143: Kunugidama to Bonguri no mi! Urayama no Tatakai!!
140: Going Apricorn

Dodgy Synopsis

143: Kunugidama to Bonguri no mi! Urayama no Tatakai!!

140: Going Apricorn

Pokémopolis Episode Name-
Team Rocket Get Their Beans

Dodgyness Rating:


Actually quite boring

Team Rocketness-
Well, even boring stories need Team Rocket

Moral Learnt

Beware of dirty old men with mullets and annoying red-cheeked, big mouthed brats lest ye be forced to take the law into thy own hands

Well, as you will well recall (unless you're insane, have no memory or just want to pretend you don't) last episode Ash and Co. helped a scary, short man in a Slowpoke Costume defeat Team Rocket in their nefarious scheme to try and make money so that they might be able to buy their way out of the vicious circle of crime and defeat that society has forced them into.
But it wasn't until the end of the episode that they discovered to their horror (truthfully, they seemed horrified by the revelation) that Mr. Freak was in fact Kurt, the PokeBall expert that Professor Oak sent them to find.
Now, with Team Rocket defeated for the moment and Azalea Town's drought broken, the twerpy trio take some time out, enjoying tea with Kurt and his incredibly annoying grand-daughter, Maisie - whom we met briefly last episode.

Maisie is big-mouthed, red cheeked and has silly hair, and throughout this episode will demonstrate chilling displays of being a know-it-all. She's worse than the forced friendliness of Richie and the pushy arrogance of Snap, because she's bundled up in what is supposed to be a cute little girl package and we're supposed to find her charming.

Sitting at the table, drinking their tea, Maisie rambles on about how nice it was of them to help her Grand-Pa and save the town and blah blah blah blah.
The kids brush it off, but Kurt nods brusquely and thanks them himself, before taking on a more serious mien and asking them why they were looking for him.
Ash explains that Professor Oak sent them and Kurt instantly becomes more attentive. Before the conversation can continue though, Maisie interrupts, asking just who Professor Oak is.
"Now Maisie!" growls Kurt, "I'm sure if you think back on your lessons you'll remember that Professor Oak is the greatest Pokemon Researcher in the world."
"Ooooh, but if Professor Oak is so great, what does he need them for?" asks Maisie, which is a good point. Just what the hell does the most brilliant Pokemon Researcher need with a brain-dead Trainer, a water-obsessed Gym Leader with a vile leech attached psionically to her a French rodent and a girl-crazy Breeder?

Well he doesn't, obviously, but if you had a hottie like Mrs. Ketchum waiting around at home and wanted your son out of the way, wouldn't you send him out on bullshit errands as well?
The added bonus is that he can also send a much desired artifact around the various members of his Swinger's Club, an artifact that Ash is pulling out even as we speak.
"We really don't know anything about it," says Misty after Brock explains that Professor Oak asked them to deliver The GS Ball for him, "We've been calling it the GS Ball."
"The GS Ball!" sparks Kurt instantly, knowing exactly what it is, and he only gets more excited when he gets his hands on it, a gift from Professor Oak.

The Gratuitous Sex Ball.

"Ahhh," he says, his eyes growing wide, "Why this ball is...."
"I'm going to explode if I have to wait another second!" speaks up Brock suddenly, although whether he's talking about finding out what The GS Ball is or just about wanting to lose his virginity is unclear.
Misty obviously takes it to be the former, begging Kurt to tell them everything he knows, a sentiment echoed by Pikachu and Ash. "All right," mutters Kurt, "It's clear that the ball is......"
"It's clear that the ball is?" repeat the twerps, leaning forward in anticipation.
".....some kind of Poke-Ball," mutters the big expert quietly, trying to hide his great shame.
"ARRRWWWW!" gasp the twerps, hitting classic shock poses as the camera zooms in and out roughly. Misty actually throws Togepi up in the air in her spasm of shock, but unfortunately for us she catches it again, instantly taking on a zombie-like countenance as the vile little Egg Leech hooks itself into her again.
"Next thing you know you'll tell us that it's round," mutters Ash as Togepi roars with dark glee.
"Or yellow," mutters Misty.
Kurt apologises profusely for his failure, but assures the children that he will be able to tell them more after closer scrutiny, a view shared by loud-mouthed little Maisie. Ash thanks Kurt for the help he's so kindly giving them, not knowing that it is he who has rendered the service to Kurt, who knows exactly what The GS Ball is and exactly how to use it.

