152: Eaamudo VS Hinoarashi! Hagane no Tsubasa!!
149: Hot Matches!

Dodgy Synopsis

152: Eaamudo VS Hinoarashi! Hagane no Tsubasa!!

149: Hot Matches!

Pokémopolis Episode Name-
IT is alive!

Dodgyness Rating:


Can't concentrate on anything but that arse

Team Rocketness-
Sort of

Moral Learnt

Pantsless girls shouldn't hang around in the mountains

Things are going pretty well for Ash at the moment, he's on a whole new quest for new badges, he's picking up new Pokemon, making new friends, destroying heartless capitalist enterprises and gaining experience every day.
And all of his Pokemon pretty much rock now, even if he is without The Mighty Charizard. He's got Pikachu - that rascal of a French rodent - Bulbasaur - the surliest, meanest, coolest grass Pokemon there is - and even though he no longer has the tough talking, homophobic Squirtle about, he does have Totodile - the happily insane dancing Pokemon. While Chikorita is excess baggage, it does distinguish itself thanks to it's hot Latino love for Ash.

Which leaves Cyndaquil.

Cyndaquil, which is cute and all but is basically useless. It's practically an infant, it's round and soft and it has to take a serious beating before it can fire up that crappy looking pointy fire on it's back.
This is our replacement for The Mighty Charizard? Well I say no, something has got to be done about this.

And that something is the steel-winged abomination of a Pokemon known as Skarmory.

Emerging from a Pokemon Centre, laughing and chuckling at having freeloaded another nights lodging and food from an unsuspecting Nurse Joy, Ash and company are prepared to continue their meandering journey towards Goldenrod City.
Before they can however, a frightened trainer clutching an injured Growlithe to his bosom runs head first into Ash. Both trainers fall to their asses, Ash more surprised than hurt thanks to the enormous density of his skull.
Misty warns the sore-headed boy that he should watch where he's going and the young punk apologises, telling the twerpy trio that he was in a rush to get his Growlithe to the Pokemon Centre.
Brock casts a critical eye over the small, unconscious Growlithe and theorises that it's been in what looks to be a pretty tough Pokemon Battle. The young trainer agrees, telling the kids that he made a big mistake in challenging THAT Pokemon.
Like waving a red flag in a bulls eyes, this just gets Ash all excited and he demands to know where he can meet the Trainer and Pokemon that thrashed this Growlithe.
After being directed onwards to The Old Mountain Bridge, Ash ignores the warnings and heads off for yet another Pokemon battle with Brock and Misty in tow.
As they head up towards the Old Mountain Bridge, Brock theorises over what kind of Pokemon the Trainer they're going to meet might use, as the punk kid who got his ass handed to him on a stick neglected to tell them. Misty thinks it might be a grass-type, or maybe a water type, or perhaps even a fire type.

Thanks for the assist, Mist.

Whatever type it is, it's bound to be strong, but Ash is completely unconcerned. He knows he'll win because he always does, his last loss being well behind him now.
As they head on, three heads pop out of the bushes and our beloved Team Rocket make an early appearance. Having overheard Ash's conversation, they know they're onto a sure thing. Ash's Pokemon will battle and, win or lose, they'll be tired enough for Team Rocket to swoop in and grab them.
"WOBUFFET!" agrees Wobuffet, having appeared from behind them moments earlier.
"Must you always butt into our business!?!" snaps Jesse angrily at her patiently pleased Pokemon.
"Wobba-Wobba-Wobba-Wobba-Wobba!" Wobuffet affirms, nodding it's head vigorously.
"I was afraid you would say that," sighs Jesse, calling the Patient Pokemon back into it's Pokeball before turning to James and Meowth, "Well, let's start tailing those twerps, shall we?"
"Aye aye!" salute James and Meowth, then all three turn and, with a giggle, begin bobbing along behind the bushes.

