The twerps encounter a scientist and some aliens (kinda)
Rocking Out
Scientists do not make friends easily
Well today we find the kids heading uphill towards Mount Moon, a large mountain that has had many strange tales told about it.... so they're heading directly towards it.... why? Well it seems Misty might have an ulterior motive, as she happily gushes to Ash, "Mount Moon! Doesn't the name sound so romantic!"
The clueless child just stares blankly at her as Pikachu sleeps cutely on his backpack and Brock explains the history of the mysterious mountain. It seems the legend is that years ago a meteor smashed into the mountain and is known today as The Moonstone.
"Ahh now that's romantic!" squeaks Misty happily, but her crude advances fail to hold Ash's attention as much as a loud scream of terror. Running towards the source, Ash, Brock and Misty discover a geeky looking man in a lab-coat cowering from an attack by angry blue winged Pokémon with large mouths.
"It's a bunch of Zubat," gasps Ash.
"They're attacking that guy!" adds Misty.
Then, rather than assist the man with the voice surprisingly like Meowth's, Ash lifts up his Pokédex and asks it to analyse the Pokémon for more information.
"Zubat, flying Pokémon with supersonic powers, Zubat live in caves, and hate to fly outside, in daylight.
Tell that to the man getting swooped to death, Dexter.
"Not these Zubat," says Ash, a fat looking Pikachu squatting on his head, still making absolutely no attempt to help the cowering scientist. "This is no time for jokes, that guy needs our help!" roars Misty in his face, still pissed off that he didn't respond to her advances earlier. "You're right, I'm sorry," squeaks Ash, pulling back in horror from her gaping maw, "Pikachu, Thundershock!"
"Piii," nods Pikachu and begins to charge up, catching the geeky scientists attention from his cowering position on the grass. He looks up just in time to catch some horrifying bad animation as Pikachu shocks The Zubat and sends them swooping back into Mount Moon.
"Are you okay?" asks Ash.
"WOW! You guys were the greatest!," cries Geeky McGeek, leaping up and clutching Ash to his bosom.
"Rerry, it wuz nuffin," muffles Ash, he and Pikachu being squashed into the nerd's chest.
"I'm talking super-fantabulistic!" proclaims the Scientist happily, as Pikachu gets more and more agitated from the claustrophobic conditions, "I mean two thumbs up, way up, the best rescue I've ever had!"
Panicked into a reaction from a heady mixture of claustrophobia, nerd-sweat and homoeroticism, Pikachu lets loose with an electric attack that zaps Geeky McGeek and Ash both, making them both dance the jitterbug in the air.
"They say man's best friend is a Pokémon, and with you two I believe it!" gasps the nerd, staggering to his feet after the electric attack and displaying a pathetic scraggly growth of para-stubble on various parts of his chin.
"Oh... that's nice," Ash thanks him, with no clue as to what the hell Nerdlinger is going on about.
"I'm so moooved, such friendship I thought I'd never see... when the Zubat began attacking me! I thought I was done for when who should arrive? Two heroes thanks to whom I'm alive!"
This astonishing piece of geekiness is accompanied by Nerdlinger clutching hands to bosom, then spinning about against a flashing red backdrop atop a jutting cliff-edge and throwing his arms wide to proclaim,"I'm ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! THANK YOU!"
The sun pops up behind him to shimmer dramatically, as it must.
"He certainly doesn't look like the poetic type," Misty notes to a deadpan Brock and clueless looking Ash.
"Did I mention how grateful I am?" gasps Nerdlinger, clutching Ash's wrists in his hands while a very nervous Pikachu looks up at him.
"Yeah, ummm" stumbles Ash, who has difficulty enough dealing with plain ol' regular people, let alone rhyming nerds, "Anyway, why were the Zubat attacking you mister?"
"Huhhh," gasps Sir Nerdsalot, "Never call me mister! My name's Seymour.... Seymour The Scientist!"
He then floats in profile past a shimmering background of bright primary colours as the Japanese Animators desperately try to get the paintbrush back off of the escaped Acid-Freak.
"Knowledge, research, I'm Seymour The Scientist!"
