156: Kinriki! Epupaa Pokemon no Mura!
153: The Psychic Sidekicks

Dodgy Synopsis

156: Kinriki! Epupaa Pokemon no Mura!

153: The Psychic Sidekicks

Pokémopolis Episode Name-
Girafarig, the ugly, ugly Pokemon

Dodgyness Rating:


A bit of a let down from the last one

Team Rocketness-
Their plans are getting better

Moral Learnt

Nobody is dumber than Ash..... nobody.

Today we find the twerps making their way through yet another wooded path travelling through the middle of yet another forest. Walking they walk walkingly, enjoying the sun sunning down upon them sunnily, until Ash notes a sign posted on the side of the path.
"Hey look," he notes,"It's some kind of trainer's tip." "Trainer's tip?" asks Misty as she and Brock gather around Ash to see what the sign says.
"Beware of Ghost Pokemon," Misty reads, "Use Psychic Pokemon for your protection."
"Piiii-ka?" murmurs a concerned Pikachu, as Misty draws a little closer to Ash and murmurs that it must be pretty scary in this forest with all those Ghost Pokemon about.
They all look up at the clear sky above the treetops and Brock proclaims that it doesn't seem to be too scary now, but when three Fearow swoop by in silhouette they all let out girly little screams.
Wishing that they actually had a Psychic Pokemon now, the twerps are out of luck until Brock suddenly comes up with a bright idea.... PSYDUCK!
Yes Psyduck, it may be a Water Pokemon but it's also a Psychic one, and they can use Psyduck to protect them from the Ghost Pokemon!

You can see where this is leading, can't you gentle Dodgers.

"We're counting on you Psyduck," Misty happily tells her confused young Pokemon after it's been released from it's Pokeball, "If we come across any Ghost Pokemon you're going to use your Confusion to send them away, okay?"
"Psy?" responds a confused Psyduck, and the basic flaw of their plan hits upon the twerps at last. "Let's hope.... we don't see any," whispers Misty in exasperation.
And of course, seconds later a bush rustles and something terrifying pops out of the shrubbery. It's a hideous manifestation, a big ball-headed thing with wide unblinking eyes and a fixed manic grin set atop a stick like neck..... this may be without a doubt the ugliest, shittiest Pokemon we have ever seen.
Misty grabs Psyduck and thrusts it into Ugmo's face, demanding it use Confusion quickly, as fast as it can, immediately even!
Psyduck stares deep into the manic eyes of Ball-onna-Stick, which stares back, and an amazing contest of wills follows, camera panning back between each of them.

The confused gaze of Psyduck.

The manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick.

The confused gaze of Psyduck.

The manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick.

The confused gaze of Psyduck.
The manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick.

The confused gaze of Psyduck.
The manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick.

The confused gaze of Psyduck.
The manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick.

The confused gaze of Psyduck, the manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick.

The confused gaze of Psyduck, the manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick, the confused gaze of Psyduck, the manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick. The confused gaze of Psyduck, the manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick, the confused gaze of Psyduck, the manic glare on Ball-onna-Stick, theconfusedgazeof Psyduckthemanicglareofball-onna-sticktheconfusedgazeofPsyduckthemanicglare ofballonnasticktheconfused.......

And then Psyduck is leaping out of Misty's arms, waddling in a rush to it's discarded Pokeball and leaping back inside.
Misty lets out an exasperated sigh as Psyduck fails her yet again, while Ash and Brock both approach the unblinking monstrosity and take a closer look at it.
It doesn't look like any Gastly or Haunter that they've ever seen, and Ash does what mankind has always done for millions of years when confronted with something strange and unknown.

He tries to stick his finger into it.

Ball-onna-Stick opens it's mouth wide and bites down angrily, Ash pulling away just in time.
"It serves you right," says a girls voice, and they turn to find themselves facing yet another of the seemingly millions of trainers who like to leave their Pokemon unattended in the forest, "My Girafarig's definitely not a Ghost-Type."
Ash and Brock turn back to look at Ball-onna-Stick, which lifts up higher to reveal itself as simply the back-end of a Pokemon that looks very much like a small giraffe... making the manic-eyed Ball-onna-Stick the ass end of a Girafarig.

