196: Gorubatto vs Kamen no Jou'ou Musashi! Iseki no Tatakai!!
193: Control Freak

Dodgy Synopsis

196: Gorubatto vs Kamen no Jou'ou Musashi! Iseki no Tatakai!!

191: Control Freak

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Raiders of the Lost Mask

Dodgyness Rating:


Hee hee

Team Rocketness-
James will always be queen

Moral Learnt

Life just ain't fair, kid, get over it

Today finds the twerps desperately trying to halt any forward progress they might have made by stopping for a meal by another riverbank. Brock is preparing food for everyone, and calls down his monstrous Golbat to sink its fangs into the food he has prepared. It chows down to fill that giant maw that takes up most of its face, then something gets its attention and it swoops off with its food barely started. Brock gives chase, demanding it come back, demanding it listen to him and do what he says.
Wow, what a....

Control Freak.

Golbat leads Brock into some old ruins where cloudy gases seem to float around. Brock spots a girl lying facedown in the dirt, passed out and....

KA-CHING! Brock might be in there!

But rather than get that pesky virginity out of the way, Brock wakes the girl up who immediately jumps onto all fours....


But Brock misses his window of opportunity again as she darts over to a smashed up piece of equipment and begins wailing that it is ruined. Brock picks up that it is a supersonic detector (when you're not getting any action, your days are filled with picking up useless information like that apparently) and asks her if she has a laptop, telling her he might be able to fix it.
They move into her work cabin, a metallic building that the girl - Tiara - works out of. Brock sets to trying to repair the supersonic detector (which apparently got Golbats attention) as Tiara explains that she has used up all of her research funds buying her equipment and can't afford to replace anything. She is doing research into an ancient Queen whom, legend says, owned a mask that allowed her to control any Pokemon without having to capture it. She kept it hidden in a temple to keep her enemies from getting ahold of it, and Tiara's research indicates the temple was somewhere around here. So she is using the Supersonic Detector to try and find the buried remains of the temple. Ash is excited by the idea of a mask that controls Pokemon, that would make him the greatest Pokemon Trainer ever!

Yeah, by removing all the need to build up trust and develop a one of those pesky relationships based on mutual respect.

Listening on the roof with a stethoscope, Meowth is very interested in what he is hearing.
"Da twerps getting excited."
Jesse isn't surprised, who wouldn't be excited? She and James consider all the things they could do if they had that mask, from just having Pikachu willingly walk into their arms to capturing any Pokemon in the world. They could give half to the boss, sell half on the side, and make out like banditos!

Meanwhile Brock has finished up work on Tiara's laptop. It is now apparently good as new, but when she asks him about the Supersonic Detecter he cheerfully tells her that it is beyond repair. Tiara, of course, doesn't take it so calmly, without that detecter she won't be able to continue her search. But Brock has apparently found a workaround for the problem, he has "rejiggered" the laptop to read supersonic transmissions from Golbat as it uses its Supersonic on the ground. Tiara is, of course, VERY pleased and a blushing Brock obviously has an idea about how she might go about thanking him. But before he can suggest they go find someplace a little more private, she spots an underground hollow that she is sure must be the Queen's chamber. But it is pretty deep down, and it seems the clumsy Tiara has damaged any digging equipment she used to have while moving a column earlier. But once again Brock comes to the rescue, calling out Geodude to do some cheap manual labour for them. It begins digging down into the dirt as Brock stands as close to Tiara as he is ever going to get, watched from a distance by Team Rocket.
Jesse is adamant that they must get into that temple before the twerps do, and demands that Meowth come up with a plan! And James inissts that it had better be a good one! Luckily for Meowth he has come prepared to deal with Jesse and James passing the buck onto him. He has from somewhere gotten his paws onto a new robot, a giant virus-looking drill-mech with a Dugtrio construct on top. He calls it The Dugtrio Digatron.
"This is quite an impressive piece of equipment!" notes James from inside the cockpit.

Well if anyone is a judge of impressive pieces of equipment, it's James!

"Da Dugtrio Digatron's specially designed tah drill troo anyting!" snaps a surly looking Meowth, tired of having his plans called into question. Jesse mutters about specially designed seats as Meowth pushes a button and gets them digging down.

Meanwhile the twerps make their way down a tunnel constructed by Geodude, who is making a remarkably large tunnel several feet higher than Geodude itself..... wow. But a noise behind them gets their attention, it seems that the tunnel has caved in behind them, which irritates Ash since it means they'll have to punch their way back through later on.

That plus the lack of oxygen and light, you know.

