141: Hinoarashi! Getto Da Ze!
138: Good 'Quil Hunting

Dodgy Synopsis

141: Hinoarashi! Getto Da Ze!

138: Good 'Quil Hunting

Pokémopolis Episode Name-
Dodgemaster Brandon becomes a Pokemon.

Dodgyness Rating:


Sandslash is funny

Team Rocketness-
Love those robots

Moral Learnt

The punk look died with the Berlin Wall

Well the kids are still on their way to Azalea Town but have run into a slight problem.
Brock, like any good man, refuses to acknowledge that he can't read a map and tells Misty that the Johto League Guidebook is all mixed up, which is why they can't find the road.
Ash, in an amazing display of stupidity, suggests that if they just cut directly through the deep, dark, forbidding forest in front of them they're bound to come across the road sooner or later.
"Hmph! We'd be better off leaving a trail of bread crumbs!" snaps Misty, and quite rightfully so.
Before a sexually charged argument can break out, however, an angry young man bursts out of the bushes and demands to know if they've seen a Cyndaquil.
"What Cyndaquil? Where?" gasps Ash with childish excitement, twisting about and looking around on the off-chance that there might be one sitting on his shoe.
"Beats me," grunts the angry young man, "I heard these woods are supposed to be full of Cyndaquil."
Ash isn't listening however, instead he's running about with the happy, brainless glee of a toddler, crying out for a Cyndaquil to come out.
Mr. Angry snaps that Ash had better not get in his way, claiming that any Cyndaquil in this forest are his and his alone. Misty and Brock take immediate exception to this, of course, warning the punk that Cyndaquil are fair game and whoever finds them first gets to catch them first.

No one bothers to think that perhaps The Cyndaquil don't belong to anyone and might like living out in the forest without a Trainer, as that doesn't fit in with Nintendo's Mass Marketing Scheme.

Punk-Boy could care less about Misty and Brock's warning, though, telling them that The Cyndaquil are his and that's that. With that said, he charges away into the bushes as Misty notes to Brock that she thought Ash was bad but this guy....
She turns to ask Ash what he thinks, but with the thoughtlessness of a Crack-Addicted Mother he's left them.

Out in the forest Ash is walking about calling for Cyndaquil, but he pulls up short after a moment when he realises that Pikachu isn't doing anything.
"Don't you want to help me find a Cyndaquil, Pikachu?" he asks.
Pikachu hides a sigh, then hops it's French ass off of Ash's shoulder and starts sniffing around looking if it can find the elusive little Fire Pokemon.
"You can come out now!" calls Ash, who still can't understand why a Cyndaquil hasn't yet fallen out of a tree into his lap.

Meanwhile, Brock and Misty have stumbled onto the dirt path that Ash is following, but they have no idea which way he's gone. Misty grumbles that Ash should know better, even though she should know better than to think that Ash should know better.
"Yeah, but we both know he becomes a different person when he's after a Pokemon," Brock tells her.
This is greeted by howls of derisive laughter from Togepi for some reason, who really knows how the mind of an insanely evil Egg Monster works though.
Watching the two from a ridge looking over the dirt path into the forest, we find our beloved Team Rocket have Brock and Misty under surveillance.
"Bingo! Dey're right in our line of fire!" laughs Meowth as he watches through his binoculars.
"Our patience and planning is about to pay off," adds James, also looking through a pair.
"Not to mention our scrimping and saving," finishes Jesse, lowering her binoculars as Meowth informs them that he's sick of the rat race.

Yes it seems that our poor Team Rocket were forced to take jobs that were beneath them and say demeaning things like, "Have a nice day."
Yes, poor, poor Jesse was forced to work in a Fast Food Restaurant and wear a nasty McDonalds type uniform and the plastic grin of a Born Again Christian. Still, at least she got to pig out of all the fatty foods she could get when nobody was looking.
"Uh!" moans James as we see him dressed up as a Macho, Macho Man in full on construction gear with helmet and pick-ax. While wearing the costume might be fun, the physical labour that went along with it was not.
"There were times when I thought the time-clock wasn't the only thing that would get punched," he moans as he remembers the large, homophobic foreman screaming in his ear over the symbolically broken pick-ax.
"It was man-ual labour for you and Meowth-ual labour for me," notes Meowth, remembering his job as a hawker on the streets.
"And when the sun sank low and our spirits sank with it," continues James, remembering those delightfully dramatic moments when he sat on a girder and looked out into the night sky.
"We'd look away from our humdrum existence and into de night sky," adds Meowth, who looked at the same large star that James did.
"Knowing in our hearts that one of these fateful days we would finally be rewarded," adds Jesse, who had stood in the alley outside of the Restaurant with bags full of garbage to throw away.
"By tricking the twerps and catching that Pikachu for ourselves!" continues James.
"And den de tree of us....." adds Meowth.
"Would be stars in our own rights!" sighs Jesse as the star that inspired them fills the screen, "Shining brightly and triumphantly for The Boss in The Team Rocket sky!"


