149: Purin Vs Buruu!
146: Tunnel Vision

Dodgy Synopsis

149: Purin Vs Buruu!

146: Tunnel Vision

Pokémopolis Episode Name-
Snubbull Gets Bitch-Slapped

Dodgyness Rating:


It's all about the underdogs

Team Rocketness-
Love that new motto

Moral Learnt

Hell hath no fury like a pink thing scorned

Well the kids continue on their way ever so slowly towards the quickly impending Johto Championship. Their next stop is supposed to be Goldenrod City and the Gym there, but the sad fact of the matter is that it's going to be at least two more weeks before they get there.
Brock, checking his trusty map, informs them that they can take a shortcut through The Onix Tunnel.
Misty constant exposure to both Ash's stupidity and Togepi's vile psychic-leeching leaves her to ask the inevitable question, why is it called The Onix Tunnel? Ash also wants to know, which isn't all that surprising, and Brock tells them. Evidently, it's a cave filled with Onix.

A Cave.

The Onix Tunnel is a cave.


Ash stupidly shows little concern over having to travel through The Onix Tunnel, since the giant Rock Serpents are vulnerable to water and he can rely on good old Squirtle.

Think about Ash, think, think, think........ there you go!
You don't have Squirtle anymore, do ya you silly little moron!

Luckily, like most men, his woman can bring up the slack for him and Misty reminds him she has plenty of Water Pokemon to use against the Onix.
Regardless, it's getting late and they're in no rush to get to the quickly impending Johto League Championship, so they decide to leave off the tunnel/cave until the following day.
They head on to find a place to spend the night, and only a few moments later a cute, cuddly little Pokemon finally stumbles across their footsteps after a far too long absence.
"Jiggly, Jigglypuff!" laughs Jigglypuff happily, and heads on after the twerps.
And only a few moments later a cute, cuddly little Pokemon stumbles across Jigglypuff's footsteps and snuffles the ground before looking up and thoughtfully proclaiming, "Snubbbb, Snubbull!"

Very early the next morning a tired Team Rocket approach the entrance to The Onix Tunnel. A yawning Meowth has no idea why they have to tackle the tunnel so early in the morning, and while Jesse and James don't much like the concept either it's the fastest way to the next town, after all who knows how long it'll take to go over the mountain.
"We'd be ovah da hill before we were ovah da hill!" sobs Meowth, and they head on into the tunnel entrance.
"All of a sudden I... feel a little weird James," shudders Jesse, hugging herself as she looks about the damp, dark, cold confines of the tunnel.

"I always feel a little weird," replies James deadpan.

"It sure is quiet in here," notes Meowth, and instantly the laws of irony react, creating a massive, echoing blast throughout the length of the tunnel.
Jesse pulls up short and Meowth hugs himself fiercely to James' leg, and all three watch in terror as the massive, rocky forms of several Onix emerge from the darkness and grimly stare them down.
James reaches to his theatrical side (okay, okay, so that's the only side he has) for courage and calls out Victreebell to save the day, just managing to fight it off as it tries to eat his head once again.
Turning, it uses it's Razor-Leaf Attack which simply bounces off of The Onix's stoic, resolute faces. Victreebell is, it seems, a bust, which is exactly what The Onix are doing to the side of the tunnel (nice segueway, huh!?!) as they smash against it, creating a Rock-Throw Attack which showers rock and debris onto Team Rocket. Victreebell failed by at least they can always count on Arbok, and Jesse sends it out to watch it get squished inside a Bind Attack by Onix, which Meowth suggests might hurt.

Just a little bit, anyway.

An enraged Jesse pitches Meowth into the fray, the terrified Scratch-Cat scrabbling wildly as he sails through the air until he realises that he can use his Fury Swipes Attack to save the day.
After he's finished bouncing ineffectually off of the Onix's face, the giant Rock Serpents begin smashing the sides of the tunnel again, bring rocks down on Team Rocket's heads again until finally they give in, turn and retreat out of the tunnel.
Once outside, they collapse onto all fours and pant roughly, drawing in deep ragged breaths as Jesse tries to figure out a way that they can use to get through the tunnel.
James pops up with a bright idea, realising that a Water Pokemon would put paid to The Onix, but Meowth dampens his spirits by reminding him that they don't have one. Wobuffet pops out at this point to let loose with a cheery WOBBA-WOBB-UFFET! before Jesse returns the infectiously cheerful Pokemon to it's Pokeball.
It's at this point that Jesse recalls that that twerpy little red-head (that would be Misty) has plenty of Water Pokemon. Yes, she's got Polliwag, Goldeen, the HAH-ing Staryu and the confused Psyduck, all of which Jesse sees in a brief fantasy sequence where Misty calls out all of her Pokemon and then throws back her head to laugh evilly.
"RIGHT!" growls Meowth angrily, "Dat little brats hoarding Water Pokemon dat we could use!"
"I know," suggests James, who is a little behind on the other two when it comes to forming evil schemes, "Why don't we help ourselves to some of hers!"
All three laugh malevolently together, as villains must in such cases.