Ash was going to stick his finger in a Girafarig's ass.

Obviously realising this himself, Ash backtracks wildly and exclaims in fear, "Another Ghost Pokemon!"
"Hehe," giggles the now annoying Trainer, "Chill out."
"GERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" squeals the unbelievably ugly Pokemon in a gratingly high-pitched tone.
Ash lifts his Pokedex to get a reading on the unnecessarily ugly Pokemon, and is awarded with the following information.
"Girafarig, the long-neck, Pokemon, Girafarig has a second, head on it's, tail that fights, those that approach it, fearlessly."
"But it's also friendly," smiles it's trainer, walking up and petting it's face, "Isn't it beautiful?"
"Greeeeee," greeeeee's Girafarig, which in Pokemonese stands for, "No." "Uhhhhhhhhh," mumbles Ash, unsure how to answer without hideously offending the little girl, "My names Ash, and I'm sorry I mistook you for a Ghost-Pokemon, Girafarig."
"Grrrrring-grrrrring," gargles Girafarig gratingly.
"I'm Cherry, Girafarig's Trainer," the little girl introduces herself, looking to be a couple of years younger than Ash perhaps, certainly no older than 12, "Nice to meet ya."
They all introduce themselves and then Cherry asks them if they have any Psychic Pokemon, as it's dangerous to be out in the forest without one.
"I don't have one and neither does Brock," says Ash.
"Misty has a Psyduck.... but I'm not sure that it counts," offers Brock.
A very embarrassed Misty, unaware she has one of the most powerful Psychic Leeches of all time clasping in her arms at this moment, giggles and says, "So... uh.... tell us Cherry, why did you pick a Girafarig to train? Cause it looks so different?"
"Yeah," agrees Cherry, ignoring the fact that 'different' is polite speak for Ugmo, "That's partly the reason, it's an old tradition for everybody to have a Psychic Pokemon as a partner in the place I come from."
"Where's that?" asks Ash.
"Len Town, it's just up the road."
Brock, apparently thinking Cherry is a dirty filthy liar, checks his guidebook as Pikachu frantically leaps up and down, trying to get a look at what the humans are reading, "Len... ahh here it is, Len Town is well known because nearly every one of it's inhabitants has a Psychic Pokemon."
Ash, being incredibly stupid, asks why the hell would a town living amidst a forest filled with Ghost Pokemon that can only be battled with Psychic Pokemon bother to raise Psychic Pokemon.
Cherry explains just that, there are Ghost-Types all about these here parts, but by raising Psychic Pokemon, the inhabitants of Len Town are able to keep them from causing trouble.

"...you know what trouble Ghost-Types can be...." Cherry's voice speaks through a headphone into James' ear.
"Hmmm, interesting," mutters Jesse, who along with James and Meowth have been listening in on the twerps conversation with Cherry.
"Very," agrees James,"Turn the name Girafarig around...."
"It's spelt da same backwards as forwards!" nods Meowth.
"Not that!" growls Jesse, "What she said about Psychic-Types."
"WOBBBBBBB!!!!" roars Wobuffet in pleased agreement, "BUFF-ET!"
"I wasn't calling for you," growls Jesse as the enormously pleased Pokemon, "I said Psychic, not psychotic."
"Wobbbbbb-uh!" notes Wobuffet as it is sucked back into it's Pokeball.
"This is.... becoming a problem," sighs Jesse, before fixing her
gaze firmly back on James and Meowth, "Come on, let's go!"
"Hmmm," hmmm James and Meowth in agreement, but nobody goes anywhere, James simply tuning back in his headpiece.
"That girls hometown sounds like it's chock-full of Psychic Pokemon," he comments.
"So it don't take a mind-reader to figger out where we're headed!" laughs Meowth.
What follows this comment is a disturbing segment of the camera panning past Team Rocket dressed up as Pokemon for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
"Where there's a profusion of confusion..." giggles Jesse, dressed as an Abra.
"And teleport... of every sort," adds Meowth, dressed as an Exxegecute.
"Just thinking of catching all of those Psychic Pokemon is making me drowzy," finishes James, dressed as, yes, a Drowzee.
"But dose Psychic Pokemon are pretty tricky," notes Meowth, out of his bizarre costume now, "How are we supposed ta beat 'em?"
In answer, Jesse smiles and lifts up her pretty pink compact make-up mirror, revealing the reflection of James and Meowth.
"With my secret weapon," says Jesse.
"Ooo," ooo's James, wishing he had such a pretty pink compact to call his own.
"You're gonna put on more make-up?" asks a confused Meowth.