Meanwhile the twerps have arrived at The Old Mountain Bridge, although whether the bridge is old or simply the mountain goes unexplained. The bridge itself is a simple wooden construct familiar to the anime world, but there is no trainer to be seen anywhere, until Misty's keen female eyes pick out the trainer who is standing right in front of them making no effort to hide.
Actually she's not so much a trainer as she is an ass, a young girl wearing a type of cloth bonnet and a sleeveless purple shirt but no pants. Instead she's painted her legs and ass pink and stands now looking out over the mountainscape, her rather tight, naked ass exposed to Brock's lecherous glare.
As she turns about the excited Breeder charges forward and grabs her by the hand.
"ARRRRRH!" he moans, "I climbed this mountain and found the peak of perfection!"
"Yeah, but he lost his mind," sighs Misty as Togepi roars with laughter, Pikachu stares with shock at the half naked girl and Ash just looks confused, not knowing what all the fuss is about.
Brock introduces himself to the girl, who tells him her name is Mickey which is - according to Brock at least - a lovely name for a lovely girl.
However, the tall tanned and toned Pokemon Breeder warns, she shouldn't be up here alone with that scary, deadly Trainer hanging around.
"Oh no, whatever shall I do!" chuckles Mickey sarcastically as Brock assures her that he is here for her and he'll do anything for her.
"In that case," she says, slipping her hand free from Brocks and suddenly being 20 meters from him, "Have a Pokemon battle with me Brock, use a Fire Pokemon!"
Brock stares on wide-eyed..... well, okay his eyes remain squinty but he's shocked nonetheless.
"What?" he gasps, "You're not a poor little girl lost in the woods, are ya!"
Indeed she isn't, what she is in fact is the deadly Trainer that the punk kid warned them about earlier, a fact even Ash picks up on.


Brock - who wishes he could be a lover and not a fighter - accepts Mickey's challenge, telling her confidently that this battle will not be an easy one.
"I agree it won't be, for you," chuckles Mickey, "I choose you, Skarmory!"
With a roar of,"Skarmory!" the hideous mockery of life emerges from it's Pokeball, terrifying the twerps who have never seen anything like it.
A large bird with a similar appearance to the powerful Lugia, Skarmory is made from steel and is our first look at a brand new Pokemon Type - Steel.
"Skarmory," Dexter informs Ash, whose sieve-like mind will have forgotten it all within 2 minutes anyway,"The Armour-Bird Pokemon, because Skarmory, nests in briars, and is, constantly scratched by thorns, it's wings, become razor-sharp."
What Dexter fails to acknowledge though, is that Skarmory is ugly, it's voice is grating and it's an abomination, a 'false' Pokemon that spits in the very eye of nature and the forces of right.

Or as Misty puts it, "It looks nasty."

Mickey - who is still pantsless - explains that Skarmory is a Steel-Type with little weaknesses, although for some reason is appears to be vulnerable to Fire Attacks.
Poor wee Ash, who thinks he's finally outsmarted someone, instantly cries out that if it's weak against Fire-Types why does she want to battle a Fire Type.
Sighing, Mickey explains to the unbelievable stupid young boy that she and Skarmory have been up in these mountains for weeks (and presumably she lost her pants up there) and have beaten every other type there is, so now she wants to strengthen her Pokemon against the only type it has a weakness against, because she's looking for a challenge.
Well if it's a challenge she wants, Brock will give her one, using her intimate knowledge of all things Pokemon to give him the edge. He knows that Skarmory is both a Steel-Type and a Nasty-Type, so his best move is to use a combination of Fire-Type and Sucky-Type.

Thus, Vulpix.