Speaking of evil intentions, we note that there are only TWO tents set up at the twerps camp! Only two! What were the sleeping arrangements? Given Misty's gay laugh of joy one might expect that she spent the night with Ash, but then given the fact that Brock is busy exercising and Ash is desperately trying to clean himself in the river as a concerned Pikachu looks on, perhaps Ash and Brock spent an interesting night together?
Psyduck stands between Misty (who has become reduced to cleaning up for the vile Egg-Leech Togepi, washing it's face with a tissue and acting like it's slave) and the exercising Brock, holding it's head as per usual.
Misty angrily suggests that, if it's going to hold it's head it might as well hold it in the water so that it can get clean. Brock, meanwhile, has finished his exercises and grabs his excited Pineco in hand (GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA!), asking it if it's ready to have some fun (DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF!).
It seems Pineco's idea of fun is blowing itself (LAST WARNING) up, which it proceeds to do. Brock, sooty and dirty, PUN-ishes us all by turning to the camera and saying, "We're already having a blast!"


As Ash cleans his face, Snubbull snuffles by behind him, attracting Pikachu's attention. It warns Ash and turning he spots the snuffly little Snubbull snuffling around, looking for clues or a scent through which it can find it's lost love - Meowth's tail.
Ash looks over the Snubbull at first as a potential catch, until he recognises the bows on it's head and calls the others over to take a look.
Misty instantly recognises it as the Snubbull from 'that rich lady's' house but they all have to wonder what it's doing all the way out here. Misty once again surmises that it might have gotten tired of living in that big old, luxuriously furnished house where it's every need was catered to and it was flooded with love, affection and respect.
"That sounds plausible," Brock says with an admirably straight face.
They watch as Snubbull snuffles and sniffs the ground, realising that it's after the scent of something. And whatever that something is, it soon finds it and charges off to grab it.
The twerps, no more able to resist a mystery than Fred and Velma, chase off after it.

But nary a cry of jinkies is to be heard.

Deeper in the forest, Team Rocket crawl along the ground with the magnificent disguise of two small branches on either side of their heads, effectively making them disappear into the foliage.
As usual they're counting their chickens before they've hatched, eagerly discussing how much better life will be for them once they've gotten Misty's Water Pokemon.
"We'll be powerful with a Polliwag!" laughs Jesse, dreaming of power and glory.
"We'll be stars with a Staryu!" giggles James, dreaming of fame and fortune. "Golden with Goldeen!" preens Meowth.
"What else?" asks Jesse, and they all stop to hmmm and haw over lines as we get a delightful GAS from behind them, particularly off Jesse, we'd swear you could see it all if it wasn't for her hair....

Well yes, anyway, back to the point.

"Doesn't she have a Psyduck?" asks James.
"We'd be sighing with a Psyduck," Meowth reminds them, as they continue on and James appears to put an extra waggle into his wiggle.

Meanwhile Snubbull is leading the twerps a merry chase, on the track of Meowth once more and closing in, lifting it's Pug-Face up to scout out the area before continuing on.
Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu prepare to follow it, but before they can they meet up with an old friend, Jigglypuff!
The happy little gas bag spots the kids and excitedly leaps up onto a nearby tree-stump, lifting it's microphone and swelling up excitedly to sing.
Of course by this point the kids have all ready run away and are well clear of Jigglypuff's song radius, so they're safe.

Oh, oh we were wrong, it appears that their strategy was to simply stand there and allow Jigglypuff to sing, banking it all on the prospect that perhaps this time the song might fail to work.