Meanwhile the twerps are sitting down to a quick meal, Ash and Cherry sharing their life story while stuffing their face with Raspberries, and in a horrendous breach of protocol they both talk happily with their mouths open.
It seems that Cherry, just like Ash, wishes to become a Pokemon Master and win at the Johto League. When Ash asks if she's won any badges, however, she admits that she hasn't actually had a real Pokemon battle yet, covering that up by pretending that she actually wants to train up her Pokemon really well before actually having a battle.... or in other words, she sucks.
Brock slides over to join them as Misty tells Ash that he may have yet another rival. Brock, rather than stuffing his face with berries had made them into a jam and made up sandwiches for everyone. Everyone quickly chows down, including Girafarig which makes a horrifying BRRRINNNG BRRRINNNG noise before beginning to eat.
Cherry watches Ash and Pikachu closely as they eat, talk and react to things around them, before finally proclaims, "That's great!"
When nobody has a freaking clue what the hell she's talking about, she explains that there is a theory that if a Trainer and a Psychic Pokemon train really closely together, they can begin to read each others minds. As this is her greatest desire - to be a Psychic Pokemon Master - she's obviously impressed by the way Pikachu and Ash act so much alike.
"I've never heard of one of those before," mutters Ash in regards to a Psychic Pokemon Master, but he soon forgets about that when Cherry suggests they battle to help her Girafarig gain experience.
Well, all this talk about synchronicity and Psychic Mastery etc, etc is fine and dandy, but all Ash needs to hear is 'battle' and he's there, it's all he is really good at.
Getting into position on opposite sides of a clearing as Misty and Brock take up position along the side, Cherry decides that they should use one Pokemon each, which is handy for her since she actually only has one Pokemon. She chooses Girafarig and Ash picks Pikachu (big surprise there, eh kiddies) and the battle begins.
Pikachu begins with a Quick Attack and slams hard into Girafarig, knocking it on it's ugly Ball-onna-Stick ass. The ugly little Pokemon gets up onto shaky leg, making a hideous brrrinnnging noise before it uses as attack called Future Sight at Cherry's request.
Ash and Pikachu are confused, not knowing what Future Sight is, and they brace themselves for the attack. Girafarig braces, then just stands there as a confused Misty asks Brock what Future Sight actually is.
Not wanting to look like he doesn't know, Brock tells Misty that he doesn't know for sure, he's heard of it but he doesn't know the full details.

Typical man.

Cherry mocks Ash, telling him he'll find out what Future Sight is soon enough. Since it doesn't immediately affect him, Ash ignores Future Sight for the moment and calls for Pikachu to use it's Thunderbolt, which knocks Girafarig down hard.
Cherry calls for Girafarig to hold on for just a little bit longer, just a little bit longer. It gets back up and attempts a Stomp Attack, which Pikachu easily dodges with it's Agility, impressing Cherry with it's speed. With Girafarig overextended, it's open for a Thunderbolt Attack which will win the battle for Ash, but before Pikachu can put a pounding on the two-headed Ugmo, a sudden wind kicks up, leaves whipping around them.
"Wha....?" starts Ash, and then an enormous ball of crackling Psychic Energy slams into Pikachu and sends it flying, coming from out of nowhere.
Cherry is absolutely ecstatic, mocking and taunting Ash, letting him know that he's just experienced Future Sight, an Attack that appears in the future, kind of like a Time Delayed Bomb. As a bewildered Pikachu staggers to it's feet, Cherry demands her ugly Pokemon finish off the cute little rodent with a Psybeam.

But our bitch ain't going down like that.

