222: Rugia-tono Yakusoku!!
219: A Promise is a Promise

Dodgy Synopsis

222: Rugia-tono Yakusoku!!

219: A Promise is a Promise

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
The Jerk Trilogy, Part 3: Thank Christ That's Over

Dodgyness Rating:


Ooo, the conclusion to a three-parter

Team Rocketness-
The two teams meet

Moral Learnt

It's funny when old men cry

Yesterday saw the twerps fail in their efforts to rescue the baby Lugia, Silver. Not only did they fail, but Silver's mother Lugia was also captured by mad scientist Dr Nanba and Team Rocket members Butch and Cassidy.... and the twerps got caught too! But Ash promised to rescue Silver, and everybody knows....

A Promise Is A Promise

Oliver and Luca stand on the boat trying to figure out what is going on, and then Oliver has had enough and leaps into the water and jumps onto Lanturn's back. Luca yells at him to be careful as he submerges beneath the water.

Inside the base, Lugia and Silver roar and screech, the mother insane with rage as Silver is taken away by Butch and Cassidy.
Elsewhere in the base, the twerps have awoken now and Ash is trying to figure a way out, determined to keep his word. Richie also is eager to point out that he too means to keep his promise, because his entire life is some implausible carbon copy fanfiction Mary-Sue version of Ash's. Not only that, but oh lordy aren't his intentions pure! He wants to free Lugia and Silver because if he doesn't, well golly they might not trust humans anymore!

Plus the whole captured by an evil organisation and used to wreak havoc and destruction thing.

But all of their Pokemon have been taken from them, so how are they going to get out? Suddenly the lights turn on and Dr Nanba walks in with a grin, welcoming them to Team Rocket's Command Centre. He introduces himself, and Ash demands he let the Lugia go free, perhaps hoping he might have finally mastered that "words dictate reality" thing. Misty is a little more realistic though, demanding to know what he wants with the Lugias anyway. Dr Nanba explains he has discovered a way to turn Lugia's power into a new form of energy that will be under his complete control... after all Pokemon are meant to serve humans.
Misty and Ash angrily say Pokemon don't serve humans, they help each other out. Nanba growls back that they are naive children, natures only purpose is to serve all of mankind.
Ash demands to know what he just said (he seriously doesn't understand) while Misty asks what makes him feel he is so much better. Nanba explains with glee that he knows he is superior and explains that the headgear they saw in the last episode enrages Pokemon and makes them more powerful, and laughs he plans to do the same thing to Lugia. As the twerps (and Richie, who will never be a twerp no matter how hard he tries) cry out in defiance, Dr Nanba brings a bound Pikachu and Sparky up through a trapdoor, laughing that he is going to put the headgear on them!

Oliver rides Lanturn underwater while wearing a breathing apparatus, and he spots the underwater base and an open entrance way, and motions to Lanturn before swimming inside.
And inside, Jesse and James are once again in the atrocious black Team Rocket uniforms, trying to locate the Lugia. They run a keycard through a hatch and walk inside, Meowth popping out of James' jacket as they see on a monitor the twerps captured in a cage. Jesse figures this is perfect!
"We'll coerce those creeps into creating chaos, causing a calamity, and in the uncontrolled commotion we'll capture those condors!" she proclaims.
"Brilliant!" gasps James, "You said the letter c!"
Jesse tells Meowth to figure out how to get the cage open and James to log on to the Lugia location. They eagerly comply, though their efforts seem to consist of James and Meowth randomly hitting buttons.
Elsewhere, Oliver creeps inside the base through a duct and grins at his success before he fails miserably, getting grabbed by a Rocket Grunt by an arm and struggling to pull free. Jesse and James walk by (James appearing to have quite the gut due to the cosy Meowth snuggled up inside his jacket) and spot Oliver, then grin at each other as they get an idea. They tell the Grunt they'll take him off his hands, and he walks away as Oliver struggles to get free, calming as Jesse whispers that she'll help him.
"Who are you guys?" asks Oliver.
"Who else?" grins Jesse.
"We're SUPERHEROES!" proclaims James, and Oliver grins in wonder.

