217: Satoshi vs Kasumi!  Uzumaki Kappu Saigo no Tatakai!
214: The Perfect Match!

Dodgy Synopsis

217: Satoshi vs Kasumi!  Uzumaki Kappu Saigo no Tatakai!

214: The Perfect Match!

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Ash Gets Beaten By A Girl

Dodgyness Rating:


No story - it's a battle

Team Rocketness-
Fishing for trouble

Moral Learnt

Winning isn't as important as learning a lesson.... unless you win!

Yesterday's episode saw Ash and Misty compete in the first round of the finals of the Whirl Cup League. His Totodile defeated a Kingdra using an.... unusual.... technique, while Misty may have gotten lucky in her defeat of a Qwilfish using Corsola. But none of that is on their mind in today's episode; because they've found out they'll be fighting each other in the next round. Yes it is Ash versus Misty, which considering Misty's recent return to the fiery redhead we knew and feared, and Ash's penchant for pulling impossible victories out of his ass, may well be....

The Perfect Match!

Ash and Misty face off in the arena, Misty saying she has the skill to be a Pokemon Master, while Ash is just convinced that he is going to win. Brock can't wait to see the fight and Togepi seems enraptured as well by the prospect of bloodshed as well.
Meanwhile, "Sea Priestess" Maya is being warned by Officer Jenny that they have received a threat that the Sea Spirit (Maya's Sapphire Staff) will be stolen, but Maya basically fobs this off and insists things will be fine. Officer Jenny seems a little taken aback by this complete lack of concern, while Team Rocket watches from a distance, still working as vendors. Jesse jumps from foot to foot in excitement and giggles that she has finally outdone herself!
Meowth thinks selling hotdogs wasn't so bad and Wobbuffet agrees, while James would just like to know how they can steal the Sea Spirit if there are more guards about. Jesse explains that all the guards will now be surrounding Maya, and thus will never suspect an aerial attack! In her little fantasy that James proclaims to be brilliant, Maya stares about in shock at all the male officers now surrounding her, and then they all turn to camera and flash toothy grins.

Maya is no stranger to a 50/1 ratio, it seems.

Down in the arena, the rules of the match are being explained. Both Trainers will be able to use two different Pokemon, and the first to have both Pokemon knocked out loses. Misty kicks things off by calling out Poliwhirl, and Ash uses Totodile which, of course, dances with delight. Ash calls for a Water Gun and it the happy little Pokemon blasts a massive burst of water at Poliwhirl, which dives aside and crashes into the water, swimming towards a confused Totodile as Ash warns it to get into the water. Totodile ignores him though, staring about as Poliwhirl leaps up and absolutely fucking blitzes Totodile with Bubble beam. It's like watching the US Military win hearts and minds in Iraq with a scorched earth policy on the local primary school, and Totodile disappears behind a white circle of high powered energy released by the bubbles. Poliwhirl leaps down to finish things off with Double Slap, but somehow Totodile clears its head and dodges down, then Skullbashes Poliwhirl backwards. The tough Water Pokemon recovers quickly though and dodges Totodile's Water Gun to before smacking the happily insane little Pokemon around with Double Slap, sending it crashing into a column and then slamming into the platform...... but it isn't finished! It staggers up with a glazed look and starts to dance about again, refusing to stop dancing even when unconscious! But unconscious Totodile is, and finally its dancing feet catch up with its brain and it falls backwards, giving Poliwhirl the win!
Things aren't looking good for Ash and Misty celebrates happily as he goes to his only other Water Pokemon, Kingler!
"Cookie! Cookie!" proclaims Kingler (which has always been confusing), but it isn't frothing at the mouth YET which isn't a good sign. Kingler was always at its most imposing and impressive when it was rabid.

Meanwhile Team Rocket watches the guards surrounding Maya and mutter they're not fooling around.
"Neither are we Meowth!" laughs James, "They're about to find out why we call ourselves Team Rocket!"
"Why do we call ourselves Team Rocket?" ponders Meowth.
But Jesse just grins and thinks to herself that it is almost time.