Yes, you'd probably forgotten Brock had been saddled with the nasty little fox that has been voted 'Worst Pokemon Ever' but here it is, and maybe it'll actually come in useful for once.
Skarmory lets forth a spine-tingling screech as, off to the side Team Rocket lift their heads out of the bushes to eye up the combatants.
"A Skarmory is a very rare and valuable Pokemon," James informs his companions with a smile.
"It's a Steel Type Pokemon," nods Jesse.
"Yeah, just da type we want tah steal," chuckles Meowth.
"Get ready for our fly-by!" Jesse orders.
"Roger!" James and Meowth say at once, which is kind of disturbing considering James is usually moaning 'roger' whilst in a disorientated state.
Back by The Old Mountain Bridge the battle is under way, Skarmory flying down and swooping over Vulpix, kicking up a plume of dust which hinders the sucky fox's vision.
When the dust clears Skarmory is nowhere in sight, and it takes Pikachu of all things to point out that the large bird with flying attacks is, ahem, flying in the air.
It swoops down, picking up speed, it's freakishly large beak looking extremely lethal as it charges Vulpix. A terrified Brock, imagining Vulpix skewered on Skarmory's beak (thus ruining any chance the Breeder might have to get it together with Suzy) yells for it to use it's Flamethrower Attack. Vulpix does just that but misses completely, the flying Skarmory using it's Agility to dodge the flames.
Brock calls for Vulpix to dodge with it's own Agility but Skarmory effortlessly keeps up, always on Vulpix's tail as it's wings glow in preparation for it's Steel Wing Attack.
And then BAM! It's zooming past Vulpix, it's razor sharp wings unfortunately not cutting Vulpix in two but doing some serious damage nonetheless, leaving Vulpix lying in a bruised and battered heap on the grass at Brock's feet.

We're kind of liking Skarmory a little more now.

Mickey rushes up beside Skarmory as it lands to congratulate it on it's victory, a full on GAS of her naked rear as she listens to Brock swallow the bitter pill of rage and jealousy and congratulate her on her victory.
She thanks him, then eagerly asks him if he has any other useless Pokemon for her to thrash. He tells her no but Ash quickly steps up to the plate, telling her that he has a Pokemon for her to battle, although it may be a little too hot for her to handle.

No gentle Dodgers, this wasn't a clever quip on Ash's behalf, he just happened to say hot in regards to a Fire-Type Pokemon, it's sheer coincidence on his behalf.

Cyndaquil is called out of it's Pokeball, the soft little butterball yawning slowly as Mickey and Skarmory prepare for battle. It's flame isn't even an ember and it seems decidedly disinterested as Ash calls for it to 'flame on' and put a pounding on the horrendous steel monstrosity.
Cyndaquil does it best, squeezing it's squinty little eyes shut and clenching it's little fists like it's trying to take a dump. As it battles constipation, however, Skarmory is ready to go and flies high before trying a Fury Attack which Cyndaquil barely dodges.
It is pretty fast and agile for a tiny infant though, and Mickey compliments Ash on it's defence before reminding him he's not going to win the battle that way.
As Cyndaquil continues to try and squeeze one out, Skarmory uses a Swift Attack, opening it's mouth and firing out little stars which batter and knock Cyndaquil about, leaving it bruised and exhausted but still standing.
Ash screams for it to ignite it's flame and it almost pulls it off before another attack from Skarmory nearly does it in, it's massive hooked beak attempting to skewer Cyndaquil and actually connecting once, sending Cyndaquil rolling before it leaps up again and finally, finally ignites it's flames.
As Skarmory swoops down, Cyndaquil opens it's little mouth and blasts loose with a powerful Flamethrower Attack which.... misses! Skarmory easily dodges and puts another pounding on Cyndaquil before flying up high and preparing to put the little fire mouse out for good.
It's wings glowing, the hideous abomination swoops down for a Steel Wing Attack, prompting Brock to fearfully proclaim that this is going to be a replay of his match.
But then Cyndaquil blasts out with another Flamethrower and.... misses again! Skarmory easily dodges and swoops ever closer, it's lethal razor sharp wings ready to slice Cyndaquil into prepackaged pieces.

And then, Team Rocket.