With breakfast done, Pikachu chases a laughing Togepi around the floor as the vile creature delights in the pantomime of innocence while Ash, Misty and Brock make a call to Professor Oak.
It should be noted that Misty is clasping her hands behind her back, this is due to the fact that her shorts appear to be riding so far up her ass that her feet are likely suspended two inches above the floor.
Professor Oak seems very pleased to see his son, and gets even more excited when he learns they've made it to Kurt's house, the dirty old bastard obviously eager to learn what fellow dirty old man Kurt thought of the Gratuitous Sex Ball.
Ash explains that Kurt didn't know what to make of it, but that he's promised to make an extensive project out of researching it, the hidden meaning clear to all but the twerps, who are still young and innocent despite Brock's best attempts to the contrary. As they speak, Muk makes his obligatory guest appearance and attempts to get it on with Professor Oak, who is knocked to the ground and allows us a view of a held cell of Tracey feeding a couple of Nidoran.
Oak pulls himself back up, wiping some goop off of his face (ewwww!) as Ash - being none too impressed by his first meeting with Kurt, who turned out to be short with a mullet and a fetish for dressing up like Slowpoke - asks what the big deal is with Kurt anyway, and an angry Professor Oak - who considers all the members of his Swingers Club in great regard - snaps that, "Kurt is a legend my boy!"
He explains to his stupid son that Kurt is famous the world over for making Pokeballs out of Apricorns (he also makes various assorted sex toys, but that's a less well known fact), which apparently is a fruit/nut that the entire world but Ash is aware of.

You know, just like you wouldn't be aware of say, an apple.

He tells Ash to look out the window, as there will obviously be Apricorn nearby Kurt's house and, to be sure, there they are, a tree that is practically dripping with the odd little bastard child of a horny nut and a nutty fruit.
Oak explains that Pokeballs made from Apricorns have a variety of uses beyond those of the plain old store brought Pokeballs Ash uses, and the excited boy instantly decides that he wants them.
"Ever heard the saying, easier said than done?" asks Misty, dismayed at Ash's childish exuberance, which cares nothing for pathetic obstacles such as reality.
"What do you mean Misty?" asks Ash with confidence born of stupidity,"Don't you know you never get anything unless you ask?" He takes off with Pikachu in tow, Brock calling for them to wait a second but too late to stop them, and now Brock and Misty are left with a patient Professor Oak still waiting on the phone.

In Kurt's workshop the old, short, mulleted man is hard at work making Pokeballs, but his work is about to be interrupted by an insanely excited little freeloader named Ash Ketchum.
"Hey Kuuurt!" he screams, charging towards the workshop, "I was wondering you could make me....."
He's cut off by an angry little big-mouthed red-cheeked brat of a child who slides into his way and angrily admonishes him to be quiet while Grandpa is working.
Ash uncharacteristically apologises, perhaps a bit frightened by Maisie's red cheeks and huge mouth, and he stands with her, watching as Kurt pounds on a super-heated ball of metal held in place with tongs.
Brock and Misty join them, having actually bothered to say goodbye to Professor Oak, watching in awe as the Master works away, seemingly pleased with the shape the Pokeball is taking.
When correctly shaped, he moved the unfinished Pokeball to a small bucket which he fills with water from a pump, before lowering the red-hot ball into the water where it steams and hisses as it cools down.
Maisie explains that the water Kurt is using comes from The Slowpoke Well, and she thanks them once again for saving the day for The Town as Kurt moves the now cooled Pokeball back into the heating oven, where he closes the latch and stands up, his work done.
Turning, he spots his audience and beams happily, as all old men must when they mistakenly think that young people are interested in what he does.
Ash tells him that he wants to ask Kurt a question, and the old man instantly bluffs that he hasn't had a chance to look at it yet, as he's been falling behind on his work.
But Ash, the very picture of diplomacy, blurts out that what he really wants is an Apricorn Pokeball.
Misty berates her one true love for his childishness, but Kurt is more than happy to give them all a reward for saving the town, and after grabbing a stool and climbing up to grab some Pokeballs he steps down and hands each of them a Pokeball.
They're ecstatic, of course, and Ash gets the wrong end of the stick as always, thinking that now he knows what an Apricorn Pokeball looks like.
"Actually, that was made of white Apricorn," Maisie corrects him in that annoying way she has of being alive, "So it's call a Fastball!"
"It's a Fastball?" asks Ash, confused as to the connection between a White Apricorn and calling a Pokeball a Fastball.
"That's right," lisps Maisie, "It's meant to be used on Pokemon that can run away quickly."
She then cuts into full lecture mode, "You see, Apricorns come in seven colours, white, red, blue, black, pink, green and yellow! There's a different Pokeball made from each colour Apricorn, and every kind of Pokeball has it's own name, it's own special colours and it's own specific uses!"