This last image is accompanied by Seymour posing bravely before a horribly vandalised Japanese Flag (would Americans be so quick to draw all over their own flag to fit it in with Japanese sensibilities if they were exporting a show over there?) and wearing gumboots. Yeah.
That's about Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu's reaction too, staring in surprise at the nerd. He then leads them into the cave to take a look at the cause behind the Zubat's angry attack, showing them the number of lights hooked up deep into the cave, lighting it all up. Apparently this isn't a good thing, explains Seymour, as all the lights set up in the normally pitch-black cave is throwing off all the Pokémon's natural senses, timing and rhythm. Practically in tears, Seymour shows them a side tunnel in which Paras (little crab-like Pokémon with mushrooms growing out of their backs) are pulling the mushrooms off of their backs and planting them in the ground far too early. The heat from the lamps is tuckering out the Sandshrew and leaving them splayed out on the floor. Seymour has come to Mount Moon to investigate who has set up these lights and upset the Pokémon so, what with their not being an organisation set up expressly for the purpose of investigating odd goings on and crimes and stuff with a name that starts with P, rhymes with Rolice and is pronounced Police.
But why would anyone want to come and light up a cave? That's the question on Misty's mind, and Seymour believes that he has an answer. The Moonstone.
"The Moonstone?" asks Ash.
"Exactly," agrees Seymour, then rhymes horribly with hand clutched to chest, "The Moonstone is an awesome boulder, a million years old or even older!"
An image of what we gather must be The Moonstone appears, glowing slightly and with a gumbooted Seymour appearing before it only seconds later to wax lyrical on the magnificence of the large chunk of rock. "Deep in these caves the meteor hides!" continues Seymour, then makes the nerd equivalent of a pelvic thrust, getting a little too excited by his mad, phat rhymez, "Though no explorer has found the place, of the legendary rock from space."
Whipping out his magnifying glass, Seymour examines a piece of rock he pulls from the ground closely, noting, "We've studied it's fragments for many an hour, and discovered it increases a Pokémon's power."
He disappears from camera shot, then pops up wearing a construction hat and clutching a pick, "And that is why the attackers are here, they've come to take the Moonstone, or so I fear!"
"The Moonstone?" asks Ash again, still getting to grips with the finer points of basic English, his mind incapable of even registering Seymour's prose. Seymour explains that ever since he was a small boy, it has been his theory that Pokémon actually came from Outer Space. This theory is greeting with some surprise by the kids, just as it likely was by his colleagues, his Mum, and the good folk at the Sunny Haven Home for The Mentally Sideways. But Seymour believes it with the passion of your average crusader or serial killer, explaining that he believes The Moonstone is the spaceship that the Pokémon came to Earth on, and therefore it belongs to them and should not be taken by humans. Suddenly the nerd fixes it's horrific gaze on Ash, who balks in terror. Seymour leaps up to him and grabs him by the hands, bending low to eagerly ask his new best friend if he's with him or not.
Special Public Service Announcement : If a socially maladjusted, constantly rhyming nerd who spends all his time around a cave protecting the aliens from a human conspiracy asks you if you're with him....... you say YES!
"Aha-aha-aha!" nods Ash frantically, knowing this much at least, and luckily is saved from an early grave in a refrigerator when a rotund, pink Pokémon bounces happily by clutching a fragment of the Moonstone in it's chubby little paws.
"Clefairy! Clefairy!" it sings happily as it almost seems to float through the air.
"That looks like.... a Clefairy?" asks Brock.
Whatever it is, Misty thinks it's damn cute, and it even pauses in place to let Ash analyse it with Dexter.
"Clefairy, this impish Pokémon, is friendly and peaceful, it is believed to live inside, Mount Moon, although very few have ever been seen, by humans."