Yes, before Ash can suffer his first defeat in a loooooong time, Steel Claws of a different type swoop down and latch onto Cyndaquil and Skarmory both.
"What's happening?" cries Mickey.
"It's too late to prepare for trouble!" cries Jesse's voice.
"We caught em both and made it double!" smiles James.
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"
"Wobuffet!" nods Wobuffet happily, saluting the camera before Meowth boots it out of the way.
"Dat's right!"
"What do you three losers think you're doing!" screams Ash brattily.
"We know exactly what we're doing!" laughs Jesse.
"We're stealing your Pokemon and giving them to the Boss as a present!" James informs them.
"WOHHHHH- BUFFET!" shouts Wobuffet happily, saluting bravely and terrifying an unsuspecting Team Rocket.
"I'd like you better if you were absent," snaps Jesse, calling Wobuffet back into it's Pokeball before flashing a happy smile at the twerps, "Adios, Los Twerpos!"
"Bye-o-nara!" chuckles Meowth as The Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon begins to float away.
But Skarmory, abomination to nature that it is, refuses to go quietly and begins shaking and rocking in it's steel claw, upsetting the balance of The Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon.
"Skarmory!" screams Mickey who, yes, is still pantsless, "Try a Swift Attack."
Turning it's unnatural head about, Skarmory opens it's hooked beak wide and blasts stars up at it's ropes, splitting the rope and plummeting towards the ground, it's wings held in place which prevents it from halting it's downward plummet.
"SKARMORY!" screams Mickey, terrified that her unnatural abomination of a freak Pokemon will be killed.
But Brock comes to the rescue, rushing beneath Skarmory and catching it on his back, holding the massive Steel Pokemon above his head for a few moments until it's massive weight crashes him to the ground.
But Cyndaquil is still held captive and, despite losing Skarmory, they've still got a Pokemon and they're clearing out of there as fast as they can.
Except Ash refuses to give up, he and Pikachu charging after the Balloon and leaving Misty, a pantsless Mickey and a crushed Brock behind.

As the day moves on towards sunset, Ash continues to chase tirelessly after The Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon, confusing Team Rocket who can't understand how he's managed to keep going for so long, as fatigue should have killed him by now.

Alas Team Rocket, your adversary is too stupid to realise the limitations of his own body.

"Cyndaquil," whimpers Cyndaquil, now in a small cage sitting on the lip of the basket.
"He should learn da benefits of positive quitting," Meowth mumbles as they watch Ash running beneath them.
"Wobuffet!" agrees Wobuffet, popping up again.
"So should you," sighs Jesse, before a loud screech fills their ears and they look up in time to see Skarmory swooping towards them. "Huh?" asks Ash, looking up,"Skarmory?"
Skarmory's wings glow as it prepares it's Steel Wing Attack, and Team Rocket know the gig is up.
"It's using it's wings," cries Jesse, clutching fearfully to Wobuffet's head.
"And we haven't got a prayer," moans James.
Skarmory swoops down and cuts a slice into The Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon, causing a massive explosion of hot air that sends it spiralling off into the distance, Cyndaquil and it's cage falling towards the ground.
"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" cries Team Rocket.
"WOBBBBBB!" cries Wobuffet, summing up the situation perfectly yet again.
Ash dives and catches the cage, breaking the speed of the fall so that when it hits the ground the little baby is unhurt. Flipping the lid, he lifts Cyndaquil out and tells it that it's good to have it back.
Brock and Misty arrive on the scene and ask Ash if Cyndaquil is all right as Skarmory settles down beside Mickey, who congratulates it on saving the day.
"SKKARRRRRRRR!" screeches the violation of all of God's laws.

