618: A Meteoric Rise To Excellence   624: Fukamaru to Ryuseigun!   Enter: Insane Baby Land Shark          The twerps get stalked by a fat baby land shark; Brock finally gets ridden by a woman   Learned from their old mistakes, made all new ones     Oblivious Pokémon are the best Pokémon  

Today finds the twerps LOST IN THE FUCKING FOREST AGAIN!!?!

Goddammit, you morons!

The Pokégear can't find them roads, there seems to be a cliff in the way, and Ash's entire strategy is to just run straight ahead at full speed. Before they can do this reckless, stupid thing though, what appears to be a massive blast of fireworks erupts in the daytime sky. Curious, the twerps set off to see what it is... which consists of running straight ahead at full speed! But as they run, the bushes behind them rustle and shake and out pops.... not Team Rocket, but a little Gible!

In a cleared section of the forest where the trees have been cut down and the ground become barren and lifeless, an old woman has her Altaria blasting Draco Meteor into the sky. It comes raining down into the cleared section of forest - perhaps the trees weren't cut down but razed to the ground by Altaria's moves. The twerps emerge and are delighted by what they see.... until the meteors come crashing down around them and they have to dive for safety.

The old woman asks what they're doing and they explain they saw the strange light and wanted to see what is was. She explains the move is Draco Meteor and introduces herself as Grandma Wilma (I wonder if she was called Grandma Wilma when she was a little girl?) and takes them to have a hot drink at her cabin while their Pokémon play on Altaria's fluffy "feathers". It seems that she trains Dragon Types and Altaria was left with her by a trainer to learn Draco Meteor. She points out the cleared section of forest and the craters and says this is the reason nobody is allowed to pass through.

And once again, there are no goddamn signs or fences warning about this! People are just assumed to know!

The twerps ask if they can watch her train Altaria.... and then suddenly a noise catches their attention and they see a fin burst through the ground. It speeds towards them before erupting to emerge the terror and horror that is....

A fat little baby land shark!

It's a Gible, that apparently constantly comes around to visit Wilma. Ash tries to say hello and it leaps up and bites his head! So Piplup and Pikachu jump into the fray to fight it free and Gible takes a bite of Piplup's head instead! Running in a panic, Piplup leaps into Dawn's arms while Gible holds on tight with its mouth while Wilma gently strokes its jaw and head and tells it that enough is enough. Finally it releases Piplup, leaving the poor little proud penguin aghast and emotionally crippled.

As Ash struggles to get over his own shock with a little help from Pikachu, the gaping mouthed Gible rushes at Wilma who easily avoids its lunges, then tickle/pets it again and tells it that it is time to go back to the forest. The insane little baby land shark wide-eyed jerk monster slips off into the ground and disappears again, and Wilma - apparently used to such insane outbursts - asks Altaria if it wants to go back to training Draco Meteor.

Watching from behind a rock that has somehow surviving the test firing of the attack is Team Rocket, quite rightfully deciding that the Boss would really dig having access to a Pokémon that could use as impressive a move as Draco Meteor.

Wilma has it power up and fire Draco Meteor into the sky again, producing a tremendous display that Wilma says is a 10/10. The twerps are VERY impressed and then... along comes Gible again! With a Corphish-like air of wide-eyed jerkishness, Gible proudly decides to show off its own Draco Meteor and draws in energy and fires it up into the air higher and higher, waiting for it to break off into the arrow-like meteors that will then crash down over a wide radius. But instead the ball of energy begins to fall again as Gible asks,"Gible?" and the twerps realise that something bad is coming their way.

They cheese it, but Piplup is left to rush about in a panic as the energy ball seems to be locked onto it, finally crashing into it and leaving it knocked down and out. Wilma tells Gible it hasn't QUITE got it right and gives it another petting.... and Ash asks if HE can help train Gible to use Draco Meteor!

Oh this can only end well.

