506: The Electrike Company!       510: Rakurai Kunren Senta!       Sparkle Puppy! ^__^                     The twerps join most of Team Rocket to help a scared little puppy become a big brave doggy.       A rare disagreement.       Jocks always think they're the best at breeding without working on their skills.      

Today's pre-episode teaser begins with an upset little green puppy (^__^) running down a hill blasting electricity everywhere, almost hitting Ash, James and Meowth who are all wearing black jackets with targets on them! Why are they wearing these? Why is the little puppy so upset? Why is Jesse piloting a pink robot by herself and capturing the Electrike? Give us an answer! Come on, we want an answer..... HEY YOU GUUUUUUUUUUYS!

Any of you goddamn kids old enough to know what in the hell I'm talking about?

The twerps have stopped by a lake to have a drink and let their Pokémon play in the water. The weather is perfect and the twerps are happy.... and then a blast of electricity smashes out of the blue sky and shatters the ground beneath them! They look up in surprise and see an upset little green puppy running downhill screaming its own name. It lets rip random blasts of blue lightning, hitting Ash and frying him, which surprises the little freaked out puppy enough to stop it. A young man in an open popped collar with a ponytail (DOUCHE ALERT! DOUCHE ALERT!) comes running after the astonishing puppy-Pokémon apologising profusely, saying they were practising their moves and he just knew this would happen. He introduces himself, his name is Jocko, and he is a breeder!


Ash tells Jocko that Brock is a breeder too......


and Brock quickly corrects him, noting he's still in "training" - which seems to entail hanging out with a couple of kids bumming around the countryside and not having a job. Jocko kneels down to look over Staravia, saying he likes flying types a whole lot better than electric types. Poor little puppy Pokémon Electrike seems upset to hear this, and Brock frowns, not too please to hear it spoken out loud either.

A short little plump man in glasses arrives on the scene, asking Jocko what is going on. He is introduced to the twerps, and introduces himself back - he's Cal, he runs the Pokémon Training Centre, a complex for the training of Electric Type Pokémon.

Cal turns to Jocko and tells him that if the training with Electrike isn't going well, it's up to him to help bring out its potential. He takes the twerps to the training facilities, but they're empty. Cal explains that all the electric types that WERE there have finished training, just like Electrike will soon, at which point it will move on to the power generating room. What's that? A secret code word for abattoir or auction house? No, it's just what it says it is, a power generating room where the trained Pokémon generate power for the Facilities power reserves.... how's THAT for carbon neutrality!

He takes them out onto the field where targets are set up in various forms. Cal's Electrike demonstrates its control over its powers, blasting electricity from its body and spinning it around and about through the air, across the lake, curling back around and then down to hit the target. The twerps are astonished at the level of control, and Cal says this is what needs to be taught to Jocko’s Electrike. He says he has to get back to whatever it is he does in his now empty Training Centre. He tells the twerps they're welcome to stay as long as they like, then leaves, so Dawn crouches down and talks to Electrike's asshole, asking if it will be as good as Cal's Electrike one day?

But Jocko says no, in his opinion the little Electrike will NEVER make good, it loses control of its electricity too easily, it's doomed to failure... speaking of which, he's a failure as well, he specialises in training Flying Types, and now he's stuck here as a training school for Electric Types. Brock frowns and asks if he can take a closer look at Electrike (but not from the angle Dawn seemed to be taking) and pets it, then tells Jocko that he's wrong, there isn't anything wrong with Electrike, it really does just need time and effort to improve. He asks if Jocko minds them sticking around a little longer to help Electrike improve, and Ash and Dawn are all for it, since they're not getting paid to work at this obviously expensive training facility and both have personal life goals waiting for them at Hearthome City.

While they throw away their futures, however, Team Rocket are hoping to improve theirs, watching from the periscope of their Magikarp Submarine. Jesse wants the Electrike, claiming it will be a great addition to their team. James and Meowth point out that it has "issues", but she shows that she has been watching the show as well by noting that now the twerps are here it is sure to have a remarkable improvement out of nowhere. Unfortunately what she fails to note is that this usually comes about as a result of kicking Team Rocket's ass. James is horrified; waiting for the twerps to train Electrike could take eons! But Jesse insists that all bad things come to those who wait, and James and Meowth moan,"Like us for you?"

