219: Gin'iro no Hane no Densetsu!  Gingan-Tou no Tatakai!!
216: Hi Ho Silver...Away!

Dodgy Synopsis

219: Gin'iro no Hane no Densetsu!  Gingan-Tou no Tatakai!!

216: Hi Ho Silver...Away!

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Pimp My Team Rocket

Dodgyness Rating:



Team Rocketness-
All dressed up, nowhere to go

Moral Learnt

We'll never get out hands on Jesse's "Lucky Charms"

The twerps arrive at Silver Rock Isle where they do some shopping and sightseeing, while noticing that all about them everything has mark of the Silver Wing. Ash is thinking of his latest obsession, the "Mysterious Pokemon" when a sleazy salesman appears trying to sell Silver Wing jewellery he claims to be made from real Silver Rock. They shrink away as he forces false cheer and a sales pitch down their throats, trying to figure out a way to fob him off. Luckily for them, a lady shows up and grabs his merchandise from him as he squawks in outrage, and then she snaps his jewellery in half! He is furious and begins to shout, but she is just as angry back and yells at him that she could call the police, and he quickly turns tail and runs.
Ash is amazed and asks how she knew he was a phoney, and she explains that jewellery made from real Silver Rock has a lovely shine and doesn't snap. Well then...

Hi Ho Silver.... Away!

The lady - Arianne - takes them to her little tourist trap gift shop, where the twerps introduce themselves and Brock proclaims she surrounds herself with beauty but nothing can compare to her beauty. He declares that like a single earring he is lost without her, and then Misty drags him away by the ear.
Arianne tells Ash the Silver Wing charm she wears on her top is a good luck charm, and Brock tells her that they came to Silver Rock Isle looking for more info on the Silver Wing, and they ask her to tell them more. Well she's told them all she can (it's a wing, and it is silver) but she offers to take them to see a friend who is an expert.
She takes them out of the city to a small house, calling out to "Genero" who does not answer. She checks the door and finds it unlocked, and happily insists it will be fine for them to go in. They enter and it is dark inside, the windows shuttered which leads to Ash tripping over in the dark.
"Ash, are you hurt... or embarrassed?" asks Brock, and they see something move in the dark. Arianne opens the window and Brock finds a Sandslash lying on the ground, feeling its forehead and finding it burning up. Arianne spots Genero lying face down on the ground and rushes to him, and he looks up with a groan and tells her it's all over!

My God, it's a murder suicide of him and his Sandslash because he wanted out of the relationship! Sick bastard!

A little later Brock says Sandslash will be fine with good nutrition and rest while Arianne tends to Genero in bed, telling him it is not over, he just has a cold. He complains she could at least show him some compassion (oh God he's an attention whore) and explains he was so busy sculpting he forget to feed and care for himself and Sandslash. She mutters his statues are not sculptures but eyesores, and he snaps at her for belittling his (admittedly crap) work.
She explains he is a great jeweller but a terrible sculptor, and then introduces him to the twerps who he thanks for helping his Sandslash.

In town, Team Rocket looks around while Jesse mutters the local hicks should obsess over something more interesting than wings. James reads through a local town history book and notes that sales of jewellery made from Silver Rock is on the rise. Meowth perks up at this, saying they could get in on that action and make enough money to.... buy the Boss!
"And he doesn't come cheap!" adds Jesse helpfully.
The sleazy salesman from earlier reappears and eagerly offers them deals on his crappy jewellery, not bothering to correct them when they mistake his stuff for Silver Rock. He goes overboard in his attempts to make the sale though, juggling jewellery and trying to foist more and more on Jesse, telling her if she buys one she'll get three free! Buy two and get four! Buy four and get eight!
Jesse is taken aback by the hard sell but Meowth declares this sleazy bastard is right on the money!

The salesman doesn't seem too concerned to see a talking cat.

James declares he'll buy every single one and then the three leap onto him and start fighting him to make sure he doesn't try to run away from an offer to buy all of his merchandise, as apparently so often happens.

Back at Genero's, he and Arianne are desperately trying to keep from tearing each others clothes off and fucking right there on the floor in front of the twerps. They complain and snap at each other as he tells her that her soup was good, which is a first for her. She snaps back that she made a nice scarf for his last birthday and he retorts it was too small for his manly neck, so she jabs back that she made it for his Sandslash.
Misty giggles that they call this a loveršs quarrel and that Brock is out of luck this time. He moans that he has loved and lost while Ash just wants to hear more about the Silver Wing... but Arianne has to go home!
However Genero offers to have them spend the night in his house, which Ash thinks is great (freeloading!). Later that night Genero remains in bed as he tells the tale of when his Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a small child. A fishing boat passed nearby their island and rocked the boat and the sailors, and just when everyone had given up hope, a whirlpool shining a mysterious blue light burst up in a spiral from the ocean and cleared up the storm, with a shimmering silver wing falling down to the sailors who took it as a sign of their saviour. Ever since, Silver Wing jewellery has been believed to be lucky.

So..... the entire world knows about the Silver Wing EXCEPT for Luca and her family, which have obsessed over it for generations!?!

Ash wants to know more but that is all Genero knows, but he says the ship landed somewhere on Ogi Island, which can be reached on foot via the caves. They decide to head that way first thing tomorrow.
That night they sleep on the floor under blankets, but Pikachu wakes up and gets Ash's attention... Genero is missing! Outside Genero has added his latest Silver Wing piece to a vice, and Sandslash kicks dirt onto it which makes it shiny somehow...