Yes Future Sight came out of nowhere, yes it caught Pikachu by surprise, yes it hurt.... but Pikachu has beaten hundreds of opponents in the past, many of them many times more powerful, and it's not about to get it's ass handed to it on a stick by an ugly Pokemon with a stick for an ass. As Girafarig hits out with Psybeam, Pikachu hits back with a Thundershock, the two blasts cancelling each other out and leaving the clearing covered in smoke.
A shocked Cherry cries out for Girafarig to use it's Confusion, but Pikachu proves faster yet again and blasts the ugly little punk with it's Thunder Attack, knocking it down and out like the useless, ugly, two headed punk that it is.
"Hmmm, I think this things over," mumbles Brock.
As Cherry rushes up beside Girafarig and cradles it in her arms, she admits to Ash that she can't beat him, he and Pikachu are just too strong for her. She then displays disturbing psychotic tendencies, mumbling that she's not a good enough trainer and they're too weak etc, etc. But Brock and Misty talk her up, Misty in particular impressed with Future Sight. Cherry is positive that Ash is undefeatable, however, and he admits that he and Pikachu win their fair share of battles, and Misty notes that they're sometimes so lucky they win more than their fair share.
Displaying the quick shifts of emotion common to the insane and socially inept, Cherry then invites them all back to her hometown to meet all the other Trainers and their Pokemon living there.
As Ash and the others aren't in any particular hurry to get to the quickly impending Johto League or anything like that, they happily agree to head on out there.

In Len Town they discover a variety of oddballs and their Psychic Pokemon. Women with baskets of Exxegcutes, a man standing in gape-jawed admiration of his Kadabra, a couple of free range Exxegutor, a Mr. Mime, A Hypno, Drowzee, Slowpoke etc, etc.
"Wow, there are Psychic Pokemon everywhere you look," gasps Misty, who is understandably surprised to find so many Psychic Pokemon in a town full of people with Psychic Pokemon.

Sigh, she's been spending too much time around Ash, obviously.

"That's right," agrees Cherry, "It's great.... thanks to them, Ghost Pokemon stay right out of town!"
As Ash walks along, a sight-seeing Pikachu clinging to his neck, an Abra suddenly teleports in front of him, wrapping it's arms around his neck. He gapes in shock as an old chubby lady rushes up, demanding that Abra leave Ash alone, begging Ash not to let it escape. But as she gets closer, Abra teleports away while Ash makes a belated attempt to capture it.
The old lady arrives, gasping for breath as Cherry says hello to her, naming her as Mrs Bellows. Mrs Bellows says hello to Cherry and tells her that her Abra is always playing it's Psychic Tricks on her, teleporting here and there and leaving her to run behind.
But Cherry insists that this is what makes Abra so cute, and both women moon dreamily with little love hearts popping out while Ash and Pikachu slide a sweat-drop down their backs.
Abra suddenly appears on top of a man's head and Mrs Bellows gives chase, as Abra continuously teleports away again and again. But the fun and frolics immediately ends when a gasping man in a silly hat charges into town, crying for help, so physically exhausted that he drops to all fours and is actually unable to talk for a few moments. Eventually he gets out the story, warning that he and his Mr Mime were out fishing when they were attacked by a giant Ghost Pokemon that is invulnerable to Psychic Attacks!
Can such a thing be? Apparently yes, as the man in the silly hat explains a Giant Gengar came upon them at their fishing hole, and when Mr Mime blasted a Psywave at it, it simply returned the blast straight back at them, causing an explosion of smoke that allowed it to grab Mr Mime with it's giant tongue and swallow it whole!
Obviously everyone is shocked by this admission, firstly how could a Gengar get this big? Secondly how could a Ghost Pokemon deflect a Psychic Attack? And lastly, is it possible that Mr Mime has actually been eaten!?!?!
The twerps can't figure it out either, none of them even considering the possibility that the Giant Gengar may have escaped from the Ancient City of Pokemopolis (what a cool name!).