Cutting back to reality we find Jesse posing bravely while Meowth looks up her skirt and James looks away.
Jesse suddenly collapses, going over all girly (which is weird for her) and sobbing, saying, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what's come over me!"
"It's okay Jess!" James tells her, grabbing her wrists in his hands as Meowth looks down between them,"This heat must have gone to your head!"
"Someday we'll worry dat our success will do de same ting, but until we do someting right dis'll just hafta do!" commiserates Meowth, grabbing their wrists as well.
We're then treated to the delightful image of the girlishly happy heads of Team Rocket whizzing by the screen.

Dodgemaster's Note : If there is any more blatant sign of friendship you'd be hard pressed to find it. A sobbing Jesse would give a heterosexual James the perfect opportunity to comfort her and go into a classical anime moment of eye staring before a kiss. Instead, he grabs her by the wrists (not the hands) which has always been a clear sign of friendship, respect and admiration.

Additional : We don't know what came over Jesse either, but we can bet it WASN'T James.

Additional Additional : EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

Misty and Brock move down the dirt path, Misty wondering just how far Ash could have gotten ahead of them. They're interrupted from their musings, however, by a rustling noise in the forest which they turn to investigate.
"Lost in the woods? prepare for trouble!" cries Jesse.
"Hand over the goods or we'll make it double!"
"Not them again," sniffs Misty.
"Team Rocket!" Brock informs us, in case we haven't figured out the formula for an episode by now.
But this is a little something different, the reason for J,J & M's scrimping and saving is revealed as a giant, masked Mecha-Meowth crashes into the ground in front of them.
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth, that's right..... but dis ain't!!!!"
"Where are Pikachu and the twerp!" snaps Jesse angrily as she realises their entrance was wasted on the supporting cast.
"Neither of them is here right now!" growls Misty.
"Whoops!" whoops Jesse,"In that case we take all that back, let's go!"
"Roger!" salutes James, getting a thrill out of naming his Ex as he always does. They lower back down into the head of The Mecha-Meowth and close the giant charm-hatch on his head, "Meowthinator, Impersonator, Preparing for launch.... ignition!"
"Me-Owth, that's right!" grumbles The Meowthinator Impersonator, then takes off, leaving a cloud of dust behind to choke Misty and Brock. The Meowthinator Impersonator leaps through the forest with the greatest of ease, crushing uncountable amounts of Bug Pokemon, Trees, bushes and shrubs in the meantime.

Unconcerned with all this though, is Ash and Pikachu who continue their search for a second rate replacement for Charizard.
"Have you got any idea where The Cyndaquil might be, Pikachu?" Ash asks.
"Piiii-ka," replies Pikachu with a shake of it's furry little rodent head.
"Too bad," sighs Ash.
"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" roars Jesse's voice over a loudspeaker, surprising our emotionally crippled little friend who spins just in time to see The Meowthinator Impersonator land.
"What is that thing!" cries Ash.

Well, let's review shall we?

Ever since Ash left Pallet he's encountered Team Rocket on every adventure but his first. They are clearly identified by a large R on their uniforms and they have a wise-cracking, bad pun making Meowth on the team. They have a tendency to attack with giant Robots and Jesse's voice is clearly identifiable.
So Ash, when you hear Jesse's voice and see a giant robot Meowth with a giant R on it's chest, what does that tell you?