That night they all settle into some poor bastards holiday cabin, messing the place up for the poor unsuspecting owner. All of the Pokemon chow down on their Pokefood, including Skarmory which makes a mockery of the entire process by pretending it needs sustenance.
Mickey sits at the table with the twerps, greatly enjoying the meal Brock has made for them. She compliments him on his culinary talents, telling him that she doesn't get to eat food this good when she cooks for herself.
"If you came with us I'd cook us a romantic dinner every night!" a gushing Brock tells her, failing to look very romantic with the frilly apron he's wearing.
"Big deal," grumbles Misty, grabbing him by the ear distractedly as a sweating Mickey looks on,"On our budget that means a double cheeseburger."

Again with the fatty foods, eh Corporate America?

Even stupid Ash is embarrassed by this blatant piece of product placement and nervously laughs it off before engaging Mickey in conversation about her Skarmory. Like most stupid people, he believes there is some hidden secret to success beyond hard work and sacrifice.
Mickey soon puts him right, explaining that when she trains Skarmory she trains right alongside him. We are then privy to some of the more intimate moments of Mickey's training regime, including wearing padded clothing as Skarmory pummels her belly with it's hooked beak, or Mickey yelling as Skarmory cuts down a tree with one of it's razor sharp wings or, most disturbing of all, an obviously naked Mickey (beneath the blanket) sleeping with Skarmory in a nest.

Dear oh dear.

But illegal sexual practises aside, Ash is very impressed by this concept of training and bravely proclaims that he and Cyndaquil are going to follow in her footsteps.
And thus, the next morning finds Ash and Cyndaquil jogging through the early morning mist. Pudgy little Cyndaquil is exhausted all ready, it's fat little body shaking and quivering as Ash tells it that they have to work hard if they want to make as good a team as Mickey and Skarmory.
Cyndaquil's reply is to throw it's head back and let loose with a squealy, "QUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIILLLL!!"
Arriving at the top of the hill, Ash demands that the exhausted Fire Mouse hit him with it's strongest tackle attack. Cyndaquil is just confused by this, but Ash insists that it pound his soft little boy belly with it's strongest tackle and, reluctantly, it agrees.

Oh what we wouldn't give for the same chance!

It waddles towards Ash and bounces up, softly hitting Ash's belly and falling backwards.
"That was as soft as a feather!" growls Ash, telling Cyndaquil it will have to do better, and once again the soft little mouse waddles up and hits Ash again, slightly harder this time but still not good enough.
"That was a little better," mutters Ash, wincing slightly and trying not to cry. He then suggests that it might need to fire up it's flames before it can get it's strength going and asks it to power up, but all Cyndaquil manages is a brief flare up.
Ash then does one of the most stupid things even HE has ever done and decides to 'show' Cyndaquil how to fire up it's flames. Turning to face the camera, he squats slightly, clenches his fists, scrunches his face and starts groaning and crying.
Cyndaquil watches this shocking display of hideous constipation and then tries to mimic it, the two of them squeezing and groans and clenching and squatting and.... Oh Lord if it wasn't such a scary sight it'd be funny!
When that fails to get a result, Ash decides to work on Cyndaquil's defensive moves. Finding a convenient field of rocks, Ash has Cyndaquil work on it's Agility, making it run and jump and leap from rock to rock faster and faster and faster.

Meanwhile, back at the Cabin they've 'appropriated', Brock, Misty and Mickey eat breakfast, Brock still in his frilly apron.
Mickey notes that Ash left bright and early in the morning, and Misty tells her that he was extremely impressed by her and Skarmory and wants to mimic her success.
Brock, who is justifiably proud of his cooking ability, tells Mickey that Ash must have been really serious if he didn't wait for breakfast. He then takes a huge bite out of a sandwich and happily chews on it, crumbs all over his face and lips, a huge smile on his face.

Gotta love that Brock!

