514: Glory Blaze!       519: Hikozaru Bui Esu Zangusu! Unmei no Batoru!       Paul Gets A Monkey Off His Back                     Paul mistreats his Pokémon bad enough that Ash has to do something about it.       Even THEY know Paul's an asshole!       Let your monkey get spanked too much and you'll wreck it!      

Last episode saw the twerps paired off with random other trainers to compete in the Hearthome City Tag Battle Tournament. Dawn was paired with a creepy grown-up Max called Conway who proved a Godsend to her when he did all the thinking and let her concentrate on all out offence. Meanwhile, Brock met a happy young tease called Holly who shot down his romantic aspirations quickly but kindly, then rekindled them when his skill as a trainer pushed them through to the second round. And Ash....

Ash got Paul.

Yes, the asshole, Paul. Neither was happy with the situation, but Ash at least tried to make the best of the situation. Paul was having none of it though, insisting that Ash simply stay out of his way while Paul worked on improving Chimchar's fire attacks. Despite not working together, Ash and Paul were victorious and made their way to the Second Round... but working separately is not going to work in these later rounds, and if Ash and Paul don't change their ways soon they're going to end up going out in a....

Anyone else got that Bruce Springsteen song stuck in their head now?

That night Ash trains with his Pokémon ahead of the battle. He has Staravia fly at Turtwig, Aipom and Pikachu with Aerial Ace, all three successfully blocking. Ash congratulates them, then they all notice a burst of flame off in the distance.

Meanwhile, Nurse Joy has been confronted by a flock of happy Pokémon Trainers and a ton of Pokéballs, thanking her for her help. She's happy to help, but exhausted from the influx of work that comes with every Pokémon Tag Battle Tournament. Luckily for her, a horny young virgin who wants into her pants is there to help.... BROCK!

Holly and Croagunk watch from a distance as he slaps on the white coat of science, Holly noting with what seems to be a hint of jealousy that Brock sure "gets around", while Croagunk simply croaks away, staring at Brock, who knows what bizarre thoughts twisting and turning their way through its Peter Lorre mind.

Dawn and Conway are seated in the dining area, Conway enjoying having not just an audience for his trainspotter level of attention to detail, but a GIRL paying attention at that! He spouts a lot of words that Dawn is able to boil down to,"The better the friends you are with a Pokémon, the better they do!" and turns to smile at Piplup.... and both blush!

Just friends.... riiiiiiiiiight!

Unfortunately for Conway, Dawn decides to take her newfound knowledge and excitedly share it with.... Ash! Conway is left behind, cleaning his glasses and getting the wrong end of the stick. As he looks at his own reflection, he smirks an even creepier smile than before, and says that that no matter what way you look at it.... Ash is the enemy.

Holy shit he IS Max, come back from the future for revenge over getting dumped after the Battle Frontier!

In the forest, an exhausted Chimchar is being tested out by Paul's Torterra, Murkrow, Ursaring (oh dear, that poor monkey's bottom) and Elekid. They all blast at Chimchar with their attacks and Chimchar tries to take all of the attacks with Flamewheel. Ash arrives on the scene and asks Paul what is going on, but he ignores Ash and orders a Flamethrower.... but Chimchar can't maintain control and the blast hits Ash directly, knocking him on his ass.

Team Rocket poke their heads out of the bushes, spotting Ash ("the twerp") and Paul ("the rude twerp!") and noting that the rude twerp is pushing his monkey too hard again.... why not just lighten up? Ash meanwhile is complimenting Chimchar on the power of its Flamethrower and it looks delighted, but Paul snaps at it that they're not done yet, and it staggers back for more training. Ash demands to know why Paul pushes only Chimchar through such intense training as Dawn and Piplup arrive on the scene, and Paul growls at Ash that it is none of his business. But Ash insists it is, they're Tag Partners, they should be working together! But Paul doesn't see the point, and Ash can't understand why he even bothered to enter the tournament. Paul grunts that this doesn't surprise him, and reveals he entered the tournament purely to get Chimchar into fights, in fact he wanted that Surf from the previous episode to hit Chimchar! Dawn and Ash are horrified, asking what if Chimchar had lost the battle due to this (or, you know... died!), and he replies that would mean Chimchar was useless.

Some odd translating happens at this point, as Ash points out you need to build on a Pokémon’s strong points and he retorts that even a second spent improving a Pokémon’s strong points is like babying a spoiled child. That doesn't make any goddamn sense, do they mean weak points? Whatever the case, Paul thinks it is a waste of time. Ash and Dawn are disgusted by his attitude, but Paul sneers that this is what Chimchar WANTS! Looking tired, it does nod in agreement though, then trudges away after Paul and his other Pokémon, looking incredibly depressed and tired.

Team Rocket have watched this all and James is sympathetic to "poor little Chimmy", but it's also given Jesse an idea - get on Chimchar's good side and it might help them to get their hands on that Sooth Bell!