"You won't believe your eyes when we open the hatch!" proclaims Jesse as the Charm-Hatch opens once more to raise Team Rocket up and out.
"You're in for a surprise cause you've meet your match!" adds James as a Happy Buddha Face Meowth leaps up early in the motto.
"It's us twerp! Ya know, me and my big Meowth!"
"Team Rocket!" yells Ash, in case we forgot.
"PI-PIKACHU!" snaps Pikachu, snapping loose with tremendously foul language for a kids show.
"Only today we ain't de same ol' Team Rocket ya used to," Meowth continues, still doing his facial impersonation of Gilbert Gottfried.
"Ahaha-ha-haha!" laughs Jesse, stealing Meowth's closing line,
"That's right!"
They drop back down into the hatch as they explain how they pooled their savings to make a better mouse-trap, or in this case a Meowth-Trap. They demand Ash hand over Pikachu right away but of course, the little punk refuses to play along, calling for Pikachu to use a Thundershock.
Unlike Ash, however, Team Rocket actually have long term memories and they designed The Meowthinator Impersonator to feed off of electrical energy.
"Time to make his trouble double with our bubble gum bomb!" laughs James.
The Meowthinator Impersonator lifts it's paw high and blasts four balls of gooey, chewy, delicious pink bubblegum from it's pads, each one heading directly for Ash.
Thick-headed and stupid as he may be, Ash does have some pretty cool moves and he's able to dodge the gum, trying desperately to lead Pikachu to safety as The Meowthinator Impersonator continues to fire away.
They run beneath the mechanical Meowth, and James tries to follow through by doing what comes natural to him and bending over. Unfortunately The Meowthinator Impersonator lacks his experience and it flips right over, leaving James lying over Jesse as she growls, "What was that all about?"

Beats us too Jesse, but it got The Rocketshippers all gooey with excitement.

"Ya said take it out for a spin," puns Meowth horribly.
Ash, meanwhile, is running with Pikachu right behind him, charging downhill as fast as his scrawny little legs can take him. The Mecha-Meowth, on all fours now, is right behind him but luckily has a fiendishly clever plan to put it off his track.
As it closes to within a few feet, Ash leaps forward and rolls behind a tree.

That's it.

That IS his plan.

And the scary thing is.... it works!

"Huh?" asks Meowth, stealing Ash's line, "Where'd he go?" "Nowhere that one of our impressive array of inventions can't find him!" snaps James dramatically, hamming it up.
"Hmm," sniffs Jesse, crossing her arms, "While I was frittering away my time as a fry cook I was also thinking of clever new weapons."
"LIKE THIS!" hisses James, hamming it up even more as he goes into full Power Rangers mode and begins flailing and pointing his arms in wild directions, "I scream! You scream! We all scream... for EYEBEAM!"
The Meowthinator Impersonator's eyes light up and on the viewscreen inside a targetting system attempts to locate Ash and Pikachu. It moves about the forest before them, locking on within a few seconds.
"FIRE!" cries Jesse in her best Captain Picard impersonation.
"ROGER!" replies James, who obviously really, really, really dug this Roger fellow.
Bubble gum bursts out into the forest, smashing into trees and bushes as it tries to get at Ash.
"Hate to burst your bubble!" quips Ash horribly as he comes out of hiding, "But we've got things to do!"
He charges away with Pikachu on his shoulder.
"After him!" orders Jesse.
"Roger!" cries James yet again.


Nah feggit it, you all know.

The Meowthinator Impersonator charges into the forest and we discover it's Achilles heel turns out to be it's.... Achilles heel. Slipping on a tree root, it goes over hard and crashes face first into the ground.
"Dere appears to have been some kind of slip-up," notes Meowth as he lies in the humongously dodgifying position of being draped over a dazed Jesse's head, James in his favourite position behind them.
Ash is making the most of this, meanwhile, charging out of the forest into a clearing with a large, rocky hill set into the centre of it.
"Ahhh, look at all those caves!" whispers Ash as he notes the caves in the rock-face. Pikachu suddenly cries for his attention and looking up, Ash spots a cute little Cyndaquil sitting near the top of the hill.
"AH!" he ahs, and whips out Dexter to tell him what's what.
"Cyndaquil, the Fire-Mouse, Pokemon. Normally mild, and even tempered, Cyndaquil will shoot, a scorching flame, out of it's back when upset."
"Aha!" aha's Ash to Pikachu, "Looks like we found one after all!"
Up on the hill, the coot lil Cyndaquil is cleaning it's coot lil face with it's coot lil paws and it's all too freaking coot man! we love it!
Ash begins climbing the rock-face, Pikachu settled onto his head as he gets ever closer to the waiting Cyndaquil. Unfortunately for Ash the laws of comic timing are against him and Punk-Boy shows up at the same time. Noting first Ash and then The Cyndaquil, the punk is determined not to lose out to a Stupidero like Ash. Calling out his Sandslash, he directs it to get above Ash and use it's Sand Attack to take out the competition.
Sandslash does as it's told, getting above Ash, backing up and pawing sand down into Ash's eyes and face, causing him to slide back down the rock-face to the ground below.
Punk-Boy mocks our emotionally crippled hero, telling him that he was here first and that The Cyndaquil is his, although the Fire-Mouse seems none too pleased at this turn of events and turns to run away back into the caves. Punk-Boy and Sandslash give chase as Ash begins to pull himself back up the rock-face, but he's given pause as The Meowthinator Impersonator arrives on the scene and Jesse calls for him to freeze.
Ash declines her kind offer, telling them he's got better things to do than play with a bucket of bolts, then turns and heads into the cave to try and find Cyndaquil.
"BUCKET OF BOLTS!" screams Jesse angrily, then turns to James, "Can't you do something!"
"Roger!" rogers James, as this is his favourite word.

