171: Burakkii! Yamiyo no Tatakai!!
168: Power Play!

Dodgy Synopsis

171: Burakkii! Yamiyo no Tatakai!!

168: Power Play!

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Gary is Still a Better Trainer Than Ash

Dodgyness Rating:


Welcome return of gary

Team Rocketness-
Where the hell do they get the money for their robots?

Moral Learnt

The best evil robots are the anatomically correct evil robots

The twerps are making their meandering way through mountains on the way towards the quickly impending Johto League Championships. They're making a bit too much progress though, but luckily their daily distraction soon rears it's ugly head.

And miserable voice.

Yes, a voice right out of an 'Eastenders Rejects' file sounds out, crying out that they are Alex Davies from Cherrygrove City. Alex is challenging somebody to a Pokemon battle, and Ash is eager to see it. He and Pikachu rush off of the path and look down over a cliff looking over a forest. At the edge of the forest stands Alex Davies with a Alakazam beside him. And facing off against Alex?


Yes Ash has actually caught up with his older nephew, who left before him for the Johto League and seems to be meandering even more than his younger Uncle! Beside Gary is a very cool looking Pokemon, a small sleek, cat-like Pokemon with pitch-black skin broken only by yellow circles in it's pelt/skin.
"Umbreon," Dexter identifies the strange Pokemon, "The Moonlight, Pokemon. When an Evee has had, sufficient training, and is exposed to moonlight, it evolves into an Umbreon."
Ash is impressed, remembering the little Evee that Gary left Pallet Town with. Obviously it's been in some tough battles since then to have gotten enough training to evolve.
And this battle will be no different. Alakazam starts off with a Zap Cannon attack, sending out a blast of energy which Umbreon dodges.
Surprised by Umbreon's speed, Alex attempts a Psychic Attack, hoping to hit it before it can dodge again. But Umbreon makes no attempt to dodge, simply standing before the wave of psychic energy as it.... washes harmlessly over it!
Gary mocks Alex for using a Psychic Attack on Umbreon. As some of you Dodgers will know, Psychic Pokemon are generally very weak against the 'Darkness' Pokemon, and psychic attacks rarely do anything.
Well, since psychic attacks don't work, maybe physical ones will! Alex orders Alakazam to try a headbutt but again Umbreon dodges. This time though, Umbreon follows through, dodging the attack and then Tackling Alakazam, driving it backwards. But Alakazam is made of stern stuff, and recovers well. At Alex's order green energy beings to glow around it's fists (still clutching their spoons) and then it launches forward, trying to strike Umbreon with Dynamic Punch.
Umbreon's Agility comes in handy yet again, and the sleek little Pokemon dodges, twisting this way and that to avoid the blows. Infuriated by his inability to score a blow (or have a good accent), Alex orders Alakazam to use Double-Team.
Suddenly Umbreon finds itself surrounded by a circle of Alakazam clones, and it casts it's gaze about trying to spot the real one. Gary is unpanicked though, telling Umbreon to remain calm and attack only when it senses the real one. Umbreon braces itself, cocking it's ears as Alakazam's zoom around on all sides.... then leaps high and crashes down on top of one of the Alakazam's... the real one!