An excited Ash watches the Clefairy and decides he's just got to have it, pulling out a Pokéball and getting ready to throw it at the cute, cuddly and trusting Pokémon. Seymour rushes up and grips Ash by the arm, telling him he can't allow that. Clefairy happily bounces away out of sight and Seymour apologises to Ash, hoping that he can understand even though he offers no explanation as to why he stopped Ash. Luckily Ash is either telepathic or so stupid that he forgot Seymour didn't tell him, and he nods his head bravely, saying that he understands. But obviously someone else deep in the cave doesn't share the same telepathic nerd-to-nerd link and a strangled cry of distress from Clefairy catches Seymour and the kids attention. Rushing around, they find Clefairy being menaced by the massive spiked shadow of....... Meowth? Yes, the Scratch-Cat is standing on a large rock with a light behind it casting a very menacing shadow indeed. But while such standover tactics might be impressive to big pink Pokémon from deep within the caves of Mount Moon, they don't impress Ash. Spotting Meowth he shows remarkable retention of short term memory by gathering that Team Rocket is behind the lights set up inside of Mount Moon.
"We've got to stop them before they start any more trouble," growls Brock, who has never had any dealings with Team Rocket before (in fact as far as he knows, Meowth is just a wild Meowth menacing a Clefairy, much as it would happen in the wild, where men are men, women are women and David Attenborough does the narration). Unfortunately for him and fortunately for us, Brock has just given those drama queens Jesse and James just the excuse they were looking for.
"Trouble?" asks the silhouette of Jesse.
"Make that double," adds a silhouette of James.
"To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation."
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."
"Surrender now or prepare to fight."
"Meowth, dat's right!"
"They sure are show-offs," grunts Seymour, aggravated that he missed out on an opportunity to rhyme some more.
"Don't you guys ever get tired of saying the same things over and over?" asks Ash, who has no idea of the hundreds of motto's stretching out before him.
"You're just jealous because we won't let you join us," grins James, sending Ash into paroxysms of rage, screaming that he would never want to join them anyway and plus they smell and he's rubber, they're glue, whatever they say bounces off of him and sticks to them..... damn, that doesn't rhyme, does it?
Brock angrily informs them that by stringing up the lights inside of Mount Moon they've upset all of the Pokémon, but if he was expecting them to break down into tears he's going to be sorely disappointed. The Team Rocket members could care less, they've come to get The Moonstone itself, not just some little fragment of it. With The Moonstone they can super-power their Pokémon and be undefeatable.
Actually as a plan that has merit, after all, The Moonstone isn't owned by any commercial property or individual. Legally they're perfectly entitled to take The Moonstone, it's a finders keeps situations, since it's on public ground. Matters of law, however, are not Ash and Co's strong-point, and they growl at Team Rocket to take the rocks lying loose and then get lost. Understandably offended at this disrespectful display, Jesse and James decide to teach the kids a lesson and leap down from the rock ledge they were standing on, bring their pick and shovel with them and sending out Ekans and Koffing. Ash and Brock respond, pulls out their own Pokéballs before Ash hurriedly whispers to Misty to take Clefairy and Seymour and get out of there. Since Misty is only a female and thus useless as anything but eye-candy, she agrees to let Brock and Ash (who has much less experience than her in battling) hold the front while she takes off to go do some needlework or cook some bloody eggs or something.
Ash sends out Butterfree to battle the hissing Ekans and joyful Koffing, and Brock chooses...... ZUBAT!?!
"A Zubat?" asks Ash, perplexed since he was sure Onix was bigger and made out of more rocks last time he looked.
"I captured it just before we entered the cave," explains Brock, much to Ash's distress.
"Awww, I shoulda caught one," he sobs.
"KOFFING!" cries a confident James, "Smog Attack."
With Cross-Eyed joy, Koffing swoops across screen trailing smog behind it, proclaiming happily, "Koffing!"
Ash calls for Butterfree to use it's Whirlwind Attack and Zubat joins in with a Double-Team, both of them using Whirlwind to push the smog back into Jesse and James' faces. Misty takes the chance to push Seymour out of the way and leg it to safer environs, while the wily Ekans lunges out of the Smog like an Agent latching onto a Free Agent, biting deeply into Butterfree's soft belly.
"Butterfree!?!" gasps Ash in a panic, as off to the side a very flipper-footed Meowth pads awkwardly out of the way. Seeing Ash losing it, Brock calls for Zubat to use it's Supersonic Attack to confuse the enemy. As Jesse and James watch in shock, Koffing happily floats backwards, then before they know it it's bouncing joyfully up and down on the ground with Ekans wrapped around him, surrounded in steadily building smog. Ash, a bit calmer now that his Pokémon isn't being eaten, calls for Butterfree to use it's Whirlwind Attack to blow Team Rocket right out of the cave. It does so, bouncing Koffing and Ekans into Jesse and James and sending them crashing backwards, although how being sent flying deeper into the cave is 'blowing them right out of the cave' we're not quite too sure.
