226: Iifui to Sakura!  Enju Shiti Futatabi!!
223: Espeon, Not Included

Dodgy Synopsis

226: Iifui to Sakura!  Enju Shiti Futatabi!!

224: Espeon, Not Included

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Misty Has No Female Friends

Dodgyness Rating:


Old character re-hash

Team Rocketness-
James has a pink kimono

Moral Learnt

If a little girl wants to head out into the wilderness by herself.... let her!

Today's episode finds the twerps arriving back at Ecruteak City, having quickly made their way back via blimp to a city they've already been in. It was here that they met Sakura, a young girl with an Eevee that Misty tried to drag along with them without asking Ash and Brock. Luckily she chose not to go, staying with her sisters and their evolved versions of Eevee - Jolteon, Vaporeon, Umbreon and Flareon. An almost complete collection of evolved Eevee, though one was missing.

Espeon, Not Included.

The twerps settle down for food, Ash declaring the little skewered balls he is eating are the best "kebabs" he has ever had.

Okay, better than calling them hamburgers, I guess.

Misty casually mentions to Ash that she got a call from Sakura who will be coming to meet with them, and Ash shows surprising memory retention by asking if that is the girl with the Eevee. Indeed she was, Brock pointing out that she also had four beautiful sisters, though that isn't important..... he sips his coffee and grins, all is right in the world when eight pairs of bre.... when four beautiful women are nearby.
Misty wonders where Sakura is, and stands up in time to see a pink, slim kitty cat rushing towards her with a split tail and a red gem in its head... its an Espeon! Sakura arrives and Misty greets her, saying she didn't know she had an Espeon.

Wow, Misty, she had an Eevee and now she has an Espeon, and you're confused. Being around Ash has rubbed off on you.

Sakura explains her Eevee evolved into an Espeon, and Ash checks it out with Dexter.
"Espeon, the Sun Pokemon," says Dexter, "Espeon are able to read air currents, allowing it to be able to predict the future, as well as its opponentıs next moves."
Misty and Ash are impressed, and Brock notes that now her family has all four types of Eevee Evolution. He ticks off the sisters who drove him wild during various tea ceremonies around 45 episodes ago. Satsuki has a Jolteon, Simomo has a Vaporeon, Tamao has an Umbreon and finally, Kome has a Flareon.

Sakura is taken aback, apparently she never thought of this!

Wow, even limited exposure to Ash is catching.

The twerps head back to the nasty tourist trap of Sakura's teahouse where Brock rushes to each of the "four most beautiful girls in the world" grabbing his chest, making what can only be construed as pelvic thrusts while moaning in delight at being reunited with them.
"Then would you mind sharing with us which one is the MOST Beautiful", asks Simomo with a grin.
".....I can't do that!" gasps Brock in horror, running to hide behind Ash, "Tell 'em Ash!"
The sisters laugh that they're just teasing him (girls will only ever tease Brock) and then explain they're going into town to see their favourite dance instructor, and offer to let the twerps hang around. Misty says that will be nice, it has been a long trip, which Brock agrees with, crying it has been down the road of broken dreams.
The twerps settle down to eat and Sakura asks Misty is she can battle her Espeon against her Pokemon. Misty asks why and Sakura points out that whole Pokemon battling thing their entire culture is obsessed with. Ash points out that he and Pikachu battle all the time (thanks for playing Ash) and Misty agrees to whomp the shit out of her friend's pretty pink Pokemon.
They settle into an impromptu battle, Brock acting as referee. Sakura of course is using Espeon, and Misty calls on Corsola, which jumps up and down excitedly. Sakura admires it, then sends in Espeon, and they face off angrily.

Meanwhile the four sisters sit in a small screened room, wondering where their dance instructor is. Just then, the screen opens to reveal two "ladies" kneeling on mats, saying they're from the Pokemon Dance Academy. The taller "lady" declares in a surprisingly deep voice that the Academy is where those who dance with Pokemon, dance with nature!
They are apparently the only authorised teachers of this dance-form (which sounds like a furry's wet dream), and when the four sisters say they would be honoured to learn, the "lady" asks his partner "Jesse" if they should show them.
Jesse agrees, and claps her hands to call out Arbok, before the other "lady" calls out Victreebell... which jumps on "her" and starts trying to eat "her". She falls over and her wig falls off, revealing a familiar blue hairdo! Jesse leaps in front of her dance partner and hisses desperately, "YOUR WIG! YOUR WIG!". The blue haired "lady" pulls it back on as Jesse recovers, waving a fan as a panting Arbok looks on. She dances around it as the other "lady" does the same with Victreebell, while the sisters look on, confused.