Chimchar meanwhile is thrown right back into training, dodging a Hammer Arm from Ursaring, but getting hit by a Leaf Storm from Torterra that leaves it open to attack from Murkrow. Paul orders a Flamethrower but it doesn't hit it in time and gets sent crashing to the ground, and when Paul orders it to stand it tries its best then collapses to the ground. Paul tells Elekid to wake it up with Thunder, and it happily blasts electricity right at Chimchar.... and Pikachu blocks the attack with Volt Tackle!

Ash and Dawn charge in and Ash scoops up Chimchar, telling him he's done enough and he is taking Chimchar to the Pokémon Centre. Paul stares at Ash, then sneers at him to do what he wants and walks away.

At the Pokémon Centre, Ash, Dawn and Holly watch through the observation window as Brock treats Chimchar. Holly is gushing over Brock, declaring that she thought he was just flirting with Nurse Joy but wow he's really helping and he's just like another Nurse Joy and...

Wow, someone has a crush on Brock! And she's not underage.... or ugly!

Holly declares that with Brock at her side she can't lose, but Ash laughs he isn't so sure about that, after all he's in the Tournament too and... Brock steps out of the treatment room and tells them Chimchar just needs rest now, and a happy Ash tells the unconscious, badly battered Pokémon it is going to be okay. But Brock isn't quite done with this case just yet. It's time for the Breeder (snicker) to confront the asshole!

The next day Brock seats himself across from Paul in the Pokémon Centre's dining room, Ash, Dawn, Conway and Holly sitting at the next table over. Brock tells Paul that at this point Chimchar is on the cusp of either gaining great strength from this intensive training or completely cracking and becoming hideously emotionally scarred. He demands to know why Paul pushes it so hard, and when Paul just stares at him with contempt, he growls at him that he's not asking as a friend of Ash but a friend of Chimchar's. Sitting behind Brock with gigantic ears, Team Rocket are listening in, wanting the scoop as well.

Paul closes his eyes and then grunts that believe it or not, they all want the same thing for Chimchar. He tells them he'll never forget "that first day" and we see a flashback of Paul catching a Ninjask with Elekid at his side. He heard a noise and then saw Chimchar come bursting out of the woods chased by a pack of Zangoose that simply refused to stop attacking the terrified little monkey. He didn't know whether it was over food, territory or the bitches, but they chased Chimchar to the edge of a cliff and attacked, and the terrified Chimchar..... WENT FUCKING APESHIT HARDCORE MOTHERFUCKER NUMBER ONE!

Screaming and exploding in flame, Chimchar had formed an amazing Flame Wheel and torn through the Zangoose, spinning in tight circles on the cliff and sending them packing. After seeing such an amazing display of power, Paul knew he had to have Chimchar for himself, and he walked forward and told the exhausted little Pokémon to look at what it had done, then asked it to come with him. He explains that he has tried to recapture Chimchar's power ever since that day but has never come close, and Brock finally figures it out - every encounter with Paul and Chimchar has seen Paul trying to recreate the life or death stress of that moment with the Zangoose, to regain that power it displayed that day.

Ash, who knows the obsession with strength and training all too well, still tells Paul that despite his intentions, he has to let Chimchar rest, but Paul won't be moved. He means to keep pushing Chimchar, even when Brock insists that it MUST rest, he intends to take it and push it harder... and then Nurse Joy shows up, and for once she's full of piss and vinegar!

She snaps at Paul that he's just impatient, and she is going to have to (medically) insist that Chimchar CANNOT be allowed to leave the Centre, it must stay and re-gather its strength. Paul bows his head, clearly not pleased, but he can't dispute a medical order, so he walks away, leaving behind a pissed-off Ash.

Finally the next round starts, and we see a quick montage of Brock and Dawn's fights, with Dawn and Conway defeating their opponents, and then Brock and Holly defeating theirs and... it's official, a legal-aged pretty girl in tiny shorts has a crush on Brock!

And now it is time for the final battle of the day, Ash and Paul against a couple of adult men - one some kind of martial artist and the other FABULOUS in a purple cloak and hanging green earrings. Ash calls out Turtwig and Paul calls out.... CHIMCHAR!?!

Ash can't believe it, even after Nurse Joy refused medical clearance to take it out of the Pokémon Centre, he still brought it with him!?! Even Team Rocket are appalled, they're working in the stands selling snacks and they think Paul has gone too far - Wobbuffet appearing and leaning back in a seat, happily agreeing with whatever the hell anybody has to say about anything. Ash yells at Chimchar it needs to rest but it babbles proudly that it wants to fight, so Ash yells to Turtwig to protect it.

Mr. Fabulous calls out Metagross.... OH GOD IT'S GOING TO KILL US ALL.... and Brock and Conway explain to Dawn that this puts Turtwig at a disadvantage, though Holly notes that Chimchar could make the difference there. But then Mr. Karate brings out his Pokémon.... a Zangoose!