Inside the caves, Ash is at a loss where to go now, the place is huge and Cyndaquil could be anywhere. Luckily where it happens to be is right in front of him, and the frightened little Fire-Mouse zooms by as fast as it can. Ash goes to give chase and is bowled over by Sandslash, leading Punk-Boy to ask the immortal words, "How was your trip, kid?"
Ash grrrrs menacingly but his opponent is all ready gone, and he has worse things to worry about. Outside, The Meowthinator Impersonator is opening it's mouth wide to reveal a massive cannon and it's intention is clear, to blow Ash out into the open.
"Meowthinator Impersonator ready for launch!" cries James, doing his cool Power Rangers Styles once more, "Twerp seeking putty ball, ENGAGED! engine light, IGNITE! On your mark! Get set! GOOOAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"
Our dramatic friend has been interrupted from his overacting by an angry Jesse, who slams a massive Team Rocket Mallet hard into his head to shut him up.
"Just fire it!" she demands.
"Whatever you say," he moans.
A giant ball of putty fires out of The Meowthinator Impersonator's mouth and into the caves, where it quickly bounces into Ash's path.
The terrifying little boy turns and runs with Pikachu in tow, zooming around a corner and coming across Cyndaquil just as it leaps to avoid a Poison Sting attack from Sandslash. Ash scoops it out of mid-air without a second thought and keeps running, angry Punk-Boy charging after him and finding himself right in the putty balls path.
It knocks him hard to the ground and bounces on, leaving him coughing twitching in agony, as if we give a damn.
"What a day!" groans Ash, carrying Pikachu in one hand and Cyndaquil in the other as he tries to escape The Putty Ball, "What next?"

What next? well an explosion is always fun so the next thing we know the putty ball (putty is well known for often exploding for absolutely no reason - many children have died in vain) explodes and sends Ash flying out of the cave and skidding along the hard, dirt ground.
Ash manages to keep both the rodents in his arms from any harm and given his own remarkable stupidity fails to notice the crippling agony of the burns, lacerations and fractures he must have just endured.

None of that is important however, because Ash has finally reached the highest peak an Action Hero can ever accomplish. He has outrun and been pushed through the air by a giant explosion, saving innocents in the process, and cute ones at that.
Now and forever more there can be no doubt that Ash has joined such luminaries as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Claude Van Damme and Homer Simpson as a fully fledged American Action Hero. But can he go the full distance and become a truly International Action Hero? Can he fulfill the requirements necessary to be regarded an Action Hero in Japan?
Well he's about to get his opportunity.

Because here comes a Giant Robot!

Ash and The Meowthinator Impersonator face off grimly with one another, two natural enemies reliving old rivalries, dancing the dance once more, stepping once more unto the breach my friend, because come on, ya wanna live forever?

That and other cliches.