But Team Rocket are having no such problems, they've burst through into an underground cavern, dropping out of the Dugtrio Digatron's seats and falling to what would be their deaths in the real world. They have obviously found the old temple and a large statue in the distance bearing a golden mask and staff must be the ones they heard the twerps talking about earlier.
They remove them from the statue and ponder how to go about controlling the worlds Pokemon.... James suggests swirling the staff about (it's alway worked for him before!) while Jesse decides that the regal beauty of the mask was obviously designed for a regal beauty like her. She places the mask on her face and then begins to grunt and hiss, pulling at the mask in an attempt to get it off.
"What's wrong?" asks James, "Is it too tight?"
"Maybe her heads too fat?" suggests Meowth.
But Jesse starts laughing, proclaiming that she can feel a strange power flowing through her.
"You certainly do seem strange," whimpers James before Jesse swipes the staff from him.
"With this mask and this staff," proclaims the now disturbing looking Jesse, "I'm not the old Jesse.... from this moment on I am the Queen of all Pokemon!"
"Dat tings cutting off your circulation," suggests Meowth.
"You are my lowly subjects!" cries Jesse, "Kneel before me!"
"With my bad knees?" asks James.....

.....and nothing more really needs to be said about that.

Jesse then proceeds to prove her powers, thrusting her staff in James' direction and ordering Victreebell to come out of its Pokeball. It leaps out and then follows Jesse's direction, attacking James and swallowing his head in another go at that tired old gag.
But Meowth is less than impressed, Victreebell does that anyway so it in no way proves Jesse is now Queen of all Pokemon.... until she orders him to dance and he starts to do go against his own will, pulling out a couple of black fans and dancing about as an astonished James watches.
"Believe me Jimmy I wanna stop but my body got a mind of its own!" gasps Meowth as he continues to dance.
James and Meowth finally see the error of their ways and drop down, bowing and worshipping Jesse as their Queen, begging her forgiveness. But as Jesse basks in their worship, a wall smashes open and Geodude emerges, followed by the twerps. They see Jesse standing there holding the staff and wearing the mask, Tiara proclaiming that they are priceless artifacts.... which just makes Jesse laugh.
"Prepare for the worst trouble you've ever seen!" she cries.
"With the staff and the mask," adds James, holding his rose dramatically, "Jesse's the queen!"
"I'll rule the world with power and might."
"She'll capture Pokemon without a fight."
"A Queen whose subjects must all kneel down before me."
"Uhhhh," starts James, confused, "But.... I'll just kneel on one knee."
"Jesse, her royal highness."
"James, her lowly...... hey! Wait a second!"
"Queen Jesse, ruling all with power and might!"
"You better surrender or she'll go on like this all night," mumbles James.
"Ehhhh, why fight," sighs Meowth.
Pikachu leaps forward to confront Team Rocket after the twerps tell Tiara about how Jesse, James and Meowth don't care anything about history or archeology...... also neglecting to take account that as the ones to find the artifacts, the staff and mask are actually theirs. Jesse seems less than concerned about Pikachu's presence though, and Meowth proclaims that soon it'll be doing embarassing things... demonstrating this by doing his little dance again, much to James' chagrin. Meowth stares in confusion at the staff, it's poor French mind instantly demanded surrender as is their way. But Ash is positive that Pikachu will not attack him, not matter what Jesse says, his little buddy isn't going to hit him with an electrical atta.........


Pikachu stumbles towards Jesse as Ash lays smoking on the ground, a wrecked heap. As Jesse tries to figure out how to get The Dugtrio Digatron back up to ground level (apparently Meowth forgot to put in a reverse function), Brock comes up with a brilliant idea.
Jesse is Queen of the Pokemon, and has control over all Pokemon..... so the best possible strategy is to attack her with.... POKEMON!
Yes Brock, in an act one would expect from Ash, sends in Golbat and Geodude and then, in case Jesse is able to use her Pokemon controlling powers to somehow..... control........ Poke.................mon, Brock sends in a backup plan.... another Pokemon!