Poliwhirl fires a Bubble Beam at Kingler, but it throws one massive Pincer up and blocks the bubbles, then leaps high and comes back down, smashing the water with a Crabhammer which rocks the waves and blasts a white ball of energy directly into Poliwhirl. The water continues to swirl about in the arena, forming whirlpools which severely cut off the manoeuvrability of both Pokemon.
Misty is astonished, as is Brock, Pikachu and Togepi watching from the crowd (Pikachu today wearing a pink jacket). Poliwhirl finds itself caught up in a massive wave kicked up by the swirling water, and is sent flying towards Kingler which is waiting eagerly. It smashes the water again and another blast of Crabhammer fires a blast of white light and smashes into Poliwhirl, knocking it into unconsciousness!
A surprised Misty calls back Poliwhirl and congratulates it on taking a severe ass-beating, then makes her move. She calls on Corsola as her and Ash stand at one Pokemon left each, and her Pokemon leaps out of its Pokeball and proclaims...


Yes it isn't Corsola but Psyduck that has popped out! It thrashes about in the water struggling to swim as a shocked Misty, shocked crowd, shocked Maya, shocked Jenny and her shocked guards look on.
"How embarrassing," mutters Brock.
Psyduck crawls up onto the platform and throws a wild thumbs up at Misty, grinning happily as she stares in horror, then demands to know what the hell it thinks it is doing, causing it to grip at its pained head.
Ash grins, happy as always to take the good fortune providence sends his way. He sends in Kingler which swims with determined, eye-popping velocity straight towards Psyduck which.... lies on its stomach, ass facing Kingler as it looks back sadly over its shoulder.

Oh Lordy, its like a middle-aged couple on their anniversary!

Psyduck grabs its head and braces for penetration, and then Kingler leaps high and brings down its pincer, pinching down on Psyduck's head with Vice Grip attack, causing Psyduck to squirm about in agony and cry out in pain.... and then start to glow blue!
Brock's eyes.... well they don't widen..... but Brock is startled nonetheless! He realises that all the pressure on Psyduck's head is giving it a headache, and all you Gentle Dodgers know exactly what that means! Ash seems to realise as well, and calls for Kingler to release Psyduck, but Misty sees her opportunity and calls for Confusion.
Eyes do widen this time, but they're Psyduck's as the dazed, stupid, pained expression leaves its eyes. Psyduck's eyes open wide and glow blue as a massive circle of blue energy radiates around its body and blows Kingler flying right into Ash, knocking them both over and.....


Misty is back and better than ever! She's returned to her old ways, gotten her old personality back and now, now.... she's kicked Ash's ass!
She dances in delight and cries out that she owes it all to Psyduck, which cocks its head and stares in pain-induced confusion at the world around it, once again lost in a haze of pain. In the crowd everyone cheers, Togepi roaring with delight as it dances about, Pikachu standing confused that Ash lost.


That night, their battle over, Ash and Pikachu both share pained expressions as they ring Ash's Mother to..... wait, they ring Professor Oak! Yes, Delia STILL isn't getting any calls but Ash's secret father is, and the pained expressions of Ash and Pikachu come from his seemingly happy observation that Misty has beaten him. But the twerps seem a little confused by what they are seeing on the screen, and ask him what is going on over there.
We see Professor Oak on the screen, his clothes ruffled and hair all mussed up (hmmm, maybe Delia IS there) and then Bayleef tackles him aside and stares into the camera with tears in its eyes, crying out to Ash.

Jesus Professor, what kind of "research" have you been doing out there?

Ash transfers Kingler away and brings Bayleef back, and Oak tells Ash Bayleef is quite fond of him and missed him a bit. Ash calls the Latin-lover out of its Pokeball and it leaps on top of him and knocks him onto his back.
"Your Misty, aren't you?" asks a voice as Ash gets some loving from Bayleef, and Misty looks up in surprise as Brock gets a goofy love-struck expression on his face. No wonder, as a large breasted woman in a pink skirt and red top with dark red-brown hair is asking the question, and Brock identifies her as the winner of today's 6th round match.
Misty asks how he knows that and he replies he never forgets a pretty face, and the woman introduces herself as Trinity and says she'll be Misty's opponent in the third round. She said she was very impressed with her tactics against Ash and says she is looking forward to the match, and doesn't expect Misty to go easy on her.
But that may not be a problem for Trinity, as we rapidly move on to the next day where Misty and Trinity are facing off, two of the final 16. Both trainers get two Pokemon and Misty calls out Poliwhirl, but Trinity calls out..... GYRADOS!

