494: Some Enchanted Sweetening! | ||||||||
Dodgy Synopsis
Woah, wait a minute, forget Leafbeard, Brock's standing next to a girl! Is he in for.... ![]() ![]() This.... this THING appears, the bizarre leafbeard thing seen in the pre-episode teaser. Apparently it is a Burmy, but what it really is, is a monster from hell! It leaps up and tries to get at the honey, then falls aside, causing all of the leaves to fall off its sides. In horror at its nakedness, it begins scooping up the leaves again as a green haired lady leaps out of the bushes with Chansey in tow and tells it to use Attract. Burmy is enamoured immediately, hearts in the monster's eyes as it approaches Chansey, whose trainer proclaims this is just what she has been looking for (and Brock obviously feels the same way about her) and tries to capture it. Dawn, eager to show off the tiny amount of knowledge she has regarding Pokémon, warns the woman she needs to battle nature's cruellest mistake first. The woman pays Dawn a rather backhanded compliment by saying she's grateful for advice from somebody she doesn't even know, then sends in Chansey to slap the lovestruck Burmy about. Burmy comes back with a tackle, gets double-slapped again but manages to block it with Protect, so Chansey pulls its egg out of its pouch and throws it at the Burmy! ![]() ![]() The twerps introduce themselves, and the lady introduces herself as Cheryl, admitting it was her who put the honey on the tree to entice Burmy (as well as the other Pokémon). She is a treasure hunter, a fact that delights Brock who begins proclaiming he always wanted to be one as well. Croagunk appears behind him, warming up its Poison Jab only for Brock to clumsily lurch forward in an attempt to feel up Cheryl's tits! But he misses, and the lunge causes Croagunk to miss its jab as well, while Cheryl explains that her Grandfather once told her that once you catch a Bug Type Pokémon, you can never hold hands with a man again. ![]() Meanwhile, Cheryl has called out Burmy, telling it that she needs it to evolve so she can use the keen sense of smell it will gain to find the Enchanted Honey. Dawn is confused, asking why she doesn't just go out and catch a Mothim if that is what she needs, and Cheryl explains she is following her Grandfather's wisdom. He said all roads start with Burmy, and she has all ready captured several, but all were females which evolve into Wormadam - bizarre looking Pokémon that have different appearances based on where they evolve.... apparently if they evolve in a city, they take on the appearance of cheap hookers with fake boobs! Ash calls out Turtwig and tells Cheryl they can battle in an attempt to evolve Burmy, but it proves a bad choice as Burmy ends up being a weakling that gets the shit kicked out of it by Turtwig, which has a type DISADVANTAGE against it! Even when Ash tries to make the match a little more competitive, Turtwig ends up smacking the shit out of the bizarre little abortion of a Pokémon. Ash calls back Turtwig, agreeing with Brock that it is a little unfair... and then sends in his Level 4,000,000,000 Pikachu instead. ![]() "Sickening sweet, loud and clear!" "On the wind!" "Past the stars!" "In yer ear!" "Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace." "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name's just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete." "Jesse!" "James!" "Meowth, dere's a name!" "Putting the do-gooders in their place." "Team Rocket!" "We're in your face!" they finish together. "WOBBBBBB-UFFET!" "Mime, mime-mime!" They declare that they're the evolving pros, and Cheryl takes it the wrong way, thinking that Team Rocket are here to help and are going to evolve it for her. The twerps set her right as Burmy is shoved into a cage, and then Seviper uses Haze to block their escape and make their getaway. A short while later, Team Rocket stand over a concerned Burmy demanding it hurry up and find them the Enchanted Honey. Meowth points out it needs to evolve first though, so they need to fake losing a few fights... but it is too hungry to fight! In horror, Team Rocket watch as all of their food is gulped down by the greedy, piss-weak Burmy, Meowth insisting that Jesse and James make the sacrifice. Burmy is delighted, and leaps up and down until all of its leaves fall off and it scrambles about in naked horror, as Team Rocket roll their eyes at each other in disgust and resignation. Meanwhile, Cheryl is explaining to the twerps that she is a bit of a screw-up as a treasure-hunter. She has been trying to prove herself to her family, but she can't even read a map and isn't even 100% sure that the Amber Castle IS in Eterna Forest. The twerps take this reveal that she has been potentially wasting their time quite well, cheering her up with meaningless platitudes and assurances that despite the fact her veteran, skilled and talented Grandfather couldn't find it in a lifetime, the utter novice Cheryl is SURE to find it. Then they FINALLY get around to send out Staravia to find Burmy. Back with Team Rocket, Wobbuffet has been ordered not to fight in order to make Burmy feel good and evolve, but unfortunately that's just what Wobbuffet ALWAYS does.... nothing! Burmy is sent flying by Counter, and when it charges back in, it stops at the last second to use Protect, and the two Pokémon stand staring at each other, neither making an offensive move.... so Meowth is sent in to lose with style! ![]() ![]() A fight kicks off, as fights must when Twerps meet Team Rocket. As the fighting rages, Brock and Cheryl try to get their hands onto Burmy, only for Meowth to leap into the way. Wobbuffet blocks Burmy's attempts to escape and the bizarre little wuss finally grows a pair, grabbing Wobbuffet with its coiled head tentacle and sending the happy Pokémon flying, then tackling Meowth's head into the ground. Meowth is furious and tears out of the ground with a mouthful of dirt, looking positively rabid as he goes for Burmy again. It blasts bubbles of light at Meowth, knocking him back onto a prone, absolutely DELIGHTED look Wobbuffet which salutes happily as Meowth crashes into it. An over-excited Burmy starts to glow, and finally as Cheryl had hoped, it evolves from a disgusting Burmy into Mothim, surely now a beautiful butterf- ![]() Holy Christ it's still ugly as fuck! Team Rocket watch the bizarre, trilling Pokémon blindly blast Psybeam about for no reason, and are convinced they're going to get it. But a shared Psybeam/Eggbomb from Mothim and Chansey knocks Seviper and Carnivine away, then Piplup Bubblebeams them in the air, before Pikachu adds crippling injury to insult and sends Team Rocket blasting off again! As the sun sets, Cheryl thanks the twerps for all their help, and Brock once more attempts to grab a handful. He's denied again, causing Croagunk to miss its chance to jab him again, and Cheryl explains that yet another of her Grandfather's sayings were that she should never hold hands with a boy on the day that a Mothim evolves. Mothim suddenly takes off, and they figure it is after the enchanted honey, so give chase. But do they find the honey? We don't know, they don't tell us, all we get is the standard.... ![]()