Lyra wants to marry Ash and tries to convince Dawn she does too
Incredibly stupid geniuses
Nobody wants to marry Brock
Today finds a happy, fat Pikachu scoffing down food as the other twerps (including Khoury and Lyra) prepare food for theirs - Dawn's new Cyndaquil among them. Piplup tries to introduce itself to Cyndaquil as it eats and it freaks out and tries to hide, then ignores it to eat more, causing a horrified Piplup to peck Cyndaquil's ass.
That's sexual harassment!
Cyndaquil freaks out, then turns around and starts pecking Piplup's butt as well in a tapping manner.
Yes, Gentle Dodgers, it just tapped that ass.
Ash's solution to this problem is for a Pokémon Battle, because this is the only solution he is capable of coming up with in any given situation. He figures that this will give them an idea of Cyndaquil's personality, and Dawn figures it is worth a shot to have her day old infant mouse get into a rumble with some highly trained fighting machines, because apparently her brain, like Ash's, is....
So it's Ash's Grotle against Dawn's Cyndaquil - the giant ass turtle vs the newborn baby mouse! Grotle uses Razor Leaf but Cyndaquil dodges and uses Flame Wheel, and Ash tells it that it should be proud before blasting an Energy Ball right at it. Once again it dodges and uses Swift, driving back Grotle as Brock remarks that it has remarkable agility. Watching from an embankment, Team Rocket are impressed too and mean to catch it, but James reminds them they have something else to attend to first. With a depressed sigh, Jesse and Meowth agree and back off, their movement seeming to catch Lyra's Marill's attention as it turns around and heads up the bank after them.
Back at the fight, Cyndaquil dodges Razor Leaf, leaps high and blows down smokescreen before landing and blasting Grotle with Swift. Ash has Grotle go overboard by coming back with Rock Climb, smashing straight into the baby and knocking it onto its back. It leaps back up flaming with power and Brock calls an end to the match, saying this is enough for a first battle. Piplup rushes over to Grotle to proudly give it advice on how it could have battled better, before seeing that everyone else is surrounding Cyndaquil and telling it how great a job it did. Dawn offers it a poffin and a furious, jealous Piplup does a NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! dive and grabs the poffin in its mouth before Cyndaquil can get it, gobbling it down furiously.
Furious, Cyndaquil headbutts Piplup, which KICKS IT IN THE FACE and then both furious little toddlers throw down until Dawn warns them there will be no dinner for them if they don't stop. Lyra seems amused by Dawn's feuding Pokémon until Khoury points out that Marill is missing, and they rush off to try and find it. Cyndaquil and Piplup get competitive racing up a hill and end up bonking heads, and then the twerps spot a bizarre building set amongst rocky cliffs with giant wind turbines turning above it.
"What's that?" asks Ash.
"It's the Valley Windworks," says Khoury, who doesn't even live in Sinnoh.
"Oh. The Valley Windworks!" exclaims Ash, who has no idea what the Valley Windworks are.
Lyra thinks Marill might have gone in so they head inside, spotting it rushing into an open sliding door. They charge in after it but there is no sign of it... and then Piplup actually slams into Cyndaquil's back and sends it crashing into a wall!
Haha, what an amazing jerk!
As it roars with proud laughter, though, a blast of electricity hits it and the twerps look up to see Magnemite hovering menacingly above them. They figure that they're probably here to guard the Windworks.... and they're right, as they find out to their detriment moments later!
They cheese it into a control room, the door closing behind them, and find an old man dead in his chair.... wait, not dead, just sleeping! A popping snot bubble wakes him up and the twerps apologise for catching him being a terrible , negligent employee. He calms down the Magnemite after Lyra explains they're here looking for Marill, and uses the Security Cameras to find Marill down in Basement Storage.
The twerps prepare to head down, and the old man tells his Magnemite to inform the other Magnemite to not attack the twerps. He waves his goodbye to the twerps.... and falls asleep again!