Chimchar is horrified, and Ash tells Paul that they'll take care of the Zangoose if he'll take care of the Meta... but Paul is already sending Chimchar in by itself to take them BOTH ON!

Metagross' arms glow with Bullet Punch and Zangoose leaps on top of it, leaps high over Chimchar, then slaps away Turtwig's Razor Leaf as Metagross scores a shot on Chimchar. Metagross hits Turtwig and knocks it flying, and Chimchar digs down into the ground and comes up to hit Metagross... but it lifts itself into the air free and clear, and then Zangoose smacks Chimchar flying. Turtwig leaps in with a Tackle but Zangoose dodges with its quick reflexes, and the monster Metagross glows bright and captures Turtwig in place with Psychic, then crashes it back into Chimchar. Zangoose comes flying back in towards a horrified Chimchar and it remembers the attacks of that pack of Zangooses so long ago, but instead of exploding with power it cowers down in fear, much to Paul's disgust.... but then Ash sends in Turtwig with Bite and... it scores!

Mr. Karate and Mr. Fabulous look horrified, Zangoose's attack has been stopped in mid-punch as Turtwig bites angrily down on its glowing class. Metagross comes in with Bullet Punch, so Paul orders Flamewheel on... Turtwig!?!?! Chimchar is shocked, as is Ash, but Paul insists so it blasts into flame and crashes right through Turtwig and into Metagross, sending it reeling. Ash is horrified, demanding to know what the hell is wrong with Paul, while over with the rest of the twerps, Piplup is having a fucking fit it's so pissed off. Paul could care less, though, ordering a Flamewheel on Zangoose, but it's too late, as the Pokémon slams a fist into Chimchar's back and crashes it down into the ground.

Paul still isn't concerned, seeing only opportunity, and tells Chimchar to use Flamethrower since Zangoose is locked into place now as well. Chimchar looks up to let loose, but when it spots Zangoose's Rape Face it goes back to cowering... hell, you would too!

Paul mutters that he guesses that is it, but Ash isn't done yet and orders Turtwig to use Razor Leaf, staggering Zangoose. Turtwig leaps forward to defend Chimchar... but then collapses from the damage from the earlier Flamewheel, and Mr. Karate orders FireBlast from Zangoose.... and Chimchar steps up to the plate!

It holds back the flames, its tail bursting into fire, powered up beyond belief as it turns to look at Paul and wait for a command.... and he says nothing! Mr. Fabulous recovers from his shock and orders Metagross in to attack Chimchar and the barely recovered Turtwig while they're occupied, and Ash screams at Paul to give Chimchar a command. It looks back at him, imploring for a command.... and he simply turns aside and looks in the other direction.

Holy fuck what an asshole.

And so Ash does what only Ash can do, he yells. Loud.


"That's right, NOW!" screams Ash, and Chimchar does as commanded, blasting Metagross with a direct Flamethrower and.... knocking it out!

Ash cries out to Chimchar that it did it, and the MC declares this was a perfect example of timing between Pokémon and Trainer.... only it was the wrong trainer! Up in the stands the crowd is shocked, as are Team Rocket (Wobbuffet looks absolutely fucking delighted though!). Down on the sidelines, the twerps are similarly horrified, shocked and appalled to have seen Ash do the unthinkable and actually take control of another Trainer's Pokémon. A smug Conway declares that this is breaking all the rules, but Dawn knows what's right and cries out at Ash to go for it!

He sends in a battered Turtwig to fight, as Zangoose attempts another Crush Claw, but Turtwig dodges with the same move used during training at the start of the mission, hits a Razor Leaf from behind and then tackles Zangoose...... DOWN!


The top four Tag Teams have been chosen, but there's just one problem.... three of them feature twerps - Ash, Brock and Dawn are going to have to fight each other! Dawn and Conway are both shocked that Ash made it to the Third Round, Conway declaring that miracles do happen, which is a fair enough assessment, if anything the teamwork between Ash and Paul was even worse than the previous round.

Ash congratulates Turtwig and Chimchar both, having not only taken command of both Pokémon in battle but post-battle as well, giving Chimchar the encouragement that Paul should be. It looks happily up at Ash but then over at its own trainer, who refuses to look at it, making the little Pokémon even more miserable.

With the sun setting, Paul stands out the Stadium with Chimchar back inside its Pokéball. He looks at it, then lifts it up and.... releases Chimchar! The twerps arrive on the scene as he tells Chimchar that it is "out of here", shocking them even further. After all their hard training, all their work at getting stronger together, he just gives it up?

He mutters grumpily that he needs a new Fire-Type and walks off, and a horrified Chimchar watches him go and then turns sadly to trudge into the forest, abandoned and alone and...... Ash asks it to come with him!

Ash crouches with his hand held out, watched by a shocked Brock and Dawn.... AND Paul as well! Will it accept? You can find out the answer, Gentle Dodgers.... next episode!


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