213: Saniigo de Amiigo!  Ougan Tou no Taiketsu!!
210: A Corsola Caper!

Dodgy Synopsis

213: Saniigo de Amiigo!  Ougan Tou no Taiketsu!!

210: A Corsola Caper!

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Pink and Horny!

Dodgyness Rating:


Think pink

Team Rocketness-
Queen Jessica the First

Moral Learnt

Unconditionable love don't put food on the table

The twerps have arrived on Yellow Rock Isle and are moving through a local village as Brock reads the guide Nurse Joy gave Ash. He reads out loud about the fascinating - to him - fishing and farming industries, and Ash and Misty give him all the attention his subject deserves - none. They're more interested in the yellow rocks which prove the name of the Isle is correct. But yellow isn't the only colour on display, Misty notices some pink art pieces and the shopkeeper explains as he rubs his hands they're made from Corsola Horn, which is shed by Corsola each year (sure it is, sure it is). Well Misty is even more in love with Corsola than before, but if the hands rubbing shopkeeper thought he had an easy sale he's never meet these freeloading twerps before, because Misty doesn't buy any of the Corsola jewellery, instead she declares that she WILL capture a Corsola of her own!
The shopkeeper consoles himself by admiring Pikachu, explaining that Yellow Rock Islers are partial to yellow Pokemon. Misty considers that maybe she should show hers too, but before she gets to decide, Psyduck pops out by itself!
Well the shopkeeper thinks the confused duck is cute as a button, but when she tells Psyduck that was nice, it turns around and runs away! Misty mutters it is going to get lost AGAIN and runs through an alleyway onto the beach after it, but Psyduck has disappeared. Suddenly it reappears from behind a rock looking frantic, and the twerps try to figure out why when they see a house go floating by on the ocean! Well they think that's pretty cool, until they see a Corsola on the balcony that is obviously in a panic and a small girl crying for help!
Uh oh! Looks like it is time for....

The Corsola Caper!

Misty spots a speedboat tied up to a small pier and they quickly commandeer it, Brock racing it towards a whirlpool with the house on the other side. Pieces of the house break off and fall into the whirlpool and Brock thinks they won't make it, but Ash says they will and chooses Bulbasaur and Bayleef's Vine whip to grab the house before the speedboat turns and speeds away, dragging the house with them to the shore.
On shore relatives of the small girl thank them for their help, the older sister saying they saved her younger sister. Whether the man is her brother or her lover is unclear, but Brock is an optimist and rushes up to declare that while his aspiration is to be a breeder he really aspires is to be with her.... and Misty grabs him by the ear and drags him away, telling him to get his.... aspirations.... away from there.

We're not making this up, Gentle Dodgers!

Ash asks how it happened and they explain they live on a bunch of a Corsola, a kind of Corsola nest made from coral, where many of the artists and shopkeepers collect shedded Corsola horn to work with (shed my ass, they hunt those motherfuckers!). Her father (who turns out to be the man with them.... so Brock hit on her in front of her FATHER!) is an artist, so it made sense to live on a Corsola nest where they could get access to horns.
The older sister explains that the Corsola that was on the house first appeared recently on their doorstep one day and kind of adopted them, it is more energetic than most Corsola and has a tendency to tackle them (it's a jerk!), and recently all the other Corsola got pissed off and left the nest, and it was while she and her father were looking in a Corsola hole (GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA) that their home broke free.
The older sister - Andrea - says Corsola tried to save the little girl - Mika - but wasn't strong enough, so they thank them again for their help. Corsola stares with a huge grin at Pikachu whose eyes grow wide as it realises what is coming and dives aside, Corsola lovingly tackling Psyduck and sending it flying backwards where it lands on its head and looks confused upside down rather than right side up.
Misty stares at the Corsola and decides it technically is a WILD Pokemon, which means she can move in and..... Brock grabs her by the ear and gently suggests she move out, since it would be poor form to capture a Corsola that has adopted Andrea and Mika in all but name. Meanwhile Ash randomly declares for the others that they can help the family get their other Corsola back to the nest.

