492: Drifloon On The Wind! |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() ![]() He collapses onto his ass and Dawn insists they'd never steal the food that Ash was just about to steal. Brock moans that he was just looking for a Nurse Joy (and not this underage version!), and the real deal steps in with another little underage Joy, and Brock is delighted.... until the two young Joys call her Mummy and he spots the ring on her finger, and moans that it's all over! The twerps are treated to a meal by the two girls, who introduce themselves as Marnie (the older younger Joy) and Paige (the younger younger Joy) and they mean to grow up to become Nurse Joys themselves. Yes, apparently Joy is a surname, not a Christian name! The twerps help Marnie and Paige with their chores, while Brock helps Nurse Joy treating Pokémon. Paige seems to have a tendency to repeat what others say, enjoying irritating them, but then she notices a thermos on the deck and says that it is Daddy's lunch, and Marnie says she'll have to take it to him... using Drifloon! Yep, the balloon-like Pokémon with X's where their mouths should be will apparently float with Marnie dangling beneath them to wherever their Dad is to give him his lunch. Paige insists she is going to come along as well and calls her own Drifloon out, but Marnie angrily tells her she can't come, causing her to throw a tantrum. Nurse Joy deflates the situation though by saying she had an "important" job for Paige, to take cookies to the forest Pokémon, and she is relying on Paige to do the job for her. Paige is young and stupid enough to believe this utter horseshit, and takes the busy-work her mother has fobbed off on her. The Drifloon float up carrying Marnie beneath them in an incredibly dangerous form of transport that Social Services would be very interested to hear about. In the meantime, Paige and Ash embark on a montage of feeding various Pokémon before Paige starts to tell Ash about a mystery friend Pokémon of hers, before cutting herself off as she remembers that Marnie told her not to say anything about it. In typical childhood stupidity fashion, Paige realises she can still SHOW him. She heads out to a forbidding looking swamp and calls out for the Pokémon but it doesn't make an appearance, and so she gives up the pretence and just TELLS Ash what it is... a SUICUNE! ![]() ![]() Yes he's a John Goodman looking motherfucker hanging out with an Ampharos working on powerlines or some other boring ass but necessary job that people who freeload and bum their way around the country cockfighting don't ever even think about. Marnie floats down calling out to him that he forgot his lunch, which he finds difficult to believe because... well, just look at that tubboguts! He never met a lunch he didn't like. But while Mr. Nurse Joy's Husband Man forgot his lunch, Team Rocket watch from nearby bushes complaining that at least he had a lunch to forget! Meowth has other things than food on his mind though, spotting that Ampharos has given him an idea.... a patented crazy Meowth Giovanni fantasy idea! "Let's say da Boss is having one o'dose nightmares dat's so scary it pops ya eyes open!" he suggests, as we see Giovanni in pyjamas and a nightcap complete with pom-pom and moons and stars on it lying in bed before his eyes pop open in fright. "But da room's so dark and creepy dat he just can't snap outta his night fright.... when suddenly, fanks to our generosity Ampharos will shine da light of troof and chase away all his fears, and knowing coz of us he'll never be afraid of da boogeyman again, he'll say,"Fanks to Meowth and friends I'll never ever be sleepless in Bossland!" ![]() But before they can leave, Ampharos is grabbed by a net and hauled up into the air by Team Rocket in their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon. Marnie gasps out, asking who that, and Team Rocket are delighted to present their motto to a brand new audience! "Listen, is that a father and daughter I hear?" "It was their talk of lunch, that caught my ear!" "On the wind!" "The stars!" "In yer ear!" "Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace." "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name's just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete." "Jesse!" "And James!" "Meowth, dat's a name!" "Putting the do-gooders in their place." "Team Rocket!" "In your face!" "WOBBUH WOBBUH WOBBUFFET!" "Miiiiime Mime!" And then Team Rocket promptly get blasted off again by Ampharos' Thunder, Meowth sadly noting that they usually insulate themselves but now all their money is tied up in Jesse's hair and nails! Marnie mutters that the strangers were "weird" as Ampharos lands back beside them, but then Fatty McJoyspouse notes with alarm that it's Thunder Attack has damaged the power station, and back at the Pokémon Centre, the power goes out. Brock and Dawn had just