221: Toraware no Rugia
218: A Parent Trapped!

Dodgy Synopsis

221: Toraware no Rugia

218: A Parent Trapped!

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
The Jerk Trilogy, Part 2: Nanba's Nasty Pokemon Revolter!

Dodgyness Rating:


Ooo, the second part of a three-parter

Team Rocketness-

Moral Learnt

Jesse looks good in anything she wears!

Yesterday, something horrible happened! Something dastardly. The twerps arrived on Ogi Island to try and find out more about the so-called Mysterious Pokemon that saved them back at Blue Rock Isle. And it was there that they discovered this Pokemon was actually Lugia, and they met Oliver and a young Lugia called Silver, as well as Silver's Mother, one big motherfucking (or fatherfucking may be more apt) Lugia. But something horrible happened, something no one would ever suspect.

Richie came back.

Oh yeah, and Silver got kidnapped by Butch and Cassidy from Team Rocket too.

So today Gentle Dodgers, will the twerps get Silver back, or will we see....

A Parent Trapped.

In the underwater base Dr Nanba mocks Silver as it cries for help, and then gets startled when Butch and Cassidy "sneak up behind him". They apologise unreservedly for this, used to the eccentricities of the brilliant old codger by now, and then point out that Silver is young. Nanba explains that he wants to use it as bait to capture their real goal, the mother Lugia.

That night the twerps and Oliver sit dejectedly on Ogi Isle as Luca returns, asking what is the matter. They explain Team Rocket managed to capture Silver with a metal net, and they haven't figured out how to get it back... and it is just then that Mama Lugia shows up looking for Silver and looking PISSED!
Oliver tries to explain and then starts crying, leaving Ash to handle this tender diplomatic moment (Oooooh shiiiit!) by explaining what has happened. Lugia dives into the water and swims around trying to find Silver, but it cannot hear Silver's calls for help due to Team Rocket's Underwater Base being soundproof (and apparently the giant underwater base sticking out of the seafloor doesn't look odd or standout or anything so Lugia doesn't see it.
Lugia flies up out of the water again still looking REALLY PISSED and Luca's Silver Wing begins to glow the same red as Lugia as it swoops around, storm clouds appearing from nowhere, rain and lightning falling, the waves crashing about as the twerps realise they have to get out of the storm or die.


Jesse, James and Meowth meanwhile are back in their Magikarp Submarine, Jesse roaring that she isn't going to allow Cassidy to get one up on her. James points out they are on the same side, but Jesse replies angrily that Cassidy is going to get all the credit for capturing the Lugia (seems kind fair, since she DID capture the Lugia!) and that is just something she can't get behind. But their plans for revenge are sidelined when they find themselves caught in the storm and are dashed against the rocks. For some reason, they leap outside of the submarine instead of submerging to get to safety. They spot Lugia flying around and blasting beams of blue energy around, and then IT spots them, and perhaps something the twerps said about Team Rocket sunk in, as it fires a bolt of energy at them and sends them blasting off again.


From beneath the crashing waves, Dr Nanba watches Lugia blasting away and laughs happily, as a technician reels off impressive numbers of the level of the storm and Lugia's own power, all of which appear to be rising. Nanba explains that the angrier Lugia is, the more powerful, and there may be no limits to its power.

In an Ogi Isle cave the twerps try to figure out what to do, Oliver blubbing like a baby for being such a loser. Ash jumps up and says he'll be back, telling the others he is going out to help Lugia. The others try to talk him out of it but Richie, Goddamn Richie, tries to emulate Ash and says he'll head out too. Luca says she'll guide them in her boat, since she is the only one who can help in a storm like this, and they set off. Soon Ash and Richie are gripping onto the boat as Ash tries to figure out a way to calm Lugia. As they sail beneath the enraged Pokemon, Ash calls out to it to calm down, promising he will get Silver back. Lugia responds by blasting at them with a burst of blue energy, Luca barely getting them out of the way, and then it blasts the water in front of them and sends Ash and Richie crashing back. Lugia lowers down and glares at him, and Ash promises again, giving his word that he will save Silver! Richie begs it to stop (KILL HIM LUGIA!) and Ash insists they're going to save Silver.... and Lugia relaxes. Luca's Silver Wing stops glowing and the storm parts, Lugia nodding slightly to Ash before flying up towards the moon.

The next day Noctowl flies around trying to find Team Rocket (they were in a submarine and went underwater goddammit! Why the hell would Noctowl be able to find them?) while Lanturn swims about looking around various smaller Whirl Islands. Brock's Crobat can't find anything with Supersonic either, and Misty points out that they could be anywhere by now. But Richie is sure Silver is still around, explaining that Team Rocket will probably want the older Lugia, so they won't go anywhere. But he doesn't figure Silver will be on dry land, and Misty notes they haven't heard Silver calling for Lugia, so it must be in some underwater base or some thing.

Well whoop de fucking shit, aren't you clever Richie? I guess we should all just love you and hug you and make websites dedicated to how awesome you are.

Fuck you, Richie.