In the town itself, Team Rocket sneak through a roof of a shop as Meowth whispers happily that it is their 500th heist!
"The bank... the grocery... my Grandmother," counts James, "This one does make 500!"
They lower down on ropes and James falls onto his ass, saying he is okay to Jesse and Meowth who look more irritated than concerned. They open the boxes stacked up high in the store room and find tons of Corsola Horn Jewellery and statues, and Jesse instantly falls in love with the pretty shiny stuff. James says they can sell it for a bunch but Jesse seems more interested in the way the outer refinement truly matches the inner her.
"You know," she mutters, looking irritated for a second, "Whatıs the point in a life spent tailing twerps when my true calling is to languish in the lap of luxury?"
We're treated to a patented desperate Jesse fantasy, as we see a skewed vision of a castle, outside of which stands Jesse in a white princess dress with yellow markings, pink ruffles around the collar and cuffs and the same Corsola Horn crown she is currently wearing in real life, "Living large... and commanding my very own.... KINGDOM! Where even my servants have servants!"
She bows and pirouettes about happily in her fantasy world as James and Meowth exchange a knowing glance and then begin piling Corsola Horn jewellery into sacks. Meowth mutters about her crown being too tight, and James says she's a legend... in her own mind. Meowth asks her highness to get with the program and she starts stuffing her sack when the shopkeeper from earlier opens the door and finds them standing there. He demands to know how they got in and they leg it, Jesse's crown twirling in the air before she rushes back in, grabs it with a pink swipe of speed and runs off as he chases them crying, "THIEVES!"

The twerps and their new friends walk along the beach when they hear the cry and see Team Rocket approaching. They demand they stop as James and Meowth pull up, then Jesse arrives soon after and laughs.
"PREEEEEEPARE FOR TROUBLE!" she sings as she pirouettes about.
"Dis ain't da time for spouting off da motto!" yells Meowth.
"I MADE THAT CROWN!" yells Andrea's Dad.
The shopkeeper explains they stole all of his jewellery and the twerps demand they hand it back over.
"A Queen and her beautiful crown are never parted!" smiles Jesse.
Corsola tackles her over, leaving her lying belly down with her ass in the air (Hey hey!).
"Why you insolent little puny pink punk!" she yells.
James sends out Victreebell which turns and tries to eat him, while Misty and Ash send out Staryu and Totodile, the latter dancing in ecstasy and sheer delight at the unprecedented fact of standing next to ANOTHER POKEMON! Jesse calls out Arbok to defend its "Queen" and Staryu tackles Victreebell, sending it flying while Totodile chases Arbokıs tail and tries to bite it, Arbok teasing it by pulling the end of its tail back and forth before Ash has it use Head butt to smack Arbok back. James has Victreebell use Razor Leaf which Staryu dodges, using Rapidspin to blast Victreebell and send it spinning again, and then Totodile and Staryu use Double Water Gun and smash Team Rocket, knocking all of their jewellery away.
"NO! All of my royal finery!" yells Jesse as they are sent blasting off again.
The shopkeeper collects up all of the jewellery and says he was lucky, and Ash asks if he's seen a bunch of Corsola. Andrea explains their Corsola have disappeared but they're going to get them back, and the shopkeeper replies without much enthusiasm that he is sure they will.

They search through the forest, calling out to the Corsola which all appear to have ridiculous names like Annie, Danny, Penny, Denny, Ronnie, Lonnie, Connie and Bonnie. Suddenly one of the missing Pokemon appears, looking a little frightened to see the energetic Corsola and running into Andrea's arms. It is apparently Annie, but it doesn't know where Danny, Penny, Denny, Ronnie, Lonnie, Connie and Bonnie are.
Well Misty is just pleased they got Annie back, because NOW she can catch that wild Corsola and..... Brock grabs her ear and drags her away; telling her this isn't the time.
They look around, Ash trying some of the names and screwing them up, and the wild Corsola again finds one of the missing Corsola which sees it, panics and leaps into Mika's arms. This one is Bonnie, and the Wild Corsola (we'll call it Wily for now) leaps up and down happily as the twerps figure that Wily likes the other Corsola (which don't like it) and it simply shows affection through gross physical violence.

You know, like when a man in the 1950s wanted to let his wife know he loved her, so he'd bash the living shit out of her!

They continue through the forest, Brock having left a pile of Corsola food about earlier, and they find two of the Corsola eating away before Wily bounces up and terrifies them. Andrea and Ash come out and pick them up while a little further off, sitting on a tree branch, watch Team Rocket.
Meowth and James confer on what is going on, why are the twerps picking up so many Corsola? Why are so many Corsola about? Are there more nearby? As they ponder these mysteries, Meowth suddenly realises that the Boss will be even happier with real Corsola than Corsola Horn Jewellery! In fact, cries Meowth as he falls into another patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy.....
"Every morning when he comes out to survey his estate," says Meowth as we see Giovanni step out into his garden one fine morning, "Da first fing he'll be seeing is all o'dem Corsola, hanging around in dere wonderful pinkness!"
A line-up of Corsola smile at Giovanni, who grins back wolfishly.
"And when he sees dem horns sparkling like diamonds in da morning sun, he'll be tinking of da tree of us! And you know what da boss is gonna say? HUH!?! I do!"
We see Giovanni smiling down at Jesse, James and Meowth as they kneel on bended knee before him, and he says in a suspiciously Meowth-like voice, "He'll say, well done, I am most pleased wif your efforts, I invite youse to join me as we celebrate your wonderful accomplishment!"
"We're gonna be heroes!" laughs Meowth.
Well James is excited, he can't wait to get down there and grab those Corsola, then grab their reward!
"Down boy," mutters Jesse with a smirk, who thinks she might just have a better idea.