They collapse to the ground, falling asleep as Misty complains that they've only just woken up anyway, Ash mumbling that they're taking their afternoon nap a little early.
Less than fifty meters away, Team Rocket begin to slow down, Jesse growing more and more tired, telling James that all this stalking is making her sleepy.
James knows what's up and tries to tell her it's Jigglypuff's song, but none of that matters, because they've both collapsed, leaving Meowth to mumble that he's bushed before he too succumbs to the sweet sonambulistic slumber of Jigglypuff's song.
Snubbull holds out longest, pushed on by adrenalin as it spots Meowth's tail as last and happily charges towards it. But even true lust can't fight the forces of nature and it too succumbs to Jigglypuff's song, collapsing a bare inch away from the glory that is Meowth's tail.
Awakening a couple of hours later, it finds to it's horror that Team Rocket are gone and with them Meowth's tail. Shocked but no dissuaded, it picks up the scent once again and starts trailing it, coming across a puddle of water where it discovers to it's terror that some ne'erdowell has drawn on it's face, leaving behind an X, anger lines and a monocle!
Tossing it's head to and for in a panic at this unforeseen event, it spots an even angrier Jigglypuff a few meters away, ferociously scribbling on a Pidgey's face as the little bird sleeps away.
Seeing the source of it's own humiliation - as well as the reason Meowth got away - Snubbull pounces up beside Jigglypuff and pulls the combination marker/microphone away (Jigglypuff displays an amazing grip considering that it has no fingers or thumbs) before turning and running, leaving a startled and dismayed Jigglypuff behind, it's eyes getting all big and wobbly.

Dodgemaster's Note : Tim began to sniffle at this point and his eyes got all watery.... SHUDDUP! WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE!

The twerps come by a few minutes later, yawning and tired, having spent the last ten minutes or so cleaning their faces of the ink Jigglypuff left behind.
Brock - being a manly man - complains that they've all ready washed their faces twice today. Misty sarcastically notes that Ash's mother would be pleased to hear that, displaying the disdain for her significant other's mother that is usually only associated with In-Laws.
Suddenly Jigglypuff wanders aimlessly into their path and they freeze. Ash looks terrified and Misty looks pissed off beyond belief as they fear a third slumber and more ink on their faces. They turn to bury their heads in Brock's bosom, but he stops them with a sharp word, telling them that Jigglypuff looks different this time around.
Looking closer, Ash realises that Jigglypuff isn't it's usual Jigglypuff self (his words). In fact, it appears downcast and miserable and sad and pathetic, all the things that Jigglypuff isn't.

In other words, it looks like Weezing.

They approach and ask Jigglypuff what the matter is, noticing that it's microphone is gone. They ask it where the mike has gone and, in a delicious send-up, it imitates Snubbull, pulling it's face down and snuffling, "Jiggly-Jiggly-Puff."
They don't understand, but decide to help it find it's microphone anyway, since it's always used it to put them to sleep and knock them off of their planned course in the past.

Not so far away, Jesse is furious over her first plan being a total wash-out, leading Meowth to ask if perhaps she has a second plan that's a total wash-out as well.
And Jesse does, the old Pit-Fall Plan!
James and Meowth do the obligatory stock-fall, then moan that The Pitfall Plan is the pits.
An excited Jesse disagrees, telling them that she has something which will change their minds.
"And what's that Jesse," mumbles James tiredly, having lost his zest for the show today.
She pulls out a peculiar looking shovel excitedly, and James sighs, telling her to just call a spade a spade. But this isn't any ordinary spade, oh no, it's the very latest combination of spade and pogo-stick, and it enables Jesse to really dig digging!


"Naturally," sighs James, shrugging.
"When Jesse digs a trap, she really hops to it," sighs Meowth, echoing James' shrug with one of it's own.
As they set to and begin digging as well, Snubbull approaches through the bushes and spots Meowth from behind, waggling his little tail about, lifting it high.

You can't tell us he wasn't asking for it!

Snubbull walks right up to Meowth's tail, staring at it with wide eyes, as if it can't believe that finally, after all this time, it's arrived at it's destiny.
And then it thinks.... fuck it, and it bites down hard on Meowth's tail.
He begins charging about wildly, his stubby little arms flailing wildly as he tried to out-run the pain in his tail, Snubbull clutching on like grim death.
Jesse and James look down at their screaming partner with curious concern, then Jesse reaches down lifts Snubbull up, leaving Meowth hanging upside down and moaning.
Jesse, having an eye for the rich, remembers that this Snubbull belongs to that rich lady back in rich town. Given that it's rich, James tickles it's chin, causing it to drop Meowth in surprise, leaving the sobbing, abused Scratch-Cat to clutch his tail in dismay.
"I hope you didn't damage this Snubbull's teeth," Jesse growls angrily at Meowth as she cradles Snubbull like a baby in her arms, showing the first signs of any kind of maternal instinct we have ever seen in the history of Pokemon. James wonders if Snubbull has been 'tailing' Meowth all this time, leading Jesse to suggest that perhaps this Snubbull has a little bit of a thing for Meowth, leading to a dodgy line indeed from the sore cat.
"What kind offa ting!?!" screams Meowth at Jesse's ass.
"It's obvious," giggles Jesse as Snubbull stares down at Meowth's tail with obvious lust, pointing out the sparkle in it's eye, it's obviously LOVE!
James begins to seriously consider the possibilities as Jesse cradles the Snubbull, realising that it would make a perfect gift for The Boss.
"Yes, and I finally have a Pokemon I can cuddle!" giggles Jesse, going over all girly as she rubs her face against Snubbull's face happily.
She's still the same old Jesse though, as she suddenly cuts into a tirade about Misty, growling about how everyone thinks she's soooo cute just because she's always hugging Togepi, but now finally Jesse will be just as popular as that red-headed little runt, and thanks to Meowth it'll never try to run away.