Then Genero adds the final touches to make it shine wonderfully in the light of the moon. The twerps (fully dressed! Obviously they weren't THAT worried about him) step outside and ask him what he is doing (Brock pointing out they should be sleeping) and he says he is wide awake and full of energy, and since it is Arianne's birthday coming up soon he felt he had to finish a new Silver Wing Charm for her. Brock angrily comments he has done enough already, and Ash points out that she already has a Silver Wing Charm, but Genero says that one is slightly tarnished and missing a small piece, so he made her this new one to replace the other, which was the very first pin he ever made. A gasping Misty thinks this is wonderful, they were childhood sweethearts! Brock sadly hangs his head sadly and admits it is. Anyway, Genero is going to give it to her tomorrow and then... well.... he's going to take the plunge!
Well Misty thinks this too is wonderful, but Ash of course doesn't get it, and asks him where he is going to jump? Misty snaps angrily that Genero is going to ask Arianne to marry him, and Ash smiles with dawning comprehension.
But Genero doesn't have the slightest clue how to do the deed, but Misty and Ash say he should come out and just say how he feels. Brock - tears streaming from his squinty eyes - declares he'll be in his corner too.
The next morning in town Genero wears a horrible suit like a nerd would wear to a high school prom, but he can't go through with it and mutters he is going to go home. Misty, still on a high from breaking (at least temporarily) Togepi's hold on her roars that he isn't going to move another step and glares evilly at him as Ash, Brock and Pikachu stare back in her in astonishment.
"You're going to go over there and propose to her right now!" she shouts.
"Yes, ma'am," mutters Genero submissively. But suddenly their attention is grabbed by a commotion, as vendors in the streets cry out, their jewellery being sucked up by some kind of vacuum. Arianne rushes in, scrabbling at her jewellery as she explains what is happening.
"Prepare for trouble from up in the clouds!" cries Jesse, holding a silver wing before her face and wearing a cloak as she stands in a balloon with a giant vacuum attachment beneath it.
"And make it double while we rip off the crowds!" adds James, similarly attired.
"To protect the world from devastation." she pulls off her cloak, revealing silver Wing charms all over her costume.
"To unite all peoples within our nation!" cries James, also bedecked in the silvery stuff.
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket is very well accessorised at the speed of light,"
"So surrender now to this fashion faux pas or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth! Dat's right!"
Jesse declares they've had the sale of century in getting their jewellery, and when Ash says they won't get away with it Jesse retorts they already have. Meowth thinks they're invincible due to all the Silver Wing charms they purchased from the sleazy salesman yesterday, and Jesse declares (while the camera valiantly tries to look up her skirt) that they'll take Pikachu too. Meowth hits a button and the giant vacuum fires up more, pulling up even more jewellery.
Arianne charges forward chased by Genero who trips over and his present is sucked up before Team Rocket shut down the power and say goodbye. The balloon lifts and the twerps chase as Arianne asks Genero if he is okay... and what's with the tux? He says he'll explain later and follows the twerps, Arianne following.
The twerps struggle to keep up with the balloon so Ash sends out Noctowl, and it flies up to tear into the balloon. It bounces roughly into it and sends the balloon crashing into the edge of the forest, the twerps congratulating Noctowl on a brutal act of attempted murder.
At the crash site Team Rocket lay moaning amidst tons of stolen jewellery, and Jesse moans they need a new form of transport. James leaps up with a laugh, ignoring his apparently broken leg which sits at an unnatural angle while his shattered pelvis struggles to keep him upright. But James ignores a little thing like crippling agony to grab his Silver Wing charm and remind her that luck is on their side.
The twerps arrive and demand they hand over the jewellery, but they send out Arbok and Weezing instead. Pikachu leaps forward, Weezing using Smoke Screen as Arbok uses Poison Sting and sends Pikachu flying. Arbok fires Poison Sting again as Weezing uses Sludge and the combined attacks prepare to hit Pikachu, but Sandslash arrives and uses Sandstorm attack to block the attack and send it back. Arianne calls for Swift Attack and Genero complains that was his line as Arbok and Weezing are sent crashing into Team Rocket. Meowth moans they should have gotten more charms, and James replies he's heard more isn't always better.

Well if anyone is an expert on the subject.....

Pikachu fires a Thunder Attack and the casing on the charms break off, revealing to a horrified Team Rocket that they're all fakes as they're sent blasting off again. Genero hunts through the stolen jewellery and finds the box, cheering happily as Arianne asks what it is and he gasps, "It's nothing special."
But Ash and Misty encourage him to ask and Brock says if he doesn't, then he will!
Genero stammers to her and she says he still looks a little feverish, and as he tries to come up with an answer Sandslash stomps on his foot. He cries out, then thrusts the box in front of her and says it is for her birthday. She looks at him, confused, then takes the box and opens it. She is amazed by the beautiful Silver Wing charm inside and says it is beautiful, and Genero tries like hell to say the words and.... she states simply that he wants to marry her.
He is horrified! She stole his line again! She grins and tells him to say it himself then and he does, and she accepts! They're getting married, so they celebrate in the time honoured fashion of standing apart and giggling nervously.
Brock sobs at the loss of his latest unobtainable five minute crush and Misty giggles that maybe one day he'll understand women, and he roars at her how can he ever understand anything so complicated?
"Well....." giggles Misty as Togepi looks confused and frightened, and then everyone starts laughing while a confused Genero and Arianne look on.

Later back at Genero's house, the twerps say goodbye to the now engaged couple and head off for Ogi Island. They pass through the dark caves and come out on the other end to a pretty view, and in the grass they see an unexpected sight. Oh, it's a Pikachu! It turns to stare at them and they seem taken aback, this Pikachu is familiar, with a little spiked fringe of hair..... it's Sparky!

Oh sweet Jesus no, that can only mean one thing.... oh God. We don't see if its true as the episode ends, but we know what is coming, and we feel the dread of a condemned man about to walk to his execution. We leave you with this one name that will spread horror through the hearts of the bravest man.



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