Ash gives instruction as Gible draws in the power and releases it into another energy ball/meteor that raises high up into the air and..... locks in on Piplup again and crashes back into it!

Haha! Gible is a wonderful jerk!

A furious Piplup calls out Gible on deliberately doing this while Gible just stands, huge mouth hanging open, eyes wide with blank, unknowing jerkishness. Ash suggests they work on building up the amount of energy it releases and then Gible waddles its mostly mouth-body to Ash who bends down to ask it what is wrong... and it leaps up and takes a bite of his head again!

Once again Wilma rubs its belly as it sits with mouth wide open in a wide-eyed grin enjoying the attention. Wilma tells Ash that patience and affection are the keys to teaching Draco Meteor... and suddenly rocks start falling from the sky all around the twerps! The twerps rush around in a panic (not Gible though, it just stands and stares in non-comprehension of ANYTHING). It's not Draco Meteor though, just plain old rocks... but amongst them is a clear bubble that wraps around Altaria before a metallic hand grabs it and lifts it up into the basket of a Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon!

Cue the motto!

"Listen, crooked is as crooked does!"
"That includes poaching puffy Pokémon with fuzz!"
"On the wind!"
"Past the stars!"
"Dig, what's da buzz!" screams Meowth.
"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace!"
"Dashing hope, putting fear in its place."
"A rose by any other name's just as sweet."
"When everything's worse, our work is complete."
"And James!"
"And Meowth, dat's a name!"
"Putting teacher in her place."
"We're Team Rocket!"
"And we're in your face!" they finish together.

"What's a Team Rocket?" asks Wilma, confused.

Wilma demands Altaria back since it isn't hers but another trainer's, but Jesse correctly points out that this would make the whole point of stealing moot. Pikachu and Piplup try to blast Altaria clear but their attacks have no impact, and Altaria can't blast free from inside either. Coloured smoke bursts up from around Wilma and the twerps and as they cough through it, Team Rocket takes off.... their plan was successful! Ash grabs Pikachu and Dawn grabs Piplup and they chase after the balloon, while Brock prepares to run after them and... discovers Wilma is on his back demanding he giddy-up!

Brock - being ridden by a woman for the first time - can't go on any further and collapses, telling Ash and Dawn to go on without him while Wilma tells him that he's in sad shape for a young man. They burst through the forest into a clearing rather stupidly expecting Team Rocket to have landed there but instead they are - of course - still flying, far off into the distance now. Gible bursts through the ground behind them and they recall that it lives in the forest and knows it pretty well and they ask it to show them a shortcut to cut off Team Rocket. It bursts off in a different direction and they chase after it.... and discover it is eating berries off of a little tree!


Ash calls out Staraptor and tells it to lead them to Team Rocket, and they head off again as Gible's incomprehensible, insane shark mind decides to chomp the small tree down.

Dawn is getting exhausted as she tries to keep up with Ash, and asks if they're almost there. Unfortunately, Staraptor has lead them to a sheer rockface and a gaping Dawn doesn't know what they're going to do next... till Ash tells her with blissful ignorant determination that they'll just have to climb up it!

Haha, this is not a happy woman!

Up they scramble, Ash insisting Dawn keep up. She insists she is fine until she slips and plummets towards certain doom..... and calls out Mamoswine to provide a fat, soft, warm landing. Ash asks if she is okay and then slips himself, falling towards certain doom till he notices that Gible is digging up vertically through the rockface! He grabs the fin and his fall is not only arrested, but he and Pikachu are rocketed up the side of the rockface and over the top. Thanking the bizarre little mouthy Pokémon, he and Pikachu say goodbye to Dawn and Gible and head after Staraptor again.

The bird in question lands at the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon which appears to be empty.... and then a net bursts out of the bottom and catches the surprised Emo-Bird before it can escape!

Wow, Team Rocket are learning!

