235: Wataru to Akai Gyaradosu!
231: Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution

Dodgy Synopsis

235: Wataru to Akai Gyaradosu!

231: Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Enter Lance: The Sensible Hero

Dodgyness Rating:


Thrilling two-parter!

Team Rocketness-
Rocket Rocket everywhere

Moral Learnt

If some little kids want to come help take down a massive, international criminal organisation.... you say no!

The twerps are STILL on their way to Mahogany, but apparently after all this time they're actually getting close, as the narrator tells us that Ash could soon be getting hold of his FINAL badge!
Well Ash quickly corrects this mistake, proclaiming to his friends that he can't wait to get his SIXTH Badge!

Well, nice to see they're both drooling retards, he is actually going for his SEVENTH Badge!

Mind-numbing stupidity aside, Pikachu tries to cheer along with Ash, but then starts to look sick, as does Togepi, though neither feels feverish. Brock notes that they're in a familiar spot, he thinks they've been walking in circles, and then bugs drop out of the trees, scaring Misty at first, until she realises that the bugs are sick. A couple more Pokemon stagger out looking tired and sick as well, and then they hear a roaring noise. They move out of the forest and they find a lake, from which bursts.... A RED GYRADOS! Woah! Once people see that, everyone will be....

Talkin' Bout an Evolution!

The Gyrados blasts Water Gun at the twerps (though apparently not deliberately) and they try to rush away, realising that sick or not, this place isn't safe. They go to leave, but find their way blocked by a trio of Team Rocket!
But no, not Jesse, James and Meowth.... this is a massively built man with a couple of black-costumed Rocket Goons. He tells them that he can't let them leave now that they've seen the Red Gyrados, and sends out a Fearow. Ash reacts angrily to the sight of Team Rocket goons and the threat of attack, sending out Totodile which laughs and dances with insane glee, until its dance slows down and it begins to look sick and tired too. Fearow dives in with a Drill Peck attack, but then is blasted back by electricity and flaps away with a surprised squawk as a hefty Dragonite lands before Totodile, and then..... BATMAN!
Wait, no, not Batman, but a heroic young man dressed in black with a red cape, who turns his spiky, pink-haired head towards the twerps and tells them to run into the forest.
Ash calls back Totodile (still desperately trying to dance) and the Rocket leader yells that they can't be allowed to escape, he and the goons (three of them, not two) but Dragonite flaps its wings and knocks them back, then flies away as the leader roars that they next time they meet will be the last.
The twerps stand deeper in the forest as the heroic man lands on his Dragonite, and the twerps notice their Pokemon are all feeling better now. Misty takes a closer look at their saviour and finds to her surprise that she recognises him, he's Lance! Brock also realises who he is, Lance is the Undisputed Champion of the Elite Four!
Wow, even Ash knows who that is; he's an unbeatable Dragon Trainer. Lance seems taken aback at the description, but admits he is Lance and explains that as a Pokemon G-Man he is here checking up on Team Rocket's activities, which he suspects have something to do with the red Gyrados.
Ash and the others tell him they want to help, and having been offered help from three young children he doesn't know from Adam, Lance reacts in a way you might not expect..... he tells them no way!
Yep, it's too dangerous, and insists that they head off down the path to Mahogany.
Haha, finally! Someone with some sense!

The twerps reluctantly agree and head off on their way.
Meanwhile back at the lake, deep down beneath the surface, Gyrados sleeps as nearing the lake are Team Rocket.... but the proper Team Rocket this time! Jesse, James and Meowth are all tired and exhausted of being lost and walking in circles, something Wobbuffet happily agrees with until Jesse returns to its Pokeball. They notice an odd looking farmhouse on the shore and figure that there'll be food inside, and decide to go take a closer look.
Inside, the muscle-bound Team Rocket member - Tyson - approaches a creepy looking fucker with a goatee and handle-less glasses called Professor Sebastian. They chat amongst themselves, talking about the Red Gyrados which they are seeking to capture, the only successful evolution that have managed to induce so far. They want to get hold of the monstrous Pokemon, but they lack the equipment to make it to the bottom of the lake, so they'll have to draw the Gyrados to them. They're interrupted by a Rocket Grunt who tells them that intruders have entered the complex, and they flick on their security monitors on the giant screen (they order them special from Vince McMahon) to see who is breaking in.
It is, of course, Jesse, James and Meowth, who wonder through a corridor with Persian statues lining the sides of the walls.
"All I see are Persians, where are the provisions?" complains James.
Jesse suggests they look for the kitchen, while Meowth mutters that he has had a funny feeling they're being watched; though Jesse and James don't see any cameras (they're in the Persian's forehead gems). James touches the top of a Persian's head and cages suddenly drop all around them, causing them to cry out to be released, they didn't do it, they were framed!
Tyson arrives and says they have nerve to break into a top secret Team Rocket facility, and those magic words engender an appropriate response from a delighted Jesse and James.
"Prepare for trouble and a nice surprise!"
"Make it double with an order of fries!"
"To protect our tummies from rumbling too much!"
"To enjoy our meals with a gourmet touch!"
"To denounce the evils of excessive hunger and thirst!"
"To consume so much food you think you might burst!"
"Team Rocket blast off in search of wonderful treats!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fork over tons of your sweets!"
"Meowth.... yeah, let's eat!"
One of the Rocket Grunts tells Tyson that he logged onto the database and found out they ARE Team Rocket members, though they recently were knocked down to rookie level and are contributing NOTHING to the organisation. Jesse and James are horrified at that, they're worth at least 2-3% dammit! But Tyson is interested, saying that the database says they're willing to do anything for a meal and tells them to come with them.
Soon they find themselves chowing down excitedly on food and agreeing that their self-esteem is being re-inflated. Tyson shows up and snaps that it is time to earn their keep, and James and Meowth are eager too get to work, while Jesse notes Sebastian and demands to know who the pointy little man behind them is. Tyson introduces him as Professor Sebastian who is the driving force behind Project R, and asks them to get to work capturing the mysterious Red Gyrados. Should they succeed, then they'll go down forever in the annals of Team Rocket infamy!
Meanwhile, a rocket grunt wanders around the complex and is grabbed by Lance as he passes, stripped naked and...