Back at the battle, Espeon and Corsola clash in the sky with dual tackles, then Espeon dodges a Spike Cannon and rushes with Quick Attack to knock over Corsola. The shelled Pokemon crashes back hard into the ground, pleasing Sakura who thinks that is that..... but then Corsola uses Recover and is up and ready to go! Sakura gasps that Recovery is awesome, not quite grasping the point of battling is to smack the shit out of your opponent.

Meanwhile, Jesse and her dance partner say it is the sisters turn to dance with their Pokemon now. Confused but eager to please (more teasing for poor Brock, it seems), they call out their Pokemon before they start dancing in the style shown by the duo. The Pokemon look on, slightly confused, jumping up and down and running around in circles before getting bored and starting to fall asleep.
Jesse casts a critical eye over them and tells the sisters they were "okay", but the Pokemon need work. When the sisters point out their Pokemon have never had a lesson before, Jesse's partner suggests a private tutorial and she replies that this is a great idea, James.
Hey! what a coincidence! The tall lady with the deep voice is called James! They have the same names, faces, height and Pokemon as Team Rocket!

James pulls a screen aside and calls the Pokemon in, telling them not to be shy. The sisters encourage them and they walk in a line, Jesse and James telling them to relax while they take care of everything. The close the screen door and tell the Pokemon inside to move through the next screen doors. They walk through and... James pulls a cord and drops them all into a cage! A Meowth leaps out of nowhere, laughs, and plays a ukulele!

Wow, those two dance instructors called Jesse and James have a talking Meowth too!

The sisters hear the ruckus and rush through the screen door, opening on.... a GIANT BULGING, WRINKLED MEOWTH FACE! They jump back in horror at the sight (such things, nightmares are made from) and then the face bulges out some more and lifts up, the sisters realising it is actually a Happy Buddha Face Meowth balloon!
They demand to know who the two dance instructors really are, and the most shocking revelation of the series so far is made.... it's TEAM ROCKET!

James is wearing a pink kimono!

"Prepare for trouble, you'll soon hear our name!"
"And then make it double, you'll know who to blame!"
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"HA! To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"OOOOOH! To extend our reach to the stars above."
"HAHA! Jesse."
"Ooooh, James... uh!" cries James, throwing rose petals over Jesse as she says the next line.
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light," says Jesse, repeating the favour as James says the last line.
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth! Dat's right!" sings Meowth, strumming his ukulele happily.
They laugh they have all of Eevee's evolved forms.... and then float away!

They got away!

Also, James was wearing a pink kimono.

Back at the tearoom tourist trap, Corsola smacks down Espeon for the last time, Misty coming up trumps as the winner! Sakura congratulates her Eevee on getting beaten by a walking piece of coral, telling it that it is great.
Back in the picnic area, fatty Pikachu and Togepi have continued scoffing down on food while the battling takes place, while Misty explains how she caught Corsola on the Whirl Islands. She tells the story of how she took it from the family who had accepted it as a loving pet, then explains how she and Ash took part in the Whirl Cup, mentioning she did pretty well by making it into the top eight, while Ash only made it into the top sixteen, much to his chagrin.
Sakura wishes she could travel, but she can't due to her sisters, who show up just then to tell them about how Team Rocket caught their Pokemon. Sakura leaps up all brave and determined, saying she and Espeon will go get them back, much to her sisterıs surprise, and Brock agrees to help, calling out Crobat to go lend a hand, and they all go their separate ways.

Elsewhere in the forest, Team Rocket are celebrating. James laughs that all those late nights spent dancing with Arbok and Victreebell really paid off....

Wow, it seems Brock is only slightly the most pathetic person in the world on a Friday night.

....while Jesse crows happily over her capture of every Eevee Evolution, then suddenly stops and kicks Meowth angrily into the camera, grabs the bars of the cage and growls angrily that there is no Espeon! She turns her rage on James, growling that he told her the youngest sister had an Espeon, and he moans that he did, and she does.... the trouble is she didn't show up to the dance recital!
"Man oh man, dere comes a point when enuff is enuff," sighs Meowth, staring up at Jesse's ass.
Jesse is furious (she'd be even worse if she knew Meowth just suggested she had too much junk, in her trunk) and turns her rage on the Scratch-Cat, snapping she has had enough, either she gets her Espeon or he gets her fist!