The Stand-Off is broken by Jesse's terrible quip that the only way to settle this is with a gum-fight.
"Fire one Double-Trouble Bubble Bomb!" cries James as yet another blast of bubble gum fires at Ash.
Ash hopes to psyche them out by doing what they'd least expect, and so he stands still and makes absolutely no effort to avoid the gum, which slams him backwards against the rock-face, trapping him and Pikachu in place but leaving Cyndaquil free.
An excited Jesse and James hug and Rocketshippers around the world salivate and whine desperately, hoping against hope that maybe this display of affectionate friendship might actually go somewhere this time, while Meowth waves Team Rocket paper fans about.
Suddenly they notice for the first time that Ash has a Cyndaquil on him, and realise that they've got an added bonus. Not only have the caught Pikachu but Cyndaquil as well! Twice the mice is twice as nice as the old saying doesn't go, and they decide to capture the Fire Rodent as well.
Ash yells for Cyndaquil to run while it still can and with a girly throw of his free arm tosses Cyndaquil 25 centimetres away. Cyndaquil turns to look at out emotionally crippled little friend and he smiles before making a brave little speech about how he can handle himself and Cyndaquil must go now while it still can.
"Cyndaquil!" proclaims Cyndaquil with a nod, which translates as 'Whatever strange little boy I met 2 minutes ago,' and then legs it, running for the safety of it's cave.
But The Meowthinator Impersonator has other ideas, and slams one massive robotic fist into the rockface directly in front of the retreating Cyndaquil.
"Not so fast!" laughs James.
"We've got the twerp right where we want him," explains Jesse, "So we'll catch The Cyndaquil first."
"AH!" ahhs Meowth, looking surprisingly manic, "What a good idea!
First we'll weaken it with our patented punch!"
Luckily the patented punch takes about 45 minutes to load up, and in the meantime Ash is able to yell repeated warnings to Cyndaquil, which just sits cutely looking cute as The Meowthinator Impersonator looms over it.
Cyndaquil - The Dodgemaster Brandon Pokemon - doesn't leave though, just stares at The Meowthinator Impersonator until a blast erupts from it's back and it's greatest weapon is exposed! The crappy-looking-paper-cut-out-made-by-a-4-year-old-burst-of-flames from it's back is truly menacing and enables Cyndaquil to let loose with it's Flamethrower, enveloping the looming Meowthinator Impersonator with flames which coat it's entire body.
Finally the blast ends and The Meowthinator Impersonator still stands, albeit smoking and scorched, but it still stands.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" laughs Jesse, appearing in a small diagonal split over The Meowthinator Impersonator on the screen,"As you can see this robot is made of pretty sturdy stuff...."

It's at this point that the laws of comic timing come into play and The Meowthinator Impersonator's fist disappears into a puff of smoke.

"Huh?" asks Jesse, looking over the diagonal split at the smoking stump of The Meowthinator Impersonator's wrist.
The Mecha-Meowth begins to spark and smoke horribly and Team Rocket know there goose is cooked, they've been defeated again and this time by that most Brandon of Pokemon, a Cyndaquil.
Ash, realising it's about to blow, knows he has to do something to save Cyndaquil and takes action, calling for Pikachu to use it's Thunderbolt on him to get them free.
Against it's better nature Pikachu agrees and lets loose, and the well known chemical reaction of electricity turning fresh bubblegum brittle takes place. Ash knows that he has to take the fastest possible action, and that's not to pull Cyndaquil away and leap away as you might expect. No, the best option is to brace yourself, reach behind his jacket to fumble in his belt and find a free Poke-Ball, pull it out, brace himself again, pull back, pitch and throw his Poke-Ball to capture Cyndaquil.
Meanwhile, The Meowthinator Impersonator is done for, and with a bang it explodes, sending Team Rocket soaring into the sky.
"So what's next?" moans James.
"Anudder job?" asks Meowth.
"It's up in the air!" sobs Jesse.
"Looks like Team Rocket's Blasting Off Again!"
Ash checks to see if Pikachu is all right then tries to figure out what happened to Cyndaquil, forgetting that he just captured it 35 seconds ago.
Spotting his Pokeball, he scoops it up and calls out Cyndaquil, which looks remarkably calm and unbothered by all this fuss. Ash asks if it uses it's Flamethrower Attack to help them back there and Cyndaquil yawns in response, which Ash takes as confirmation for some reason.
He smiles and proclaims to the world is Cyndaquil is super-nice, but before he can be beaten to death by Born-Again Christians for Copyright Infringement Misty and Brock finally arrive on the scene.
They note he's found a Cyndaquil and ask if he's caught it, and Ash explains that he was just trying to help, not capture it, but he did it without even thinking.
This comes as no surprise to Brock and Misty of course, as Ash never thinks, but what does come as a surprise is that Punky McPunk is still hot on the trail.
He storms in, yelling at Ash that he warned him to stay out of his way, then sends Sandslash in to beat on Cyndaquil some to weaken it up so he can capture it.
Ash steps in the way, throwing his arms wide and snapping to Punkmeister 7000 that he's already captured it, so he should just give it up and walk away.
El Punko is taken aback by this, but quickly recovers and retorts to Ash that maybe he should give it up, as it's Cyndaquil who is doing to walking away.
Turning, Ash sees that Pikachu is pointing off to the right and looking up he sees the oblivious Cyndaquil wandering off aimlessly on it's own. He charges in and pulls it up, telling it that he didn't mean for it to walk away before Punkadelic challenges him to a Pokemon Battle, winner takes Cyndaquil.
"That's ridiculous," notes Brock, "Why should he battle you when he's all ready got Cyndaquil?"
The Maqui De Punk has other ideas though, and snorts that he can understand why Ash wouldn't want to do battle, since he's obviously not a very good Trainer.
Ash, of course, does not take kindly to such talk and agrees to fight, claiming that he'll use Cyndaquil to win as well, which does not impress Misty at all, since Ash has never battled with Cyndaquil before.
But Ash is sure of victory, claiming that he's seen what The Fire Mouse is capable of.