But sadly that's not the case, as we find out moments later when the camera cuts to Mr Mime, sitting dejectedly inside a large metal cylinder looking particularly miserable. A hatch high above it's head opens up and it peers up to discover Jesse looking down on it.
"Still down there, clown?" she asks, infuriating Mr Mime which leaps up and shakes it's fists at her. She simply laughs and closes the hatch before turning to face James.
"Your mirror idea worked brilliantly," James admits happily to Jesse.
"It's a reflection of my genius," she giggles.
"A toast," says James, "To our mechanical ghost."
They both share a long sip of what looks to be orange juice. Of course, it's been explained to us recently that orange liquid represents alcohol in anime (which puts a whole new spin on Island Of The Giant Pokemon!), so it seems Jesse and James are enjoying a well-deserved alcoholic beverage to quench their first.
But they don't get to enjoy it for long, as the still underage Meowth leaps up and roars at them that they should quit the celebrations now. Startled, Jesse and James spit alcohol in each others face, then turn to confront their angry, sober little Pokemon buddy.
"What are you talking about, Meowth?" snaps Jesse.
Meowth's face fills one side of the screen against a yellow and green backdrop as he proclaims with arm held high, "Dat place is filled wit Psychic Pokemon and we shouldn't party down until we've captured every last one of em!"
"Right-o!" agrees James, sliding in to the empty side of the screen with his own arm held up, "Let's go!"
"Come on!" agrees Jesse with clenched fists, and the giant mechanical Gengar heads off, it's mirrored eyes reflecting the ray of the sun.
The visually impressive machine proves to be a facade, unfortunately, made up from the back with scaffolds, a periscope set above the power unit - which is itself made up of the pedal power of Jesse, James and Meowth.
In what is either a chilling display of - or amusing social commentary on - the conformity created by Nintendo's Mass Marketing Campaigns, Team Rocket emotionlessly chant,"We gotta catch em all, we gotta catch em all, we gotta catch em all, we gotta catch em all."

Back in Len Town, the by now unnecessarily ugly Girafarig lifts it's head with an alarmed Heeng?
Ash is asking Cherry where he can find this giant Gengar, since she's been with him all this time and no where near the giant Gengar and thus sure to know where the giant Gengar is.
She tries to lead them anyway, but a nervous Hrrrng from Girafarig stops her, and it grabs her by the shirt, pulling her back. Not being a good trainer or having seen a Lassie movie before, she can't tell what it wants, and so it just stands there with wobbly eyes wobbling... ehhh, wobbingly at her.
Meanwhile, deeper in the forest Mrs Bellows is still looking for her Abra and finally comes across it draped over a tree. She calls for it to come down before being interrupted by a giant Gengar, hundreds of times bigger than any Gengar ever before, which she reacts to by exclaiming that she's just seen a Gengar.

Old blind women in the forest deserve everything that they get.

Abra teleports onto her shoulder and she calls for it to shoo off the 'Gengar' with a Psychic Attack. Abra does so, and seconds later the attack is being reflected back by Gengar's eyes and knocking Abra down, leaving it vulnerable to a 'Lick' attack which sees Abra swallowed up and Mrs Bellows mentally scarred for the rest of her life.
"Team Rocket is bouncing back to victory!" laughs an ecstatic Jesse, pumping her arm up and down as Meowth cackles with laughter.
"And licking every last one of them!" agrees a beaming James, pumping his own arm up and down.
"We're unstoppable!" finishes off Meowth.

Back in town, Cherry is repeatedly asking Girafarig what is wrong, but it doesn't take a psychic to figure it out, what with the massive Gengar that's suddenly come rolling into town.
And yes, despite the fact that the suspiciously Jimmy Stewart looking fisherman all ready told them about a giant Gengar that can reflect psychic attacks and eat Pokemon, despite the fact that giant Gengar with shimmery looking eyes is currently rampaging through the town, despite all this, when Mrs Bellows rushes up and cries for Cherry to hide her Girafarig and they actually ask why, she tells them about a giant Gengar that can reflect psychic attacks and eat Pokemon and they have the gall to look surprised!
Luckily, Cherry figures that her Psychic Pokemon should be able to defeat this Gengar, since it's shown no history of being able to, oh we don't know, reflect psychic attacks or anything.
So she has it use a psychic attack on the giant Gengar and.... GASP!


Who would have thunk it, Cherry? Who would have guessed it could possibly be true?

Have we finally found someone who might actually be dumber than Ash? Unlikely, but the fact that the comparison can be made just goes to show how incredibly thick she is.

