230: Tamago, Kaeru
227: Hatching a Plan

Dodgy Synopsis

230: Tamago, Kaeru

227: Hatching a Plan

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
The Moron Gets A Dumbo

Dodgyness Rating:


Elephants hatching from eggs?

Team Rocketness-
Thrice the motto

Moral Learnt

Always make sure you pay Judas his 30 pieces of silver

Today's episode takes place... tonight!
Yes, it is night and the twerps are seated around a campfire in the forest, wondering about the egg Mr Shelby gave them. Ash's backpack starts to glow and he pulls out the egg in its case, and it is glowing! Is it about to hatch!?!
Brock tells him to be calm and try not to drop it, and Misty says they'll finally find out what it is, will it be cute like Togepi?

Or a monster like Togepi?

Team Rocket are also watching, though from the bushes. James thinks it will be a valuable Pokemon for sure and the others agree, Meowth saying they need to find a way to steal it soon. But Jesse isn't worried, because she has been....

Hatching A Plan!

The next morning the egg is still attention-whoring, glowing away when suddenly it turns into.... DUMBO!
"Phanpy!" says Dumbo.
"Phanpy, the long-nosed Pokemon," explains Dexter as Ash points it at Dumbo, "Phanpy uses itıs powerful, snout, to express affection not, realising its strength, can send you flying!"
Yes Phanpy is a little blue elephant with plump ears trimmed with red and a trunk with a red band aid over it. Ash searches for a Pokeball to use to catch it and panics when he thinks he lost it, until Brock points out that Mr Shelby put the ball on top of the case the egg was in. Ash tries to "return" Phanpy to the ball, but apparently it can move faster than the speed of light (a flock of crows would proclaim to have seen everything if they saw that!) and it continues to dive aside from Ash's attempts. Ash gets angry and starts yelling at the newborn, which is sure to endear it to him, and Brock points out that it hasn't been trained and just thinks he is playing, so suggests he try to entice it with food and then catch it.

You know, like with ladies!

Ash pulls out some Pokemon Food and Phanpy begins to approach.... and then two large eggs with R's on them bounce into view and start a motto!
"Prepare for trouble, from inside a shell!"
"And make it double, itıs starting to smell!"
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love." Jesse pops out of her shell with arms up.
"To extend our reach to the stars above." James does as well.
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light," "Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "EGGSTREMELY RIGHT!" agrees Meowth, popping out of his own egg.
"WOBUFFET!" agrees Wobbuffet, wearing the top of Meowth's shell on its head.
Jesse explains she knows that a newly hatched Pokemon is in a special time, so they'll just take it and be on their way. Ash makes a counter offer that they piss off, and they mock his training skills, pointing out he can't even get it to follow his commands. Jesse suggests Meowth help him, and he sends out an extendable fist.
"This calls for a little So-Fist-acation!" laughs Meowth and fires the arm which grabs Phanpy just as Pikachu Thunderbolts Team Rocket, which also electrocutes Phanpy! Team Rocket blasts off again bemoaning the fact they didn't actually have a plan, while Phanpy stands trembling from electricity and Pikachu approaches it and tries to pet it.... and creates another static burst that sends Phanpy running off in horror.
Brock says the electricity probably scared the trusting newborn and made it run away, and Pikachu feels terrible, though the others assure it that if it hadn't helped then Tem Rocket would have succeeded in grabbing it.
They split up to find Phanpy, Misty calling out for it as Brock throws down a trail of Pokemon food and soon hears rustling in the bushes. Sure that he has found Phanpy again, he reaches into the bushes and lifts up.... PSYDUCK! Yes the headache-suffering Pokemon has a beak stuffed full of Pokefood, and Misty rushes up roaring at it to get back in its Pokeball as it stares bleakly at her and she breaks down, moaning why her? why her? while Togepi roars with drunken laughter.

Oh dear oh dear.

Ash looks elsewhere with Pikachu, calling out to it. Pikachu looks despondent again and Ash tells it that none of this is its fault, and they'll find it together. They continue on calling for it.

Phanpy meanwhile continues to run wildly, then stops and looks about, forgetting why it was scared as it realises it is hungry. It smells a nice odour and follows it to... TEAM ROCKET! Meowth is preparing some toast while Jesse and James complain about the only payment for all their hard work being getting blasted off by the twerp. Meowth proposes a toast as he offers some to James, making a few more horrible rhymes as he makes to bite into his own piece, which Phanpy grabs with its trunk leaving Meowth to bite into his paw and scream in agony.
Jesse tells him not to be so dramatic and James agrees it is all in his imagination, and they bite into their own hands... their toast stolen! Looking down, they spot Phanpy and Meowth begins shouting at it for stealing his toast... and Phanpy joyously smacks Meowth around with its trunk. James reads up on Phanpy's abilities and they discover it is very resistant to electric attacks, so they offer it some sausages and bananas.

That sentence SHOULDN'T make sense, but it somehow does.

Meowth is horrified to see his prized spot being taken and decides to "wag his tail in silent protest" (okay) turning about and waving his tail which tickles against Phanpy, making it laugh and turn to nuzzle against his tail. Meowth declares that is pretty good and asks for it to move down and to the left....

Oh dear, that's "bad touch" territory.

.... while Jesse and James think it might want a bite, after all Snubbull always liked it. They tell Meowth to keep wagging!

Oh dear.