"Time for Team Rocket's to blasted off," cries James, horrendously flubbing his standard exit line.
"You may have won this round but we'll be baaaaack," screams Jesse.
Ecstatic, Ash and Brock slap their elbows together (?) and celebrate the victory, until they realise that something is missing.... where's Meowth?
Well we don't know about Meowth, but we do know that Clefairy has bounced it's pink ass out of Mount Moon and is happily making it's way out into the daylight.
"Oh no, Clefairy is running away!" cries Misty as she and Seymour pull themselves out of the same hole. How Clefairy can be running away when it's a wild Pokémon is, again, uncertain, but we're sure everything will be explained by the end. Clefairy bounces over a hill still clutching a piece of The Moonstone in it's widdle paws, and Misty and Seymour give chase so that they can not catch it when they have the chance. They struggle up the rock-face after it, but Clefairy's natural buoyancy (gas) lets it surge up ahead of them, and it soon gets up to the grass above, standing on a natural bridge over a nearby river.... with a Meowth waiting for it. Scared, Clefairy leaps it's fat ass off of the bridge and crashes arse-first right into Misty's face, knocking her and Seymour off of the rock-face and down into the river. Meowth leaps down to a nearby rock and demands they hand over Clefairy and the fragment of Moonstone it's holding. Seymour desperately tries to stall and negotiate with Meowth, perhaps hoping their similar voices will engender some sympathy from The Scratch-Cat, which it most assuredly does not.
Meowth leaps high with claws out, ready to strike at any second, but luckily for Misty and Seymour it is using the Jump-Through-The-Air Incredibly-Slowly-While-Opponent-Prepares-A-Counter-Attack Technique, and Misty (Meowth's opponent) finds the time to prepare a Counter Attack. She calls out Staryu, dropping it's Pokéball into the water where it slowly settles to the ground before Staryu emerges, jumps out of the water, floats in the air, fires out three Swift Attacks and then A Water Gun Attack.
Meowth's body swells up with water until he looks like some kind of giant Meowth Balloon (now there's a fun idea!) and then is sent flying backwards when the water bursts back out of his mouth.
"Bye Meowth, have a nice drip," quips Misty horribly as Ash and Brock rush in to 'save da wimmins'. Misty The Mighty needs no help from men though, she saved the day all her own and she's mighty proud of that fact, standing posing bravely beside Seymour sitting on his ass ankle deep in the water of the river.
Later that day, as the sun begins to set and Seymour has hopefully changed his pants, the kids have set up a little camp beside the river and are feeding The Pokémon. Brock is preparing Pokémon Food of his own devising, stuff he'd been working on for years when The Brocklings weren't dragging his life into a misery of domestic servitude. Butterfree seems to like it and Brock promises to make up a batch for Pikachu as well, which certainly must appeal to the chubby little Pokémon, as it hasn't been fed in the two weeks since Ash got it, having to subsist on it's own copious stores of lard. Seymour watches Butterfree eagerly chow down on a Pokémon Pellet and decides to try some as well, getting a good taste and proclaiming it good. Like most ten year old boys (and not enough 18 year old girls) Ash is eager to put anything in his mouth and takes a bite out of a pellet himself, going into stroke-like convulsions almost immediately as the taste most definitely does not agree with him.
As Ash poisons himself, Pikachu is having a 'Koot' Competition with Clefairy, both chubby Pokémon giggling their names and trying to outdo the other. Finally Clefairy jumps up and bounces off, having seemingly reached a consensus with Pikachu, which in turn calls out Ash's name in Pika-Speak (Pika-pi, which corresponds to Satoshi in the Japanese) and asks them to follow.
