The twerps try to catch a Gible and Lyra tries to hook Dawn up with Khoury
Taking a seat right over there
You're doomed, Lyra. Doomed
Today finds the twerps, including Lyra and Khoury, stopping off at a local, large Pokémon Centre on their way to Dawn's new Pokémon Contest. Inside, Brock sparkles like a Twilight Vampire upon spotting Nurse Joy and creepily manages to ascertain where she falls in the Joy Family Tree. As Khoury takes notes like the pathetic desperate loser he is, Brock tries to invite Joy out to dinner and gets an anal fisting for his problems from Croagunk. Several kids rush in with hurt Pokémon and Nurse Joy guesses that they were up on Mount Shady trying to catch a wild Gible that has been causing problems, and paid the price for it. Joy takes the Pokémon for treatment, and Brock joins her to assist (and continue to fail to get into her pants). With "mum" gone, this frees up the twerps to be fucking stupid! They promptly set off to try and capture the Gible after being warned not to. Of course it is all Ash's idea, provoked by Lyra in a vain attempt to make Khoury grow some balls, though he only comes along in protest as Lyra enthusiastically joins a horribly animated Ash, and Dawn just goes along for the ride.
Oh Khoury, can't you see that Lyra is trying to provoke....
As they walk along, Lyra STILL isn't giving up on her desperate match-making attempts as she asks "Dane" what she thinks of Khoury as a "boyfriend". She insists to the horrified Dawn that she intends to match-make the two of them - either out of a misguided effort to deny her own miserable love for the pathetic nerd or a desperate effort to escape the inescapable trap of their own future disappointment of a marriage.
Dawn, who is a little girl who just wants to dress up her Pokémon in pretty outfits and get people to cheer for them, insists frantically that Lyra NOT try and get them together, but a delighted Lyra takes no notice and skips ahead whistling happily, all ready to start Operation: Oh God I Don't Want To Marry Khoury.
A short time later, Dawn finds herself walking between Khoury and Ash, Piplup slumped over her head (with its own ideas on who Dawn should marry!) while Lyra walks next to the utterly oblivious Ash. Just then a huge rock slams into the ground in front of them, and they look over to see the Gible - a squat landshark with a huge mouth cackling with laughter at them.
Oh my God! It's a Corphish-style jerk!
It has little missiles on the side of its head!
The twerps didn't even know this is what a Gible was, needing the Pokédex to identify it... and they mean to capture it!?!
Gible uses Strength to lift another rock up high and toss it at them, then launches itself towards them and uses Rock Smash on the thrown rock. Ash is excited and means to catch it, and Dawn warns the nerdy Khoury to go hide and piss his pants or something.... except HE wants to catch it too! Eyes shining brightly, he insists that he means to capture Gible himself, which makes Ash happy because he likes competing! Lyra is delighted too, Khoury actually DOES have a pair of balls, and Ash and Khoury call out Buizel and Totodile respectively to have a go at fighting and catching Gible.
Gible blasts a heavy gust of wind at the Pokémon and twerps, tucks its paws behind its back, sticks its fat belly out and cackles with delight before using Dig to burrow down into the earth!
This thing is the best jerk!
Lyra grabs Ash and tells him she will help him catch Gible and tells "Dane" to stay with Khoury. None of the three are any the wiser that the girl is apparently mad for boy-cock, and off they go to find Gible, leaving behind Team Rocket watching from the bushes, all prepared with a patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy!
We see Fantasy-Giovanni at his desk bookended by two beautiful women in business suits as Rocket Grunts rush paper after paper at him for his attention. Despite the high pressure of his lifestyle, Giovanni must always look cool, calm and collected... but sometimes he needs to let out his inner-boss! And how does Meowth believe Giovanni does this? By stripping down to his underwear of course!
Oh Meowth.
His heavily muscled body glistening wet with water, Giovanni frolics in the water with Gible and uses it to water-ski before proclaiming there must be rewards for "Meowth and friends!", delighting Jesse and James who think this wildly homo-erotic sexual nightmare is a likely turn of events.
Meanwhile, Ash and Lyra are walking through tall grass (and likely to encounter Rattata after Rattata!) looking for Gible. They spot its fin zipping through the grass, and Ash sends Buizel after it with Water Gun attacks and Aquajet. But Gible is able to zip aside or sink deeper into the grass each time, getting past Buizel and coming straight after Ash and Lyra. They start running, Pikachu firing off a Thunderbolt that fails to score, and Gible bursts up out of the grass with its eternal grin gaping wide as it blasts thick gusts of wind at them and knocks them over.... then disappears!