Meanwhile Team Rocket are in EXACTLY the same spot from earlier still watching Maya, and finally James has had enough, asking how much longer they have to stand around like this, he's stiffening up!

Oh, did one of the male police officers take his shirt off?

Meowth asks how they're going to grab it anyway and Jesse replies she said she had a plan, but she's also looking a little nervous and unsure..... it seems she just kind of assumed something would work itself out!

Misty and Trinity's match starts with Misty's Poliwhirl using Bubble Beam, but Gyrados blows it away with Hyperbeam and smashes Poliwhirl down and... already out!
Holy shit!
Ash and Brock are horrified, Gyrados seems unstoppable and one-punched Poliwhirl out of the match in the biggest squash since the little-seen Ali/Woody Allen charity match in 81. Misty desperately calls out Corsola (and this time it actually comes out) and Ash thinks this is clever since it can deflect Hyper-Beam with Mirror Coat, but Brock points out to the dull boy that only water attacks are deflected by mirror coat.
Gyrados uses Hydro pump but Corsola blocks with Mirror Coat, which almost breaks through before returned at double the power. But Trinity seemed to be expecting this and Gyrados fires a Hyperbeam which blasts through its own returned Hydro-Pump and just misses Corsola, which leaps into the water to avoid it.
Corsola swims beneath the water, seen by underwater camera on the large screen set up in the arena. Trinity spots it and cries out to Gyrados to dive into the water, but before it can it is smashed with Spike Cannon from Corsola, and it falls and smashes its head against a column, knocking itself out!
The crowd cheers and Corsola leaps up to celebrate as Misty congratulates it. But despite her massive Pokemon being taken out in quick fashion, Trinity only seems to think it was a minor setback and calls out Chinchou, an abomination from the deep that SHOULD be undergoing some heavy duty mating at the moment according to a recent episode. Misty warns Corsola to be wary, as Chinchou is a Water Type AND an Electric Type, and we soon learn the reason why as Chinchou uses electric Spark to send electricity into the air, up into the clouds which then blast down in a burst of lightning. Corsola quickly uses Mirror Coat and absorbs the attack and sends it back double-fold at Chinchou (that crap about only working on water attacks was apparently just that, crap) which gets hit and... smiles!

The electricity has just recharged it!

Yes it seems Corsola has taken most of the damage and Chinchou has been re-energised, and it shakes its horrible tentacle feelers which glow pink and then send Confuse Ray through the arena after Corsola. Corsola dives into the water to avoid it but Chinchou follows, its Confuse Ray sending Corsola blasting out of the water to the top of a column where it staggers around drunkenly.
Brock says it is completely delirious and Ash and Pikachu call out support, but Corsola seems too confused to understand Misty's call for Recovery. Chinchou blasts Corsola with Water Gun and knocks it into the water where it lays dazed and confused.... and Trinity wins!

Misty loses!

MISTY LOSES! After coming all this way? After getting her personality back!?! After taking MORE time out from getting to the quickly impending Johto League!?! SHE LOSES!

Misty tells Corsola it is okay and mutters something about trying her best, but she just wasn't strong enough....



Team Rocket ARE staying, still in exactly the same place as before as they stare at all the guards around Maya and her staff. James says there are too many for them and besides he has a cramp (too many men for James and he has a cramp? Gee, when you're not in the mood just say so!) but Jesse growls they won't give up and cries out OKAY THEN!..... THEY'LL STEAL IT TOMORROW!
James and Meowth collapse in horror

That night in the Pokemon Centre Misty is telling the others Poliwhirl and Corsola are going to be okay when Trinity shows up. Brock grins as he stares at her boobs (Ash and Pikachu both appear confused by the strange bumps on her chest), and Trinity congratulates Misty on a great match. Misty shakes her hand tells her she'll cheer for her in the final tomorrow (apparently Trinity made it through the opponent after Misty as well), with Brock and Ash both agreeing that she will win.