It's about now that Dodgemaster Tim is cleaning out his rifle with a determined look in his eye.

"I get it!" laughs Ash, who for once is able to simplify a very complex subject, "There's more than one kind of Apricorn Pokeball! In that case I'll have to get one of each colour!"
"You don't have to be so greedy about it, Ash!" mutters Misty, words which are perhaps a premonition of their future wedding night. It should also be noted that Togepi has it's little paws on Misty's Fastball and appears to be gloating over the fact.
But Kurt has been looking for just this kind of opportunity to get the kids out from underfoot so that he can 'research' The GS Ball some more, and he tells Ash he'll be happy to make him all The Apricorn Pokeballs he wants if he can just get The Apricorn for him.
Maisie explains that they only grow White Apricorn in the backyard, which seems a bit fucking stupid if you ask us, and they'll have to go up into the hills with her in search of the other kinds of Apricorn if they want Kurt to make their Pokeballs.
Ash is all for it, of course, and after a brief bit of conversing with Pikachu - who looks particularly evil for some reason today - they're ready to go.

And so are three others, our beloved Team Rocket have been listening in on the conversation from the bushes across from Kurt's workshop. Having recovered from the destruction of their small business enterprise in the last episode, they're back for revenge and they've just discovered a new money making scheme.
"Did you hear that?" asks James.
"I heard every word!" gasps Meowth.
"This has Team Rocket written all over it!" smiles Jesse, "I think we've finally found a way to pay off all our debts!"
"If we can get our paws on dem Pokeballs people will pay a pretty penny for 'em! Coz dem tings don't grow on trees ya know!" laughs Meowth.
"Actually Meowth," corrects James, "If you really had been listening to every word you would have heard the sweet little girl say those Pokeballs really DO grow on trees!"
"Forget it James," sniffs Jesse, "There's money to be made!" "YEAH!" they all cry together, throwing their arms high in joyful expectation as the camera pulls away to show the bush they're hiding behind. In a moment of pure comedy genius, they lift the bush up and it's revealed to be a cheap cardboard cut out which they take along with them.


Later on that day, far up in the hills, Maisie shows the trio are a Pink Apricorn Tree. Where they got the name is obvious, as Misty points out, since all the Apricorn are just that, pink, and Maisie explains that they are used to make Loveballs.


Sometimes this show just makes it too easy!

"They work best when you're trying to catch Pokemon of a different gender," Maisie explains.
"Hmmm," hmmm's Brock, pretending scientific interest, "Do you suppose that a, errrrr, Pokeball made from this tree might help me catch a Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny?"
"She didn't say they were magic!" growls Misty, grabbing his ear and twisting it to make him cringe in pain, as Togepi roars with evil, drunken laughter.
"Cool," smiles Ash, reaching up for The Pink Apricorns, "I'll just take a couple."
"No you won't!" pouts Lil Miss Maisie petulantly, "Don't even touch 'em, those Apricorn aren't ripe enough yet!"

Well okay little bitchy thing, maybe they're not ripe, but how the hell is Ash - who has trouble enough sorting out what the funny wriggly things on the end of his palms are in the best of circumstances - supposed to know that and where the hell do you get off getting all uppity and angry with him?

God-damn little brat she's lucky I don't.......

"Maisie, he didn't know," Misty says, taken aback by the little brats attitude.
"Never pick an Apricorn before it's ready and never, ever pick too many Apricorns at once!" she bitches on regardless, the little big-mouthed shit, "Otherwise you'll just end up damaging the entire tree!"
"Sorry about that," Ash says, feeling pretty stink considering he just got told off by a six year old red-cheeked, big-mouthed brat.
"You sure know a lot, don't you Maisie!" smiles Misty, which is a woman's diplomatic (bitchy) way of saying,'You're an annoying little turd, aren't you Maisie.'
"What do you expect!" laughs Brock, as the camera centres in on her furious little face, her mouth a single crease of stubborn frustration,"She is Kurt's Grand-Daughter after all!"
Maisie suddenly swallows a hiccup, then smiles and beams, "That's right!"