Meanwhile, Dr Nanba's enrage-inducing head gear is continuing a VERY long and slow journey towards the struggling Pikachu as the twerps look on in horror, never thinking to order a Thunderbolt.
Nanba roars at the complaining twerps that they're ruining his concentration, and then Oliver bursts through the duct and hits the secret combination to open the cage. Nanba is shocked, who told them that number and....


Yes maybe it is the same sea-air that fired Misty's old personality back up, but Action Hero Ash returns from the Orange Islands as he leaps out of the cage; headbutts Nanba stumbling back into the wall; rushes to the lowering headgear; grabs the METAL arm lowering it and TEARS IT RIGHT OUT OF THE FGUCKING CEILING before turning and smashing it down with a roar onto.... sadly not Dr Nanba's face, but right into the control panel running the thing, causing it to spark and fizzle as Pikachu and Sparky's bonds are released.

Hey gee Ash, maybe Nanba had something with that hole "rage makes you strong" thing!

Pikachu and Sparky kickflip to their feet with surprising agility, and leap into Ash and Richie's arms. Oliver asks if they're okay and Misty asks in turn how he got the code to get their cage open, and he explains two superheroes helped him!
Nanba struggles to an alarm and sets it off as the twerps congratulate each other, and throughout the base Team Rocket grunts start running about as Jesse and James deliberately fan the flames of alarm.
The twerps rush through the corridors and straight into Butch and Cassidy and a small army of Rocket Grunts. They call out Houndour and Hitmontop (both still fitted with enraging headgear) and Ash and Richie tell their Pikachu they can handle them.
Houndour fires Flamethrower, but Pikachu dodges, and Hitmontop's Rolling Kick misses a dodging Sparky. Both Pikachu aim Thunderbolts at the headgear and shatter them, and then both Pikachu tackle their opponents and knock them out.
Nanba's voice comes over the intercom, warning that the Lugia's room has been broken into, and Butch and Cassidy rush off to investigate as the little army of Rocket Grunts charge at the twerps.

In Lugia's cell, James struggles to figure out a way to lower the red energy shield holding it in place (what they plan to do with a pissed off Lugia after that is anyone¹s guess), and then Butch and Cassidy arrive and are shocked to see two grunts apparently trying to break Lugia out. They demand to know what they're doing, and when Jesse and James respond in fright they finally recognise them.
"JESSE!" gasps Cassidy.
"And John!" gasps Butch.
"YOU SAID IT WRONG ON PURPOSE!" complains James.
Cassidy demands to know what they're doing, and Jesse explains they plan to grab Lugia and all the glory. Well Butch and Cassidy have had enough of them always ruining their plans and call out Houndour and Hitmontop (which were both battered into unconsciousness only minutes earlier) and Jesse and James call out Arbok and Victreebell.... which promptly swallows James head in a long-running joke.
Houndour uses Flamethrower but Arbok dodges and headbutts it as Victreebell uses Razorleaf which is Triple Kicked back by Hitmontop.

Meanwhile back with the twerps, Pupitar and Totodile come out and blast the Rocket Grunts away. They run looking for Silver, and find it..... and Dr Nanba as well! Misty demands he give it up, but his retaliation is to call out a massive Electabuzz which leaps out of its Pokeball wearing headgear, which he says will make it far more than they can handle. Ash and Richie insist that they can beat an enraged Pokemon though, much to the delight of a contemptuous Dr Nanba. Electabuzz roars and smashes the floor with a Thunderpunch as the Pikachu dodge, Ash calling for them to blast the headgear away with Thunderbolts. But Electabuzz uses Light Screen and blocks the attacks, and then Nanba insists it use Thunder Punch again, and this time show no mercy! The enraged Pokemon winds up for the hit and smashes both Pikachu, then lets loose with a massive blast of Thunder and sends the two Pikachu rolling. Laughing, Nanba turns it up to 11 (one more than ten!) and Thunder Punches the Pikachu again.