Inside the Training Facility, Brock is explaining to Jocko that Electric Pokémon like Electrike store excess electricity in their fur, so it's a good idea to brush them regularly. Jocko seems excited at this concept and pulls out a metal brush....

Oh for God's sake, why are the useless ones always more successful "breeders" than the nice ones who never get any dates?

....and begins petting Electrike, instantly getting blasted with electricity. Even Dawn knows that it is due to the brush, and Brock takes out a wooden one and begins brushing Electrike, relaxing it. He explains that it is just the same as raising a Flying Type, except instead of majestically winging you up into the very skies themselves, it is capable of generating tens of thousands of volts of electricity directly into your brainstem.

Ash gasps that Brock sounds just like Professor Oak (odd, Brock didn't mention anything about banging Ash's mum), and Jocko admits that part of the problem is that he's shown so little faith in Electrike.

Well maybe not part of the problem, maybe MOST of the problem.... well okay, maybe ALL of the problem.

They head outside to have a go at the targets, Electrike charging up and letting rip with Thunderbolt..... which takes a right turn and smashes straight into Ash!

As Dawn checks out Ash to see if he's still breathing, Brock explains to Jocko that it's a matter of timing, and asks Ash and Dawn to demonstrate. They call out Pikachu and Pachirisu and have them charge up with electricity, Pikachu hitting a shot right on target, and then Pachirisu.... blasts Ash!

Dawn shouts at Pachirisu to stop, telling it to try again and giving it a Poffin. It chows down as Ash lies spasming and twitching, then stores up electricity once more and this time blasts the targets correctly. Brock explains that storing and firing electricity at the right time is unique to each Pokémon, and it's just a matter of figuring out the perfect timing for Electrike to release its electric charge, and it certainly isn't lacking for potential, in fact it may be more powerful than a regular Electrike.

Watching from their Magikarp Submarine, James and Meowth are surprised at the quick progress the twerps are making, and exclaim that waiting is easy.... until they notice that the one who insisted they wait is having the hardest time of it. She's splayed out bored beyond all belief over the pedal bench, ass on display to anyone red-blooded heterosexual male lucky enough to be behind her to leer at... so James is just disgruntled and Meowth confused. She rouses up enough to get angry at James and Meowth, yelling at them for not being bored like she is and pointing out that SHE was the one who told them waiting was easy.

Later that night in the Training Facility, Jocko discovers Brock is still up despite the late hour working on various foods for the various different Pokémon they have. Jocko - despite being a "Breeder" himself - is surprised at the dedication that Brock puts into all this, but Brock explains that hard work like this is necessary if they want to be the very best breeders of all.

Oh Brock, do you hear that noise? It's the sound of girls not calling.

Outside the centre, Pikachu has set up tree branches in the ground and is showing Electrike how to blast them, trying to get it to work on its own timing. James and Meowth watch from inside the Magikarp Submarine, coming over all teary-eyed as they realise that this is the true meaning of teamwork and bettering yourself... only to get brought down to earth by Jesse, so bored that she's lying on the floor with her legs spread.

Ahhh bored promiscuity, the very best kind of promiscuity!

James and Meowth are infuriated by her failure to recognise the value of hard work, but she's bored and doesn't want to wait any longer. They complain about her complaints, so she spreads her legs wide in their faces (she does!) and straddles the pedal bench again. Overriding their objections, she surfaces the Submarine and blasts a missile directly onto the shore in front of Pikachu and Electrike. The twerps and Jocko rush outside to see what is going on as the Magikarp Submarine sails up to the shore, Jesse emerging crotch first to excitedly perform the motto, joined with less gusto by James and Meowth, though Wobbuffet seems suitably enthusiastic.

"Listen, is that the voice of twerply gloom?"
"Join our pity party, there's plenty of room," sighs James.
"On the wind!"
"....the stars...."
"....we're doomed...." adds Meowth miserably, the music crashing to a halt every time they speak and blasting back up once Jesse's lines take over.
"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace."
"She's dashed all my hope, what a.... bummer....."
"A rose by any other name's just as sweet."
"When everything's worse, then of course, it's much worse...."
"James... the pain...."
"I can't say.... my name...." offers Meowth.
"Putting all you do-gooders in your place."
"Team Rocket... sad to say...."
"We're in your face!" finishes Jesse, completely immune to James and Meowth's lack of enthusiasm.
"....ow...." mumble James and Meowth together, before Wobbuffet and Mime Jr chime in excitedly.