Meanwhile, Team Rocket's errand has been revealed - they built a big ass robot and forgot to power it up! By a stroke of luck, they've found the Windworks though, and with a big plug in hand and some unseen encounters with the Magnemite behind them, they're ready to plug in and power up.
Jesse does what Brock never will and puts it inside the hole, while the twerps wander about down in the basement trying to find Marill. Lyra finds it and picks it up, but meanwhile Piplup and Cyndaquil have gone rushing off.
Upstairs, Jesse is tired of waiting for the slow process of powering up the bot and cranks everything up to full, shorting out the power throughout the entire Windworks and creating an emergency shutdown that locks all the doors - locking the twerps into the basement and locking Piplup and Cyndaquil out! The two little Pokémon hammer at the door till Piplup gets pissed off and shunts it aside, just in time for Pikachu to Thunderbolt the door (Ash's bizarre idea to get the doors open) and blast Piplup.
Still stuck inside, the twerps try to get the attention of the security guard by waving at the camera - but the lousy, lazy man is still asleep and can't see them. Khoury - a neurotic loser at the best of times - starts freaking out that maybe the guard will NEVER see them and go on a long vacation and they'll be trapped down there for the rest of their lives!
Oh don't worry Khoury, you won't become an old man down there... you'll die within a few days after being reduced to eating your Pokémon!
Lyra, who is thinking more and more about the miserable future of their inevitable marriage, mumbles that he could use some positive thinking. As Ash and Brock spot a ventilation shaft and try to break it open (NOW would be a good time to use your Pokémon, you moron!), Lyra settles back against a wall with "Dane" and amusingly DOES begin to chat about marriage. Since they could be struck down there for the rest of their lives, she figures, she'll probably get married down here. Since Khoury is out of the question (Hahahaha, oh Khoury, you lamewad), that leaves..... she asks Dawn if Ash is her boyfriend, freaking out Dawn who VERY quickly insists that no, no he is not!
Poor Brock, even when he is one of only two viable options for marriage.... he gets left till last!
Lyra comments that Ash is "quite a catch" and Dawn replies,"Really?" which is just perfect, and asks Dawn which of the three SHE would choose between - Ash, Brock or Khoury? Dawn, obviously quite uncomfortable as she's a 10 year old girl who likes pretty pink ribbons and ponies as opposed to getting her fuck on, replies that she has really never thought about it. Lyra laughs that it is the FIRST thing she would have thought of.
Dawn wears a two inch long skirt, Lyra, she doesn't have to pick boys.
Ash gets the ventilation shaft free but it is too thin for him to get through, so Pikachu volunteers to do it. It sets off down the shaft, easily taking down the one on the opposite side and finding Cyndaquil and Piplup still grumbling against each other. It jumps down and cuts off their argument, then leads them to find the security guard.
Unfortunately for them, Team Rocket have already found him, napping away in his chair. Looking at the camera, they spot the free Pokémon and the trapped twerps and realize they finally have a perfect opportunity - time to catch Pikachu... and the other two!
Chasing after the "cowards" who won't accept their "twerpish fate" they're blasted by Magnemite. Luckily for them they're used to being blasted by the best and recover enough to have Wobbuffet use Mirror Coat, turning the electric attack back on the Magnemite and knocking them out.
Down in the basement, Ash calls out Grotle, having belatedly remembered he has Pokémon with the power to blow the fuck out of things. He wants it to use Energy Ball on the door, telling the others that despite sending Pikachu to wake up the Security Guard, he wants to keep trying to get out, he doesn't like waiting around. Lyra, who by this point I think is just stirring shit up out of boredom, gushes over what a dependable guy Ash is and tries to get a confused Dawn to agree.
Unfortunately the Energy Ball simply bounces off of the door and zig zags around the walls, the twerps dodging in a panic till it explodes a shelf and Ash quickly recalls a shifty-eyed, embarrassed Grotle back to its Pokéball. Lyra decides to have a go and calls out Girafarig, but it can't kick its way through the door either. Lyra tries to get Khoury to try too, but the neurotic freak insists that if her Pokémon can't do it, his certainly can't, and she grumbles that he is ALWAYS so negative.