Seymour, Ash, Brock and Misty follow Pikachu as it follows Clefairy, which is still gripping the Moonstone Fragment in it's paws. They travel up a little used path, through shrubbery and bushes until they come to yet another cave, one that even Seymour in all his nerdly knowledge was unaware of. Stepping inside, they find themselves in a circular cave with no roof, letting the moon shine down on a large glittering rock surrounded by an almost unbroken ring of Moonstone Fragments. It's the core of the Moonstone, according to Seymour, the massive remains of the meteor that struck down on the planet a million or more years ago. As Pikachu's goading, Clefairy takes the Moonstone Fragment up to the large rock and fits it into place in the one remaining gap. Almost instantly the fragments begin to glow, then the whole rock itself as more and more Clefairy enter the cave and begin to dance and lightly bounce about it.
Pikachu watches this all and provides a running commentary that shockingly Ash seems to understand (despite having almost no working knowledge of English). Apparently The Clefairy come to this place every night where they.... dance the Macarena?
Pikachu collapses, though whether from Ash's stupidity or the blatant use of contemporary humour (that has all ready become an old joke by the time this episode guide was written) remains uncertain. Getting back up, it tries to convey it's meaning, but it's language is being redirected through a faulty mouthpiece in Ash, so it had to jump up and pull a hair out of his head to supply a visual prop. Finally they understand, The Clefairy come to this cave every night to pray to The Moonstone, which is either their God or a symbol of their God (they got screwed when God was handing out Gods), which Seymour takes as final, absolutely validation of his long-standing theory and another excuse to make bad rhymes.
"Ooooo---o---o----of course! It all makes sense now," the nerdy scientist squeals, spinning about as the kids watch on, "Outer space! Pokémon, and the Human Race! We'll ride the Moonstone into space, first to the Moon, then to Mars, then together, to the stars!"
"Stars? Dat's our cque!" laughs a familiar voice, and Seymour twists about to ses Team Rocket standing dramatically at the entrance to the cave. Shocked at their appearance in this most holy of places, Seymour demands they leave, claiming that the Moonstone belongs to The Clefairy and he won't let them take it.
His shaking knees kind of indicate how seriously this threat should be taken though.
Giggling at the nerd like they probably did in school, Jesse and James get Seymour all up in a lather until he executes a move so impressive and strategically brilliant that Ash will make great use of it in the future.
He runs at them.
And yells.
Somehow, probably be sheer fortune, Meowth counters this brilliant attack by stepping aside and tripping Seymour up. Ash, Misty and Brock gasp at this blatant bullying of the poor widdle nerd, but Jesse and James plan to press their advantage while Seymour helplessly tries to find his big ol' coke-bottle thick glasses. Team Rocket send out Ekans and Koffing, Ash responding with Pikachu and Brock picking a Pokémon that should be able to foot it with Ekans.... despite the fact neither of them have any feet.
"GAAAA-ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!" ga-roars Onix, rearing high up over Ekans and terrifying the tiny snake.
"Let's show them size doesn't matter!" cries Jesse (and oh how we wish James had said that),"Ekans, dig a hole and go underground!"
Ekans does just that as Koffing joyfully spits out a Smoke-Screen to cover it's partners movements. High atop Onix's head, a sparking Pikachu looks about worriedly, expecting an attack at any second but powerless to see through the thick, polluted smoke. Ash calls out Pidgeotto to use it's Whirlwind to clear away the smoke, but when it does they discover that The Moonstone is gone! Team Rocket stole it!
Brock sends Onix down the hole to follow them underground while they give chase on foot, heading out of the cave and leaving Seymour all on his lonesome.
Except for the Clefairy.
Having been cowering from battle in the corners and allowing their most Holy Symbol to be stolen, one of the Clefairy ventures forth to give Seymour his glasses back. He thanks it but asks why it didn't do anything (like 'run and yell' perhaps?) while The Moonstone was being stolen, and explains that sometimes you've got to fight, for your right, to parrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtay!
Forgive the mixed metaphors, children, my attention span is....
Anyway, Team Rocket are skidding away downhill on a wooden platform holding The Moonstone, Koffing floating joyfully after them, just happy to be alive, just excited to be part of the team.
"We just went from worst, tah first!" laughs Meowth after Jesse and James joke that nice guys finish last. "GA-ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!" retorts Onix, bursting out of the ground in front of them and sending Team Rocket tumbling over, crashing over the Moonstone and the ground.
