612: Unlocking The Red Chain Of Events!   618: Akai Kusari! Ginga-dan Shido!   Shit Gets Real!          The Team Galactic Finale begins - shit gets real!   Reunited and it feels so good     Men are unrecognisable with different eyebrows  

Today finds the twerps... somewhere else! A Team Galactic Grunt is trying to run from attacking Pokémon which knock him off of his feet. Jupiter shows up with her Eek The Cat and tells him she has been looking for him, and asks "Looker" to show his face. He does, grabbing at his chin and removing his mask to reveal.....

Oh my God! Looker is Looker!

She tells him his name is well deserved as she thinks he is just her type (oh my!) but the Tintin-looking member of the INTERNATIONAL POLICE tells her she isn't his. She demands to know what he knows about Team Galactic and then..... SHIT BLOWS UP!?!

What's happening!?! What HAPPENED!?! The only way to find out is by....

NOW we find the twerps in Floaroma Town at the local Pokémon Centre. Dawn is watching the television as Marian reveals the schedule for the next few contests. This includes a Double Performance Contest at Daybreak City, which is right on the twerps' path to Sunyshore City.

They continue on down Route 205, Pikachu and Piplup happily striding along in the vanguard singing a nonsense song of their own names. As they walk, they spot a Meowth crashed out in the middle of a flower bed and approach it to see if it is okay. As it wakes up, it mumbles quietly, then spots the twerps and.... shouts out in alarm! It's Team Rocket's Meowth!

There is no sign of Jesse and James, and Meowth is battered to fuck, unable to stand. Brock picks him up and carries him off to the riverbank, where they settle down as Brock treats Meowth's wounds. Finally somewhat better, Meowth explains that he, Jesse and James were trudging their way through the forest in pursuit of the twerps (and food!) when they spotted Team Galactic's helicopter overhead. They tracked it down to a large factory and.... Meowth just kind of trails off, and Brock checks out a digital map and locates the Fuego Ironworks, abandoned for some time. Meowth explains how they snuck up onto the roof and spotted Looker (the Lunchbox Guy!) being confronted by Jupiter. Meowth then decided they had to save Looker, not for altruistic reasons but to help shut up Team Galactic, leaving Team Rocket free to fill in the power vacuum. So as Jupiter tried to get it on with Looker, Carnivine Vine-Whipped Eek the Cat's arm and then... well, things got hairy.

Galactic got their hands on Jesse and James while Meowth was blasted off, and when he woke up he was being rescued by the twerps. Bandaged up, Meowth thanks them for their help and prepares to set off to rescue Jesse and James... but the twerps insist that they're coming along too. Meowth threatens to scratch up Piplup and Pikachu's pretty faces because they're enemies and he can't accept their help. Dawn diplomatically defuses the situation though by saying they're going to help Looker, and if Jesse and James just so happen to be rescued in the meantime, welp... there you go! Meowth watches wobbly-eyed with gratitude as they move on ahead of him, then follows after.

Meanwhile, a furious Jesse is demanding to be let out of her cell, looking out through the barred doors - what kind of an Ironworks was this!?! She spots Eek the Skuntank splayed out on its side against the far wall of the corridor, fat belly hanging over. She grumbles that it is a gross looking Pokémon (well, it is!) and snaps at it that she is going to pluck every piece of fur from its body. She grabs at the bars on the window, ignoring Looker's warning, and gets zapped for her efforts.

Skuntank cackles like Sharkey, while Looker explains to James that their Pokéballs can't be used because the Ironworks are using electronic jamming devices. Looker apologises for getting Team Rocket involved but James points out they got themselves involved, and reveals that they think this is Team Galactic's Base. It isn't though, and Cyrus isn't there, this is just a "secret" factory where Galactic are working on... something. Looker doesn't know what it is, and we're not much clearer as the camera cuts to Jupiter admiring a giant, thin rotating strip of red something turning in a circle like a big hula-hoop. Jupiter calls it the Red Chain, recreated from the Veilstone City Meteorite. Professor(?) Charon says it wasn't recreated but resurrected, and all thanks to HIM! He cackles throatily as Jupiter scowls and whispers to herself that she hates his laugh, then asks Charon what he intends to do with Looker. He says he has spoken with Cyrus and already established what will happen.

Meanwhile, Cyrus is watching with Mars through a monitor as Saturn and his Toxicroak smash through the rocks up on Mount Coronet to reveal a giant metallic orb. Using the key stolen so long ago, it makes the orb glow bright as Saturn and Mars stare with wide eyed adulation and Cyrus just keeps up his normal zombie-ass scowl. Saturn claims they have found the Gateway to Spear Pillar, and Cyrus orders the area blocked off - they will not proceed till all preparations have been made.

Jupiter is informed and prepares to make some of those preparations when a grunt warns them that a flying object has been detected approaching the Ironworks. What is it? Why... it's a Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon! With twerps in it!

This is all kinds of fucked up right here!

