614: The Battle Finale Of Legend!   620: Diaruga to Parukia! Saigo no Tatakai!   Team Galactic Climax 2/2          Team Galactic comes to an amazing end   The last team standing!     The Team Magma/Aqua Story-Arc REALLY sucked!  

Well this is it, shit has officially gotten real, it's hit the fan and come to a head. Pokémon Hunter J is dead, the Lake Spirits have been captured, the International Police, Cynthia and Team Rocket are converging on Team Galactic's Headquarters, Croagunk wants revenge on Toxicroak, Jupiter desperately wants to beat up on some kids, Cyrus wants to summon and control the Gods of Time and Space in order to destroy the world and recreate it in his own "perfect" image.... for a kid's show, shit has most assuredly gotten real! It's time for....

Pikachu and Piplup blast free the Lake Spirits and Jupiter and Mars have their Purugly and Skuntank smack around the twerps before Toxicroak hits the Pokémon with a Sludge Bomb. Brock recalls Croagunk, telling it not to push itself, while the freed Lake Spirits.... float to Cyrus and fall in behind him. Charon cackles that Cyrus has them under the control of the Red Chain, which no Pokémon can resist. Cyrus reveals the gem apparently embedded in his hand (or at least his glove) then turns and unemotionally leaves with the Lake Spirits in tow... telling Saturn to deal with the twerps.

Oooooooh shit!

Up on the mountain near the "door" to Spear Pillar - Looker, Jesse, James and Meowth are in disguise (well, technically Meowth isn't) and Looker is telling them that they have to take control of Team Galactic's Base and get in contact with Cynthia. Looker seems to be under the impression that the spheroid "door" the Grunts are guarding is the entrance to Galactic's Base. Jesse's plan? Send in her Dragonfly Monster!

Cyrus, Charon, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter have boarded a helicopter with the Lake Spirits. The twerps are in the hold of the Helicopter in shackles, and Brock tells the others that they're being held as a back-up plan in case Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf break free of the Red Chain - Cyrus can force them to help by threatening the twerps.

At the door in the mountain, the grunts guarding the exterior have been tied up and hidden away behind rocks. Looker and Team Rocket wait for the arrival of the helicopter (spotted from the roads below by Cynthia), and Team Rocket in particular are eager to see Team Galactic taken down a peg or two. The Helicopter lands and they disembark, and they all get to see Team Galactic's Leader for NOT the first time!

Team Rocket remember him as the guy who "made a speech" at the Celestic Ruins, and Looker recognises him too. Jupiter calls out Skuntank and immediately orders it to use Flamethrower on the "grunts" in front of them, revealing their true identities and their - for a change - terrible, terrible hair!

Still better than Galactic's hairdos!

They're thrown into the same cell as the twerps inside the helicopter and Ash tries to smash his way through the door, demanding to be let out, while Jupiter returns to Cyrus and the others. He is given the Spear Key and with it they convert the giant spheroid "door" in the Mountain into a more recognisable door. Cyrus approaches and presses the Red Gem against it, and the door opens to reveal darkness.... and then white stairs glow and appear in the air, leading down below to Spear Pillar. Cyrus, Charon, Mars and Saturn descend, leaving behind a bored Jupiter and Skuntank to guard the helicopter. Her boredom doesn't last long though, as she hears a noise and looks up in the sky to see DEATH SHARK FLAME coming for her! From out of nowhere a flaming Garchomp smashes into Skuntank, and then Cynthia comes zooming into frame in her Humvee. Jupiter prepares to fight and.....

Well, looks like you're fucked, Jupiter!

Cynthia lets the twerps, Looker and Team Rocket out. Jesse and James are quick to gloat as Jupiter and the previously captured Grunts are tied up and put in their cell. Jupiter is still confident though, the world is about to end and there is nothing they can do about it.

Deep down in the mountain, Cyrus and the others are approaching Spear Pillar, still in pristine condition after all this time. The "Pillar" is a triangle and each of the Lake Spirits takes position on a podium at each point. The Adamant and Lustrous Orbs are placed in on two podiums in the centre. At Cyrus' command Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf release waves of power into the orbs as Charon orders some kind of Red Chain Cannon to blast into the air and create two red circles in the air. Power rises from the orbs and enters the circles, and above Mount Coronet, dark clouds begin to circle around the tip of the mountain, registered and followed by Professor Rowan's Team far away and Charon inside the mountain. The time has come, raising his hand and using the Red Gem, Cyrus demands the presence of the Gods of Space and Time - Dialga and Palkia - and.... they obey!