Meanwhile the twerps have had no luck finding it and Ash is worried, it has been gone for so long, and again Pikachu feels bad. Ash says that despite being young Phanpy is tough and tries to buck up Pikachu to no avail, and then things get worse.
"HELLO THERE! PREPARE FOR TROUBLE!" cries Jesse, popping up from behind a bush in a black variant of her costume wearing a crash helmet.
"Sorry Jess," says James, wearing the same, "But I'm afraid we've already been down that road."
Ash says he isn't in the mood to play along right now and asks them to move along, and they say that is big talk for such a small twerp, after all they brought him a present, Phanpy! Ash is delighted to see his missing Pokemon and calls it over to go in its Pokeball, but Team Rocket explain it has accepted an offer to join them full time. The twerps don't believe it, but they offer to show a demonstration.
Meowth moves forward, oddly on all fours for the usual upright Scratch-Cat, and then we see why.

Oh Lord, it's a furry-fetishist's wet-dream come true; Meowth has painted a Phanpy face onto his ass!

He wiggles his tail about provocatively, and happy Phanpy runs towards Meowth who darts aside, causing Phanpy to tackle Pikachu. A mechanical arm grabs Pikachu and Ash can't understand what Phanpy is doing, Misty explaining that it doesn't know better, it thinks it is playing with friends. Ash calls for a Thunderbolt but it has no effect on the uniforms Team Rocket are wearing, and then they call out Weezing which lets loose a burst of Smoke-Screen, allowing them to escape in the confusion.
A shirt while later we find Team Rocket ecstatically celebrating finally getting away with something! They celebrate with milk and puns about how udderly delightful it is to be the cream of the crop. Phanpy comes over eager for food, but they laugh that sharing isn't one of their strong points and James picks it up and puts it inside a cage with Pikachu, then walks away confident that the camera is fixed firmly on his ass.
Phanpy looks on with a tear in its eye, but Pikachu taps it on the shoulder and gives it encouragement. Bucked up by this (or driven into a horrified panic at Pikachu's presence due to the earlier Thundershock), Phanpy begins running against the side of the cage, tipping it over the side of the hill and sliding down, smashing open and allowing Pikachu and Phanpy to run free.
"Dey're making a run fer it!" gasps Meowth.
"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!?!" cries Jesse.
"Oh," suggests James helpfully, "It means they're making a run for it?"
Pikachu and Phanpy run, Phanpy clutching onto Pikachu's tail while Team Rocket chase in their balloon, Wobbuffet clutching a glass of milk and happily saluting. The Pokemon reach a rapidly running river with little stepping stones strategically placed throughout.
The twerps move through the forest and spot the balloon and give chase, while back at the river Jesse calls out to Pikachu that she can see it. Pikachu jumps to the first stepping stone and calls for Phanpy to follow, the powerful little elephant staring worriedly at the water and then jumping forward, landing awkwardly on the stone next to Pikachu and celebrating. The twerps arrive on the other side of the stones and Brock says they're still in danger, but at least are clear of Team Rocket....

Why? where the hell have Team Rocket gone?

The Pokemon jump to the next stone but Phanpy overshoots and falls in, Pikachu jumping after it. Phanpy grabs Pikachu's tail and Pikachu grabs a stone as the twerps see a waterfall (there's always a waterfall) nearby. Ash wants to jump in but can't, Misty pointing out that not even her strongest Water Pokemon could swim against that current. So Ash does the next best thing and climbs a tree, clambering along the branch and tries to lower a rock tied to a stone, but Pikachu can't grab it or it'll be sucked away by the current. Ash lowers himself upside down to grab Pikachu but then Phanpy loses its grip and Ash dives into the water after it. They both go over the side with Ash gripping tight to Phanpy's trunk, throwing the rock and rope through the air where Brock and Misty grab it and haul them up to safety.
On dry land, Ash hugs Phanpy and says that its trunk tickles, and Misty says that hopefully now all the troubles are over.
"Did someone say trouble, as in prepare for trouble?" asks Jesse, the balloon lowering to the ground as Team Rocket FINALLY catch up on the twerps after their mysterious hiatus.
"Come on, Jess," sighs James, in no mood to a THIRD attempted motto.
"Oh just having a little fun," mutters Jesse.
Meowth waggles his painted ass for Phanpy again but it ain't having any of that, much to Meowth's consternation, he took an hour to put that make-up on! They send out Arbok and Weezing but Ash sends in Phanpy (his weak, newborn Pokemon!) which uses Rollout and sends both flying. Weezing counters back with Smokescreen and Jesse sends Arbok in to get it, but Pikachu uses Thunderbolt before it can. As the Pokemon scream in pain, Jesse laughs nothing gets by their shockproof suits, Meowth muttering he wouldn't mind one in his size. Jesse ignores the screams of agony and paid of her Pokemon to brag to James, who points out they forgot something else, as the balloon explodes and sends them blasting off again.
Ash picks up a laughing Phanpy and they laugh together, while Misty and Brock point out it isn't scared of him anymore, with Team Rocket's dirty tricks showing it who its friends were. Well sure, that sounds nice and all, but the truth is....

It only wanted a bloody glass of milk!

"Ah, my toast is toast snatched right from my recious paw! Such thieving is abominable!."

"Did someone say'trouble'? As in 'prepare for trouble'?"
"Come on, Jess."

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