As Jesse threatens violence on a small cat, the twerps re-gather with the sisters, having failed to find the stolen Pokemon within the surrounding 50 metre radius. The sisters try a different tack, if they can't find the stolen Pokemon under nearby rocks, maybe the things that the thieves said might give them a clue. They remember that Team Rocket were bragging about having every evolution, but they didn't get Espeon, Sakura realising that she can use Espeon as bait to draw Team Rocket out.
Her sisters don't know if this is a good idea, she could lose Espeon. But Sakura is adamant and asks Misty for help before heading off with her. Brock pulls out his snotrag and begins waving it about, declaring to the sisters he is but their humble servant... until Ash grabs him by the ear and angrily drags him away, telling him to serve from afar. The sisters ignore Brock (they are female, after all), as they ponder this sudden change in Sakura, they've never seen her act like this before.

A short time later, Team Rocket's balloon flies overheard, Jesse and James trying to find Espeon while Meowth complains she is obsessing over nothing. They spot Espeon sleeping under a tree and Jesse declares that it is practically begging to be taken.
Espeon's ruby gem glows on its head and Sakura tells her sisters and the twerps (all of them hiding in a nearby bush) that Team Rocket are near, explaining Espeon can read the air currents and has sensed something coming. The balloon drops down near and Jesse leans over the edge of the basket while reaching for Espeon with a net, shaking her aforementioned "trunk" about like a "bitch" in a rap-video as she hauls Espeon in and laughs it couldn't have been easier if it had jumped in, and they fly away as Crobat follows, showing the twerps the way to go.
Team Rocket land and James waggles a long, dark-skinned meat tube at Espeon, telling it to come get......


.... but no, James hasn't gone beyond all realms of degeneracy just yet, it is just a hotdog on a stick he is offering to Espeon in an effort to get it into a cage, but it is disinterested in any long meat tubes he has to offer.
Meowth offered his as well but Espeon didn't take that bait either, so Jesse approaches with a "pretty necklace" (a leash) but it turns away, then suddenly calls out and jumps onto a bush to reveal the other captured Pokemon. Jesse grins that it just wanted to be with its friends, and Wobbuffet leaps out to agree.
"That's the end of our conversation," sighs Jesse, returning Wobbuffet to its Pokeball. James then sneaks up behind Espeon with a cage held over his head, Jesse warning him not to mess things up.
"Uhh... okay," he agrees, then brings the cage down.... and Espeon dives over him, lands on his head and into Sakura's arms beside the twerps and Sakura's sisters, glaring at Team Rocket.
Misty snaps that they have some nerve, and Jesse growls that they can't steal what they've already rightfully stolen. They call out Arbok and Victreebell, the latter leaping at James who darts aside while Arbok happily dances about to music only it can hear. Furious, Jesse and James kick their respective Pokemon into battle, Misty sending in Corsola to meet them alongside Espeon. A chainsaw roars in delight. Corsola hits Arbok with Spike Cannon while Espeon dodges Razor Leaf and Quick Attacks Victreebell, then blasts with a Swift Attack that impresses Sakura's sister. Arbok tries Wrap but Corsola dodges, so Arbok tries Poison Sting which have little impact on the rough shelled Corsola. Espeon hits Victreebell and Arbok with Psybeam, and the confused Pokemon charge into Team Rocket before Corsola tackles them all into the balloon, leaving them open to a Thunderbolt from Pikachu that sends them blasting off again, with James' legs spread wide and mouth gaping open.

Oh my.

Espeon uses Swift to break open the cage holding the other Pokemon, and they are reunited with the Sisters. Misty congratulates Sakura who congratulates Espeon in turn. The sisters then thank the twerps, and it takes dumb old Ash to point out that Sakura did everything.
Sakura looks at her sisters, and says she wants to.... well.... and the sisters tell her they already know, she wants to head out into the world. Since she is roughly 11 years old at most, they seem to have no problem with this and tell her to head on out, asking if she will be travelling with the twerps?

Well gee, maybe you could ask them first?

Misty cries out that this would be great, but Sakura shakes her head and says she wants to head out on her own first.


As the sun sets, the twerps and Sakura go their separate ways, heading towards Mahogany Town for the twerps, into the wilderness for Sakura. Misty and Sakura shake hands (OMG THEIR HANDS FORM A HEART OMG!) and then Sakura heads off, Misty saying it is just like when she set off on her own journey, saying goodbye to her sisters and feeling nervous and excited at the same time before meeting Ash and Brock. Ash and Brock are sure Sakura will meet friends too (yay, a young girl will get to meet a horny virgin and an idiot-savant!) and Misty calls out that the next time they meet, she'll have to tell her all about her adventures.

Poor Misty, she just wants a friend who isn't dim boy or a horny virgin, dammit!

"All those late noghts dancing with Arbok and Victrebell really paid off, huh Jesse?"

"Either you get my espeon or you get my fist!"

"the twoips!"
"In the flesh!"

"Oooo, that's the last wool that's get pulled over these gorgeous eyes!"

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