Jesse proclaims it is time to capture Electrike and Pikachu, but before she can she is restrained by James and Meowth who angrily snap at her that the two Pokémon are mid-quest and if she wants to ruin someone’s life, she can do it to herself!

Just like Brock on a Friday night... OH SNAP!

She's horrified, do it to herself? To HERSELF!?! She staggers away theatrically, tears streaming into twinkling lights in a trail behind her as she cries out,"YOU WON'T HAVE JESSE TO KICK AROUND ANYMORE!" and disappears into the forest.

The twerps are confused, but James and Meowth are used to her dramatics and rush over to Pikachu and Electrike and ask if they'll allow them to help them, as they've been inspired by their efforts to improve. Jocko is excited to have them onboard, leaving the twerps even MORE confused, but the next day as Jocko feeds Electrike and Pikachu with food prepared from Brock's recipe, James and Meowth are still there crying with delight to see the Pokémon "growing up together"

They head outside and Electrike charges up again, Jocko watching and waiting for the right time and then calling out for it to release the electricity.... and it hits the target! It did it! Jocko hugs Electrike and James and Meowth are delighted, but Brock says they're not quite finished yet, Electrike still needs to learn lightning control if it is to graduate. And what does that entail?

Human sacrifice!

Ash, James and Meowth are given "fully insulated" jackets with targets on the back, James and Meowth looking forward to the challenge of getting blasted - after all it happens to them all the time. Ash is less excited however, even though he gets blasted almost as much as they do, and as Electrike starts blasting at them they start running, shouting at Electrike to chase them and try to hit the targets. Cal pulls up in his car as Jocko, Brock and Dawn chase after Electrike which in turn is hunting down Ash, James and Meowth. Cal is impressed by what he sees, but as Ash, James and Meowth run, they notice that Electrike isn't even coming close to hitting them, and Jocko calls out to it to concentrate, it has to concentrate if it wants to hit the target.

And then a gloved mechanical hand comes out of nowhere and grabs up Electrike..... Jesse has returned.... in a robot! A pink robot in ruby slippers with yellow ribbons!

Ash tells Pikachu to Thunderbolt the bot, but Jesse insulated the robot that SHE built herself! Electrike struggles to pull clear but Jesse laughs it couldn't hit a target if it tried.... and it evolves into a Manectric!

Its new size causes the metallic hand to drop it to the ground, and as Dawn checks the evolved doggy out with Dextina, Jesse throws a fit over its new size, furious that now she can't hold it in her lap and pet it! Grabbing Pikachu instead, she starts running towards James and Meowth, yelling at them to jump onboard.

Seeing their Bitch Goddess Queen charging at them in a massive pink robot clutching the Pikachu they've been trying to capture for God knows how long..... James and Meowth realise they only have one possible option.... turn on her!

To Jesse's horror, Meowth cuts a hole through the insulation to reveal the gears inside the machine, and James yells at Manectric to target the hole and fire! Manectric charges up and Jocko waits for the right moment, then orders a Thunder that blasts towards Jesse. She twists the machine to the side but the Thunder chases after them, bobbing and weaving with each move that the robot makes, so Jesse..... puts the Rocket into Team Rocket and blasts the robot off!

It seems that Pikachu is captured for sure, but Jocko tells Manectric that he believes in it, and tells it to fire up. Manectric increases the charge of the Thunder and it shoots straight up into the air, smashing into the robot and sending Team Rocket blasting off again.... with Jesse irate and James and Meowth delighted, they did the right thing!

That'll heal their broken bones!

The twerps are impressed with Jocko and Manectric's performance, and he says he'll need to emulate it if they're to pass their final test. But Cal steps up behind them, saying that Manectric has passed with flying colours, and now he is going to take it to the Power Generation room to extract his lump of flesh for his vile payment.

The twerps congratulate Jocko and then head off into the sunset, delighted with the help they gave.... and never giving a second thought to the possible crippling or death of the young man and his cat who sacrificed themselves so that a little scared puppy could become a big brave doggy.


"Brock's a breeder too!"
"Well.... I'm still in training...."

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