Pretty pathetic, Jesse.

But Meowth is having none of it, standing up angrily and proclaiming angrily to Jesse's ass that he doesn't want to be anywhere near Snubbull, so they can either have it, or him.
Jesse and James can't believe Meowth wants them to choose, but if he insists.... well they can't ignore all that one particular Pokemon has done for Team Rocket, can they!
Meowth is ecstatic over their loyalty, until he realises that they weren't talking about him at all, and they're in the middle of welcoming Snubbull to Team Rocket!
"WHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" cries Meowth in shock.
"WOBBBA!" agrees Wobuffet, who had popped out a little earlier to let Jesse know how happy it is.
"I... I shouldnta opened my big Meowth," moans Meowth as Team Rocket begin walking away, cooing over their new Pokemon as they leave their oldest behind.
And as they go, leaving a shell-shocked Meowth behind, we hear one last, plaintive cry that sums up all the mixed feels and emotions of this sad scene.

The following scene is pure comedy gold, something that will be shown in film archives of the future alongside Charlie Chaplin, The Marx Brothers, The Simpsons and That's My Banana.
The twerps and Jigglypuff step out into a clearing and discover a tree laden with fruits, surrounded by two baskets filled with delightfully appetising looking treats that would make the mouth of the staunchest Buddhist Monk water.
"ALL RIGHT! FREE FOOD!" cries the unbelievably stupid Ash, preparing to charge forward and scarf down on the suspiciously unattended food.
Misty pulls him back in, reminding him that they've seen something similar to this before themselves.
"It does seem vaguely familiar," agrees Brock as he scratches his chin.
"Maybe it is a trap, Misty," agrees Ash, "But at least we'll get a meal out of it."
Before Misty can respond to this amazing stupidity, Jigglypuff leaps up with excitement and charges towards the first basket of food to get it some good eating.
It reaches the first basket and.... collapses into the hole in the ground, crashing down to the dirt below. The twerps gape in shock and Ash calls out Bulbasaur to rescue the Diva-Type Pokemon.
Bulbasaur reaches down with it's Vine-Whip and pulls Jigglypuff out, the gassy little Pokemon puffing up with anger and fighting it's way free so that it can charge with gay abandon towards the next basket, before crashing into yet another pit.
Once more Bulbasaur arrives and pulls Jigglypuff free, and once more it puffs up in anger, fights free and charges happily towards the fruit tree, crashing into a third and final pit before it can get there.
Bulbasaur pulls it out once more and the angry little balloon puffs up in a fury as Ash, Misty and Brock approach. It pulls itself free and charges away angrily, running blindly in it's fury, leaving the twerps to give chase.
Watching from the nearby bushes, Jesse is furious at that no-good Jigglypuff for ruining all their hard work.
"Speaking of no good," says James, "Where's Meowth?"
This just drives Jesse into greater paroxysms of fury, blaming Meowth for running off to do his own thing and leaving them in the lurch, since neither her nor James actually took him seriously when he threatened to leave.
But Snubbull did and right now it's getting tired of all this cuddling and a cradling. It struggles free from Jesse's grasp and charges off on Meowth's trail, leaving a startled Jesse and James to give chase.

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, a dejected Meowth walks miserably by himself, contemplating a life without Team Rocket.
He knows that The Team Rocket motto just isn't going to be the same without him to pop up at the end and cry, "MEOWTH, THAT'S RIGHT!" and finally this motivates him. Dammit, they NEED him to stand up and say that line at the end of the motto, and surely they've realised this by now!
Turning, he stares into the distance and sees nothing, and he sighs, guessing that they're happy with Snubbull over him, and he might as well just accept that.
Turning, he continues to walk away, a cold wind blowing behind him.

Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu - on the other hand, haven't given up on their quest. They're looking both for Snubbull AND Jigglypuff's microphone, but haven't had any great luck finding either. They begin to contemplate that maybe, just maybe, Jigglypuff's microphone is gone for good.
Standing off to the side, Jigglypuff hears this and gives up hope, turning and stumbling off sadly.

At the entrance to The Onix Tunnel, Meowth settles down on a rock and moans to himself, knowing he can't go on any further without passing through the tunnel but too scared to go it alone.
It looks like this is just another dead end for him. Jigglypuff arrives and settles down beside him, sighing sadly in combination with Meowth.
"What's wrong kid?" sighs Meowth sympathetically.
"Puff," mumbles Jigglypuff, which apparently translates as, "I'm feeling down in the dumps."
"Down in da dumps, huh?" commiserates Meowth, "What's got you feeling blue?"
"Puh Jiggly Jiggly Puff," Jigglypuff informs him.
"You say somebody swiped ya microphone? Nuttin's sacred anymore! I guess nobody cares about our feelings no more."
They sigh together.
"Well I say da only shelter we got against da disappointments of life is our dreams!" Meowth suddenly proclaims bravely, "You got a dream, don't ya Jigglypuff?"
Indeed Jigglypuff does, and it begins to softly sing under it's breath. Meowth nods in understanding as Jigglypuff happily sings on, knowing that Jigglypuff dreams of people being able to listen to it's song all the way through.
"That's a beautiful dream, Jig," says Meowth, then things take on a slightly more surreal bent as he informs the round little balloon Pokemon that it reminds him alot of the full moon he loves so much.

Riiiiight you are then.

Jigglypuff seems taken with this concept though and hops up and down happily as Meowth quietly wishes that the Pokemon that liked him so much (Snubbull) was nice and well rounded like Jigglypuff.

Nice and well rounded, that's every man's dream Meowth.