Back at the Team Rocket Versus Team Rocket brawl, Houndour tries Flamethrower and Arbok dodges, the flames hitting one of the electrodes generating the energy holding Lugia in place. Hitmontop tries Rapid Spin but Victreebell Vine Whips it off-course and it hits the same electrode. Arbok is smashed by Houndour into the electrode again, and it glows red and sparks angrily as inside the energy shield a now completely insane with rage Lugia batters to get out.
Jesse is furious and calls on her last resort, Wobbuffet! Houndour tries Flamethrower, but Wobbuffet counters and the blast flies everywhere, smashing through the electrode finally and....oh shiiiiiiiiiit!

Lets just say both Team Rockets end up blasting off again, right outside of the base, through the water and into the air.

The base rises up as the structural integrity of the hull fails, with a voice over the intercom warning the panicked Team Rocket grunts inside to get to shelter. Lugia bursts through a wall and roars with fury, a roar echoed by a distressed Silver as Dr Nanba continues to put a pounding on Ash and Richie's Pikachu.
Ash and Richie insist their Pokemon won't lose to an artificially powered up Electabuzz, and it tries a Thunder Punch which they dodge to different sides and Thunderbolt Electabuzz. They bounce and dodge enraged punches and try a dual thunderbolt, but again Electabuzz uses Light shield and blasts at them with its own Thunderbolt.
It is Richie, of course, who figures out the winning strategy, because Richie is a little cunt who can do no wrong. He realises that the control box is the key and Pikachu uses Thunderbolt on Electabuzz, which blocks with Light Screen.... and Sparky blasts the fuck out of the old man and his control box, shattering it. The headgear on Electabuzz goes dead and it looks confused, then gets blasted with Thunderbolt and sent crashing into Dr Nanba, who moans that the only way to bring out the true power of Pokemon is through rage, and Ash and Richie laugh he is wrong, it is through trust.

Well in this case Dr Nanba was technically right, since his Pokemon was more powerful than theirs.

Regardless, Dr Nanba passes out and the base is beginning to shake and fall apart, so the twerps tell Silver to get back and call out Cyndaquil and Zippo, which use Flamethrower to make an edge of the cage red hot. Then Poliwhirl and Totodile Water Gun it, followed by Pupitar tackling it which shatters the cage open. Silver and Oliver hug while elsewhere Lugia tears apart the base, roaring with insane rage as Ash and the twerps arrive with Silver on a trolley, Ash trying to get the enraged Pokemon's attention. Silver calls out and finally Lugia stops roaring, turning as the Pikachu cry out, and Ash and Richie apologise for taking so long and beg it not to give up on humans. The roof collapses and Lugia zooms beneath it, using Safeguard and glowing green to save them, which causes Richie to proclaim like a like fucktard that Lugia hasn't lost the ability to trust humans.

Fuck you Richie, fuck you.

They thank it, and Lugia smiles down at them as the base burns and smokes, shaking as it prepares to fall apart. Everyone starts running, the twerps, Oliver and Richie diving through a hole into the ocean as the base explodes and sinks beneath the waves. As the sun sets, the Rocket Grunts swim in on driftboard pieces and towards Dr Nanba, asking him if he is okay, and he replies by beginning to sob like a sad old man with no hopes or dreams left....


Back on Ogi Isle, Oliver watches sadly as Lugia and Silver swim away, but then takes heart from words from Misty that it'll grow up strong and waves goodbye. Luca opens her case to look at her Silver Wing and smiles, thinking her Great Grandfather is watching over her.
The next day, Richie says he is staying (NO!) to check out the rest of the Whirl Islands (YES!), and compliments Ash on getting so much stronger and better. Ash for his part is done with the Whirl Islands. In a surprisingly short amount of time he got involved in a tournament (and promptly lost), investigated the mystery of a mysteriously mysterious Pokemon, got saddled with Richie for three hate-filled episodes, and now is ready to leave them behind him. He tells Richie he has to get to Olivine City (FINALLY!) and Luca offers to take them to Transit Town where they can get the ferry back to the Johto mainland. Thus, they sail away with one of the most beautiful sights you can see.

Richie standing on a deserted island as the only nearby boat for miles sails in the opposite direction.


"And John!"
"You said that wrong on purpose!"

"This is not the outfit I'd like to go out in."


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