryside. Meanwhile, the Red Gyrados stares down at the frozen water before it, then turns and heads up river again, causing the twerps to rush off after it as the mysterious, bitter old man turns his back in disdain.

Well, guess we won't be seeing him again in the next episode then, Gentle Dodgers!

They chase Gyrados up the river and encounter Lance and his Dragonite again, Lance ordering Dragonite to face off with the Red Gyrados. It uses Thunderwave which crashes into Hyperbeam, and they both blast at each other again and again as Ash begs Lance to stop fighting, the Red Gyrados is in too bad a condition to continue. But Lance says that the only way to help it is to fight it, and Dragonite hits it with a Thunderwave that sends it crashing into the water. It rises back up again and gets hit with a Hyperbeam that sends it crashing to the shore, and as the twerps ask if it is okay, Lance throws out a Pokeball and captures it, which was in the end the only way to save it - and the countryside - from itself.
As the sun sets, the Team Rocket grunts are loaded into a paddywagon and Officer Jenny thanks Lance for helping them capture the grunts with a minimum of damage (and effort!) and says she has to go continue her investigation now (sleep in the back closet). Lance hops onto Dragonite and tells Ash he will look after the Red Gyrados from now on, then heads off as the twerps wave goodbye.
Yes, Gentle Dodgers, they are finally in Mahogany, and tomorrow Ash will finally challenge for his 7th Gym Badge.

Oh thank fuck!

"I don't care if you're G Man, Tree Man or He Man; you're soon to ba an Ex-Man! "

"Could you see if we get five more men?"

"We'll take twenty men, please"
"That's not enough!"

"My final offer; an even hundred of your best men!"

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