Meanwhile, something like 50 metres behind them, Dawn and Khoury are standing on a rock along with Piplup and Totodile, looking about for Gible. Khoury's plan is to wait on the rock and catch it.... and whips out his rod and tells Dawn to hold it!
He has two fishing rods from nowhere, and baiting them with Pokémon food he and Dawn settle down on the rock to draw Gible to them for Totodile to battle. As they wait, Khoury laughs at Dawn's impatience and tells her they need to be patient... and then they get a bite and haul in the catch of the day.....
It seems the fat, proud little Pokémon couldn't resist getting some food. Meanwhile, Ash has a different strategy for him and Lyra.... they're gonna take sticks and beat the ground till they chase it towards Buizel! As they set about beating the grass though, an infuriated Gible bursts out of the grass and charges straight for Lyra. She leaps up onto a rock but Gible smashes straight through it, before zipping towards Khoury and Dawn. Ash chases it after only momentarily checking on Lyra, warning Khoury and Dawn that Gible is approaching. Ash has Buizel use Aqua-Jet while Khoury has Totodile use Aqua-Tail.... and Gible zips off in another direction entirely leaving the two Pokémon to smash their attacks into each other. Blaming each other, they start throwing down in a knock-down drag out rumble, while Dawn gets a bite on her rod and hauls in.... PIPLUP! AGAIN!
Soon all four are using Khoury's fishing method, and Khoury's come up with the idea to combine different types of food in order to catch Gible. Lyra teases Khoury since Totodile never liked his food before, and he giggles nervously that he has learned a lot from Brock, before handing them all some of the food to use as bait.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket are also fishing.... at a lake. Using leaves for bait.
Dawn gets another bite and Lyra bets her it will be Piplup again, but the proud little Pokémon is happily eating a Poffin on the rock. Gible's fin emerges and they realise they've got it on the line. Dawn and Khoury work together to try and haul it clear, pressed up tight against each other as Lyra enjoys the sight of her inevitable disappointment of a husband being a "couple" with somebody else.
Gible is pulled up out of the grass but it reels THEM in instead, using Rock Smash on the rock and rushing off along the short grass, chased by Ash who is followed desperately by the other twerps. Khoury sets a stethoscope against the ground to try and pick up where it went, and Lyra calls out Marill to detect where it is and set off after it. Team Rocket see them on the other side of the lake, then spot a fin coursing through the water and decide to set off on a convenient nearby boat big enough for all four... with nobody by James doing any of the actual rowing!
Meanwhile, the twerps have found a small cave entrance, and Khoury and Dawn take a slow approach to it as Khoury checks out info on his Pokédex. Lyra tries to point the "couple" out to Ash who completely misses her point (of course!) and thinks they're trying to get to Gible ahead of him. So he rushes past them laughing like an idiot and promptly falls down the side of a small sandpit... with a hungry Trapinch down the bottom opening and closing its snapping teeth in preparation for chewing him up!
Khoury reaches down and grabs Ash, hauling him out, leaving the Trapinch hungry and disappointed. As Ash sits recovering from his near-death experience (and the Trapinch looks over the edge, disappointed at losing a meal), Dawn accuses Ash of being too eager for his own good and he snaps back at her that he doesn't need advice from her. The two begin arguing raucously, making Lyra giggle because she hasn't got a fucking clue what she really wants and just likes imagining every boy/girl pairing she sees as being in love.
Oh my God, Lyra's a shipper!
But as she giggles over seeing two people who "really care", she suddenly panics as she realises that maybe this could mean her and Khoury too!
But he's so lame!
Inside the cave, they find a giant network of tunnels, and they split into two because they're fucking stupid and have a death wish. Khoury and Dawn set off one way, Ash and Lyra the other, and Ash has Monferno use Dig when Marill thinks it has detected Gible. All this does though is piss off a bunch of Diglett, who scoop up Ash and Lyra and rush them off deeper into the tunnel, chased by Dawn and Khoury who can't keep up. They continue on further into the tunnel until a bright set of eyes gets their attention, and out bursts a Ga-Roaring Onix! They retreat in terror and split off into different directions in a fork of the tunnel, leaving Onix to stupidly smash headfirst into the rock between the two and knock itself out, while Zubat are woken up on the roof and flutter about upset.