The battle begins, Ash using Cyndaquil and Old McPunky using Sandslash, which begins with Fury Swipes. Ash calls for Cyndaquil to dodge it but unfortunately the oblivious mouse has fallen asleep.
At the last second it notices the attack coming and dodges back to Ash's feet.
The excited little twerp calls for Cyndaquil to use it's Flamethrower attack but the little cutie is too tired and tries a nice little yawn attack instead.
Sandslash does what it does best and keeps on slashing, but Cyndaquil is surprisingly fast and manages to dodge each attack. But no battle is without victims and the forest pays the price here, tree trunks slashed in two by the surprisingly powerful claws of The Sandslash, which for all it's Trainers faults has amazing destructive power.
Mr. Punk becomes infuriated and demands Sandslash use it's Fury Swipes, but Cyndaquil keeps on dodging easily, impressing Ash, Brock and Misty to no end. Sandslash, which is over-exerting itself giving chase to Cyndaquil and also using it's Fury Swipes, becomes exhausted and stops to pant heavily.
Ash sees his chance and calls for Cyndaquil to use it's Flamethrower Attack, but instead of striking as Ash suggests, Cyndaquil yawns.

Not a bad move really.

Punkina snaps at Sandslash that he didn't tell it to stop, so once again the slashing starts, still missing the more agile Cyndaquil until Sandslash scratches dirt up into it's face and knocking it off balance.
Taking advantage, Sandslash uses Swift Attack and Ash pleads with Cyndaquil to counter with it's Flamethrower. It tries, of course, but it fails miserably and it gets bombarded by the Swift Attack.
Angry Punk Boy takes advantage of his current superiority to mock Cyndaquil, but Ash knows better for once, figuring that Cyndaquil needs to get fired up before it can use Flamethrower.
Sandslash uses Swift Attack once more but Cyndaquil dodges, running to the side where, unfortunately, Sandslash has predicted it would go. Once more Cyndaquil is blasted with Swift Attack.
Ash explains it needs to dodge and block attacks as it has been doing, which it does, but it can only keep it up for so long and finally Sandslash connects with a hard claw which slams it into a tree.
Ash tells it not to give up and stay ahead of the attack, which sounds smart until you realise that there is no other option. But it's an option Cyndaquil takes, and it's able to dodge Sandslash's next charge by leaping high overhead. This causes Sandslash's Fury-Swipes to trap it's claw in the tree trunk and enables Cyndaquil to fly straight down, using it's Tackle Attack right on Sandslash's head, knocking it out and winning the match.
An enraged Punko calls Sandslash back and then whips out his extendible (GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA GUTTA!) net, claiming that he's going to catch it anyway and there's nothing they can do about it.
He takes a swing at Cyndaquil who leaps back to Ash's feet in panic as the naive little boy claims that this is cheating.
"Who asked you!" snaps the angry little punk, and swings forward again just as Cyndaquil gets fired up.

The correct expression for what happens next is Burn Baby, Burn.

Misty and Brock yell taunts at the smoking, burnt crisp of a Trainer as he runs away crying, while Ash displays his remarkable stupidity by trying to pick Cyndaquil up by it's burning back.
"Cyndaquil, you're.... HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT!" he cries in pain, then asks Cyndaquil for a hug as it's flames die down.
It's a sweet, tender moment between a boy and his Pokemon, a sweet hug and joyful embrace, but while these favoured children enjoy basking in the golden sunlight of the worlds acceptance, three lost souls burn in the humbling, back-breaking ignominy of joyless labour.
Team Rocket look up at their lucky star, trying their best to cheer each other up, but their foremen doesn't take kindly to this and demands they do more digging and less talking. With a sob, Jesse, James and Meowth go back to work on their construction as once again a cruel world abuses and mocks them.

There is a valid social point to be made here, of course, but it pales in comparison to the more important fact that Dodgemaster Brandon is a Cyndaquil!


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