214: Maintain to Chinbotsu Sen!! Nazo no Pokemon no Himitsu
211: Mantine Overboard!

Dodgy Synopsis

214: Maintain to Chinbotsu Sen!! Nazo no Pokemon no Himitsu

211: Mantine Overboard!

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Jean-Luc Peekasheu: Frogman

Dodgyness Rating:



Team Rocketness-
Irate Pirates

Moral Learnt

Expel your air before surfacing or you'll get the bends

Today finds the twerps running through a port city, trying to get to the ferry to Red Rock Isle before it leaves. But as they run, they see it is already leaving and despite how fast they run, there is no way they're going to catch it. In fact, they wouldn't even get close enough to jump after the ferry and miss it, and even if they did they'd be too far away for a sailor to notice and shout...

Mantine Overboard.

So the twerps find themselves on a port watching the ferry disappear, and they'll have to wait for the next one before they can get to Red Rock Isle. A sailor passes by and Misty calls out to him (usually not a good idea for a young girl!), asking when the next ferry will arrive. He explains the "next" ferry has already left; it only comes once a day!
Yes, they're stuck there for another day and the port seems deserted, so there isn't even a character of the day to muck around with. Brock suggests they find a Pokemon Centre to freeload from, when suddenly a pair of breasts interrupts them. Well, at least that's the first we see of the belated arrival of todayıs Character of the Day as the camera pans up her body to reveal a smiling girl who says it looks like they missed the ferry.
Brock begins running on the spot in excitement, impatiently waiting his turn as Ash and Misty share bland small-talk with the girl, then rushes forward and declares he is a breeder and asks her what her name is. It's Luca, she tells him, and she studies the Pokemon that inhabit these waters. Before Brock can ask if he can pull into her cove, Misty drags him away by the air, and Luca tells Ash she has a boat and will take them to Red Rock Isle if they'd like. Brock breaks free of Misty and rushes back, gushing to Luca that he just KNEW she would save them!
A little further out to sea, Team Rocket watch the twerps walking along the port from their Magikarp submarine, wondering who Luca is, since they've never seen her before and the twerps don't have a habit of meeting up and befriending new people on a continual basis.
Anyway, Luca takes the twerps to her boat, which is a horrible looking piece of crap, though she insists that it runs well despite being run down. Brock declares it to be a vision of loveliness, however, perhaps in the hopes that admiring her boat will somehow result in dropping to her knees and giving him fellatio.

Hey, George W. Bush won two Presidential Elections, anything could happen!

They head out to sea and Brock snoops through her diving gear, but finds communication devices instead of used panties. Ash wonders what she could possibly be doing with this kind of gear....


Inside the cabin, Luca has an old framed map with an X on it and when the twerps notice it Misty thinks it is a treasure map. Luca tells her she is not far off, though it isn't anything like gold, silver, pearls and diamonds.

You know, valuable stuff.

Another framed picture showed a middle aged moustached man, and Luca explains that was her Great Grandfather and tells of how, long ago, he was the one who started the family tradition of researching water Pokemon. One day while rummaging through the attic, Luca found his old journal with the map inside, with a claim written in that he'd finally found the one true Silver Wing!
WOAH! The one true Silver Wing! That is fantastic! There's just one problem.... Luca isn't entirely sure what that is! However, she suspects that this thing that she doesn't know what it is might lead to a mysterious Pokemon!

Note: the person who wrote that last sentence has a University Degree. Wow.

Ash doesn't question the credibility of this leap of logic, in fact he makes one of his own. What if the mysterious Pokemon Luca is speaking about is the same mysterious Pokemon that saved them from the Whirlpool? Well it is possible, after all no one has ever put those two words together before unless it meant the same Pokemon that help Ash out a few days ago!
Misty asks what happened to the Silver Wing and Luca explains her Great Grandfather's ship sunk - along with the Silver Wing - and though everyone survived no one else would believe him when he said he'd found it. For years afterwards he tried to locate the sunken ship to prove he was telling the truth , but he could never find it. But Luca has used new technology along with the old map, and after testing for the flow of currents and tides she believes she has found the final resting place of her Great Grandfather's ship!. She placed the X on the map herself, and it is a nice symbolic gesture that she will use the map penned by her Great Grandfather to find the treasure he lost. Well Ash and Brock have heard all they need to.... treasure, sunken ships, pirates (okay not pirates, but they're boys! you know they're thinking pirates!) and both insist she take them with her, wanting to search for buried treasure! She agrees as Team Rocket listens from beneath in their submarine, a listening device attached to the hull.
James figures they can get to the treasure first but Jesse is disappointed, has she taught him nothing? Meowth throws his hands up and eagerly begs to be called on, saying that they'll follow the twerps and let them find the treasure, then steal it and Pikachu too! Jesse is pleased and sparkling lights of approval shine onto Meowth as she cries out her personal motto, "Minimal effort with maximum profit!"

