491: Settling A Not-So-Old Score! |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() Dawn pulls out a Poffin and tosses it into the air, and junkie Pachirisu instantly stops running around, bursts into the air with a blast of electricity and grabs it some sweet, sweet cra... poffin! It chows down eagerly before using Discharge (EWWWW) to send electricity about the stadium and then spreading Sweet Kiss (so it's a crackwhore now?) around the crowd, impressing the judges who do note that it had a shaky start but recovered well. ![]() HIM SO HAPPY! ^___^ And then up comes... Jesselina! She steps out in her massive boots and huge dress and sends out Seviper in a cloud of haze, while backstage Dawn sits worrying that she didn't practise enough. Kenny (watching Jesse on the monitor backstage) tells "Deedee" she did a good job, which Dawn seems to take as an insult. Kenny snaps at her that she should start being more serious, since Jesselina looks to be pretty good as a coordinator and well liked by the crowd too (ha! take that, Ash Ketchum!), and Dawn retorts that he was never into Contests as a kid (he still IS a kid), to which he replies that SHE just never noticed. ![]() The crowd seems to dig Seviper trying to get it on with Jesse, while James moans in the audience that the crowd might like Jesse now, but wait till she makes a slip-up and her natural bitchiness comes out... something that Wobbuffet happily agrees with. Kenny tells Dawn that he'll make "Seviper-Lady" look bad (hey! she has a name, you know! It's Jesselina! .... well okay, that's actually a fake name, but even so) and heads out on stage for his shot, calling out an Alakazam that bursts into the air coated in flame. Dawn checks out Alakazam with Dextina as it spins its spoons about, then uses Lightscreen to surround itself in a box. It blasts the box with Shadowball but uses Teleport to escape the explosion before surrounding itself in a circle of Hidden Power as it lifts into the air, disintegrating the Hidden Power into shiny rain, much to the crowd's delight.... and Jesse watches backstage, pissed off he got a "cheerier" cheer than her. ![]() Jesse hugs Seviper crying, telling it that all of HER hard work paid off. Meanwhile Dawn brushes Piplup and the twerps tell her a steadfast belief that she cannot possibly lose is the best possible thing to have. Kenny approaches and the twerps head off, and Dawn tells him she'd like to face off against him in the Finale. She means to use Piplup, and he intends to use Prinplup, and to win his first ribbon as well. She gets upset by this revelation that he too has hopes, dreams and goals in mind and isn't just one of the faceless, nameless "other" Coordinators who make up the numbers. But then she cheers up when he reveals that maybe she is right and she IS the center of the universe, because it seems he entered this contest purely for the chance to battle her (yet turned down the chance last episode when she offered it). But now it's Finals time, and Dawn has to get through Jesse first. Brock recognises "Jesselina", but from her previous Contest appearance and not because it's clearly Jesse from fucking Team Rocket! Dawn sends in Piplup with Spotlight, and Jesse sends in Dustox, which emerges from a 3d heart and kicks things off immediately with Whirlwind. Piplup flips into the whirlwind so that it is powered up by Dustox's move, shining with Dustox's own shine before moving in with Peck.... but Dustox wings Piplup with Poison Sting, then comes after Piplup with Psychic and Poison Sting, while Piplup desperately dodges and Dawn loses more points. Dawn tells Piplup to use Bide and it takes the shot full on, storing up power from the attack before releasing it in a burst and.... KILLING DUSTOX! But while Jesse does lose points from the massive blast, Dustox emerges seemingly unscathed from the huge burst of energy. Jesse laughs that they're no strangers to "a little fireworks" and in the stands, James nods and notes that getting blasted off is good practise for this type of thing, and Meowth adds that they've developed calluses. But while Dustox is tough against massive bursts of white energy, it seems to be weak against little tiny beaks jabbing at its belly. Peck knocks it down and out... Dawn wins! ![]() ![]() We're treated to a quick montage of the next few matches, till it comes down to the final two, and it is - of course - Kenny versus Dawn. The five minutes kick off as Piplup comes out with Spotlight, while Prinplup pops out surrounded by stars. The two Pokémon blast at each other with Bubblebeam and create a sparkling effect, and Dawn loses slightly more points. Piplup rushes in with Peck but gets caught by Metal Claw and sent flying into the air, while Prinplup uses Drill Peck and starts to spin about in place. Piplup lands on top of the spinning Peck and gets spun about, then headbutted into the air.... but it has been using Bide and now that it is clear in the air, it is able to blast Prinplup with a massive burst of energy, knocking off more of Kenny's points and staggering the bigger penguin. Prinplup zooms in with Metal Claw, but Piplup flips behind and uses Whirlpool, creating a massive - and we do mean MASSIVE - vortex of water inside the arena. ![]() Prinplup is smashed by a massive blast of water.... but it's a Water Type and isn't really all that hurt by the move. That doesn't matter though, this isn't a Gym Battle, and Dawn's move has massive visual appeal, and Kenny loses points as a result. ![]() ![]() Oh shit Kenny, you just got owned. Kenny apologises to Prinplup, saying he just wasn't strong enough (I'll say, a pre-evolved version of your Pokémon had a stronger identical move! Work on that training, boy!), then smiles at Dawn as she jumps up and down in her dress and says maybe next time. Mr. Contesta hands the Floaroma Ribbon to Dawn - her first one, and tells her he expects great things from her. She cries out excitedly that there is no need to worry, because the ribbon is all hers! Later that day, Dawn calls up her mother and her horrible hairdo and shows off her ribbon. This time her mother doesn't bitch her daughter out for wasting her time by wanting to share her hopes, fears, joys and trials with her - instead congratulating her and her Pokémon. Suddenly Dawn looks worried, remembering her mother's cruel lack of interest in her when she was a loser. She tells Johanna she knows she was told not to keep ringing her all the time, but she was just so excited she had to. Her Mother says there is nothing wrong with that, then can't resist telling her that she shouldn't be satisfied with one ribbon, she has to win more. Dawn says her goodbyes and moves back to the twerps, and dim Ash can't understand why she is crying and she has to explain they're tears of joy. She tells that Ash now they can head towards the Eterna Gym where it will be her turn to cheer for him. They white-people high-five each other, and then Kenny arrives, noting that it is 1-0 now. Dawn assures him he'll have a win coming up soon, which most people would probably think was condescending, but Kenny seems to be too busy giving Ash (ASH!?!) the glad eye and notes that he probably has a win coming too. Obviously still convinced that Ash is tapping dat ass, Kenny retains the insane belief that he can convince her to come "back" to him and his horrible hair and silly voice. He says goodbye to "Dee-Dee", and she pokes her tongue out at him as he walks away, and Ash asks what the big deal is with "Dee-Dee", and she grunts at him not to even go there. ![]() But where we WILL go is to Eterna Gym, because now it is time for Ash to get back on track for another freaking badge!