Monferno is also upset, sitting forlornly on the ground as Ash recalls it to its Pokéball after being dumped by the Diglett. They hear Dawn and Khoury screaming and then get swarmed by Zubat, and rush away in a panic.
Dawn is looking for Khoury but can't find him, and starts freaking out about being on her own until Piplup proudly and angrily points out that it is there. Ash arrives moments later with Pikachu, and they're happily reunited.
Meanwhile, Lyra is freaking out as she realises that she too is all alone. Just then her Pokégear rings and she answers to find Khoury - freaking out she asks him to come rescue her and he says he will be there soon. He has her tap on the wall of the cave while he uses his stethoscope to follow the sound until he finally finds the increasingly hysterical girl. She blushes with humiliating pleasure, rescued by her nerdy disappointment of an inevitable husband.
"Khoury you found me!" she gasps, then rushes at him in a fury,"KHOURY YOU'RE LATE!"
Oh Khoury, thinking you did well only to find out she isn't satisfied? It's a prelude of your honeymoon!
Moments later, Ash and Dawn arrive as well, and Ash STILL wants to find the Gible, while Khoury and Lacy just want to get out of the cave. Khoury once again impresses by using a wet finger (they weren't alone THAT long!) to detect a breeze and leads them out, leaving Lyra amazed at the difference between Khoury now and when they were at the Windworks.
Just outside though, they find Gible finally ready and willing for a fight, and Ash is eager to give it one. But Khoury jumps in and says HE wants the battle (Ash was the only one who wanted to KEEP looking for Gible you jerk!) and Dawn and Lyra make him back off so Khoury can have his chance to continue to shine. He sends in Totodile, which tries an Aqua-Tail that Gible blows away, but then impresses by EATING the rock that Gible throws at it!
All these Totodiles are insane.
Both Pokémon start throwing down strength against strength, Gible's Strength vs Totodile's Superpower, which soon becomes reduced to both Pokémon picking up increasingly larger rocks and.... smashing THEMSELVES over the heads with them before GLARING at each other!
As each larger rock infuriates the Pokémon, Gible goes absolutely round the bend and hauls out a GIANT boulder over its head, freaking out the twerps as it allows it to drop onto its head and slowly crack in half and fall to either side.... before Gible itself collapses onto its head with its brain leaking out of its ears. Still refusing to give in though, the insane little jerk of a landshark kicks its legs wildly and slowly digs its way into the ground, disappearing from the surface. Totodile blasts Watergun into the hole and knocks Gible out the other side, then smacks it over with Aqua-Tail before Khoury throws a Pokéball and....... Khoury caught Gible!
But it's so cool and he's so laaaaaaaame!
Everyone congratulates Khoury, Lyra going so far as to say he is tougher than she thought, and now it's time for them to return to the Pokémon Centre.
As the sun sets, though, Team Rocket are STILL in the lake, miserable and exhausted from a futile effort to catch Gible. They're preparing to give it up when they feel a tug on the rod and see a fin appear in the water, and realise that all their "hard work" is paying off as they're about to catch a.... SHARPEDO!
Team Rocket are on Dateline?
Mistaking Meowth for a different kind of under-18 year old pussy, Sharpedo gives chase, as Team Rocket are left to pay the price for their.... well.... they didn't actually do anything wrong this time!
The twerps have returned to the Pokémon Centre where Brock is getting as close to that dinner date with Nurse Joy as he could have ever hoped - an outdoor BBQ where he gets to stand uselessly near the meat while everyone else does a bunch more interesting stuff - just like this episode!
Lyra is apparently in training for the inevitable future of her life with Khoury as she happily hands him a plate of food, while a recovered Gible is happily eating from a bowl with Pikachu and Ash and Dawn are talking about the upcoming Pokémon Contest.
So it's all falling into place, Lyra seems to have given up on her desperate efforts to save herself from a life with Khoury, Dawn is safe, Ash is completely oblivious to Lyra's manipulations, Brock is a virgin. There's only one thing wrong....
Ash should have gotten Gible!
"What do you think of Khoury?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, what do you think of him as a boyfriend?" "YEAARGHHHHHH!"