Damned little brat, I'm gonna take a baseball bat and....

Dodgemaster Lex's Note : Please excuse Dodgemaster Tim for spouting his controversial political statements about murdering annoying children.
Though it might indeed make the world a better place, this is not the forum for it's discussion, and Tim has suffered a serious reprimand (I kicked him in the nuts) for forcing the issue.
I thank you.

The kids continue on, and come across a Yellow Apricorn Tree in the middle of the road.
"That's a Yellow Apricorn, it becomes a Mooooooon-ball!" Maisie explains to them, "They work on Pokemon that use Moonstones to evolve."
"You can use it to catch Pokemon like Clefairy!" suggests Brock.
"This should only take a second!" laughs Ash, then after a couple of seconds standing by a smiling Maisie he takes off, and after a few seconds more of smiling, the little brat screams at him to get back there.
"Now what?" snaps Ash, coming back, getting more than a little annoyed by her attitude now.
"Look there! See anything else in the tree!" she snaps, pointing into the branches of the tree where - under closer inspection - several Pine-Cone like objects appear to be hanging.
But unlike your average Pinecone, these appear to be alive and have eyeballs!
"Pineco!" grumbles one in a gravelly voice, much to Brock's delight and Ash and Misty's confusion.
"What's that thing?" asks Misty.
"IT'S A PINECO!" cries Brock, obviously delighted in the fact.
"Let's see," mutters Ash, pulling out his Pokedex.
"Pineco," says Dexter,"The Bag-Worm Pokemon, appears calm as it, hangs sedately, from tree branches, but it will self-destruct, at the slightest, provocation."
"I think it's scary," mumbles Misty to Pikachu and Ash, then laughs nervously,"It looks like a grenade."
"THAT'S WHY IT'S COOL! I WANT A PINECO!" gasps Brock, setting a shockingly bad example for children all around the world and opening Nintendo up for massive lawsuits. Imagine, saying that something is only cool because it looks like a grenade.
"How are you going to keep it from self-destructing?" asks Misty.
"What Breeder could pass up a challenge like that!" proclaims Brock bravely, lifting one fist high as the camera zooms in for a close-up,"Sometimes a Breeder's road is more like a rocky path! But it's important to meet all challenges head-on! Here goes!"
He charges forward as Ash, Misty and Maisie scream in terror for him to come back, but a head-strong virgin is a hard thing to reason with, and he's gone beyond the point of no return.
He charges forward, a Pokeball held high in one hand as he screams at The Pineco (yeah that's what you want to do) that he's coming for them. He trips over a rock (of course) and flies forward, his face slamming hard into a tree where the laws of comedic timing take precedence over the laws of physics, which results in the tall, tanned, toned and squinty eyed Gym Leader hovering in space for a moment before sliding down to the base of the tree.
"Pineco! Pineco! Pineco!" proclaim The Pineco, eyes squinting shut angrily as they lower themselves down on web-like strings before self-destructing and leaving Brock in an ashen state.
"He meet it head-on all right," mumbles Ash.
"Like I said," moans Brock, "It's a rocky path!"
"In his case that's true in more ways than one!" sighs Maisie, shrugging her shoulders.

In his case that's true in more ways than one? That makes absolutely no sense, it's not even a joke! OH DAMMIT YOU LITTLE BRAT I'M GONNA.....

Dodgemaster Lex : Ahem.

Dodgemaster Tim : ............ I'll be good.

After retreating in terror from the now defunct Pineco (they could have picked an Apricorn you know, and probably captured the now burnt out Pineco as well) they find a tree growing Green Apricorn, which Maisie explains are used to make Friend Pokeballs.
As the Apricorn are ripe, and there's plenty of them, Maisie tells Ash to go ahead and pick one and the excited little boy charges forward, stopping only when a swarm of Beedrill zoom into his path.
Turning, they run in terror from the mad hive-mind of the insects, which luckily can only see straight ahead at any given time and thus miss the twerps when they fall off an outcropping to the ground a few feet below.
Maisie apologises, telling them that the Beedrill really weren't there the last time, promise. But as we suspected, she's red-cheeked, big-mouthed, a brat and now, it seems, she doesn't even have use as as a guide.