Sitting safely in their conveniently pre-prepared Altaria-Bot, Team Rocket are delighted that the twerps are so predictable. They leave the balloon (and Staraptor!) behind and zoom away, while Ash finally catches up and helps get Staraptor free.... watched by Gible who overhears Ash wondering what will happen to Altaria.

Meanwhile, the captured bird(dragon?) is tuckering itself out trying to break through its sphere. Team Rocket are laughing off its efforts to escape until suddenly they bear fruit - Altaria has been using an Ice Attack and then a Fire Attack alternately to rapidly heat and cool the dome (and cook itself!), finally causing it to crack. It begins to slam its way through the sphere, causing the Altaria-Bot to shake and tumble as Team Rocket panic and run it right into a rocky outcropping, the sound of which captures Gible's attention deep beneath the earth.

Team Rocket try desperately to keep Altaria from shattering its sphere, Wobbuffet delightedly taking part by rushing around happily with a solid roll of tape just having a great ol' time.

Gible emerges to this chaotic scene and immediately focuses DIRECTLY in on a close-up of Jesse's ass (oh like you wouldn't). Jesse turns to face Gible (or maybe the cameraman) and tells it/them/us that if it/they/us are bored then it/they/us can go watch television... instead Gible grabs itself a great big mouthful (and it has a huge mouth!) of Jesse's hair!

Wobbuffet leaps into the fray as well, again not seeming to really understand exactly what is going on and actually happily saluting amidst all the chaos as Meowth begs to know why exactly he has gotten involved in the fight. Gible knocks them all aside and then chows hungrily down on the Altaria-Bot, eating ALL OF IT before Team Rocket's horrified eyes and leaving only Altaria itself inside the cracked sphere. Jesse sends in Seviper to fight it but it slaps a rock into Seviper's belly, and then throws up a Draco Meteor, which is spotted by the reunited twerps (including Brock and Wilma) far in the distance.

Back at the fight, James mocks Gible's attempts at Draco Meteor, but it DOES have Dragon Pulse and almost blasts Seviper into snake-bits..... but it is getting tired and Jesse notes with arrogant delight that it needs a nap. Seviper leaps for it and Gible seems too tired to do much to stop them... but then Pikachu arrives at the scene and blasts the fuck out of Seviper - the twerps have arrived! ....and Brock is exhausted!

James calls out Carnivine and gets his head chomped as the rest of Team Rocket do Wobbuffet impersonations, then Seviper and Carnivine go in for the kill and... get killed by Piplup and Pikachu's combined moves knocking Carnivine back into Seviper. Pikachu uses Iron Tail to free Altaria which runs to be embraced by Wilma... while Team Rocket desperately try to untangle Carnivine and Seviper and wake them up. Once again, Wobbuffet is taking part with NO idea of what is going on or why, and at one point just lies on its back off to the side and wobbles about with a huge patiently pleased grin on its face.

Gible waddles up to Ash and turns to face Team Rocket again after he thanks it for the help, and then unleashes a massive ball of energy from its huge mouth and... actually pulls off a Draco Meteor and sends Team Rocket blasting off again!

Ash thanks Gible and pets it, and everyone is very impressed including a proud Piplup that nods knowingly. Gible, proud itself (and insane!) decides to do another one to show off, but this time the energy ball only manages to barely pop out one fizzer of a Draco Meteor that - of course - homes in on Piplup and blasts the horrified little penguin into a small crater in the ground.

As the sun sets, Wilma offers the twerps directions to finally get to Daybreak Town. Looking around, they realise that Gible is nowhere to be seen and Wilma suggests that it high-tailed it back into the forest. She waves goodbye to them, telling them not to get lost, and the twerps head off for Daybreak Town and Dawn's next Contest. She figures nothing can stop her this time, and so off the twerps go, sadly leaving behind a delightful little bundle of mouth and insanity.

But don't be too quick to say goodbye, Gentle Dodgers, because Gible's adventures with the twerps are....


"Silly, if we give Altaria back then the stealing part's moot!"

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