seen the last of the trainers out and Ash and Paige have returned as the power cuts. Paige becomes alarmed that something happened at the Windworks where her Father and Sister are, and wants to come along with Nurse Joy to check it out. Joy insists that she'll check it out, and Paige snaps angrily she's tired of being left at home and rushes off. Pikachu chases after her as Ash tells Nurse Joy not to worry about her daughter running out alone into a storm because his fat rat will waddle its fat ass after her. ![]() ![]() At the Power Station, Fatty McJoyspouse has fixed the turbines and Ampharos gets them powered up again. He grins sloppily at his wife, knowing that he has totally landed someone out of his league. The twerps arrive asking if Paige showed up, and then explain to the horrifically negligent parents what happened. Fatty McJoyspouse whips out his little.... laptop.... and checks out the windgusts to figure out where Paige would have ended up. Marnie calls out her Drifloons and asks her Father for permission to follow the windgusts, but he refuses, knowing that Social Services can forgive losing ONE daughter, but not two. But then another gust of wind hits and the Drifloons are almost blown away, and Ash reaches out and grabs their tentacles, and his extra weight ensures that.... they become lighter somehow and get hauled away into the air and carried away. Fatty McJoyspouse tells the others they'll follow in his car, and they head off after Ash. Meanwhile Paige, Drifloon and Pikachu are in a rocky mountainous area, and the rain begins to fall and thunder and lightning make their presence known. Paige calls out for Mummy to come get her, but Mummy isn't coming because Dad's car is blocked by rubble and they have to take the long way around. So she's stuck with a 10 year old Dullard, as Ash is lowered down by the Drifloons to Paige and Pikachu, and they take shelter from the storm together. Meanwhile, Fatty McJoyspouse is trying to get through the rubble, having Ampharos use Thunder Punch, but it doesn't seem like they're budging. Marnie rushes off from her terrible parents, calling back she has to go do something, and so they just.... let her run off into the storm! In a comparatively dry cave, Ash is telling Paige to relax, they're safe from the rain and her parents will find them soon enough. Marnie doesn't know her sister is pretty much fine though, running through the forest, panicking when lightning knocks trees down near her - but she knows she must keep on because Paige is relying on her. She reaches the lake and calls for Suicune to help, but she gets no answer. Meanwhile Ash, the Drifloons, Pikachu and Paige have all decided to be fucking pig-ignorant and leave the relative safety of the little cave they'd found for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON! They are walking through the fog that has replaced the rain, Ash assuring Paige that if they just keep moving they're bound to run into the others sooner or later. How this logic works perhaps only makes sense to Ash, but that isn't such a comforting though, especially when they reach a thin log over a huge crevasse, and Ash proclaims they better walk over it! Back at the lake, Marnie has given up hope of getting help when she realises that as Paige's big sister, it is HER who should be helping and not a mysterious Lake Wolf. She prepares to leave to do what she can when suddenly the lake lights up and.... Suicune! ![]() ![]() ![]() And then Suicune saves their asses and the future fourth quarter profits of Nintendo Animation Concern! It carries them up to Pikachu and Paige and Marnie hug, while Ash congratulates Marnie on an awesome entrance and Paige - now over her fright in typical kid fashion - brags that she told him there was a Suicune. Joy, her husband, Brock and May arrive out of the fog and reunite with Ash, Marnie and Paige and Fatty asks how Marnie got there ahead of them and she explains Suicune helped out... and then they realise that Suicune is gone. Dawn is upset but Brock says she's sure to meet it again. Well it's a legendary, super rare Pokémon so the odds would say no.... but then again, she's hanging with Ash now, she'll probably meet it four of five more times this year. They decide to head off, Paige joking she could eat a whole Pokémon Centre, and Fatty says he could eat two..... only he isn't joking. But the traditional sunset ending doesn't end the show there, as Suicune apparently continues posing long into the night (seriously, it's been HOURS!). Team Rocket come trudging through the forest complaining about the blast off AND the re-entry before spotting it. They charge it eagerly hoping that their luck has taken a turn for the better, but a quick blast from the Legendary Pokémon later they're getting sent blasting off again (again!), Meowth complaining that nobody makes a bigger wind than James.