Annoying brat.

Recovering from their escape, the twerps head up the hill towards a Red Apricorn Tree. Ash is getting tired, and the loud-mouthed little brat proudly proclaims that her Grand-Pa always says picking Apricorn is much harder than people think it is.

Well with you giving directions, no wonder it's so freaking complicated!

Maisie points out the Red Apricorns, informing Ash that this is what they use to make Lava-Balls.
Ash, his energy reignited by the sight of some Apricorn at last, decides that nothing is going to stop him this time and they all charge the tree together, making it about halfway there before they collapse into a massive hole.

Now we wonder who could have put that there!

"How did this hole get here?" moans Maisie.
"You should watch where you're going it'll ---- prepare you for trouble!" laughs Jesse's voice from above them, and the camera pans up the hole to show James, Meowth and Jesse looking down over them. "If you go around not ---- KNOWING," emphasises James, "You'll be making it double!"
"I don't believe it!" growls Ash, who really can't believe that the same thing that happened every episode is happening again.
"It's Team Rocket!" gasp Misty and Brock, for the benefit of The A.D.D Generation.
The camera zooms in on a happy Buddha Face Meowth and two pairs of very sexy thighs before panning up over Jesse and James as they complete the motto.
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-owth," cries Meowth, waving a lasso about his head, "That's right!"
The lasso wraps around Pikachu and pulls it up into Team Rocket's waiting hands, Jesse trapping him in a standard Anti-Pikachu Glass Cage that absorbs his electricity and uses it to power the light bulb above it.
"Allow me to introduce the state of the art in Apricorn Harvesting Technology for the budget-minded Pokeball Enthusiast!" announces James, whipping out a vacuum cleaner.
"WHAT!?!" snaps Misty angrily, "That's just an old vacuum cleaner!"
"HAHAHAHAHA-HA-HAHHHHHHH!" laughs James, then whispers, "Clever, isn't it!"
"After all, if we're trying to clean up what better way to do it than with a vacuum!?!" asks Jesse, then turns to the others, "Come on, let's get to work troops!"
"Aye aye, sir!" respond her soldiers, and they turn to face the Red Apricorn Tree.
"Don't do it! You're going to hurt the trees!" moans Maisie like the winging brat she is, and tries a move of Ash-Like Stupidity by running at the side of the wall and trying to charge up the side of it through the power of sheer stupidity.
It doesn't work, of course, and she tumbles back down with a squeak of pain, much to Dodgemaster Tim's delight.
Ash, strangely enough, is left to make the bright decision here and he makes the right one, calling out Bulbasaur and telling him to use his Vine-Whip Attack to pull them all up to safety.
Bulbasaur, ever the dude, gets the ladies out first, then the boys, and they give chase to Team Rocket, who are all set to fire up their vacuum cleaner.
"Stop!" the twerps cry.
"Just trying to make an honest buck!" chuckles James.
"Yeah, and get ourselves outta da hole at the same time!" laughs Meowth, leaving them wide open for an attack by The Gods Of Irony. The ground beneath their feet collapses and with a shriek of surprise, Team Rocket fall into the depths below. The twerps rush up to the side and peer down the hole, which goes so deep that the bottom can't be seen. There's no sign of Team Rocket, and the twerps ask themselves who could have possibly dug it.
"Diglett Dig!" comes the answer, as several Diglett pop their heads out of the dirt and bob up and down.
Brock surmises that The Diglett must have dug the hole to protect the tree, which they obviously look out for.

The concept that it was just a coincidence and The Diglett might have been building a hole for a massive Diglett Orgy never crosses anybody's mind, which we find odd.

Maisie takes the opportunity to open her big, red-cheeked mouth and pops off into an extraordinarily annoying and senseless diatribe, "That's because if The Apricorn Trees get damaged then the forest will be ruined and if the forest gets ruined the mountains do too and if the mountains get ruined then none of The Pokemon around here will have a place to live!"
"That makes sense!" sparks up Ash, thus proving that she was speaking a load of twaddle, as anything he understands cannot make sense in the conventional world, "The Apricorn Trees and The Pokemon rely on each other!"