Cyrus is a Time Lord!

The Red Chain surrounds them both creating bonds and Mars and Saturn are in awe... and then their cannon is blasted out of existence! Turning, they see Pikachu, Croagunk and Piplup approaching on the backs of Gliscor, Staraptor and Garchomp. Saturn immediately sends out Toxicroak, the baddest and toughest of all of Team Galactic's Pokémon and.... CROAGUNK CAVES IN ITS SKULL!

Toxicroak's head is flattened by a point blank, completely unexpected blast to the head and flies backwards, hitting the ground and... Toxicroak is out! Toxicroak has been one-hit KO'ed.... Toxicroak has been King Hit!

Croagunk is THE MAN!

Brock shouts out that it is awesome while Croagunk actually poses and flexes its creepy biceps, revelling in its revenge. But while Toxicroak is down, the situation is still dire as Cynthia sees Dialga and Palkia in their Red Chains. Purugly and the Golbat are sent in to keep the twerps away but get the fuck blasted out of them, while the twerps Pokémon zoom past and attack the Red Chains binding the Lake Spirits and free them to fall into the twerps' hands.

But Dialga and Palkia cannot leave, as they start to fade, Cyrus throws up his Red Gem palm again and fully summons them into place, kicking and screaming as they try to free themselves from their binds which tighten in and lock into place.

Cyrus has bound the Gods of Time and Space!

Cynthia explains that the Red Chain holds the "Original Power" (the rings around Dialga and Palkia are like the ones that surround Arceus) but the twerps aren't out of options yet as the Lake Spirits bind with them, "sharing their hearts" as Cynthia explains it.

But Cyrus completely ignores what is going on behind him, wrapped up in his mad zombie desire to see a new world born. He demands that Dialga and Palkia release their powers and create a new world... and they do just that!

As their powers clash and create, coalescing into galaxies and solar systems within a small, growing ball of creation energy, Cyrus bears witness. Outside the eye of the storm, things are starting to go crazy. Lightning blasts the Team Galactic Helicopter and shatters it open at the cell, and Jupiter gasps that the new world is being created. Looker (who along with Team Rocket was left to guard them) shouts at her that the creation of the new world will destroy the old... including her! Is that what she really wants. Jupiter bites her lip almost orgasmically and moans back that this is just fine with her.

Holy shit, bitch is crazy.

Cynthia tells Ash to attack the chains binding Dialga and Palkia. Pikachu, Piplup, Croagunk and Garchomp unleash their attacks but Cyrus has Dialga and Palkia unleash their own powers, smashing through them and straight at the twerps. The Lake Spirits throw up a barrier before them, while Mars and Saturn gasp to Cyrus like kids wanting their dad to take them out for ice cream, begging to go to the New World. Dialga and Palkia turn and buffet them back with a distortion of the air, and Cyrus turns a contemptuous eye on his Lieutenants and tells them that he has no need for them - their very presence would destroy the perfect world he intends to create.

Charon actually smirks as he says that he thought Cyrus would see things that way.

Cynthia and the twerps attack the Red Chain again, asking the Lake Spirits to help them. Cyrus is too occupied to notice and the attacks score direct shots, blasting the chains and dropping Dialga and Palkia to the ground, the ball of creation energy beginning to shrink as Charon notes it is disappearing.

"This is my perfect world," replies Cyrus, brooking no denial of his vision as he steps forward,"Governed by an order that does not require either heart of conscience.... it's mine... MINE ALONE!"

And he leaps into the shrinking ball of energy and disappears into the void of its failed creation!

Mars cries out in panic and tries to jump after him, but Saturn grabs her hand and shakes his head - wherever their mad leader is going (and it looks to be oblivion) they cannot follow... and he wouldn't want them anyway.

Well, Cyrus.... that was nihilistic of you.

