20: Yurei Pockemon to Natsu Matsuri
19: Ghost at Maidens Peak

Dodgy Synopsis

20: Yurei Pockemon to Natsu Matsuri

19: Ghost at Maidens Peak

PokŽmopolis Episode Name-
The Other One The Rocket-Shippers Always Mis-Interpret

Dodgyness Rating:


Absolutely nothing Rocketshippy about it. Also very unusual

Team Rocketness-
Love does not come into the equation

Moral Learnt

Ghastlies are cool

This episode shows the only other talking pokŽmon, a Gastly who likes making afew bucks on the side.

The boat that the group was on lands at a small town. This town is celebrating its Summer's End festival. Brock and James both see a girl standing by the sea and disappears. They are later warned by an old woman of a girl that will lead them to a cruel fate.
An old man shows the people a painting of the maiden who Brock and James recognize as the girl they saw. They learn that she was turned to stone two thousand years ago waiting for her love to return. Brock stays out late to watch the stone that was said to be the maiden.
The next morning both James and Brock are mindlessly floating around. They buy anti-ghost stickers and have Brock and James wait for the ghost. When it comes, James and Brock are almost taken again with the stickers blown away.

The ghost turns out to be a Gastly impersonating the real ghost of the maiden. The sun rises and it has to leave, but promises to return next summer. Later on back at the festival, they all celebrate with the people while Jessie and James play the drums.

Scared by the ghosts, Misty hugs Ash for safety. He doesn't realise. Ash seems immune to the ghost's charms, however at the end of the episode his heart skips a beat and he sharply intakes his breath when he sees Misty dressed up in her kimono with her hair out, and something inside of him stirs...

Rocketshippers use this episode as an example of how much Jesse and James love eachother. Bollocks we say to them.

Jesse cares too much about herself to care about anyone else.

After she saves him from the Gastly/Ghost Girl, James suggests she really does care about him (as a friend of course) and she replies "It's not 'cause of you. Girls like her disgust me. Always waiting around for her man as if she were his faithful pet."

James falls in love with a Gastly, seeing it's inherent maleness beneath the facade of the female ghost it uses to get Brock.

Hehe, actually James lovestruck nature always seems quite reluctant, on several occasions he is pulled away against his will, whereas Brock tends to go along quite willingly.

NOTE: The penny Team Rocket finds at the festival is an actual American penny with the Lincoln Memorial on the reverse. It's unlikely the original Japanese version showed this.

"To kids, Summer means playing on the beach, splashing around, and having fun. But to me....Summer means bathing suits and girls to wear them!"

Old Lady to Misty - "I was talking about an elegant young woman, not some scrawny little blabbermouth like you."
"Real scrawny!"

"James! James! If you're not here at least come out and tell us!"

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