The others disappear as the true Alakazam is knocked down, but as Umbreon attempts to finish things off with a Quick Attack, Alex and Alakazam show Gary what it's like to have your move dodged. As Umbreon zooms forward to attack, Alakazam uses it's Teleport Ability and simply disappears!
Umbreon freezes, shocked at the disappearance of it's opponent. An ecstatic Alex calls out to Alakazam to finish off Umbreon with a Hyperbeam (!) and things suddenly aren't looking so good for Umbreon. But Gary is in tune with his Pokemon and is aware of everything going on within the battlefield. Spotting a tell-tale gleam, he shouts out a warning to Umbreon that the Hyperbeam is coming from the left. Umbreon dodges the blast and, now having a reference point to target, uses Hidden Power, sending out waves of distorting energy which knock Alakazam down..... and out!
Alex rushes to the defeated Alakazam's side and spouts the usual crap about putting up a good fight and deserving a rest. Meanwhile, the twerps have witnessed the whole thing and are, to put it lightly, very impressed.
"Awesome," whispers Misty.
"Toge," gasps Togepi, looking a little disturbed at the power it just witnessed.
"That Umbreon's been raised well," Brock murmurs.
"Piiika," growls Pikachu.
And with that the moron is leaping off of the rock-face and sliding down towards Gary and Umbreon.
Gary is petting Umbreon, congratulating it on the ass-whupping it just handed out when suddenly he hears the whistling approach of his younger Uncle.
"HOOOLD IT!" cries Ash as he and Pikachu crash feet-first hard into the ground, probably shattering their shins in the process.
"Yeah, what?" asks Gary, apparently completely unsurprised by Ash's sudden appearance out of the blue (as we said, Gary is aware of EVERYTHING going on in the battlefield area).
"You had a battle with that kid and Alakazam!" proclaims Expository Ash, "Now Pikachu and I challenge you and your Umbreon!"
"Hmmmm," ponders Gary, "No thanks Ash."
"No!?! Whaddya mean no?!?" cries Ash.
"I already learned all of Pikachu's attack patterns so a battle would be a waste of my time and yours," Gary explains coolly (some would say arrogantly).
"WHAAAT!?!?!" cries Ash as Gary turns and starts walking away, "YOU HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!"
Gary turns with a scowl as Ash calls out his Pokemon,"Chikorita! Cyndaquil! Totodile! Noctowl!"
The Pokemon all pop out of their balls as Ash bravely tells Gary that he doesn't have to use Pikachu, he can beat him with any of his other Pokemon.... at which point Chikorita rushes up and starts rubbing against his leg, Totodile charges in and begins his mad dance of glee, Cyndaquil wonders off (and has to be caught by Ash) while Noctowl has a little nap.
As Ash rounds up Cyndaquil, he realises that Gary is almost out of site heading away.
"Ahhhh," he gasps as Gary walks off into the distance, "READY WHEN YOU ARE!"
"Ash, where's Gary going?" asks Misty.
"Didn't you challenge him to a match?" asks Brock.
"I'll beat him next time!" Ash snaps toughly, still clutching his wickle sweepy baby Cyndaquil in his arms.
"Maybe," he adds under his breath as Chikorita starts rubbing again as Totodile continues his mad dance. Pikachu and Ash sigh, echoed by Misty and Brock as they share a knowing look.