"Koffing!" laughs Koffing, loving every minute of it. The crash scene is horrific and everyone looks in great pain, but Koffing - brave little trooper that he is - is grinning widely and joyfully, trying to keep everyone going. The kids arrive on the scene and Brock calls for Onix to Bind them all in place. James hears this and cries out for Koffing to Counter-Attack, a move which consists of Koffing happily flying up into the air with a cry of, "KOFFING!" and smashing into Onix's face. Koffing promptly slams back down into the ground and gets buried halfway down, but dammit if the eternally grateful Pokémon isn't still grinning and loving every second of it. Onix smashes into the ground as well, affected by the mixture of Koffing's gas, happiness and reckless disregard for it's own safety.
"Onix," whispers Brock in fear, seeing his Pokémon brought low. But then Seymour's head emerges out of Onix's hole.
Seymour has followed the hole dug by Ekans and widened by Onix, and following him are The Clefairy. They leap out of the hole and swarm up in front of Team Rocket, lifting their pudgy little paws up and rocking them back and forth in a rhythmic, hypnotic beat that soon has everyone's attention fixed. Talking in time to the beat of the Clefairy's ryhthm, Seymour explains that this is the rarely seen Metronome Attack, a highly unpredictable move that he's never seen before. For those in the know though, they understand that Metronome allows a random effect to take place, from super-huge-100-percent-powersweat attacks to defensive advantages. But in this case, it results in a bright white glow and then a huge explosion of lava tearing up out of the ground.
"Looks like Team Rocket is....." cries Jesse as she, James, Meowth, Ekans and Koffings fly high into the air.
".....blasting off again!" finishes James, getting the line right this time.
"Dat wuz da Metronome!" cries Meowth.
"I give it two thumbs down!" sobs Jesse.
"Me too!" agrees James.
"Meowth threeeeeeeeeeee!" quips Meowth as they disappear into the distance.
At least Koffing enjoyed the ride.
The smoke clears, the kids and Seymour stare at the massive crater where The Moonstone used to be and The Clefairy come back down to the ground. As they watch, small shards of the Moonstone - so painstakingly put back together by The Celfairy over a million years - drift down like snow, settling on a score of Clefairy and causing them to glow brightly and then grow and change appearance.
No it's not toxic mutation, it's evolution, The Clefairy have turned into Clefable.
"Clefable," explains Dexter,"An advanced form of Clefairy, these unique creatures are among, the rarest Pokémon, in the world."
It's a good thing then, that Ash doesn't attempt to capture a single one.
The next day the kids prepare to leave Mount Moon and head on towards the next city. Seymour, however, hits them with a surprising revelation.
"I've decided to live here with the Clefairy."
"Huh!" gasps Ash, not getting it as usual, although it seems that Seymour at least hopes to be (ewwww).
Yes it seems that Seymour still has hopes of going to the stars with the Clefairy, even though what could have possibly been their spaceship was blown to a billion pieces just last night.
Brock, knowing you should humour a sociopath, asks him to send him a postcard and with a final Ka-Chu from Pikachu they head on their way, waving goodbye to Seymour and his new roomies.
Wonder how they'll react when they find out?
The kids head on, coming to a fork in the road. A sign on one side of the fork declares that Cerulean City is that way, and that's where they're going. But in the corner is some much smaller writing, probably just a silly note from some kid claims Ash, though he still wants to see what it says.
Gary was here, Ash is a loser!
"Oh that Gary!" growls Ash, not quite shaking his fist but getting into that 50's sitcom atmosphere, "I'll show you!"
Then, perhaps because he thinks that reading the note has made Gary appear nearby, Ash zooms off down the road with his arms stretched wide like an aeroplane.
This is our hero, ladies and gentlemen.
"What's the hurry?" asks Misty.
"He'll never learn," mutters Brock, probably wishing not for the first time that he hadn't hitched his wagon to Ash's star.
"Chaaaa," sighs Pikachu, silently cursing Professor Oak and his moral vacuum.
And Ash runs...... and runs, and runs and runs.
We guess he'll figure out the yelling part in the future.