Inspired by the happy balloon, Meowth decides to form a new team, one even better than Team Rocket, a Dream Team of him and Jigglypuff that fight for and won't rest until their dreams come true.
They hug each other and sob in one of the more strangely heart-wrenching moments of Pokemon as Meowth tells Jigglypuff that from now on life is going to be like an apple and they're going to take a great big juicy BITTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Which, of course, is just what Snubbull has just done to Meowth's tail.
Meowth charges around with Snubbull hanging off of him, screaming for help as Jesse and James saunter onto the scene and watch it all with curious bemusement.
Spotting his former team-mates, Meowth cries out loud that he thought they'd deserted him, but obviously they've been looking for him all this time.
"Not really," Jesse and James tell him, "We didn't even realise you were gone."
"I was afraid you were gonna say dat!" moans Meowth, falling over.
Jigglypuff stares at it's new team-mate in confusion, until it notes Snubbull hanging on to it's tail and, in Snubbull's paw, Jigglypuff's microphone!
Angrily it grabs the microphone/marker, but Snubbull holds on, causing them to tug and pull at it, trying to force the other way with this cute little paws until finally they resort to violence and begin slapping and pounding on each other.
Jesse angrily tells Meowth to step in and break them up, asking him what he's waiting for as Pikachu appears for no reason behind a bush, spots them and heads off to warn the twerps.
"I was kinda waiting for Jigglypuff to slap that Snubbull silly," Meowth tells Jesse and James, then steps up to the angrily fighting Pokemon and asks them to cut it out.
They ignore him though, and one of Snubbull's slaps hits him instead, enraging the Scratch-Cat who instantly punches Snubbull back, catching Jigglypuff a glancing blow as well. Jigglypuff, being one of the more temperamental Pokemon, lets loose and slaps Meowth, and suddenly all three are in the thick of things, pounding and slapping and attacking each other as Ash, Misty and Brock arrive on the scene.
Ash forces the combatants apart and asks them what's going on, spotting Jigglypuff's microphone in Snubbull's paw.
Jesse and James couldn't be more pleased by this turn of events, because now Misty is on the scene and they can steal her Water Pokemon.
"Guess again, creeps!" growls Misty, turning about as Ash and Brock flank her.
"What are you up to?" yells Ash.
"You should prepare for trouble, folks," smiles Jesse.
"Better it double, we're stealing your Pokes."
"Oh boy!" cries Meowth, knowing this is his chance to prove how invaluable he is to the team.
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
Meowth knows this is his big moment and he braces his legs to make the leap up, so he can scream the closing line that lends the motto it's special magic.
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"
"Meeeeee...." starts Meowth.
"WOB-BUFF-ET!" interrupts a patiently pleased Wobuffet, lifting into shot with a happy smile.
"Not bad," says Jesse, staring with a smile at Wobuffet, "I like the new ending."
"Yes," agrees James, "It has a nice ring to it."
Meowth collapses onto his side, then gets up slowly and thumps his paws together sadly, moaning, "Say it isn't so."
Jesse calls out Arbok to deal to Misty, but the fiery young red-head is having none of it.
"You're not getting mine, Jesse," she yells (unlike Jesse, Misty actually knows her opponents name!) and prepares to call out a Pokemon, until Psyduck pops out to see what's going on.
"NOT PSYDUCK!" growls Jesse.
"Please don't make us take Psyduck!" sobs James.
With a sigh Misty calls Psyduck back and sends out Polliwag, and the battle is on. Arbok tries a tackle attack which Polliwag dodges, hitting back with it's Water-Gun Attack as James calls out Victreebell, knowing that it's tough against Water-Types.
As James wastes his time trying to keep Victreebell from eating him, Ash calls for Chikorita to even the odds. Victreebell fires it's Razor Leaf Attack at Polliwag but the attack is blocked by Chikorita's Vine Whip Attack.
"They must have been practising, they're good," growls Jesse.
"Wobba!" agrees Wobuffet, much to Jesse's chagrin, as it's supposed to be on her side, telling her how great they are and how much the others stink. She pitches Wobuffet into the fray and it Counters Chikorita's Vine Whip Attack back onto itself, knocking the little lust-crazed Pokemon backwards.
Unfortunately Wobuffet only counters when it's told to and it does nothing to stop Polliwag's full force Water Gun, which somehow manages to hit Wobuffet, Arbok AND Victreebell.
The three Pokemon crash into Jesse, James and Meowth and a quick Thunderbolt Attack from Pikachu sends the newly reformed Team Rocket blasting off again.
"WOBBBA!" cries Wobuffet as it sails along with them, bless it.
Snubbull watches them fly away in angry disbelief, then tosses aside Jigglypuff's microphone and chases off after the now far distant Team Rocket.
An ecstatic Jigglypuff scoops up the microphone as the twerps watch Snubbull run away, then leaps onto a tree stump and begins to sing it's pleasure.
At first Ash, Misty and Brock are happy to hear it's song again, until they recall that this same song also happens to render them unconscious. They collapse down for an encore snore as Jigglypuff puffs up angrily, pulls the end of it's microphone and proceeds to draw all over their faces.
With an angry puff it heads off with microphone in hand, going deep into The Onix Tunnel and leaving behind the twerps, all with their faces drawn all over (Pikachu has a goatee!).
Deep inside of the cave, The Onix rear up angrily as Jigglypuff approaches, but it shows no fear at their presence, only delight at having another audience.
It begins to sing and the confines of the cave echo back on The Onix, increasing the power of the song ten-fold and knocking all of the massive Rock Serpents out.
Later that night Ash, Misty and Brock head into The Onix Tunnel sure that they'll have no problems. Brock knows that The Onix won't bother them if they don't bother The Onix, and even if they don't then Misty has a series of Water Pokemon she can use against them.
But none of that is necessary, given that all of The Onix are still sleeping, their faces covered in Jigglypuff's scrawls. It seems they made the right choice earlier in helping Jigglypuff find it's microphone, and they proceed through unmolested.

Still later, Jesse, James and Meowth continue on together again, reformed as the original - the best - Team Rocket.
All The Onix are sleeping, giving Team Rocket a free run for once in their life, but despite that Jesse won't be happy till they're through the tunnel to safety.
"Maybe that's what they mean by that old saying, delight at the end of the tunnel?" says James, misquoting terribly.
Jesse - who is, let's face it, rather top-heavy - trips on a rock and collapses down to the ground hard (don't worry Dodgers, she's got, hehe, plenty of cushioning up front, hehe) which it seems is enough to awaken The Onix.
"This is one time I wish we WERE blasting off again," cries Jesse as the camera cuts to a shot outside of the tunnel.
"WOBBBBBBA!!!!" screams Wobuffet, but the final word today goes not to Wobuffet and not to Dodgemaster Tim, but to an Onix that can sum up this episode better than either of them.

"I always feel a little weird"

"What do you think that sound was?"

"This is one time I wish Team Rocket was blasting off!"



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