Misty sends out Corsola, Poliwhirl, Goldeen and Staryu to look about and Ash calls on Totodile which dances happily about... then realises it is over the water and falls in with a surprised squawk. The swim around looking, Corsola and Totodile walking around on the seabed, and Lanturn resurfaces to let them know they found something.

In the water, the Magikarp submarine (patched up with rough band aids) pedals through the water as inside Jesse roars that they're going to go get revenge and she doesn't want to hear another word! James mutters he didn't say a single word, as behind their submarine the twerps submerge in diving gear riding their Pokemon. They swim after the submarine, a Shellder sticking out its tongue for no reason, and discover the underwater base of Dr Nanba.

Inside Cassidy talks to Professor Nanba who demands to know why they keep interrupting him, and she points out that he called them. Whatever, snaps Nanba dismissively, and then explains it is time for the next part of their plan. Elsewhere, James complains that they have to put the atrocious black uniforms on again.
"Listen James, at least one of us looks good in anything we wear!" yells Jesse.
"Gee, tanks for noticing Jesse," grins Meowth, but then the doors between them lock shut and begin filling with water! Suddenly the underwater base rises up as Team Rocket struggle to hold their breath underwater, and then get sucked down out of the base as it rises out of the water before an astonished Luca, holding the once again abandoned Togepi.
Silver is raised up in its cage out of the base, screeching and calling out for help as the twerps surface and see it. Extended on a platform out to the shore, the platform retreats and electrodes raise up out of the cage as Richie realises it is a trap. Luca pulls up beside them as they decide to try and rescue Silver, jumping onto shore (out of the dive gear already apparently) while Luca forces Oliver to wait, the twerps promising they'll get Silver back. They rush for the little Pokemon which happily spots it mother coming, and Brock cries out it is a trap and to stay away. A flamethrower stops them though and they see Butch and Cassidy with Houndour and Hitmontop blocking them.
"Its time to prepare for trouble!" growls Butch.
"We're a bit pressed for time so letıs skip the rest," notes Cassidy.
"But make no mistake, hands down we're the best!" finishes Butch.
"Houndour and Hitmontop leap in wearing odd headgear, and Cassidy explains their Pokemon are "pumped up" and hit a button that makes the headgear glow. Watching from the base, Dr Nanba laughs that the device actually enrages Pokemon, he calls it Nanba's Nasty Pokemon Revolter!
Ash tells Pikachu to stop Lugia and tells it to use Thunderbolt, and Richie tells Sparky to copy them since his entire life is based on emulating and copying Ash. They blast Thunderbolt at Lugia, but Houndour's flamethrower almost fries them, the power greatly amplified. Ash calls out Cyndaquil and Richie calls out Zippo, which has evolved into.... into.... into..... a Charmeleon!

Haha what a fucking loser, he couldn't even get his Pokemon to evolve into Charizard!

Both Pokemon use Flamethrowers which Lugia dodges, and Cyndaquil is hit with a Rolling Kick by Hitmontop, forcing Ash calls it back. Misty calls out Poliwhirl which uses Water Gun which is quickly turned to steam by Houndour's flamethrower.
Jesse watches all this from the bushes, apparently having not drowned earlier as she giggles that this is perfect, let the twerps fight while James and Meowth keep blowing on that balloon. Behind her James complains the Lugia-shaped balloon needs more air than an Aerodactyl, and Jesse explains they can use it as a surrogate parent for Silver. James and Meowth don't understand her plan and she roars at them to let her do the thinking while they do the blowing.


James and Meowth go back to making VERY dodgy movements with their backs to the camera while Jesse delights in her own genius.

Cassidy demands more from Hitmontop and Houndour and turns up their rage, Hitmontop using Triple Kick to smash through Poliwhirl and cause Misty to call it back. Brock is astonished at their power, and Houndour proves it by blasting Zippo with Flamethrower and forcing Richie to call it back.

Charizard would have laughed and banged Charla.

None of the twerps can understand how the Pokemon are so powerful (the head bands goddammit!) and Lugia finally gets near the end of its incredibly long approach. The Pikachu again try to keep it clear but they and the twerps are blasted away by a blue beam of light from Lugia. Cassidy and Butch encourage it to come get the baby and it lands on top of the cage... and the electrodes glow red and surround the mother, causing it to screech in pain. Jesse is worried, is it too late.... but then James and Meowth declare their success; they have finished blowing up the balloon! They quickly grab at it, including Meowth who scratches the balloon and sends Team Rocket blasting off again.

Oh dear.

Ash struggles to raise his head as his friends lie unconscious around him, calling out to Lugia as it is blasted with energy, then collapsing as the platform extends out of the base again and hauls Silver and the captured Lugia inside. Oliver and Luca can't believe it and Luca says they have to think of something to do, but before they can the base drops below the water.

An undetermined amount of time later, Ash awakens and finds himself in a cage. He looks around in surprise, and discover to his shock Richie, Brock and Misty also in the cage with him...... and worst of all....

Richie is still alive!

"Listen James, at least one of us looks good in anything we wear!"
"Gee, tanks for noticing Jesse."

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