As they float towards the Ironworks, a wave of Golbat attack, fought off by Pikachu and Pachirisu flying on Staraptor and Gliscor's backs. They zap the fuck out of the Golbat with Thunderbolt and Discharge (grossss) and continue on, spotting Jupiter and Skuntank on the roof. Skuntank blasts a flamethrower at the Balloon and Meowth ducks in panic, but Piplup counters with Bubble and the balloon lands as they twerps leap out and Meowth tumbles out in confusion dragged by Brock, never having dealt with a situation before where the balloon was attacked and he WASN'T blasted off again! The twerps yell at Jupiter to get out of the way, and she surprises them by complimenting their ability to seemingly pop up out of nowhere and asks if they want to JOIN Team Galactic.

"Ew! That would be so.... EWWWW!" squeaks Dawn in disgust (it would have been hilarious if this had been Looker's reaction to Jupiter's come-on earlier in the episode) and Meowth demands to know where Jesse and James is, while Ash wants to know about Looker. Jupiter stares at Dawn, and then mumbles,"Mesprit," surprising Dawn. Apparently she knows that Dawn saw Mesprit.... and that Ash saw Azelf.... and that Brock saw Uxie.

How the fuck does she know this?

She wants to know why it had to be them who saw the Lake Trio instead of her or someone else in Team Galactic (like Cyrus). Brock demands to know how she knows and Meowth just doesn't know what the fuck is going on. Jupiter growls that it was supposed to be her and the others (presumably Saturn and Mars) who "synchronised" with the Lake Trio. Meowth's retort is that she has a big mouth (she does!) while Pikachu fights off Golbat some more and Piplup and Skuntank clash attacks and in the blowback from both... Jupiter finds herself outflanked and surrounded.

Outflanked by the tactics of some kids, an insane talking cat, a fat rat and a hyper-active squirrel - turn in your Menacing Villain card, Jupiter!

Skuntank uses Toxic in a wide circle, kicking up a gas around everyone as Jupiter saves her "Menacing Villain" Cred for another day and escapes in a helicopter with her Pokémon and presumably the Red Chain. Ash calls back Staraptor and Pikachu from trying to pursue so they can look for Team Rocket and Looker, and they set off to find them. As they look, Charon mocks Jupiter for being jealous of children and she grunts that it isn't her style, causing him to cackle some more and tell her that jealousy IS a human emotion. She just wants to know if the Red Chain is safe, and he tells her it is right below her feet.

In Looker, Jesse and James' cell, Looker hears someone coming as Jesse and James suffer from hunger pangs. The twerps rush down the corridor and spot Looker, and Meowth demands to know where his "peeps" are. Jesse and James are so delighted to see Meowth that they grab onto the bar, instantly electrocuting themselves and collapsing to the ground as Looker facepalms in dismay.

Looker asks Pikachu and Piplup to use a dual attack to blast through the door which they do easily, and Looker is free and Team Rocket reunited, hugging with delight as Meowth declares,"I'm so glad to see yous bums!"

Well they are rather nice bottoms!

Meowth explains that Team Galactic "took a powdah" and Team Rocket decide to set off after them. They wave goodbye to the twerps and actually say thank you before running off into a twinkle of light in the distance - Team Rocket's..... running away safely.... for a change!

As Team Rocket head off in their balloon in the direction Meowth saw them go (Mount Coronet), Looker slips on some cool shades and leads the twerps to an elevator, travelling down to the room where the Red Chain was kept. Looker discovers a small red gem/rock, and takes it into town where Officer Jenny and presumably an International Police Scientist scan the gem to see what information they can gather. It reads the gem and somehow picks up a signal from it which appears on the big screen in the lab.... and then shifts to a Galactic "G" before a cartoon Charon appears poking out his tongue!

Ah-ah-ah! You didn't say the magic word! Ah-ah-ah! You didn't say the magic word!

Looker shouts out a warning but it is too late, the gem explodes and fries the lab equipment, knocking everyone off of their feet. A call catches Jenny's attention and she answers, and a man from the International Police appears, saying that the data was being transmitted to them as well and their entire database has been wiped!

Always back up your data, Gentle Dodgers!

Looker is furious, he's been made to look a fool, and he insists that he WILL bring down Team Galactic no matter what. The twerps leave the Police Headquarters, but Dawn stops on the steps to ask what the whole thing with the Lake Pokémon means, and Ash says he doesn't know - "all" they did was see the Pokémon, that was it. Brock just wants to know HOW Team Galactic knew about it, and nobody really knows what the fuck is going on, the International Police are going to be busy trying to recreate/retrieve the fried data on their databases.

And as they wonder, Cyrus stands his zombie-ass in front of the Key, Orbs and Chain that they have retrieved/resurrected, and proclaims that the only thing in the way of their creation of a new world through use of the Galactic Bomb is the capture of the Lake Pokémon.... and opens a communication line with the person who will capture these Pokémon for him - Pokémon Hunter J!

OHHHHH FUUUUUCK! Shit is getting real now - J! a new world? A Galactic Bomb!?! The very nature of existence itself is in peril, and who are the people most likely to save the day?

Oh. Fuck.


"Ew! That would be so.... EWWWW!"

"I'm so glad to see yous bums!"

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