Hahaha, you're going to end up marrying him and having disappointing sex!
Team Rocket are still chasing the Pokémon, while Ash has found a crowbar out of nowhere and is desperately trying to force open the door while Brock just stands watching rather than giving him any help. Lyra is gushing over his determination again and Brock agrees that it is one of his best features.
Oh ho ho, it seems that Brock has also decided Ash is the one he wants to marry if they're stuck there forever!
Lyra tells Khoury he could learn a lot from Ash, who has won seven badges, and the uncomprehending moron mumbles that there is no point in trying to do the impossible. Ash drops the crowbar when his hand hurts, but both Brock and Dawn assure them that a little thing like crippling pain won't stop Ash, causing Lyra to squeal happily that he is the best, surprising Dawn yet again.
They take a break to eat some cookies, there are five of them (they're ignoring Marill which is RIGHT THERE) and seven cookies, so how to divide them. Nerdlinger Khoury works out that it will be 1.4 cookies each, and Ash is useless at figuring that out, but Lyra insists it is ladies first so she and "Dane" will get two cookies each and the boys can have one! Khoury moans that she always comes out on top.
Get used to it, it's the only thing that will give her any pleasure on your disappointing honeymoon!
Pikachu has finally found the security guard and rushes up to wake him, followed by Piplup. But before Cyndaquil can join them, it is scooped up in a net - Team Rocket were hiding behind sheets coloured the same as the walls!
They just happened to have the right shade!
"Pikachu and Piplup, so glad you're here!"
"With a sacked Cyndaquil, we're reeking of cheer!"
"On the wind!"
"Past the stars!"
"In yer ear!" screams Meowth.
"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace!"
"Dashing hope, putting fear in its place."
"A rose by any other name's just as sweet."
"When everything's worse, our work is complete."
"It's Jesse!"
"And James!"
"Meowth, dat's a name!"
"Putting all you do-gooders in their place."
"We're Team Rocket!"
"And we're in your face!" they finish together.
Jesse becomes enraged when she realises that the security guard slept through their motto. Piplup takes advantage to blast them with Whirlpool, infuriating Jesse further because she now it will have to pay to get her hair done! Pikachu Thunderbolts them (they just remembered they can use moves on Team Rocket!) and electrifies the entire Windworks, shorting the power for a moment again and causing the door locking the twerps in to open. They head out and find their Pokémon, but as Ash is reunited with Pikachu, Piplup slaps Cyndaquil out of the way and they throw down in a little squeaking rumble once more till Dawn recalls Cyndaquil to its Pokéball, leaving Piplup furiously fighting thin air.
Returning to the Security Guard's booth, they wake him up and apologize for all the trouble they caused, which he is completely unaware of. He wishes them luck on their journey and promptly falls asleep again, and they head outside, discovering night has fallen. As they leave though, they encounter Team Rocket's brand new, fully powered robot.... a Magcargo Robot! Glowing bright with lava-like intensity, the "juice-user" fires off a powerful blast of the Magcargo Cannon and..... promptly runs entirely out of power!
Ash uses Thunderbolt and Meowth bemoans that he spent all that money on the battery and didn't insulate the machine, and Jesse is furious that he also didn't go the obvious route of making the battery recharge from a blast of Thunderbolt!
If Jesse got trapped in a room with James, Meowth and Ash she'd probably end up deciding to marry Ash too!
The Magcargo-Bot blows up, of course, and Team Rocket are sent blasting off again, of course of course, crackling with energy and poofy-haired like crazy. And thus ends the episode, with the twerps ready to continue on for Dawn's next Contest... and Lyra trying desperately to fight a fate worse than death.
Marrying Khoury.
"Hey Dane, is Ash your boyfriend?" "HUH? Ash? Nuh-No way!"
"Ash is quite a catch, don’t you think?" "....really....?"