As the boat travels towards the final resting place of the Silver Wing, Luca explains to the twerps that they're going to dive in when they get there, but it won't be that easy. They ask why, and rather than actually tell them, she instead says she isn't going to have trouble finding the ship, but will need extra help. With that unnecessarily obtuse statement out of the way, they arrive at "X" and she pulls on a wetsuit and throws out three Magikarp (each one lays a million eggs!) and Brock salutes her and Ash (who is also suited up). Pikachu wants to come too but Ash tells him he'll have to wait, and he and Luca fall backwards into the water. Pikachu - displaying a remarkable lack of understanding of the elements - jumps up onto the rail, turns and prepares to drop in, with Brock grabbing it just in time. Ash calls out from the water he'll be back soon, then he and Luca submerge with the Magikarp and swim through the water. They pass a number of Water Pokemon as Ash communicates with Brock on the boat, and then they swim into view of their goal... Luca's Great Grandfather's boat, right where she thought it would be! They land (apparently they can stand in water now) and she sends the Magikarp forward to scout around. The dumb Pokemon swim forward, and then a massive Stingray-like Pokemon swims by, identified by an astonished Ash as a Mantine, a Sea Pokemon he never expected to see in the sea, you see. Back on the ship, Brock hears the name and Misty goes to check it out with Dexter.
"Mantine, the Kite Pokemon." Dexter says, "Mantine, swims about the ocean, majestically, and when flying out of the water, can build up, tremendous speed."
The Mantine scares the Magikarp off (they're not THAT stupid) and Luca is concerned, how can she get to the ship if Mantine is guarding it?
They ask that question back up on the boat and Luca figures they might be able to use the Magikarp to distract it, and Ash suggests he and Pikachu go along and distract it to, since Pikachu is an Electric Type. She thinks it will be dangerous (such as explaining to Pikachu that it has to expel all its air before it surfaces or it will get the bends) but Ash and Pikachu are too stupi.... brave to be scared.
They prepare to dive again, Pikachu joining them this time in a little suit Luca happened to have laying around on the off chance she somehow took onboard a midget first mate or something.
Pikachu = French. French = Frog. Diver = Frogman. Pikachu = Frogman. God, we hate being right sometimes.....

Under the water, Pikachu stares around at an alien world and then joins Ash and Luca on the seafloor again, where they use their amazing ability to stand underwater to discuss their plans. Ash and Pikachu grab a Magikarp each and are pulled along towards the boat, Mantine popping out to scare them off, just as planned. Luca grabs another Magikarp and prepares to move in the moment Mantine is distracted.
Mantine swoops right at Ash and Pikachu, and Pikachu is knocked off of its Magikarp. The surprisingly well-thinking Magikarp twists around and catches Pikachu as Mantine gives chase, while Luca grabs the advantage and swims inside of the boat. But all is not well, once inside, she sees two glinting eyes in the darkness and panics.

Meanwhile Pikachu and Magikarp swim around behind Mantine and the electric Pokemon grabs a hold of Mantine, preparing to Thunderbolt it when it is suddenly knocked aside by Water Gun from a.... Remoraid!?!
Inside the boat the eyes are shown to be those of another Remoraid, which Water Guns Luca outside of the boat as Mantine chases around Ash and Pikachu, followed by the first Remoraid. Luca joins Ash and orders him to retreat back to the ship, and as they swim further away, Mantine and Remoraid stop chasing them.
Team Rocket watch from their submarine, complaining about how useless the twerps are. Wobbuffet pops out to agree and gets recalled, then Jesse grins at how impressive Mantine is and says they've been after the wrong Pokemon, they need to get that Mantine! So Jesse proclaims that it is out with the "minimum effort, maximum profit" plan and in with the "slightly more work than before but still pretty good" plan!
James and Meowth salute and Wobbuffet has to get in on some of that action! It pops out to do the same, Jesse yelling at it that there is only enough room for three of them.

Back on the boat the twerps are trying to figure out how to stop Remoraid and Mantine from daring to defend their home and territory. Misty decides to use all of her Water Pokemon to help, and Ash agrees and calls out Totodile, which dances with mad delight, amazed to be in honest-to-goodness actual WATER! While the camera lovingly moves over Misty's wetsuit clad, underage body as she poses before calling out Staryu and Corsola... and then Psyduck pops out too! She sighs in exasperation as it madly thrashes about in the water it can't swim in, Brock hauling it up out of the water in a life preserver as Togepi roars with drunken laughter on the railing of the boat (PUSH IT IN ASH! PUSH IT IN!).
They all dive in and approach the boat, but there already some kind of fight going on. Mantine is smashing into the side of the Magikarp submarine as a metallic hand tries to grab at it or the two Remoraid. The twerps know it is Team Rocket and.... they do nothing. Yes, instead of helping they take the chance to go inside of the boat.