As Girafarig dodges it's reflected blast, Ash asks how this could be possible, and is answered seconds later by two very familiar laughs.
"Prepare for trouble."
"And make it double."
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"
"Meowth, dat's right!"
"THAT'S NO GENGAR! THAT'S TEAM ROCKET!" proclaims Ash to the world as they ascend over the top of the Gengar's head.
"So what!" snaps James back at Ash, "This is better than a real Gengar because ours has mirror eyes!"
"What can that do?" asks the unbelievably stupid Cherry.
"Uhhh," sighs James in consternation,"Mirrors can reflect psychic attacks back at the Pokemon and stun it, then we can lick it up!"


Well, that was dodgy, wasn't it.

"We're getting pretty clever, ain't we!?" laughs Meowth.
"I have to admit," hmmms Brock, sliding into camera, "They are."
"HEY! Whose side are you on!" growls Misty, grabbing Brock angrily by the ear.
"Our mirror ploy also has the contributing secondary effect of damaging a Psychic Pokemon's confidence against Ghost Pokemon," giggles James, kneeling besides Jesse with a finger held up and a big, beautiful beaming smile, "Consequently, eroding it's Trainer's faith and trust in the Pokemon's natural abilities and talents!"
"I had no idea you had such an analytical mind," says a surprised Jesse.
"How'd ya tink o dat?" asks an impressed Meowth.
"I just made it up as I went along," James says with a happily confused scratch of his head.
"Hoooo-ooooh!" hoooo-ooooh Jesse and Meowth, clapping to show how impressed they are.
Cherry and Ash are too stupid to follow these multi-syllabic words, though, and react with anger. Cherry stands with clenched fists and Ash demands the return of the Pokemon Team Rocket have stolen, but Jesse has plans for those Pokemon, with them she can control humans and their Pokemon and use them to dominate the world.
"Woooo-oooh!" squeaks James, "Dominate the world!?! I thought we were going to use them to entertain on cruise ships!"

Do we really need to say it, gentle Dodgers.

Luckily for the future of the world, Cherry has a brilliant plan to defeat Team Rocket, a plan so cunning and devious it rivals even Ash's legendary 'run angrily at incredibly powerful Pokemon' strategy. Given that the giant Gengar has proven invulnerable to psychic attacks, she comes up with the ingenious concept that perhaps a psychic attack might just defeat it.

Not as dumb as Ash, no, but damn she comes close.

When the Confusion Attack fails for some bizarre reason, she has the equally brilliant idea that, since psychic attacks have failed, maybe a psychic attack will stop it.

Not as dumb as Ash, no, but the difference is neglible.

The attack reverses, just as the Confusion Attack did before it, but this time it's an offensive move and Girafarig is in danger of taking it a whipping. Seeing the danger her Pokemon is in, Cherry rushes in front of Girafarig and holds her arms wide, Ash jumping up beside her so that they can shield Girafarig from the attack, neither of them thinking that maybe in the time they've been given they could push Girafarig out of the way, come back, sit down, eat a meal, clean up and go home.
So they take the blast but are left standing, for a few seconds at least as each vies to prove the stupider. Finally Cherry's slightly superior brain registers pain and she collapses to her knees, while King Of The Morons Ash seems completely oblivious to the psychic attack he just got hit with.

There's the clue, children, a mental attack can't effect someone without a mind.

He tells Cherry to leave Team Rocket to him and Pikachu and rushes off to do what he does best, while Cherry calls for Girafarig to use Future Sight. It does so, glowing bright and intense for a few moments before everything settles down.
"Hmm?" hmms Jesse, peering from around her periscope.
"It's just standing there staring?" asks James in confusion.
"She called it Future Sight," gasps Meowth joyously, "Maybe it's seeing our successful our future's gonna be!"
"AHHH!" they all ahhh happily together as a mental image of Meowth and Jesse standing over a vanquished Ash and Misty, Jesse holding Pikachu up triumphantly while James kneels atop Brock, whose face is contorted in shock and fear while James is..... WHOA! Let's leave that mental image for the moment, shall we!
Back in reality, Ash sends Pikachu into battle and suddenly Cherry has a vision of the little French Rodent dodging and twisting the giant Gengar's Lick Attack. How could she have had this vision? And then she looks over at her Psychic Pokemon and stares deeply into it's eyes for several minutes before her useless brain finally figures it out, her and her Girafarig have become psychically linked thanks to her devotion and hardwork and time running out in this episode.
Sniff, ain't it beautiful!