G..... men!

.... and then Lance emerges shortly after dressed as a Rocket Grunt.

Meanwhile the twerps are ALMOST in Mahogany, and the hopes and dreams of a million fans are about to be reached. Ash will receive his SEVENTH (not sixth, not final! but seventh!) badge and..... Ash suddenly pulls to a stop and tells Brock and Misty that he is going back! Yes it seems that being told he wasn't allowed to be distracted from forward progress was too bitter a pill for Ash to swallow, and he makes up lies about how he can't let the Gyrados (which seemed angry and in pain) continue to suffer without helping. Brock and Misty eagerly accept the chance for a distraction, and they turn and head AWAY FROM MAHOGANY TOWN!

Goddammit, Ash!

Back at Lake Rage (for such is its name, Gentle Dodgers, fear it not, for a named thing has no power over you), a Team Rocket boat heads into the centre of the lake with Lance onboard as well. Jesse, James and Meowth are in figure hugging wetsuits ready to go and try and capture it, while Jesse declares that she finally has a chance to show Giovanni she can hang with the big boys.
They jump into the water and Jesse tells James (apparently they have internal microphones or something) it is time for action, and he lets loose a ROGER! and an EEEEEEeeeeeeehhhhhh! and starts heading deeper, then stops and looks back at Jesse and Meowth, who haven't moved.
"Did I have a premature start?" he asks dodgily.
Jesse explains that SOMEONE has to hang back and oversee this operation, and Meowth says he has to oversee the overseer. James grunts that they're both afraid of the Red Gyrados, but they reply HE is the chicken of the seas. James replies he isn't afraid, plus there is little chance they'll actually find it anyway.... and then it swims up directly behind him!
The Gyrados starts chasing them as Professor Sebastian and Tyson watch eagerly, then fire a net missile which captures Gyrados AND Jesse, James and Meowth. Electricity zaps through the net, shocking everyone inside and knocking them out before the boat turns and begins dragging them back to shore.
The twerps get to the shore and see Gyrados getting dragged along, and also notice Jesse, James and Meowth OBVIOUSLY caught inside the net too, which doesn't stop Ash from declaring that "THEY" aren't going to get away with this. He calls out a happily dancing Totodile which leaps into the water and swims towards the Gyrados. Misty sends out Poliwhirl to help even through she didn't really like that big Gyrados, and the two Pokemon arrive at the net and begin tugging on the net, Totodile actually getting a mouthful of Jesse's hair.
Professor Sebastian demands to know where the other Pokemon came from, and Tyson snaps that it's the kids from before, much to Lance's silent dismay. Sebastian doesn't seem to care though, and orders the "Evolution Inducement" ray to be fired. From a tower on the shore, a signal is sent out and all of the Pokemon begin to be affected, looking tired and stunned (Meowth actually looks like he is peeing into the water next to Jesse and James) which in turn causes Ash and Misty to call back Totodile and Poliwhirl as Pikachu and Togepi both begin to look the worse for wear. They figure it has something to do with Team Rocket, but then clamps are fired around all of their bodies, effectively cuffing their arms around their backs and leaving them unable to fight back as Tyson arrives in a rubber dinghy with some selected grunts.
Back at the complex, the Red Gyrados is dragged into the complex, while James follows carrying an unconscious Meowth as he and Jesse laugh at finally, FINALLY being useful members of the organisation. Meanwhile Prof Sebastian takes the opportunity to be a Super Villain (he's got the giant television screen and everything!) and explains his plan in meticulous detail to the captive twerps. He explains Project R - which stands for Project Revolution - is a plan to force evolution via the use of an Inducement Ray, which so far has worked only on Gyrados. Lance is silently shocked as he retains his disguise, while the twerps are loud in their horror and disgust that is playing with nature!
The twerps are slapped into a cage, Tyson laughing at them before he tells Jesse, James, and Meowth they have done good work so far, but he isn't done having them work off their debt yet either. Gyrados is loaded onto a truck and heads off, followed by cars driven by Rocket Grunts (including Lance) as they leave the lake and the twerps behind. This episode, Gentle Dodgers, ends with the same words as always, though this time it actually means what it says.

To Be Continued.

"What's more rediculous, them getting lost or us following them getting lost?"

"I'm with you. Let's boogie!"

Rocket Man - "Complain all you like, but there's nothing you kids can do about it. Mwahahahahahahahahaha!"

"Meowth has capsized."

"The theought of fame and fortune coupled with eternal life simply overwhelms me."

"Who's that pointy little man behind you?"

"I think I'm gonna take a nappy-poo."

"I'ts my chance to show the boss I belong with the big boys now!"

"Roger. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. What happened? Did I have a premature start?"

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