The so-called New World closes up and disappears as if it never was. Cyrus is gone - more dead than it is possible to be as he is wiped out of all existence. It's explicitly stated that the energy of their world/universe is being sucked into the "new" world, which is expanding to eventually replace the current one (as in, it will take up the space that the current universe is inhabiting). When Dialga and Palkia's chains are broken, the energy stops pumping into the world which immediately begins to shrink back down into eventual non-existence. Cyrus leaped inside to be part of his "new" Universe, but there is no longer any energy being pumped into it and the two universes cannot occupy the same space. So the current universe reaffirms its place and the new one ceases to exist (with Cyrus inside of it) - Cyrus is dead and gone. He didn't "win", he didn't summon Dialga and Palkia to make some pre-existing universe available to him, they were creating a brand new universe for him. The only reason we see fully formed galaxies etc inside of it is an artistic choice because showing a super-dense singularity of utter mass encapsulated into an atom wouldn't get across to the viewer that the new universe was coming. If Cyrus just wanted to open a portal to go into some other lifeless universe and rule over it as a God, then it would have removed all the danger/high stakes of the entire storyline, which was that by necessity the creation of the new world would destroy the old world and everyone and everything in it. The very fact that the old world still exists in the show proves that the new world never came into being, and Cyrus effectively jumped into oblivion. He was the architect of his own destruction, a total madman who would have wiped out reality to recreate it in his own image/vision, and he got so wrapped up in his delusions that it cost him his life. There is no maybe about this, he ceased to exist, his new universe ceased to exist. Cyrus is dead. He's a done Tom Turkey. He is no more.

This. Is an Ex. Cyrus.

Dawn asks if everything will be back to normal now..... and then Dialga and Palkia awaken and.... attack!

Oh that's right, they can't stand to be in each other's presence!

Professor Rowan's team (including Gary Oak) are watching and notes that the energy is being inverted..... all of the energy in the Sinnoh Region is being contracted into Mount Coronet and if it isn't stopped, the old Universe might survive but Sinnoh itself will cease to exist!

But then where will children put on beauty shows for their pretty Pokémon for ribbons!?!

Cynthia guesses that Dialga and Palkia aren't still completely broken free of the bonds that Cyrus put on them. The Lake Spirits communicate with the twerps, telling them to put their hearts together and save Dialga and Palkia. They rush up to Spear Pillar and one by one send the Lake Spirits into the contracting void of energy, blasting into it with full power as Dialga and Palkia struggle and fight against the broken bonds they don't realise are gone. Brock communicates with Uxie that Cyrus is gone, and finally Mesprit calms them entirely before all three fly above the Gods of Space and Time and form a portal, allowing them to return to their own dimensions as the violent contraction of energy finally ceases.

Cynthia tells the twerps that the Lake Spirits chose them because they sensed their care and devotion for Pokémon. The Lake Spirits smile at them and fade into nothing, and Cynthia tells them that she is sure they will see them again.

The sun is setting as Rowan, Gary, the police and more show up and are reunited with the twerps. The Orbs will be returned to Carolina through Gary, while Rowan is bemused (sternly) that Team Galactic actually allowed them to learn all kinds of new information about the Time Space Legend. Looker looks about, noting that Team Rocket have disappeared. Where are they? Floating away victoriously in their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon, delighted... no, ecstatic that THEY defeated Team Galactic... just wait till they tell the Boss!

Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are reunited in the back of a Police Wagon (what happened to Charon?) and Jupiter asks what happened to Cyrus. Saturn tells her that he "got away by himself", not bothering to mention to his unstable teammate that he got away by flinging himself into oblivion in a contracting and now non-existent empty universe. He comes to the same conclusion as Team Rocket though.... Team Galactic is done - and in a FAR more satisfying way than the dreadful mess that was Team Magma and Team Aqua.

As they're driven away, Cynthia takes the time to note some more of her drippy new age philosophy, then tells the twerps that Sinnoh was saved by them. They're taken aback by this news (though they've saved the world often enough in the past!) and reply that if this is the case, then it is only thanks to the efforts of their Pokémon.

Whatever the case, thanks to the twerps the excellent story of the truly interesting Team Galactic has been resolved in a most satisfactory fashion. And now not only the never-ending adventures of Ash - but ALL of Sinnoh - are....


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