But somehow, someway, Jesse is able to use her Pokemon Controlling Powers to somehow control the Pokemon that Brock sent in to attack her (whoda thunk it!).... until somehow Golbat shakes it off. The maw-gaping Pokemon flies toward Jesse, firing a Supersonic attack at Jesse's staff that somehow negates the effect. Tiara suggests that maybe the mask and staff send out supersonic waves of its own to control Pokemon and thus Golbat is able to negate them with another Supersonic. Whatever the case, it swoops about Jesse who waves her staff at it irritably until she realises she still controls Pikachu, Geodude and Onix. She calls on Geodude to attack, and it hits Golbat with a weakass looking tackle attack before Onix wraps its tail around The Dugtrio Digatron and smashes through the temple wall and begins grinding its way back up to the surface, causing much of the temple roof to collapse down onto the twerps!
But death does not take the twerps in its cold embrace this day, Brock pulling himself out of the rubble with Ash amd Misty popping up fresh and fine from somewhere out back. Tiara comes out as well and Geodude emerges unscathed.... but Golbat is missing! It got knocked down by that little pussy tackle from Geodude earlier and now is buried underneath tons of rubble. But with the rest of the temple ready to collapse at any second they can't afford to hang around looking for it... but Brock isn't going. He tells them to go on while he looks, but the twerps and Tiara just stand and watch as he cups his monkey ears and listens intensely for the sound of Golbat bleeding out. Tiara explains that no normal person could hear a Golbat's supersonic, which prompts Misty to say that she bets Brock can!
And can he can! He hears a noise and pulls rubble aside to find Golbat safe and sound, as luckily all the rocks seemed to crash down around it instead of on it.

Topside Jesse surveys her new army, which consists of Onix and Pikachu. Meowth and James want to make their escape NOW but Jesse is queen here and she leads Pikachu over some half buried stones to the original hole that The Dugtrio Digatron dug. There she will wait for the twerps to emerge and then shock them....


Pikachu for some reason has shocked her instead, and to her shock she finds that it is no longer responding to her commands. It chases her back over the half buried stones and.... falls into a trance once again. Confused, Jesse leads it over the half buried stones to the hole where Pikachu will shock the twe....


Yes it has done it again! It chases her over the half buried stones and then falls into a trance again, following her every command. Sighing, Jesse leads it back over the half buried stones....

You can see where this is going, right Gentle Dodgers?

Ash emerges to see Pikachu shocking Jesse, and Tiara explains that the tablet she translated which told of the mask and staff also mentioned the Queen could only control Pokemon within the confines of her village. Yes the mask and staff give power over Pokemon, but you can never leave the village, never go beyond the boundary.

Wow, it's like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade!

Jesse ponders the benefits - all that power - and the disadvantages - living in that dirtwater burg. It seems the benefits are significantly outweighed by the disadvantages and they get going. Leaping into The Dugtrio Diganator, Meowth hits a button that turns it around and makes it fly!

He forgot to mention that earlier.

The Dugtrio Diganator bursts away with the mask and the staff still in Jesses possession. It may be useless for controlling Pokemon, but as James notes, it is made of solid gold!
But Noctowl and Golbat give chase, trying to capture Team Rocket before they can get away with the artifacts they rightfully found for themselves. But a push of a button from Meowth sucks in the Dugtrio construct and brings out a larger rocket that sends them blasting off (not again) right away from Golbat and Noctowl, who can't possibly keep up.
But Brock believes in Golbat, it CAN catch Team Rocket.... well at least it could if it had twice as many wings and its gaping maw wasn't creating such a massive drag factor.


Yes Zubat only recently evolved into Golbat, but now Golbat has become Crobat.... and it is even more of a monstrosity than before! With four wings and an upside down mouth full of teeth, this monster is built for speed (and eating children?) and quickly zooms after Team Rocket as Ash checks out some info on it.
"Crobat, the evolved form of, Golbat. With its, two additional, wings, Crobat is able to, fly, much faster than, Golbat."
Crobat zooms around The Dugtrio Digatron and slices the metal to pieces with its wings (!), shattering it to pieces and sending Team Rocket crashing into the ground. Jesse reaches for the mask and staff but Crobat drops down in front of her, towering over her and growling, "CUUHH-ROW!"
Jesse backs up and her and James get ready to battle Crobat, but Ash arrives on the scene demanding that they fight him.... by which he means use Pikachu to Thundershock Jesse and James and send them blasting off again.

With the staff and mask recovered, Tiara is ecstatic. Sure the temple was destroyed and valuable historical archeological information was forever lost, but the important thing is that she got the showy (and very valuable on the black market) staff and golden mask.
REALLY important thing for Brock though is that apparently he likes her much more than Golbat likes him, and therefore he wants to turn that into something more so he's going to ditch Ash and Misty and hang out with her!
Misty doesn't even give Tiara a chance to tell him she's a lesbian/has a boyfriend/used to be a man though, grabbing Brock by the ear and dragging him away. Tiara waves goodbye as the twerps head off, each of them qualifying their earlier statements by saying they'd prefer to catch and raise Pokemon the traditional way, with Brock suggesting he is much more interested in being a Pokemon Breeder (snicker).

So they continue on their Pokemon Journey, making their meandering way towards the quickly impending Johto League Tournament.

What of Team Rocket by the way? Well we can only assume that Jesse has given up her ideas of being the Queen of all Pokemon. And that is only wise of course, because we all know one thing for certain.

Team Rocket already has a Queen, and it's not Jesse!


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