Wow, what a bunch of jerks.

Inside they look about and Luca spots a hole in the wall, and when she looks through finds a big bundle of baby Remoraid. She figures the two older Remoraid her and Ash saw earlier are the parents and that is why they've been protecting them, but why is Mantine helping out?

It likes a well stocked pantry?

Outside Mantine smashes and attacks the Magikarp Submarine, Jesse complaining that she can't put up with the relentless pounding (hehe) when it suddenly stops. Figuring that Mantine heard her and paid attention, Jesse orders them to charge and they smash the submarine through the wall of the boat. Alarmed by the sudden vibration, the baby Remoraid rush off and reveal a chest lying on the ground. Luca picks it up, figuring the Silver Wing must be inside, and they walk back through the hole. There they are shocked to see a giant Magikarp face sticking through the wall and Luca's three Magikarp trying to talk to it.
"What is that?" asks Luca.
"HAHAHA!" laugh Jesse and James, "BEHOLD!"
The submarine's eyes light up and project an image onto the wall, a film countdown appearing and ticking down from three before a tinny, gramophone record version of the Team Rocket motto music plays. Jesse and James appear on the projected image, standing on the curve of the Earth.
"Lights camera and prepare for trouble!"
"Like the feature? We'll make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light,"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth! Dat's right!"
"THEEEE END!" they all cry together, then see the chest in Luca's hands (in front of her other chest) and grab it with a mechanical arm before bursting back out of the ship. Jesse grins ferociously, declaring now it is time for the Mantine, and James looks at her sadly before asking what if they just quit while they're ahead of once?
"NEVER!" she hisses, and then the Mantine slams into the side of the submarine again as the twerps and Luca swim out of the ship. Meowth hits a button and a sticky arm fires out and catches the Mantine, hauling it into the Magikarp's mouth before the two Remoraids help, blasting a Water Gun to sever the sticky arm and then attack the submarine.
Luca figures out that they have a symbiotic relationship, then explains to the retarded twerps that this big four-syllable word means they help each other out. But they can't help each other when all three are caught up in a net from Team Rocket, and Ash and Misty send in Corsola, Totodile and Staryu to rip open the net, freeing the just captured Pokemon.
"At least we have the treasure!" growls Jesse, the chest still held by the mechanical arm which for some reason has remained OUTSIDE of the submarine.
"Can we just slink off now?" asks James.
"Ready when you are!" agrees Meowth.
"You want to take the cowardıs way out?" asks Jesse angrily,"..... okay, but I want to see some pedalling!"
The submarine begins zooming away as they pedal at top speed, and the twerps cannot keep up, it seems Team Rocket is going to get away. But Mantine swoops up beside Ash, and he and Pikachu jump onto Mantine's back and follow the Submarine, taking part of that whole Symbiotic thing.
"The twerp on a Mantine?" asks James, "Well now I've seen it all!"

You really don't want to know about the "other" stuff he's seen!

They keep pedalling as Mantine pulls up beside them, Pikachu walking up to the "eye" of the submarine and tapping on it, surprising Team Rocket... they have a visitor?
"I'll get it!" offers Meowth helpfully, and on the view screen appears Pikachu! It glares at them, then sparks as Team Rocket cry in fear.
Back topside the ocean sits serene and calm (which is good, since both those words mean the same thing) when suddenly a yellow light like a Chinchou Orgy lights up the water... and then Team Rocket bust out in a splash of water, crying, "TEAM ROCKETıS SPLASHING OFF AGAIN!"
The chest flies through the air, Mantine leaping through the surface of the water with Ash on its back, Ash catching the chest as everyone else cries out in excitement.

They all died several minutes later from the bends, after surfacing far too quickly.

Or not... as later on as the sun sets they say goodbye to Mantine and the entire Remoraid family. Luca opens the chest with a moon and star motif on it, and inside is another box with the same symbol. Inside that is not another, smaller box ad infinitum, but a small "Silver Wing", which looks like a bird in flight seen head on. It shines in the light and they happily tell her now she has the proof her Great Grandfather was right, and she says she will continue his work!

Kind of like she and her family did anyway for the last three generations.

Kind of pointless really.

But regardless, the twerps have fulfilled their contractual obligations to help out the "character-of-the-day" and she reciprocates by taking them to Red Rock Isle as promised. It is there that the twerps can - more characters-of-the-day notwithstanding - finally begin in earnest to take part in the Whirl Cup League.


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