But at least Togepi thinks it's fucking hilarious.

Later that night we find the twerps in yet another nameless small town. Misty and Brock are gushing about Umbreon, Brock in particular interested in how Gary managed to get it's coat so sleek and shiny. But while Misty and Brock are openly impressed, Ash is begrudgingly so. After all, he's gone from having kick-ass Pokemon like Charizard to funny but admittedly not exactly scary-looking Pokemon like Chikorita and Totodile, and the best Pokemon he's got left coolness wise is probably Bulbasaur.
"Please," he sighs as Misty asks him a question about Umbreon, "Why don't you give your mouth and my ears a rest?"
"Hey! What's up with you today Prince Charming!?!" snaps Misty angrily.
Brock chuckles and asks Misty to give Ash some slack, he's still upset about being given the brush-off by Gary. Ash for his part is determined that the next time he meets him.... he beats him!
Arriving at the Pokemon Centre they decide to grab dinner from the cafeteria. Heading inside (or stomping in Ash's case), they have no idea they're being viewed from afar by who else but.... our beloved Team Rocket!
"The twerps just walked in the front door," Jesse mutters, watching through binoculars.
"I have a good idea Jesse!" giggles James, "Why don't we sneak in the back door and pilfer the pantry!"


It's just too easy, too easy.

"We can grab a quick bite in the storeroom and grab as many munchies as we can to go!" giggles Jesse happily.
"I just LOVE take-out!" giggles James girlishly, then calls off to the side,"Don't you Meowth!?!"
"Ahhh, ain't dat beeyoodiful?" sighs Meowth to himself, sitting on a rock looking out at the horizon as the sun sets, "Nuttin makes me feel more peaceful and calm den sitting an watching a sunset."
"WOBBUH!" agrees Wobbuffet, popping out from behind the rock and saluting.
Meowth launches through the air with claws extended to teach Wobbuffet a lesson.
"Wobbuh!" cries Wobbuffet nervously, glowing as it's Counter Ability comes into play.
"Ow! Owowowow!" squeals Meowth as his Scratch-Attack hurts him instead.
"Wobbuh Wobb!" smiles Wobbuffet.
"Look Jess," smiles James, having watched this display, "Isn't Wobbuffet's Counter Attack great?"
"An attack that returns double what it gets is hard to beat, James" agrees Jesse, then ponders before squealing happily, "Hmmm.... Haaaaa!!!!!!"
"Wobbuh?" asks Wobbuffet, he and Meowth turning to look at the excited Jesse.

As night progresses, we find the twerps freeloading from the Pokemon Centre yet again.
"LET'S HAVE SECONDS!" the freeloading little bastard roars happily as Misty and Brock clutch their swollen stomachs, Togepi passed out from the excess of food on the table.
"Not me," groans Misty as Ash gobbles down more and more of the free food.
"Noo..." moans Brock.
"Ifm moo dome wanim I'm takkem!" gibbers Ash through a mouthful of food, shovelling more and more of somebody elses food into his gullet.
"Fiiine, but do you have to eat so much, Ash?" asks Misty, staring with a mixture of astonishment and disgust at her 'leader'.
"I've gotta fill up my strength to be ready to battle Gary!" Ash insists.
"But Ash," suggests Brock, "You might not run into Gary and Umbreon for weeks.... or even months!"
"Well then.... I'll just have to stuff myself every day till I do!" grunts Ash, who may not be the world's brightest spark but knows his thing when it comes to freeloading.
Suddenly all the lights go off, eliciting surprise from the twerps. They move to the reception area where Nurse Joy is trying to raise the local Power Plant.... but all the phones are dead!
Explaining her concerns to them, Nurse Joy tells them that the blackout has left them without power which is needed to run vital equipment. If the power isn't restored, they won't be able to treat injured Pokemon that are brought in.
Brock, ever chivalrous (and looking to get laid) offers the services of the twerps to head up into the mountains where the Powerplant is and see what the situation is.

Meanwhile, in the forest we find Gary preparing his camp for the night, and making dinner for Umbreon.
Calling for Umbreon, Gary notices it standing at cliffs-edge staring down at the town far below.... and all of the lights are off. Wondering what has happened to turn off the power, Gary notices Ash, Misty and Brock go rushing by and wonders where they're going.

And where are they going? The Powerplant of course, where the local technicians are all trussed up. The Hydro-Turbines have had their power rediverted away from the city circuits to the back of a giant blue robot controlled by.... who else, our beloved Team Rocket!
"Looks like we're almost ready," James says from his co-pilot's seat beside Meowth.
"All systems fully powered up, Jesse!" Meowth calls. "Then it's time to activate the turbo-kick engines!" commands Jesse from her (appropriately enough) command-chair.
"Turbo-kick engine activated!" cries James, pulling a switch that sets the turbines running and starts powering the giant robot up to full strength.
With power on, the radar is activated, locking on to the Pokemon Centre in town. Their plan is to head into town, break into the Pokemon Centre then steal Pikachu and any other rare and valuable Pokemon they find inside.
They prepare to head off.... until Meowth notices that something is approaching the Powerplant on the radar. Activating the view-screen they see the twerps approaching, which causes Jesse to ponder that maybe this is their lucky day after all.

Ash, Misty and Brock arrive at the Powerplant and see the techies tied up outside. They rush to help them but before they can a giant blue robot smashes into their way..... a giant, blue.... ROBO-MECHA-WOBBUFFET!
"Prepare for trouble we've got a new toy!" announces Jesse from on top of the robotic Wobbuffet.
"And make it double, it's awesome... OH BOY!" squeals James.
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"
"Meowth, dat's right!"
Ash is seething at the startling revelation that it was Team Rocket of all people who stole the electricity....