Meanwhile back in the hills both Ash and Cyndaquil are sitting, their bellies grumbling as they regret leaving without food.
But Ash is determined to train Cyndaquil and gets up, telling it to hit him with another Tackle Attack. The pot-bellied little baby mouse charges and slams into Ash's belly, sending the scrawny little punk stumbling backwards into an apple tree.
Fighting back tears of pain, Ash congratulates Cyndaquil on it's strength, but tells it that despite it's powerful tackle and speed, it still needs to work on it's flame.
But first, a little breakfast!
Spotting the apples in the apple tree, Ash gets greedy and instead of sticking with one each for him and Cyndaquil, grabs a third one which is, unfortunately for him, attached to a Beedrill.
And it's not alone, of course, as a large number of Beedrill emerge from the tree and start chasing a terrified Ash and Cyndaquil, who turn and run for their lives.
Proving his unbelievable stupidity, Ash fails to put one foot in front of the other and trips over, collapsing to the ground as The Beedrill prepare to slam their powerful stingers into his scrawny chest and suck the blood from his heart.

That is what they do, isn't it?

But before The Beedrill can complete their sinister plan, Cyndaquil leaps in front of Ash, it's back exploding into flames before it blasts at The Beedrill with it's Flamethrower, scaring them off.
Ash is ecstatic of course, because Cyndaquil was able to power up it's flames in order to save him. The fact that it was building up to this point all day fails to register on Ash, who has now decided that Cyndaquil can 'flame on' at a moments notice.
They then begin working on Cyndaquil's Flamethrower Attack, Ash tossing logs of wood into the air for it to try and hit. At first it fails to hit anything, but after Ash tells it to 'aim your flame' it starts knocking everything out of the air, getting to the point where Ash is able to throw three logs into the air, each one pulverised by Cyndaquil before they can even begin to fall again.

Back at the cabin, Mickey is brushing (!) Skarmory's razor sharp steel wings as Brock, Misty, Togepi and Pikachu stare on. Pikachu suddenly notes something and turns it's head with a, "Pi?"
"Pika!" it cries as it spots Ash and Cyndaquil doing a hero walk over the hill, "Pika-pi!"
Ash and Cyndaquil join the others, Ash bragging that he and his little Fire Mouse have just been doing some intense training. Turning to Mickey, he asks her if she'd like a re-match.
"I thought you'd never ask!" Mickey says happily, looking forward to putting another pounding on Cyndaquil.

Moving out to an open area, Brock acts as referee, announcing that the battle will be one on one with no time limit.
Ash gets off to an excellent start by having Cyndaquil 'flame on' instantly, which impresses Misty and Pikachu to no end.
Skarmory, meanwhile, flies up high then swoops down, kicking up a cloud of dust just as it did earlier against Vulpix. But Ash has his own counter to this, and Cyndaquil fires out a smoke-screen which has Skarmory confused and unsure where to go.
Cyndaquil then blasts out with a Flamethrower, but luckily the smokescreen has mysteriously disappeared and Skarmory sees it coming, swooping aside and then diving for Cyndaquil, it's wings glowing as it prepares it's Steel Wing Attack.
Cyndaquil dodges again and again, matching Skarmory's speed and agility with it's own, which is impressive but isn't going to win the battle. As Brock notes, eventually they'll have to go head to head.
Cyndaquil tries a Flamethrower Attack but Skarmory dodges it, attempting another attack which Cyndaquil also dodges. Both Pokemon are too skilled in avoiding an ass-whupping for either Trainer's liking, and it's also getting cold for the pantsless Mickey, so she suggests to Ash that the only way to end this is to pit both Pokemon's strongest attacks against each other.
Ash agrees, being stupid enough to believe that his infant mouse can go head to head with a giant bird made of steel, and Skarmory attempts a Steel Wing while Cyndaquil uses it's Flamethrower.
The flames explode against Skarmory's chest but it shrugs it off and slams it's Steel Wing hard against Cyndaquil's body, sending it tumbling along the ground.
With a moan, Cyndaquil staggers to it's feet as Skarmory comes around for another attack. Once again the Flamethrower Attack hits hard against Skarmory's chest but once more the unfeeling abomination ignores the attack and hits Cyndaquil with it's Steel Wing.
Ash can't believe it, despite their intensive 15 minutes training regime they're failing to hold their own against Mickey and Skarmory, who have been training intensively for weeks on end. He tells the bruised and battered Fire Mouse that if it doesn't want to keep fighting it can just give up.
But for all it's faults, Cyndaquil ain't no quitter, knowing that it has to live up to the mighty tradition of Ash's last Fire Pokemon, Charizard. Getting back up, a surprised Mickey tells Ash that nobody has ever taken two Steel Wing Attacks before. That out of the way though, she has no hesitation in suggesting Skarmory hit Cyndaquil with a third Steel Wing. It swoops down but instead of hitting back with a Flamethrower, Cyndaquil dodges, causing Skarmory to crash hard into the rocks on the side of the battle area.
As it struggles back up, Cyndaquil lets loose with another burst from it's Flamethrower, blasting it against the rock, pressing it against the stone and burning through it's steel skin to the clockwork machinations of it's unholy innards.
And then Cyndaquil hits Skarmory and Mickey with the ultimate indignation and Tackles it into submission.

