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This is the Pokemopolis Dodgy Episode List, a collection of guides not just to what happens in a given episode of Pokémon, but all the little things that strike us as odd, funny, suggestive, or pretty much just plain silly.
All episodes from Battle Frontier to the end of Battle Dimension can now be found in mini-guide format on the Pokemopolis Forums, while guides for all episodes currently airing can be found up on the site within a day of first airing in English. Many early episode in the Indigo league are as yet incomplete, made up primarily of short observations pointing out pieces of interest in each episode. Episodes from that period that have been rewritten are marked with an asterisk (*).
Credit for screenshots for many of the early guides goes to sites like, Bisafans.de, Serebii.com, and Pokemon Paradijs amongst others.

Message sent to Dodgemaster Lex, Friday 29 March, 2002
I was the English Language Adaptation writer for this Orange Islands episode... the aforementioned Pokemon Food Fight. I just read your synopsis, and laughed out loud again and again. Captured QUITE well, my friends.
Take care.
Matt Clark
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