34: The Bridge Bike Gang |
They borrow bicycles from the center and are off. Halfway, they come across a bike gang. They battle the gang and before long Jessie and James show up. They are welcomed as this is where they used to live and it turns out they were in a bike gang after flunking out of Pokémon Tech. James, who had no problem with riding a Unicycle, needed training wheels on his bike as a lad, while Jesse enjoyed swinging a chain about as she rode. They were hence known as "Trainer James" and "Chainer Jess". When meeting up with the bike gang James says to the leader in a seductive voice "You're looking good, Chopper." and for the rest of this episode appear as "Big Jess" and "Little Jim". They are all quickly chased off by the police and Ash and the group continue to deliver the medicine. They come to a raised part of the bridge as a boat is going by and they desperately make the jump. Ash, with a total lack of morality, uses Jesse and James to get himself over the bridge during a storm so he help a sick Shellder, leaving them to fall to their possible death. That bastard. Unconcerned with the attempted murder of their two former friends and their talking Meowth, The Bike Gang tell Ash he's all right and don't even bother searching for the bodies. But Team Rocket survive, James cycling out of the water with Jesse and Meowth on his shoulders, and they complain that they're on a vicious cycle. Good old Team Rocket, even after almost being murdered by an emotionally crippled ten year old, they can make jokes. The twerps are blocked by the gang, but tell them they are getting medicine to a sick Pokémon. They gang helps them to the center and the Pokémon gets the medicine just in time.