Meanwhile, Team Rocket are whizzing around The Diglett Tunnels at a tremendous pace, screaming and trying desperately to stop their forward momentum.
"Somebody do something! Get me outta here NOW!" cries Jesse, but no one can hear her because everybody's attention is on the way her boobs are straining back into her face.


Popping out of the end of the tunnel, they find themselves safe and secure, and James has even managed to keep his precious sucking machine (ewwwww!) overhead and undamaged the entire time and it seems like things are looking up for Team Rocket at last.
"Things are looking up!" they agree, then make the mistake of looking down, finding themselves floating hundreds of feet above the sharp pointy ends of some trees.
"Don't just look down!" they cry as they fall.

Unconcerned by The Diglett's attempted murder, the twerps have discovered a tree of Blue Apricorn. Maisie explains that Grandpas uses Blue Apricorn to make Lure-Balls, which are in turn used to capture Water Pokemon.
Misty, of course, gets very eager to capture one and so does Ash, and after some pouting Maisie points out a couple of ripe Apricorn for them to grab. They both finally, FINALLY get their hands on an Apricorn, before Maisie points out a Black Apricorn Tree which is used to make Heavy Pokeballs.
Ash wants one of those, dammit, and charges madly at the tree to grab one, but pulls up short as a group of Pineco lower themselves down to face off with him.
Ash and the others are wary, but Brock is just excited by the challenge and rushes up to them, trying to decide which one to pick, although the choice is taken away from him when a massive gust of wind picks up and begins blowing Pineco off of the tree. He catches each one and sets it to the ground, jumping about as Pineco after Pineco is ripped from the tree by the strange wind.
And the originators of this wind? Why it's Team Rocket of course, but they haven't been eating baked beans, they've a specially designed wind-cycle!
"Behold Team Rocket's new and improved technologically advanced economy model Apricorn Harvesting Machiiiiiiine!" spouts James theatrically as the camera pans over the bike, the array of light-bulbs and finally the giant fan which is producing the wind.
"Is not!" pouts Misty childishly, "That things just a crummy old fan!"
"If you speak so unkindly about fans you'll never be as famous as we are!" laughs Jesse, who obviously knows who the real heroes of this show are.
James explains that the machine has an unlimited power supply (their legs, of course) and Meowth adds that their hope is the machine will prove so successful it'll be the last thing they ever have to pedal.
And pedal they do, kicking up a massive wind as the lightbulbs all light up and Brock continues to capture falling Pineco. One angry Pokemon though refuses to see his home destroyed and bounces towards Team Rocket, but Brock kills with kindness by leaping forward and stopping it in it's tracks.
Team Rocket are getting more and more excited as the wind grows all the more powerful, knowing that any second now they're going to have all The Black Apricorn they can gather up, or as Meowth puts it, it's gonna be a breeze!
Maisie whinges that they're hurting the trees of some other good shit like that and Ash insists on saving the day, calling on Pikachu to use an electrical attack to stop Team Rocket.
But Jesse, James and Meowth are all for this, and we soon find out why as Pikachu's attack only serves to power up the machine more and increase the wind speed.
Misty screams at Ash to stop Pikachu, because the attacks are only hurting them, while Brock desperately struggles to hold The Pineco in place.
But it breaks free of his clammy grasp and bounces determinedly through the wind, bouncing high and knocking Team Rocket from their wind-cycle, which instantly ceases the howling gale.
A furious Jesse is livid, and calls out Arbok, insisting that it put an end to Pineco, who instantly flees as the much stronger Pokemon comes out to do battle.
James decides to get in on the action and calls out Victreebell, ordering it to 'get that creep.' Of course, Victreebell just takes the opportunity to try and eat James.
"I meant that other creep!" moans James, "Pineco!"
Both Arbok and Victreebell give chase, Pineco bouncing frantically away as Brock begs for it to try and escape. Ash and Misty aren't sure if it's trying to self-destruct or not, but one thing is clear, despite it's best efforts it's not going to be able to avoid Arbok and Victreebell forever.
"Use the Fast-Ball!" cries Maisie to Brock, "You can catch it with the Fast-Ball!"
Brock whips out the Fast-Ball given to him by Kurt and throws it straight at Pineco, sucking it inside the Pokeball at the very instant that Arbok's fangs are getting ready to close over it. It's prey gone, Arbok smashes into the ground as Ash sends Pikachu in while Brock stands in grim profile, watching as the Fast-Ball in his hand shakes, shakes, shakes and then relaxes... Brock has caught a Pineco.
Using Quick Attack Pikachu dodges it's opponents and tackles them hard, sending them flying into the rest of Team Rocket, and a quick Thunder from Pikachu overloads the Wind-Cycle and blows it up, sending Team Rocket blasting off again.
"WE DID IT!" screams Ash happily, and it seems that not one single solitary Apricorn fell off a tree during that entire battle, which seems to be pretty unrealistically satisfying, doesn't it!
"It's over now," says Brock, letting his newly captured Pineco out of it's Fast-Ball.
"I know I caught you under strange circumstances," Brock tells the odd-looking Pokemon in his hands,"But I think it's safe to say we're going to be friends!"
Pineco squeezes it's eyes shut in it's horrendous version of a grin, then explodes to show Brock how happy it is (so happy it could explode, get it! Huh? Huh? Get it? Huh?).
"I guess it wasn't safe to say," mumbles Brock as Ash and Misty roar with laughter and we wait for (but never get) the inevitable Wha-Wha-Whaaaaaaaaaa!
As Ash laughs, a Black Apricorn falls on his head and he's so incredibly stupid that he actually takes it personally. But Misty explains to him that it's The Apricorn's way of saying thank you, and a quick pose later sees Ash and company heading back to Kurt, who has had more than enough time now to gorge himself on the delights of The Gratuitous Sex Ball.