Noctowl meanwhile spots two more Corsola (but not Team Rocket) and they're gathered up as Wily bounces around happily. They return to their home and do a roll-call, finding they've managed to gather up all of the missing Corsola. Wily leaps up happily beside Misty who grins and ducks down to grab out a Pokeball and try to capture it, and then suddenly little weighted ropes fire down and wrap around the horns of the recently returned Corsola. One flies towards Wily too, but Misty kicks it away with a shout of, "NOOOO!"

Damn, Misty really IS back!

"It's Team Rocket!" yells Ash as he looks at where the ropes lead and finds it attached to the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon.
"Prepare for trouble, give us the horns and all!"
"Make it double, we're in for a haul!"
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light,"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"
"Meowth! Dat's right!"
Misty demands to know what they want and they explain they let the twerps round up the Corsola for them, and James hauls the captured Corsola up into the air. Ash calls out Noctowl which flies towards the balloon, James calling out Weezing which uses Smokescreen, causing Noctowl to cough and hack, not used to the thick smoke in its lungs.

Noctowl sells the shit, it doesn't use!

Jesse cackles at the thought of her soon to be Corsola horn jewellery collection, seeming to lose it as her eyes go wide and she laughs madly, James and Meowth staring on in dismay.
And and Misty call on Noctowl to hang on and it flies out of the smoke and tears through the balloon, which crashes and leaves the Corsola hanging from the crashed basket. Jesse roars that she is to be their Queen and them her loyal subjects, and she gets tackled by Corsola with the same results as earlier, lying belly down with her ass in the air.
Staryu is called out and uses Rapidspin to cut the Corsola free, and Team Rocket call out Victreebell and Arbok to counter. Victreebell tries to eat James while the Corsola group attacks Arbok before running from Victreebell's razor leaf. Arbok uses Wrap on Staryu but is tackled by the Corsola again, Victreebell trying Vine Whip and sending Wily crashing hard onto a rock, lying on its back and moaning in pain.
The twerps run up, thinking it is out.... but then it glows yellow and jumps back up. Brock explains it used Recover as Wily jumps angrily around, and then all the other Corsola join it and start glowing white, Team Rocket realising what is up immediately and running as Spike Cannon is fired at them, James guarding his precious ass with his hands as they dive behind their basket. But the engine is hit by Spike cannon and explodes, sending Jesse's dreams of royalty up in smoke. Meowth sighs and asks how many times they've been blasted off now, and James asks if it is 500.
"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" they all cry, as they're sent blasting off again.

With that out of the way, Misty finally gets her chance to face off with Corsola, wanting to capture it as Andrea and Mika watch on. If the two girls are upset by seeing what is essentially their Corsola in all but name about to be captured by a stranger, they don't show it. Hey, also wrecked their meal ticket, so they put up no protest as Misty sends out Poliwhirl to fight.
Corsola jumps up and down happily, but the smile fades as Poliwhirl uses Bubble Attack, pissing off Corsola which tackles Poliwhirl hard. It is sent flying backwards, lands, skids to a stop and then uses Double Slap to knock Corsola down and out..... until it uses Recover and interrupts Poliwhirl's celebrations. Poliwhirl tries Water Gun but hits Mirror Coat, which bounces it back, and Misty realises she's going to need to basically pound the shit out of Corsola to keep it down long enough to capture it. Using the power of cheap repeated animation, Misty has Poliwhirl use Bubble beam again and then the two Pokemon crash hard into each other before Poliwhirl uses Double Slap and another Tackle to knock Corsola down again. Before it can use Recover, Misty throws the lure ball she got long ago and sucks it in, the ball dropping to the ground and rocking back and forth before the light stops blinking red and....

Misty finally caught her goddamn Corsola!

As the sun sets, they wave goodbye to the family who got their livelihood back, and all it cost them was a Pokemon that loved them unconditionally and without reservation....

But that don't want food on the table!

"Down boy!"

"Noctowl's burst our beautiful bubble!"

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