Hands up who didn't suspect them? (warning, Darwinism demands that we shoot anyone who puts their hands up.... for the good of the species.)

But yes it was them, though they didn't intend to take ALL of the power as Jesse explains almost coyly,"Yes, unfortunately we needed more electricity than we thought to power up our Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet.
"ROBO-MECHA-WOBBUFFET!?!?!" cry the twerps in unison.
"That's Wobbuh-wight!" salute James and Meowth, doing Wobbuffet impersonations.
Leaping back inside of the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet, Team Rocket activate it as Ash calls for Pikachu to use Thunderbolt to blow the machine up and send them blasting off again.
However, instead of the usual "blow'em-up, blast'em off" for Team Rocket, hatches open in the chest of the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet. Pikachu's Thunderbolt disappears inside.... then slams back out in a massive burst of electricity that nearly fries the twerps.
Running away as the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet gives chase, Ash decides to give water a go. He calls out Totodile as Misty calls out Staryu and Poliwhirl. All three Pokemon blast a combined Water-Gun Attack at the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet.... and again the hatches open, suck in the water and returns the attack with increased ferocity.
Again the twerps run and again the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet gives chase, the power-cables attaching it to the Powerplant stretching further and further.
"I hate to say it, but that thing may be unstoppable!" Brock warns.
"HAHA!" laughs Jesse as the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet pulls to a stop in front of the, "Unbeatable too! You see whatever attack you send Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet's way, gets absorbed by it's Turbo-Kick Engine which sends it right back at you with twice the power of the original!"
With that, Jesse issues an ultimatum to Ash, either he hands over Pikachu to them.... or they take it from him.
Ash refuses though, so Team Rocket prepares to help themselves, having the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet swing it's arms in preparation for a massive punch..... except the power-cable is too short.
Pulled up short by the stretched cable, the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet's arms swing wildly like it's air-swimming.
James and Meowth look at each other uneasily... they bought the longest extension cord they could!
Before anything can be done though, Umbreon appears from nowhere and Tackles it's way through the stretched powercable, smashing it into pieces and leaving the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet stranded in place.
Gary, Ash, Misty and Brock make their escape, returning to the Powerplant as James immediately gives up any semblance of fighting. Jesse sits scowling as he moans that it's useless.... but Jesse isn't giving up, she's got an idea!

Back at the Powerplant, the techies have been untied and Ash is eager for them to get things up and running. However, apparently Team Rocket made quite a mess and it's going to take awhile.
In Star Trek, there's always an unless, if and maybe and Pokemon is no different. There's no way to get the power back up quickly UNLESS they can get the secondary system up and running, and IF they can, then MAYBE they can get power back up faster.
Gary is all for being a member of Starfleet and heads off for the Water Gate to get the secondary system up and running. Ash, Pikachu and Totodile prepare to give chase but before they can, the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet returns!
Yes it seems that Jesse's bright idea was to hook James and Meowth up to a pedal-powered Turbo-Kick Engine. As her companions struggle to pedal and breath, Jesse is ready to attack!
Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet punches into the dirt as Ash, Pikachu and Totodile dodge. A Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet Stomp follows up which Ash and his Pokemon barely dodge, and an excited Jesse demands a Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet kick to finish things off. Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet prepares to kick and then.....


The Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet freezes in place, one.... ahem..... 'limb' thrust into the air in an incredibly dodgy imagine. Apparently, they made that Wobbuffet anatomically correct!
"WHY ARE YOU STOPPING!?!?!" screams Jesse at an exhausted James and Meowth, "We need more power!"
"We're sorry..." sighs Meowth.
"But Meowth and I need a nap," groans James (we won't even go there, Gentle Dodgers).
Meanwhile outside of the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet, underneath the shadow it's.... ahem.... Wobbuffet-hood, Ash realises that he's not been crushed yet.
Realising that the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet is off-line, Ash calls for Pikachu to fire off it's Thunderbolt again before the Counter Attack comes back online.
Pikachu blasts them and Team Rocket scream in pain.... until James notices that the blast has recharged their batteries!
The Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet flexes it's biceps proudly as Ash realises what an incredible dumb-ass he is. There's only one hope for him now, he calls out Cyndaquil and Chikorita to join Totodile.
Cyndaquil fires off a Flamethrower Attack which the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet Counters, sucking it inside. As it prepares to return the blast twofold, Ash calls for Chikorita to use Vine-Whip to lock the hatches shut.
Team Rocket realise to their astonishment that the Flamethrower is trapped inside of the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet.
"Wot's gonna happen tah dat Flamethrower?" asks Meowth.
"Well since the Double-Power Counter Flamethrower doesn't have anyway out...." starts James.
"...it'll burn out the Robo-Mecha-Wobbuffet," whispers Jesse.
"WOBBUH WOB!" agrees Wobbuffet, saluting happily. "I'm sorry," Jesse manages to stammer, "Did you say something?"

Yep, you guessed it, Team Rocket's blasted off again.

With Team Rocket out of the way, the twerps head down to the water-gate (which turns out to be dam) where Gary has come up short. The control-lever for the gate is missing, and there's nothing they can use as a substitute. Luckily Totodile uses it's little known 'smell a water-gate's missing control level' ability to find out it's in the small engineer's shed off to the side.
Cyndaquil Tackles it's way through the door but it's too dark inside to see. Luckily Umbreon jumps in and uses Flash. The yellow circles on it's skin glow, brightening up the shed. Ash looks around for the control level, actually looking all over the place as it sits in pride of place on one wall all by itself with nothing else around it.
Finally spotting it, Ash tries to pull it away but it's chained to the wall. He calls for Cyndadquil to use it's Flamethrower on the chain, then has Totodile use Water-Gun on the superheated metal, then has Chikorita use Razor-Leaf to cut through the now brittle metal. Rushing out with the lever they slot it into place and try to turn in. Ash can't do it alone, so Misty and Brock help out, as well as Pikachu, then Totodile (which appears to have it's snout right up Ash's ass) then Chikorita and Cyndaquil and Togepi (which appears to be humping Cyndaquil).
Gary stands watching them almost disinterestedly, then finally moves up to help. Shoving down on the lever as Umbreon pushes up on the other side, they finally get the thing moving and lift the water-gate.... sending water flooding through the turbines.
Back at the Powerplant, the power from the secondary generator is back on, but it's so old that it can't quite generate enough power to get the primary generator back up. There's no way the power will come back on in town UNLESS somehow they can get a small power burst, and IF they can then MAYBE that'll jumpstart the primary generator and get the power running again.
Enter Pikachu.
Clamping cables and a helmet onto Pikachu, they have the little rodent zap the Powerplant with everything it has and.... wow wouldn't you know it, it jumpstarts the Primary Generator and brings power up all over town once again.
Ecstatic at their victory of co-operation, Ash gives credit where credit is due.
"Gary I owe you," he says.
"Yeah...." agrees Gary, walking away.
The kids simply stand there watching as he walks away, until finally he acquiesces and offers a lame reciprocal compliment, "By the way, you've really improved since I saw you last, and you've trained your Pokemon well. Don't be too surprised if the next time we meet I'm the one who challenges YOU to a match!"
And with that he's gone.
Back in town, Nurse Joy is very grateful, explaining to them that a injured Pokemon came into the centre and once the power was back on she could treat it.
"I'm very grateful," she explains.
"Maybe you'd like to show how grateful you are by giving me your phonenumber! Beeper number or e-mail address Nurse Joy!" gapes Brock before Misty grabs him by the ear and tears him away.
"Let's go Brock, Nurse Joy may be grateful but she's not crazy!"
And with that, the twerps set off, Ash once again excited and full of vim and vigour.
Why? Because he and his Pokemon used co-operation?


Because Gary acknowledged him as a skilled Pokemon Trainer?


Because he's finally gonna get off his ass and actually get to Ecruteak City?


Because Gary is taking just as much of his own sweet ass time getting to the quickly impending Johto League Championships?
Oh Hell Yeah!


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