She warns Ash that Team Rocket are going to use a Lick Attack, which when you stop to think about it isn't such a revelation, considering that this is the only attack that the giant Gengar has.
Still, Ash has never been one to think and he warns Pikachu to dodge the tongue, which crashes into the concrete with enough force to shatter stone.
"You missed," growls Meowth angrily.
An angry Jesse tries again, but Pikachu dodges and dodges, struggling to stay ahead of the long tongue, until it suddenly starts to.... fly.
Well either the writers have just given up on this 'Pokemon thang' or... yes, Girafarig! Using it's psychic powers it twists and turns Pikachu this way and that, Misty explaining that it's Girafarig's confusion, which apparently doesn't actually confuse but actually help small yellow rats to fly.
Well, we guess that is actually pretty confusing.

With the giant Gengar's tongue overextended, Pikachu is free and clear to hit Team Rocket with a Thundershock Attack, leaving them fried and frazzled, Jesse's beautiful hair a fuzzy mess shoved into James' face. She hasn't given up though, she knows she can beat Ash if they use their best Pokemon.
"WOBB-UFF-ET!" agrees Wobuffet, popping out of it's Pokeball.
Bad timing for Wobuffet, unfortunately, as a sudden wind kicks up and even Ash realises what's coming.

Future Sight!

A huge ball of crackling, sizzling psychic energy zooms towards the giant Gengar, hitting it hard and exploding (it wasn't enough to knock out Pikachu but it can blow up a giant robotic Gengar?) and, yes you guessed it, sending the stolen Pokemon right back into their owner's arms - strange how the town was deserted just four seconds ago, isn't it, or how Abra didn't bother teleporting until just now.
"PIKA!" agrees Pikachu.
"Dat was Future Sight?" asks Meowth as they sail through the air.
"Why didn't I see it coming?" moans Jesse.
"Now we're going," grumbles James.
"That was great Cherry!" Ash compliments his fellow crack-baby as they watch Team Rocket fly off into the distance.
"BRRRINNNG BRRRINNNG!" agrees Girafarig horribly.
"We did it Girafarig!" cries an exultant Cherry to her completely unnecessarily ugly Pokemon, "We connected psychically!"
"HEY!" cheer on Brock and Misty all of a sudden, Brock finishing off with a congratulations.
"It must mean we're getting closer than ever," sighs Cherry happily into her wobbly-eyed Pokemon's face.
"Nnng, nnng," gargles Girafarig as Ash and Pikachu share a knowing look and laugh together.

And with that they're off, saying goodbye to the bizarre inhabitants of Len Town and getting back on their meandering way to the quickly impending Johto League Championship.
Cherry waves goodbye as Brock and Misty do the obligatory 'watch out for that Pokemon Trainer we'll never see again, Ash, one day she might be a rival!' and Ash waves it off with his usual dim-bulb nonchalance.
The narrator bids us a fond farewell, mentioning that he doesn't know what's in store for our 'heroes' next, because he doesn't have Future Sight!

Of course, neither do The Dodgemasters, but we do have the benefit of hindsight, and we know exactly what is in store for the twerps in the very next episode.

And that's one very 'flaming' James!

"Quick, Psyduck, it's a Ghost Type! Use Confusion!"

"I wasn't calling for you, I said psychic not psycotic"

"These psychic pokemon will help us control all humans and pokemon and help us dominate the world!"
"Eeeeeeeewwwww! Dominate the world? I thought we were going to use them to entertain on cruiseships!"

"Our mirror ploy also has the contributing secondary effect of damaging a psychic pokemons confidence against ghost pokemon consequently eroding it's trainers faith and trust in the pokemons natural abilities and talents!"
"I had not idea you had such an analitical mind"
"How'd you tink a dat?"
"I just made it up as i went along"

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