The next day Trinity's opponent has a Feraligator faces off against her Golduck. But as the battle is about to commence, Togepi notes something odd and it gets Misty's attention. She looks up to see the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon making a direct, not so subtle approach towards Maya.
Inside the balloon, Team Rocket pull out fishing rods and James offers a play by play for the "folks at home", Jesse explaining they're going to snag the Sea Spirit. She casts her rod and lowers a happily saluting Wobbuffet lure towards the staff as Maya and the forty or so guards around her stare obliviously forward, not noticing the giant fucking Meowth balloon directly before them.
The Wobbuh-Lure hooks the Sea Spirit, but then Pikachu calls out and zaps the rod, breaking the line. The twerps rush up in front of Maya (the guards do NOTHING! NOT A GODDAMN THING!) and cry out that they're trying to steal, and the announcer notices the balloon for the first time and points it (and its "suspicious fishermen" occupants) out to the crowd. Officer Jenny rushes forward, belatedly realising shit is going down, and says in an amazing display of detectivenicity that it must have been Team Rocket that called in the threatening phone-call!
"Threatening phone call?" asks Ash, perhaps perturbed he wasn't informed of police business.
"That' right!" shouts Jesse, "We warned you to prepare for trouble!"
"And then we decided to make it double!" adds James.
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket lifts off at the speed of light,"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"
"Dat's right!"
James declares their plan worked (the plan to get all the cops directly in front of them and fail to steal the staff?) and Misty asks what they want. Jesse explains she wants the Sea Spirit because a truly beautiful thing belongs with a truly beautiful person. But again Maya seems oddly complacent about the whole thing (maybe the local football captain banged her in a back-alley amongst some rubbish last night..... just like prom!) and comments that no one has ever been able to take the Sea Spirit away from where it belongs. Jesse declares that "her Highness" has no idea who she is dealing with, and casts her rod again, while again the police do NOTHING.
But as civilians with no legal police standing, Ash and Misty decide to interfere and call out Totodile and Poliwhirl while Trinity calls on Golduck and her opponent calls on Feraligator. All of them order their Pokemon to use Water Gun and Team Rocket are blasted up into the air as James moans that all of that was for nothing (all of "that" consisting of hiding in the same place for several days) and Meowth moans that something smells fishy.

Well, Jesse WAS standing in the same place without a shower for several days!

They're blasted high into the air and for absolutely no other reason than being a prick Ash has Pikachu use Thunderbolt. Team Rocket disappear into a glint of light and cry out they're blasting off again, then the Thunderbolt causes their balloon to explode as the useless police officers stand grinning at this premeditated act of attempted murder.
Maya declares she is grateful to the twerps and Brock grabs her hands to say it was nothing, and Misty agrees that he did do NOTHING as she drags him away by the ear and calls out to Trinity to continue her battle.

Later that night the final closing ceremony takes place, all the trainers who took part sitting in boats in the arena as the Water Pendant is gifted to the winner, who of course is Trinity.......'s opponent!

She lost!


Maya holds up the Sea Spirit and says a few final words as it glows bright, officially ending the Whirl Cup only a few episodes after we learned about it!

Oh if only Johto was the same!

The next day the twerps stand around with Trinity looking at the once again half submerged arena. All of them agree that despite not winning it was a valuable experience (people who don't win ALWAYS say not winning was a valuable experience) and Trinity and her massive boobs declare they'll train harder for the next Whirl Cup in three years time.
But what of Misty? Her arrival in the Whirl Islands seemed to lift her out of her funk and give her back a little bit of that old character she used to have. Togepi was often away from her and without the vile little energy leech there to screw things over she seemed to be the Misty of old. She outright fired back up when she and Ash decided to take part in the Whirl Cup, proceeded to kick his ass but then lost. One could probably forgive her for drifting back into her old boring background bit of wallpaper she has been since being saddled with Togepi, but as Misty stares out at the sea and declares she is more convinced than ever of her love for Water Pokemon, something seems evident.

For now at least, Misty isn't planning on going back to her old ways just yet!


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