That's right, the giant, steel skinned, hooked beak monstrosity of a Pokemon just got pounded unconscious by a soft, chubby, infant mouse.

Brock declares Ash the winner as Mickey rushes to Skarmory's side and congratulates it on it's ass-whupping, telling the abomination how proud she is of it while Ash scoops up Cyndaquil and congratulates it, so proud that the blood, sweat and tears they put into their 15 minutes of training has finally paid off.
Later the twerps stand with Mickey at The Old Mountain Bridge, preparing to say their goodbyes. Mickey continues to compliment Ash on the way he put a pounding on her (GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA!) while Brock proves that he really has no clue about women by saying that he guesses Mickey is going to continue training up in the mountain.
Of course she isn't, that training got Skarmory good and tough but it wasn't good enough to defeat a little body and his infant mouse, so obviously she has to get out there and battle more to gain experience.
She has every confidence that she'll make the finals of The Johto League which leads to the inevitable suggestion that maybe Ash will battle this episodes Trainer again at some point in the future.

Yep, just like Fat Samurai Bitch, Richie, Casey, Rochelle, Ariel, Zakky, Wilhelmina, Leeza, Snap/Todd, Maria, Erica, Luana, Drake, Captain Crook etc, etc, etc, etc.

With the obligatory,"We'll meet again," out of the way the twerps head off towards the next distraction from The Johto League, Mickey waving goodbye, her bare ass facing the camera yet again as the ratings shoot up across the world.

But GAS's aside, what about Team Rocket?

Well we find a deflated Happy Buddha Face Meowth settled over some bushes, the basket draped over some branches in the trees above, Jesse, James and Meowth hanging from it's side, ropes and coils wrapped tightly around them, holding them in place as Wobuffet stands on the tree branch beside them with a quizzical look on it's patient face.
"James, can't you do something to get us out of here?" complains Jesse.
"I'd love to but I'm a little tied up," whispers James deadpan, his strained voice leaving no doubt in our minds that Jesse has been asking this question ALOT over the last 24 hours that they've been trapped.
"So appropriate," sighs Meowth.
"WOBUFFET!" Wobuffet suddenly speaks up, saluting happily at it's captive Trainers.
"Why don't you do something to help us!" grumbles Jesse as the camera pans away over the forest and the sun setting behind the mountains.
"Wobuffet!" explains Wobuffet.
"You make Psyduck look good!" snaps James angrily.
"WOHHH-BUFFET!" agrees Wobuffet happily.

Again, we couldn't close it any better than Wobuffet just did, it's the best damn finisher in the business!

"Must you always barge into our buisness?"
"Wobba wobba wobba wobba wobba!"
"I was afraid you'd say that"

"You make Psyduck look good!"

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