Back at Kurt's he assures them that, with a little time, he'll soon turn their Apricorn into the best Pokeballs yet.
Brock asks him what he's found out about The GS Ball and the old man attempts to throw them off the trail by telling them, "It's simple yet complex, classic but bold, advanced while still somehow primitive."
"Uhhhhhhhhh?" ask Ash, Misty and Brock.
"In other words," says Kurt, and they all lean forward in anticipation, "I don't have a clue!"
"ARRRRRRRHHHHHHHH!!!!" they cry out, and Misty throws Togepi high in the air yet again, unfortunately catching it yet again on the way down.
Pikachu snaps with French Irritation at Kurt, who explains that he has no idea who designed The GS Ball and that it's protected by a very advanced lock that he can't get into.
"You mean there's something you don't know, Grandpa?" asks Maisie.
"I meant I don't know yet!" snaps the old man angrily, "I'm positive I could get to the bottom of this if I had enough time."
Then, slyly, Kurt gets around to the point he's been trying to make all along, "Would you children mind terribly if I kept The GS Ball a little longer?"
Ash, not knowing what the hell he's giving up, agrees readily enough, although Brock does take some responsibility by asking Kurt to inform Professor Oak of any breakthroughs he makes.

Oh we're sure the two dirty old men will be comparing notes EVERY night, Brocky-Poo.

"To tell the truth, it's kind of a relief," Misty admits, pleased to have The GS Ball out of their lives. Why isn't clear, although perhaps Togepi was concerned about it's mysterious nature and didn't want it around, and has forced Misty to think the same.
"It's time to win some badges!" laughs Ash, which reminds Kurt that - with the drought over - The Azalea Gym is once again open for business.
Ash is instantly out the door, eager to finally get his grubby little hands on another badge, and after only a moments hesitation Brock chases after him.
Only Misty is left, and with a shrug she tells Kurt and Maisie that she guesses they'll be back to pick up The Pokeballs later.
"Let's wait here," chuckles Kurt as she rushes off to join Ash and Brock, "We'd need a Fast-ball to catch them."

And with that tremendously bad joke, we say goodbye to Kurt and his mullet for now, although unfortunately Maisie WILL make another incredibly annoying appearance at the end of the next episode. And so today, rather than the usual humorous comment Dodgemaster Tim usually leaves you with, today we'll just say what is really on everybody's mind, and the true moral of todays episode.

Maisie, go to hell you annoying little bitch.

"What's the matter, Misty? Don't you know you never get anything unless you ask!"

"I think it's scarey, it looks like a grenade"
"That's why it's cool!! I wanna Pineco!!!"

"If you speak so unkindly about fans you'll never be as famous as we are"

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